Here's your location (unless someone finds a better one).
Use this to discuss your plan. I've already rolled each of the enemies chance to detect an ambush.
Your pack can have scouted this area out before. There will be weak spots in the gauntlet for you to reach through should you decide to ambush that way. The shadow side of this will have a few old train spirits that are now dormant. Most of the spirit activity in this area is gone. Whether because they've escaped into the city or left the area to get away from the Belishu is anyone's guess.
The resonance of the area, while fading, is one of hard work and urges you to be on schedule. Some of the trains are much older looking, some of the newer trains aren't there at all. The area is covered in squirming graffiti that writhes and changes. You can hear steam whistles and railroad signals.
Red Minister and his brood will attempt to flee, first and foremost. So if you are spotted, assume their first action is to run flat out in the direction of the nearest physical exit. If allowed to continue their flight after physical exits have been barred, they will make for a rend in the gauntlet (it's much harder for them to hide in the Shadow so they'll prefer to escape into the city).
Once they realize there's no escape, they will turn and fight, in a group against the weakest looking packmember. The exception of this being the disease spirit who will either move to return to the shadow, or attempt to blast you with one of his abilities.
So, hash out your plans here. I will make a place to update your current forms on the status where initiative and health are being tracked.
Any questions go ahead and ask. Either here or in Fb/g+
Ideas to work with:
Rory and his expertise in the Shadow may be used to keep them out of it. Harassing tactics to push the buggers into the warehouse in the east. Blooded guard the windows/exits. Rose harries from shadows and pushes them in that direction. Luke and I could easily roust them out of the cars with some showboating. Once pinned in and low on numbers, I can jump into the game in the house. Just have to be careful, as they will target the "bait" of the group inside.
Rory and his expertise in the Shadow may be used to keep them out of it. Harassing tactics to push the buggers into the warehouse in the east. Blooded guard the windows/exits. Rose harries from shadows and pushes them in that direction. Luke and I could easily roust them out of the cars with some showboating. Once pinned in and low on numbers, I can jump into the game in the house. Just have to be careful, as they will target the "bait" of the group inside.
If people agree to that, let's assume it works and jump into the combat. People can describe the plan working and then do their attacks.
ie: Rose can roll to ambush and attack, and describe her attack scaring the group into the warehouse followed by Rashid and his description of the trap being sprung and his roll to murder a thing.
ie: Rose can roll to ambush and attack, and describe her attack scaring the group into the warehouse followed by Rashid and his description of the trap being sprung and his roll to murder a thing.
Redundant form Facebook post:
Echo can make everyone a medicine bag to ward off the disease spirit prior to the fight so it'll be neutralized.
I was thinking a harsh, but effective way of making sure not one of the boogers escape is to use Rory's chemical knowledge and start a large perimeter chemical fire around the area that can be blamed on hazardous chemicals carried by the trains. (set by a human or wolf blood) This way we have an outer perimeter of fire and chemical death that would prevent even one rat from escaping. We can enter the area through the shadow so we appear in the ring of fire. We can then proceed with the with harassing them toward the warehouse. One of us (Rory?) would have to stay in the spirit side to make sure none get out that way.
Pros. no chance of rats escaping
Cons. weakens the inner perimeter by there being no wolf-blood to watch doors.
Fire department will most likely show up, but given how short and fast the battle will be, more than likely not respond until we are done/finishing. As well if we lay enough fuel inside, the fire can crawl inward and the FD push the perimeter in so the circle of fire would burn inward on the rats and destroy any evidence of us being there / giant mutant/human rat bodies (would be reported as unidentified casualties).
When we are done we can escape through the hold in the gauntlet.
Echo can make everyone a medicine bag to ward off the disease spirit prior to the fight so it'll be neutralized.
I was thinking a harsh, but effective way of making sure not one of the boogers escape is to use Rory's chemical knowledge and start a large perimeter chemical fire around the area that can be blamed on hazardous chemicals carried by the trains. (set by a human or wolf blood) This way we have an outer perimeter of fire and chemical death that would prevent even one rat from escaping. We can enter the area through the shadow so we appear in the ring of fire. We can then proceed with the with harassing them toward the warehouse. One of us (Rory?) would have to stay in the spirit side to make sure none get out that way.
Pros. no chance of rats escaping
Cons. weakens the inner perimeter by there being no wolf-blood to watch doors.
Fire department will most likely show up, but given how short and fast the battle will be, more than likely not respond until we are done/finishing. As well if we lay enough fuel inside, the fire can crawl inward and the FD push the perimeter in so the circle of fire would burn inward on the rats and destroy any evidence of us being there / giant mutant/human rat bodies (would be reported as unidentified casualties).
When we are done we can escape through the hold in the gauntlet.
Keep in mind things will do have impact on the hisil, so starting a chemical fire might work for now but it certainly will draw a lot of attention from who knows what especially if it gets out of hand.
so we go a little more mundane. im sure theres an old oil tanker that "leaks" that we can use. Fire fighters would be loathe to approach an oil fire immediately, lots of risk, little control until it sets the pace it needs.
Moderators: Rashid Mosley (played by cyranax) The Storyteller (played by Gingerkid88) Tanya Barnes (played anonymously)