A regular bathroom that resembles a lot like one you'd find at a normal home. Nothing weird about it sticks out other than the few bottles of whiskey hiding behind the toilet and under the sink. Inside the cabinet above the sink, one can hope to find cleaning supplies.
Entering the bathroom, Alan scanned the cupboards and drawers for any medical supplies.
By the end of his search, he had obtained a bottle of peroxide, some strips of gauze, and a rag.
Just as he obtained the last item, he heard a scream coming from the front of the store.
Hey, I need some help over here! Hurry!
Hearing the yell, he quickly exited the bathroom and rushed to the front.
By the end of his search, he had obtained a bottle of peroxide, some strips of gauze, and a rag.
Just as he obtained the last item, he heard a scream coming from the front of the store.
Hey, I need some help over here! Hurry!
Hearing the yell, he quickly exited the bathroom and rushed to the front.
(You can make yourself appear there anytime. It's not like you're super far or anything

Her nervousness followed her all the way to the restroom. She only discovered it since the door was left open. Brooke walked over to the sink and stared at the mirror standing across from her, staring back in her with her frightened face. She did her best to hide her fear.
"Okay Brooke," she told herself as water splashed against her stained face. Her olive complexion once again shone beautifully and her eyes simmered down on their puffiness. "Deep breaths. Deep, deep breaths."
Guessing that someone would come any minute, Brooke turned her attention to cleaning her hands. She dispensed foam soap onto her soft and delicate palms. After using the water to lather her hands, she heard footsteps approaching. After taking one final breath, she rinsed her hands clean, turned off the faucet, dried them clean, and left the lavatory.
"Okay Brooke," she told herself as water splashed against her stained face. Her olive complexion once again shone beautifully and her eyes simmered down on their puffiness. "Deep breaths. Deep, deep breaths."
Guessing that someone would come any minute, Brooke turned her attention to cleaning her hands. She dispensed foam soap onto her soft and delicate palms. After using the water to lather her hands, she heard footsteps approaching. After taking one final breath, she rinsed her hands clean, turned off the faucet, dried them clean, and left the lavatory.
Tanner stood next to the doorway and watched her exit the bathroom. He smirked before speaking.
"I guess I found you after all," he began. "I was beginning to lose my mind being surrounded with all these new faces."
He entered the bathroom and turned on sink, letting the cold water run for a while.
"I guess I found you after all," he began. "I was beginning to lose my mind being surrounded with all these new faces."
He entered the bathroom and turned on sink, letting the cold water run for a while.
Brooke met his smirk with one of her own. When he entered the restroom to wash his hands, she followed him inside. Instead of standing, she leaned against the wall by the door and kept her arms crossed.
"You sure it's not the insanely unnatural amount of injured people here that's makin' ya lose your marbles," she asked.
Brooke met his smirk with one of her own. When he entered the restroom to wash his hands, she followed him inside. Instead of standing, she leaned against the wall by the door and kept her arms crossed.
"You sure it's not the insanely unnatural amount of injured people here that's makin' ya lose your marbles," she asked.
Tanner wet his hands a little before applying soap. He rubbed them together before rinsing his hands.
"Well truth be told, you're not the only familiar face around here. I kind of met the girl we're going to operate on."
"Well truth be told, you're not the only familiar face around here. I kind of met the girl we're going to operate on."
She made a face when she mentioned the girl. Brooke knew that they were getting ready for the hopefully quick procedure, but talking about her made the girl view a mental image of the head wound. Fear of messing up made her even more nervous, but the brunette would rather die then let Tanner know that.
"Can we not talk about her," Brooke pleaded more than asked. "I'm more interested in you, Dr. House."
"Can we not talk about her," Brooke pleaded more than asked. "I'm more interested in you, Dr. House."
Tanner let out a slight laugh as he finished washing his hands. He made sure to do a thorough job before turning off the sink and cleaning his hands.
Tanner used his hand for emphasis. He then let out a much larger laugh.
"You're nervous, aren't you?"
Tanner used his hand for emphasis. He then let out a much larger laugh.
"You're nervous, aren't you?"
Brooke's face revealed that she had actually been taken aback by the question. It only lasted for a second because her shield came up and her rage consumed her.
"I'm not nervous," she snapped with a high maintenance look. "I'm merely surprised.
Her retaliation only lasted for a minute. Right after her response, she released a sheepish smile.
"Okay, so I might be a little bit on edge. Sue me."
"I'm not nervous," she snapped with a high maintenance look. "I'm merely surprised.
Her retaliation only lasted for a minute. Right after her response, she released a sheepish smile.
"Okay, so I might be a little bit on edge. Sue me."
(I had to actually Google sheepish
Tanner didn't think he could laugh any harder, but he did. He now knew that this girl is scared out of her wits. He felt tears emerging around his eyes.
"You're frightened to death, aren't you."
In truth, he really found her defiance of her feelings to be amusing. Even when all the signs pointed to it, she still held her ground.

