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So you might have noticed that we really want to start collecting logfiles - it's not something anyone is required to do and 'course not everything is going to be worth sharing, but it's strongly encouraged as far as more significant events go - primarily for the benefits it offers the community. It gives players the ability to follow along the development of characters and even more importantly, makes sure everyone has access to potential knowledge their characters might have or gain access to IC. This goes hand-in-hand with awareness and use of NPC, who are vital assets in the course of weaving a story.
Plus, there's something important about being able to share your work with others - roleplaying can be as much work as it is play and entire short stories theoretically being discarded seems a tragic waste. Remember, as a strict setting Trivantis tries to put an emphasis on creative writing and viewing roleplay as more of a craft.
First off, those already archived should give you an example of what format to follow - it's not necessary, but very appreciated if the characters involved are listed at the top with any content warnings, important information that the logs might be applicable to any given character, and even what roleplays came before and after if there is a notable storyline to follow.
Given most roleplay tends to happen through Furcadia or Google Docs or even private messages before the forums here directly however, the person posting the logs is in charge of the dreaded task of formatting.
Well, at least until today! I figured out the best way to do this with minimal crying into your keyboard: post all the logs into Google Documents from the Furcadia logs (you want that bold and italic text), clean it up, highlight / color each character separately, and then post it into this bad boy right here:
I found it has a little trouble with adding a large text size in there too, so unless you want to edit all that out, I just tried making the text in Google Docs smaller before copy-pasting which seemed to do the trick!
Plus, there's something important about being able to share your work with others - roleplaying can be as much work as it is play and entire short stories theoretically being discarded seems a tragic waste. Remember, as a strict setting Trivantis tries to put an emphasis on creative writing and viewing roleplay as more of a craft.
How To Post Logs
First off, those already archived should give you an example of what format to follow - it's not necessary, but very appreciated if the characters involved are listed at the top with any content warnings, important information that the logs might be applicable to any given character, and even what roleplays came before and after if there is a notable storyline to follow.
Given most roleplay tends to happen through Furcadia or Google Docs or even private messages before the forums here directly however, the person posting the logs is in charge of the dreaded task of formatting.
Well, at least until today! I figured out the best way to do this with minimal crying into your keyboard: post all the logs into Google Documents from the Furcadia logs (you want that bold and italic text), clean it up, highlight / color each character separately, and then post it into this bad boy right here:
I found it has a little trouble with adding a large text size in there too, so unless you want to edit all that out, I just tried making the text in Google Docs smaller before copy-pasting which seemed to do the trick!