The prologue of Doomsday takes place here at TMC. A few doctors are stationed here to tend to the wounded or infected. At room 1409, a woman will become the first of the many cases of Insurgents throughout the city.
A nervous Michael entered the room. He didn't like to handle this poor woman, but he had to anyway. It was a job. He sighed up for it. Prisoner or not, it was his duty to help her out. Well, sort of. He slowly went to the desk beside the patient's bed and pulled up a wheelchair. He picked up the clipboard from the desk and spun around to face her. He placed on a fake smile and spoke.
"Afternoon. How are you feeling today?"
"Afternoon. How are you feeling today?"
The woman turned her head to Michael. She slowly shook her head.
Michael frowned.
"I see..." he muttered as he began scribbling on the clipboard. He genuinely felt sorry for her, even though he only thought of her as a criminal and his subject.
"Is there anything that I can get you? Perhaps something to drink?"
"I see..." he muttered as he began scribbling on the clipboard. He genuinely felt sorry for her, even though he only thought of her as a criminal and his subject.
"Is there anything that I can get you? Perhaps something to drink?"
The woman, whose only known alias was "Raven", slowly shook her head again.
Michael nodded.
"Well, let me know if something comes to mind. Now I hate to disturb your rest, but we need to get your daily checkup done. Do you need a minute or two to compose yourself?"
"Well, let me know if something comes to mind. Now I hate to disturb your rest, but we need to get your daily checkup done. Do you need a minute or two to compose yourself?"
Raven was going to shake her head but thought about it for a moment. She was waiting for an opening and this might have been it. She nodded.
The doctor smiled. Then he reached over and placed a warm hand on her. Placing the clipboard he held next to a syringe and a bottle of pills he stood up.
"I'll give you a minute. I promise that I'll make this interview quick and brief."
With that, the doctor exited the room.
"I'll give you a minute. I promise that I'll make this interview quick and brief."
With that, the doctor exited the room.
Raven waited till he was gone to wince. She had been in a lot of pain for a while.
(I'm gonna assume they didn't restrain her)
She slowly stood and walked over to the pill bottle, picking it up and downing the whole thing. Afterwords she took the syringe and hid by the door. While waiting for the doctor to return, she began to feel ill.
(I'm gonna assume they didn't restrain her)
She slowly stood and walked over to the pill bottle, picking it up and downing the whole thing. Afterwords she took the syringe and hid by the door. While waiting for the doctor to return, she began to feel ill.
Hopefully she took the bait, he thought as he waited a little while longer before entering the room. I hope you're happy, Eiyza.
Raven tried to lunge at the doctor but instead fell to the ground. She began convulsing on the ground. Suddenly she stopped and lay still.
The doctor watched the patient lunge, but collapsed to the ground. Michael, dumbfounded, was only left to panic.
"My heavens! Are you all right?!"
He knelt next to her and began checking for a pulse.
"My goodness! Were you trying to kill me?!"
"My heavens! Are you all right?!"
He knelt next to her and began checking for a pulse.
"My goodness! Were you trying to kill me?!"
Raven looked up at the doctor. For a second she just stared blankly at him. Then her face turned into one of evil intent and she bit into him.
The doctor screamed as he was being eaten alive. He could feel his hands try to shove her back but as he attempted to shove her, his leg accidentally caught itself in the syringe. He didn't notice since he was focused on staying alive right now.
Raven would have bit him to death if not for her last shreds of her humanity making her pull herself off of him. She growled at him and took off into the hallway.
The doctor clutched his wound. She bit pretty deep. He needed help.
He stood up and weakly began making his way to the closet doctor.
Eiyza...what on earth did you make me do?
He stood up and weakly began making his way to the closet doctor.
Eiyza...what on earth did you make me do?
In the hall, Raven began biting everyone she came across. Each time, she would stop before killing them, instead leaving them alive as she continued on her rampage.
She left dozens in her wake. Eventually, medical personnel began attempting to restrain her.
Michael on the other hand, attempting to find a doctor, he came up short. Raven's rampage had gotten to them first. Losing too much blood, he collapsed on the ground. Little did he know that he'd turn into a mindless carnivore soon.
Michael on the other hand, attempting to find a doctor, he came up short. Raven's rampage had gotten to them first. Losing too much blood, he collapsed on the ground. Little did he know that he'd turn into a mindless carnivore soon.
Even though she was restrained, Raven was still resisting and was trying to bite her captors. She looked even worse than earlier. More creature than human.
(I'm really liking this! Good job! Let me create another place for you to tear up

Moderators: Anastasia Jordan (played by Sweet16) Marion (played anonymously) The Lyfelds (played anonymously)