First of all, welcome to SAN VICTOIRE! Insert trumpet noises here. San Victoire is first of all, an RPRepository-based group, so have no worries, you do not require anything else to be a part of this group besides an appropriate character. SECOND OF ALL, the genre that this fits under is... Fantasy Modern, so anything supernatural will fit in, as long as it is sculpted to fit into modern times as well.
The current rules are as follows:
>No ERP, or Erotic Roleplay. Also, to add on, nothing sexual in general. This is a PG13 group and it will be kept this way.
>No godmodding. If you are caught godmodding after a certain amount of times, you will be put onto a NO-TOL list.
>None of that slavery nonsense. If anyone is caught using such practices, they will either be banned or put on NO-TOL immediately.
>Certain words are banned, and if we see anything that is censored, you run the risk of being placed into NO-TOL.
>No trolling. Please don't do it, just, don't. It's stupid and wastes time, if you find this to be your hobby, I recommend you pick up crochet.
>Please keep all violent descriptions to a minimum. If you feel the need to add vigorous detail to an rp, please do it in another area and not in the potential eyes of children.
With that being said, we hope you have a great time with us! For more info on creating OFFICIAL businesses and such, check out our "Town Hall" page. For news, check out our "Newstand" page. To join, check out our "How To Join" page. Now have a nice day. ^^
Join This Group
We recommend that you look at our "How to Join" page before joining!
Featured Members
- WingedKazz Member
- MoFryesPlez Founder
- Elise Reinharte (played anonymously) Moderator-Modulator 3
- Hydre (played by Mlemort) Moderator-Modulator 1