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  • Episode 1-Into the Fray

    "I know that you guys are scared, I know that we're in the wake of an apocalypse, and I know that you're wondering when and if this'll end. Let me tell you something right now. This, what we've been through so far, is just the beginning. It's only going to get worse from here on, so we've got to be tough, and we've got to be strong. But most importantly, we've got to look out for each other.

    Take a look around us. What do you see? You know what I see? People who have more in common with me than anyone else in my life. I see people who've lost something dear to them, people who are wondering where someone in their life is. But most of all, I see people who are trying to survive this hell. You can try all you want to go this alone, but I can guarantee that you won't last long out there.

    I'm not going to force you to do anything though. Anyone who doesn't think that they need the rest of us can leave now. But before you go, let me finish.

    Some of us may not think of ourselves as good people. Some of us may actually not be good people. Murderers, thieves, con artists, whatever. But the past doesn't matter, at least not after today. Today we are not murderers, thieves, or con artists. Today, we, all of us, are survivors. And we're going to survive. Together."

    In the desert state of Arizona, one may find friendly people, places, and an outgoing community. You'd expect parties, restaurants, and sports events almost everywhere. One may not expect to find is a deserted wasteland overrun by the Insurgency.

    What is the Insurgency?

    Well it began in a hospital. The TMC (Tucson Medical Center) to be exact. One person in particular is sent to TMC after a bunk bed collapses on the person. After receiving treatment, this woman has pain returning to her body. Unable to handle any more pressure, she takes an injection and a bottle of pills a doctor left on a table. Not knowing what that would do, she had no clue that she'd become the first of many outbreaks of the Insurgency. She attacks one of the doctors like a mindless zombie and infects that person then the pattern repeats until nearly the whole hospital becomes infected. It's one of the most quickest spreading diseases in recorded history.

    Now let's move on to our heroes, shall we? The ones that will enter a journey full of love, greed, action, and the struggle each and every one of them will face once they get hit with reality. You can't save everyone. You can't be the hero. Survival is the only rule in this world. And it's either you...or them. The only goal is to make it to the end. It doesn't matter how you do it. It only matters that you make it.

    But it's easier said than done. One would have to form strategies, form alliances, and form schedules in order to steer clear of the infected. They're deadlier than you think!

    And that'll lead us to the next important topic. Day and night. Infected are everywhere. They won't hesitate to attack you. So you'll need to attack first. Daybreak is the best time to travel and do daily tasks. The Insurgents are much weaker. It's at nightfall where one might find the most difficulties. The Insurgents are harder to see at night and the toxic gas is practically invisible. What's the toxic gas, you say? Well we can't spoil all the fun now, can we?

    A little helpful tip: At night, you should be indoors. If not, find the nearest shelter and stay inside! This won't guarantee your safety, but you'll be much safer. If you plan on travelling at night, make sure you plan out a route that will least likely get you into trouble. And stay clear from walking! You'll be much safer if you moved in a vehicle. Vehicles are loud, but hard for an Insurgent to catch. It still doesn't completely insure your safety, but it'll make you all the more safer.

    Planning is key! Whether you have a leader or a democracy, you must ALWAYS have a plan! Plans are essential for surviving the Insurgency! One false move and you're dead. Which leads us to the last topic....

    YOU ARE NOT INVINCIBLE!!! If you don't believe that, then you're going to die for sure. You must almost always act as if today is your last day. Stay on your toes. Trust your gut. Form alliances. Camp in safe places. Fortify and build a community. Do whatever it takes to make it to the end. The story's ending will take place at the CDC. If you survive past that point, you've survived the RP! If not, then you'll be remembered as deceased veterans in the Insurgency.

    Have fun! This is supposed to test the limits of your characters, but if you don't enjoy yourselves, you won't enjoy the story. Stay safe and good luck!
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    Tanner doesn't know this, but he's a better survivalist than he thinks!
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