-Moderators and I decide if your attacks work against or you kill a Alien or other OCs.
-Moderators and I will make Aliens appear you do not.
-Moderators choose whether your OC get's hungry, thirsty, tired, cold, or hot.
-Moderators and I decide if you get killed or hurt by the Aliens.
-ONLY Moderators decide whether stuff spawns or not.
-Your OC isn't invincible!
-You can if you want have Romance with someone else's or one of your other OCs just no sex of any kind or nudity (( If you yall wanna do the sex then do it between yall selves. ))
-Your Survivor OC can be a mutant or a X-Men of sorts, but don't go overboard with their powers please.
-Alien OCs can only be of one of the specified species under "Our Invaders" and use powers specified under such.
-Being a mutant is sort of like being a Malactician except one is human and the other is not.
-Be kind! Its hard to do sometimes I know, but we have to so this lovely group of ours doesn't spiral out of control into ANARCHY!
-Listen to Moderators and Marcat(ME)!
-No meta-gaming
-No God Modding
-Cursing is allowed just don't go overboard please
-Keep violence to a minimum though it is allowed (basically don't go overboard)
-If you are being bullied or harassed by someone report them on here we do not tolerate that in this group!
-What people's OCs say may not be what they themselves think. Their OCs are not them be aware of this!
-Be kind to Moderators we made this for you guys! We're not here to argue or fight! Be kind to us and we will to you, be mean to us to such a extent we may remove you from the group entirely and permanently.
-You must reply once a week unless you've given a reason why you cannot.
MORE Rules and statements from MODERATORS:
-We are happy to talk, be friends, answer questions, and help you with your problems. BUT we're very busy people we have real life stuff, other RPs, and other forums for the Group to take care of also be aware we may not reply to you or forums in general right away. (This is a statement)
-If you have a comment, question, or concern state it like you would to your Mother or Father. Not like someone trying to start a fight or purposely being hostile. This may lead to harsh consequences depending on how rude you are to a Mod.
-ADDRESS THE MODERATORS BY THEIR USERNAMES ONLY We didn't come here to be called rude names "as a joke" or "just for fun" we're people too. As for others address them as they wish not you wish. If you wouldn't like someone to call you it don't say it to others! Depending on what you call someone depends on the punishment.
Punishments for breaking these rules:
Some of these rules are more harsh if you break them than others. You can probably guess which are harsher, but nevertheless break these you may get a warning or you may be removed from the group entirely. Most of the OOC rules we're stricter on than IC because we can fix IC not always OOC. Though know we are not tyrants we will give you a few chances for honest mistakes, but if you keep making these mistakes then they are no longer mistakes they and are just you being a buzz kill and being rude. We're here to have fun, develop our writing skills, RP, and Make new friends! We are definitely not dish out punishments...
Now don't you worry! You'll be fine! These rules may seem to demanding, but really they're just common sense we mods are your friends! Not your dictators! -
Page made by:
- Marcat2001 Founder and Moderator
Info on Mods
Listen to the moderators! We're here to assure you have fun guys also if you have a idea send me a pm and suggest it I'm up for it! (Send it to me Marcat) -
- Erica Codsworth (played by maxd234) Dendril Leader
- Harry (played by Leoxis) Member
Info on Game Masters
These dudes control the story they can say what hits and what doesn't to a certain extent depending on what we allow them to do don't worry we'll be watching over everything.
Erica/Dietrich(Max)- This cool cat is in control of the dendrils species you may see me or MissHolmes control the species simply to make them appear, but he has full control of everything Dendril and everything that has to do with them, and yes that means if your attacks land or if your dodges work against the dendrils.
Marcat(me)- I AM EVERYTHING, I AM A GOD... Just kidding, but I am in control of everything in the RP so if I say something please listen and don't argue... That doesn't mean don't tell me your ideas or talk to me I promise I'm friendly!
Vinzintine(MissHolmes)- This chick like yours truly is pretty much a cool cat and a fair pear. She is like me in control of everything and is totally (not) a god (just kidding) so if she says something listen like you would me.
- Tinsley Rain (played by Marcat2001) Human Survivor(MY BAB)
- Steven Jeffords (played anonymously) Human Survivor
- Bella (played by Madster) Member
- Sonya Rivington (played by Sweet16) Human Survivor
- Harry (played by Leoxis) Member
Our Updated Rules
Want to see if you can survive?
In game currently:
Temp: 60 Fahrenheit (15 Celsius )
Time: 6pm
Season: Fall
Weather: Its now rather obvious the storm has subsided. There are a few stray clouds and roars from thunderstorms far off travelling away from them, but otherwise it was a bit muggy. -
Useful Links
Page made by:
- Xinder Walahs (played by Marcat2001) Malactician