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This group has been archived by its founder. It may still be viewed, but can no longer be joined or posted to.

  • Staff List

    The staff listing can also be found on the sidebar of every page!

    Moderation Staff
    Please, only contact moderation staff with moderation concerns; support staff are not moderators! However, please respect the requests of any staff member - if a moderator isn't on duty and can't be reached, support staff does have the authority to temporarily play the part of peacekeeper to the best of their ability!

    Senior Moderators are those you go to when you really need help with a problem. They're the lead peacekeepers with experience and are those with the power to make a final decision to eject or banish a troublesome individual from the dream. These are also the people to go to if you think there is any kind of problem with staff misbehavior or abuses of power.

    While they have less responsibility, Junior Moderators are still here to remind players of the rules, enforce continuity, document anything of importance to report to their seniors, and assist new players in any way that they can. This includes welcoming, giving tours, answering questions, and in general pointing people in the right direction. This is the process in which senior moderators will be vetted.

    Support Staff

    Game Masters are the world building support team - they help iron out the details of the setting and events, create and play NPC, offer you flavor emits and overall make sure things run according to plan. While there isn't too much difference between the roles that they play, 'regular' Game Masters are typically there to be the lead producers and organizers of setting content. Junior Game Masters tend to focus on more niche duties, such as running specific establishments or types of events.

    Finally, there isn't enough thanks in the world to offer our Artists, a group of largely volunteered individuals who give the setting some visual magic and bring it to life. We'd be feeling naked and cold without their work!

    World Builder, Senior Moderator, Game Master
    Senior Moderator, Game Master, Artist
    Dreamweaver, Senior Moderator, Game Master, Artist

    Senior Moderator, Artist
    Alts: Toreth, Fidelitis, Thpfftererireerie, Sange and Yasha

    Senior Moderator, Game Master
    Alts: Volgun Lansing, Vulgaire
    Alts: Guttergoo, Aidar

    Junior Game Master
    Alts: Zazeal