Tanner didn't think he could laugh any harder, but he did. He now knew that this girl is scared out of her wits. He felt tears emerging around his eyes.
"You're frightened to death, aren't you."
In truth, he really found her defiance of her feelings to be amusing. Even when all the signs pointed to it, she still held her ground.
(You should also Google knucklehead while you're at it
Brooke flared her eyes at Tanner while closing the distance between them. Her eyes were as close as possible to his so her anger became visibly clear. She kept her furious gaze for what seemed like ages before she let out a smile and took a step back.
He obviously knew how to push her buttons, but she wouldn't let him get the upper hand. Instead, the brunette planned on doing something that would completely throw him off guard. It seemed very cruel, but she couldn't help herself. Brooke let out a large sigh after turning his back on him and started taking slow steps towards the door. When she felt convinced that Tanner believed she was exiting the room, her black vans stopped in it's tracks. She remained still and quiet for a while as she mentally prepared for what she was about to do. Her body spun around and she faced him with the most tempting of faces. Her teeth slid gently against her bottom lip and her eyes pierced through his slightly ragged clothes.
"And what if I am?" she asked in a voice that took even her by surprise. Brooke strutted over to Tanner with every intent to see her plan through. For added effect, she let a hand drag itself down his shirt. "You're going to make everything better, right?"
Her eyes beamed up at him with innocence. Brooke awaited for his answer as she continued to take strokes down his shirt with her nail.

Brooke flared her eyes at Tanner while closing the distance between them. Her eyes were as close as possible to his so her anger became visibly clear. She kept her furious gaze for what seemed like ages before she let out a smile and took a step back.
He obviously knew how to push her buttons, but she wouldn't let him get the upper hand. Instead, the brunette planned on doing something that would completely throw him off guard. It seemed very cruel, but she couldn't help herself. Brooke let out a large sigh after turning his back on him and started taking slow steps towards the door. When she felt convinced that Tanner believed she was exiting the room, her black vans stopped in it's tracks. She remained still and quiet for a while as she mentally prepared for what she was about to do. Her body spun around and she faced him with the most tempting of faces. Her teeth slid gently against her bottom lip and her eyes pierced through his slightly ragged clothes.
"And what if I am?" she asked in a voice that took even her by surprise. Brooke strutted over to Tanner with every intent to see her plan through. For added effect, she let a hand drag itself down his shirt. "You're going to make everything better, right?"
Her eyes beamed up at him with innocence. Brooke awaited for his answer as she continued to take strokes down his shirt with her nail.
Tanner's face reddened more with every stroke his friend made on his shirt. He let out a nervous laugh, but couldn't muster any words. There was absolutely no way for him to escape this situation, so he ultimately decided to cave in.
"I'll make sure that everything goes smoothly," Tanner said. "I promise that nothing will happen to you."
"I'll make sure that everything goes smoothly," Tanner said. "I promise that nothing will happen to you."
His response immediately returned her back to normal. She grinned, but her winning wasn't the only reason.
I guess Alan isn't the only good guy around here.
Brooke gave him a playful slug on his shoulder. Her eyes studied him for a while until she finally spoke.
"I'll be waiting," she told him as she backed away from him. The girl maintained her backwards amble until she stood outside of the restroom. Then in an instant, Brooke disappeared.
I guess Alan isn't the only good guy around here.
Brooke gave him a playful slug on his shoulder. Her eyes studied him for a while until she finally spoke.
"I'll be waiting," she told him as she backed away from him. The girl maintained her backwards amble until she stood outside of the restroom. Then in an instant, Brooke disappeared.
Tanner watched the girl leave with curiosity and confusion. A slight smirk formed on his face as remembered what he read from the note.
My anonymous friend wasn't kidding,, he thought to himself. I would be meeting strange people. But for some reason, I kind of like this kind of strange.
He stopped himself from thinking any further. Tanner walked outside to rejoin Brooke before the thoughts returned in his head.
My anonymous friend wasn't kidding,, he thought to himself. I would be meeting strange people. But for some reason, I kind of like this kind of strange.
He stopped himself from thinking any further. Tanner walked outside to rejoin Brooke before the thoughts returned in his head.
Moderators: Anastasia Jordan (played by Sweet16) Marion (played anonymously) The Lyfelds (played anonymously)