The south hall sites the continuation of Raven's rampage. 20 hospital personnel and 40 patients have no idea what's coming to them...
Raven ran down the hall, slaughtering everyone in her way. She was looking for an exit.
As she attempted to make her way to an exit, a group of security officers began speeding towards her. Little did they know, but the people Raven attacked in the previous area had already began their transformations...
The security guards attempted to restrain Raven. One even pointed a gun at her and shouted commands to stop moving.
The security guards attempted to restrain Raven. One even pointed a gun at her and shouted commands to stop moving.
Raven slid to a stop. She glared at the security officers.
The rest noticed the first security guard's effect and they all whipped out their tasers. They were all prepared to contain her when a loud eerie moan boomed down the hall. It looked like there was more than one however, as shadows began to appear in the distance.
(And so it begins
(And so it begins

Even Raven was confused. She watched the hall with curiosity.
Eventually, the creatures came into view. Each one looked different and each had pieces of skin missing on different parts of their body. They were all holding weapons and were making their way to the officers. Their pace began to pick up, and the security guards panicked. They didn't have firearms. Only tasers.
They waited until the Marauders got close before firing off all they could. It only worked on a few and the rest went to mauling the poor officers. They seemed to completely ignore Raven.
They waited until the Marauders got close before firing off all they could. It only worked on a few and the rest went to mauling the poor officers. They seemed to completely ignore Raven.
This was her chance. Raven ran past them. She continued looking for exit.
Raven was lucky. There was an elevator, though it only led to the rear exit. Fortunately, that area was not as guarded and houses many living prey. Those poor souls...
Raven pressed the button next to the elevator and waited. While waiting, thoughts began to creep up on her. What were those things? Why had they ignored her? And what was she becoming? She hoped it wasn't one of those animals. She had to find a cure to whatever this was. As if acknowledging that she was done, the elevator doors opened and Raven stepped inside. She pressed a button for down and waited.
The doors soon opened.
The doors soon opened.
Raven spotted dozens of worried souls staring back at her. A few doctors rushed over to her after noticing that she was caked in blood.
"Are you ok? Did you get attacked? How many were there?" the doctors asked.
"Are you ok? Did you get attacked? How many were there?" the doctors asked.
(Wait don't reply let me move this to a different topic)

The lights were barely on in this creepy hallway which gave Tanner the chills. His nerves were on edge. The wind grazing his skin and the moans that echoed throughout the hall like a haunted choir gave the poor patient all the more reasons to retreat back to his room and hide. The only thing that prevented him from doing that was the words from his guardian angel. He couldn't hide in there forever.
The hallway's temperature couldn't compare to his room. His feet were now growing numb from the intense coldness of the environment. Tanner knew that he'd feel a little at ease with a more comfortable attire. His motivation and fear combated each other with every step he took. New sounds that compared to the squishing of a sponge rang in Tanner's ears followed by the sounds of barbaric grunts. He didn't want to know what was making those sounds.
Eventually, the changing room came into view. Tanner quickly opened the door and entered, wanting to escape the frightening hallway as quickly as possible.
The whole walk from the changing room became what Tanner considered to be the scariest moment of his life. The choir whose moans echoed throughout the hallways grew increasingly louder as if they were coming to where he stood. Tanner didn't want to find out what would happen if he stayed, so he moved quicker to his destination. Being in this hospital long enough, he knew where to find practically any place on this floor.
Moderators: Anastasia Jordan (played by Sweet16) Marion (played anonymously) The Lyfelds (played anonymously)