Posted by Isnelx March 2nd 2017, 6:46pm
After much deliberation and consideration, I'm happy to announce that The Gallery is expanding to welcome a larger community base in hopes to draw in more creators to the group! While we have been a group based more around digital art and designs, we recognize that there are all sorts of creators within the RPR community and would love to see them become part of The Gallery. This will include, but is not limited to sculptors, yarn workers, traditional artists, canvas painters and craft makers!
If you are new to the group and want to show off all your awesome skills, feel free to wander to our ' Creative Corner ' and create a personal gallery thread! If you're already a member and have another creative and artsy talent that you would like to share, feel free to add some new content to your existing personal thread.
Some general group information has been updated along with a minimal update to the forums to keep things organized and straight forward. The code of conduct and age requirement remain in place for all members to confirm before joining, this is maintained to protect content providers and the legalities of RPR.
It is our hope that The Gallery will offer a positive and constructive platform that will help you grow and become a knowledgeable artist / creator and offer you a safe place to share ideas and opinions with like-minded individuals who share your passion for the arts. We welcome everyone to join in this experience, whether you're invited by a moderator, had the group suggested by a friend or even stumbled across it on your own. Our goal is to reach as many artists and creators within the RPR community and we can't do it without you!
As some may have noticed, a little over a month ago I decided to open moderator applications in hope to better maintain activity within the group. While I may be a little late in making a public statement, I am happy to announce that Sylvirr and Vinters have both joined me as official moderators to the group! They have been with the group since the very beginning and have remained active members through out the (nearly) year that we have been live.
They have been a pleasure to work with thus far and remain positive influences within our community, so to you both I thank you for all your help and participation! If anyone has any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to PM myself or one of these two fabulous people!
Group Update
After much deliberation and consideration, I'm happy to announce that The Gallery is expanding to welcome a larger community base in hopes to draw in more creators to the group! While we have been a group based more around digital art and designs, we recognize that there are all sorts of creators within the RPR community and would love to see them become part of The Gallery. This will include, but is not limited to sculptors, yarn workers, traditional artists, canvas painters and craft makers!
If you are new to the group and want to show off all your awesome skills, feel free to wander to our ' Creative Corner ' and create a personal gallery thread! If you're already a member and have another creative and artsy talent that you would like to share, feel free to add some new content to your existing personal thread.
Some general group information has been updated along with a minimal update to the forums to keep things organized and straight forward. The code of conduct and age requirement remain in place for all members to confirm before joining, this is maintained to protect content providers and the legalities of RPR.
It is our hope that The Gallery will offer a positive and constructive platform that will help you grow and become a knowledgeable artist / creator and offer you a safe place to share ideas and opinions with like-minded individuals who share your passion for the arts. We welcome everyone to join in this experience, whether you're invited by a moderator, had the group suggested by a friend or even stumbled across it on your own. Our goal is to reach as many artists and creators within the RPR community and we can't do it without you!
Moderator Update
As some may have noticed, a little over a month ago I decided to open moderator applications in hope to better maintain activity within the group. While I may be a little late in making a public statement, I am happy to announce that Sylvirr and Vinters have both joined me as official moderators to the group! They have been with the group since the very beginning and have remained active members through out the (nearly) year that we have been live.
They have been a pleasure to work with thus far and remain positive influences within our community, so to you both I thank you for all your help and participation! If anyone has any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to PM myself or one of these two fabulous people!
Applications are now closed, but may open again in the future depending on group activity!
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