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Updates and New Announcements

Posted by _EBG January 20th 2017, 6:53pm
Attention all survivors!

Tomorrow, this group will go under minor maintenance to made the following changes:

*New Page- Doomsday Survival Guide

*New Page- The Struggle So Far

*Removal of Credentials page

These changes will be not impact story progression, but will require all members to be patient with the moderation team. Be prepared for minor breaks from replying and possible changes to the forums.

Now speaking of tomorrow, we will be concluding the prologue and beginning the first episode, so make sure that you are here before it begins. If you fail to participate, you lose your place in the group. No exceptions. (Luna, you're excused. Your character doesn't make her appearance yet.)

If you have any questions, comments or concerns, find someone who cares. Just kidding. You know who to contact.

The Moderation Team

Community Feedback

  1. Madea

    January 22nd 2017


    Oh lort
  2. Marion (played anonymously)

    January 22nd 2017


    XD Yeah ikr
  3. The Lyfelds (played anonymously)

    January 22nd 2017


    Funny how we didn't do like any of what we said we would XD
  4. Guardian_Girl

    January 21st 2017


    I don't know if I'll be able to do anything today. My oldest brother is getting married today, so it's a hectic day.
  5. BethanyCG3

    January 21st 2017


    I'll make a reply later today :(.

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