The apartment is rather small and cheap, akin to one a struggling collage student living off campus would be able to afford. It had very simple furniture, and almost nothing personal except a gun cabinet with two pistols and some ammo. The apartment has one bedroom, one bathroom, one living area and a tiny kitchen. The kitchen was well stocked with food and drinks, and there were several emergency kits located throughout the apartment which had nonperishable food items, bottles of water, flashlights and extra batteries, as well as other necessities.
Natalia, a beautiful 19 year old Russian girl with long blonde hair and green eyes, had been sitting on her bed for a while, a white laptop plugged into the wall and resting on her lap.
She looked up from what she had been doing on the laptop to glance around, her gaze resting on her gun cabinet and the FBI badge sitting next to it, before drifting back down to the laptop. She paused what she had been working on to look at some news articles, one about some sort of apocalypse catching her attention. She was silent as she read it, her eyes widening a little at the fact it was supposedly in Arizona. She had never really believed in any apocalypses, but they were always interesting to read. But something seemed different about this article, it seemed truer.
Glancing at the clock, then the time the article was posted, she set the laptop aside and got up. She still didn't quite believe it, but it was better to be prepared. She got her pistols out of the cabinet and put them in the holsters she secured on her waist, before grabbing her badge and putting it in her pocket then putting her jacket on. She then grabbed a backpack and a messenger bag. She put her laptop and it's cords, as well as extra batteries she had for it, in the messenger bag. In the backpack she put a single change of clothes, a heavier jacket, and as many emergency kits as she could fit.
Zipping the bags up she picked them up and grabbed her wallet and keys, before going outside to her motorcycle. She had compartments on the back of it, where she put the bags before putting her helmet on, getting on and starting it. She checked to see that she had a full tank of gas, before heading to the first place she could think of. A gun shop located in the outskirts of town.
She looked up from what she had been doing on the laptop to glance around, her gaze resting on her gun cabinet and the FBI badge sitting next to it, before drifting back down to the laptop. She paused what she had been working on to look at some news articles, one about some sort of apocalypse catching her attention. She was silent as she read it, her eyes widening a little at the fact it was supposedly in Arizona. She had never really believed in any apocalypses, but they were always interesting to read. But something seemed different about this article, it seemed truer.
Glancing at the clock, then the time the article was posted, she set the laptop aside and got up. She still didn't quite believe it, but it was better to be prepared. She got her pistols out of the cabinet and put them in the holsters she secured on her waist, before grabbing her badge and putting it in her pocket then putting her jacket on. She then grabbed a backpack and a messenger bag. She put her laptop and it's cords, as well as extra batteries she had for it, in the messenger bag. In the backpack she put a single change of clothes, a heavier jacket, and as many emergency kits as she could fit.
Zipping the bags up she picked them up and grabbed her wallet and keys, before going outside to her motorcycle. She had compartments on the back of it, where she put the bags before putting her helmet on, getting on and starting it. She checked to see that she had a full tank of gas, before heading to the first place she could think of. A gun shop located in the outskirts of town.
One of the best starters ever!
. Okay, I'm going to freeze Natalia until Tatum and Katie skedaddle. Then you're free to post your next reply.)

It took me so long to make. And alright)

Moderators: Anastasia Jordan (played by Sweet16) Marion (played anonymously) The Lyfelds (played anonymously)