Our Lives...
A normal day is turned wicked when a indestructible metal dome is placed over New York City! The rest of the world is gone; all exterminated and burnt to a crisp by invading extraterrestrials. Now, we're stuck here and they could be anywhere! They could be one of us, and we wouldn't know it! They've learned how to camouflage themselves into our society! By now, we're used to the occasional paranormal or supernatural person here and there, like shape-shifters, and mutants no big deal! I mean, it is 2020 for Pete's sake, but a whole flock of Aliens? We never expected this day to come, but here we are... First, they deceive us, then, they kill us... We're not sure why they're doing this... For the pleasure of torturing us? Out of hatred of us? For experimentation of us? Ugh, it's no use. We're all going to die if we don't find a way out of this dome!
Our lives have gone to through hell we've watched family, friends, neighbors, animals, pets, everything... die... and we could do nothing, but watch. Our emotions are gone unless you're one of the lucky ones and you have some emotions left. Hell some of us survivors are killing each other, but they don't see that's what the Aliens want! They want us to lose unity, teamwork, and all, so when there are few of us left they can exterminate us without any problems. Its sad, but true... The fact is If we don't work together, we will fail...
Anyway since you aren't an Alien, I hope, and you seem pretty new, I'll give you some tips! Night is when the Aliens can no longer fool us; night is when they change to their natural form and kill whoever is out and about. So it's safest to stay inside at night, but all the while, you're still not completely safe! Traveling and scavenging is wise, because you're going get hungry, thirsty, hot, cold, and most of all tired, like I said we have to work together, but some this you should just do yourself. Basically you can't trust anyone to do anyting for you. Money? Hah! That's nothing anymore! It's just something to burn when you need a fire or use for buying gas. The weather? Well on the rare occasion the top of the dome gains small holes on the top of it and we are allowed to have snow, sleet, rain, but like I said its rare and right after said things stop the holes close. Its no a good escape plan if you ask me. There's no electricity, No plumbing, No internet, no wifi, no communication- It's all gone! It was ripped up and shredded to pieces! They yanked it all away from us with their high-end technology, the jerks... Now we have to use our long suppressed primal instincts. Hopefully we have some instincts...
Most of us humans are already dead and gone. Everything is in shambles... We have no leader, we have no friends, we are all alone. We must work together to destroy the aliens, but don't you think self preservation doesn't play a role in this world. Our invaders try to act like they are kind and will help you, be your friend. But truthfully...you can't trust any of them. I learned this all the hard way; my whole family and all my friends died because of my stupidity of trusting one of them! Never again shall I trust another, and I warn you, Don't trust them. Not one of them could be kind. I wouldn't worry though. You're one of the lucky ones! You've survived this long, have you not?
Some survivors make groups or packs to travel in which is wise, as long as you can trust everyone in the group of course. If you can't trust everyone in the group what happens when you're in a life or death situation and they have a choice whether to save you or not. Well since you can't trust them who's to say they will or will not save you? If your going to be in or join a group make sure said group are trustworthy and this means every member including the leader. Now whether your the leader of your own group or not you have to trust all members for the example I stated and for other obvious reasons! Don't be stupid just follow your gut if it says "This person is a jerk and untrustworthy..." I'd say DON'T TRUST THEM and DEFENITELY DON'T JOIN THEIR GROUP. Unless of course you want to die if you do then go for it!
I know it's scary, stressful, and not to mention hard to get used to, but be aware we are working to escape their grasps. This means killing the Aliens or destroying their ship and escaping this dome. Though, escaping the dome is first priority since once we escape we are not confined in a small, enclosed space. This way, they would have a harder time trying to kill us all, then we could revolt. To sum this paragraph up, just go to the Empire state building; it's where I am residing at. We'll protect you the best we can here. My name is Tinsley; so if you come, say you're there to visit me. I know it's hard out there, but the Empire state building and the Statue of Liberty is where our survival lies. So come here, traveler. If you don't, then I suppose you're well enough on your own. Though if you die out there from stupidity of not coming here well I suppose you're not worthy of life like all the others of us that have passed.
Oh and don't forget Survivors don't have to just be Human they could perhaps be mutants like the X-Men or have powers. This doesn't always mean they are aliens okay? But at the same time be rather weary of them we don't want them to turn out to actually be aliens and you die. Nope that would suck wouldn't it?
There are tons of different species of Aliens who knows how many... and someway, somehow they made a deal or something to work together and take us down. They are not simply Aliens they are vicious killers that will not hesitate to kill you too, so don't you dare think you are invincible from these sick evil freaks, if you think your too badass then, honey, you're going to die a lot sooner than you think. Oh, and don't try to reason with them, try to talk your way out of dying, or try and talk them out of killing someone you love, because while they understand you, their main reason for being here is to kill humans, so it will not help you, it will just get you killed.
Anyways, I hope you understand all this and it isn't too much for you to grasp in one time period, But I must go now. I wish you the best... The only thing I warn you of is things aren't like they were...
We're in a new apocalypse and we're all going to die if we don't work together...
--Sincerely, Tinsley Rain P.S Leave this book here for others to read. -
Interesting Factoids!
Remember the dome is unbreakable. -
Graveyard (OCs dead)
- Jayson Valentine (played by Marcat2001) Mult'Oculnar *dead*
- The Asarahs (played by Marcat2001) Human Survivor Tommy *dead*
Page made by:
- The Asarahs (played by Marcat2001) Human Survivor Tommy *dead*
- Vinzintine (played by MissHolmes) Nerserhi Ambassador
- Xinder Walahs (played by Marcat2001) Malactician
- Steven Jeffords (played anonymously) Human Survivor
- Erica Codsworth (played by maxd234) Dendril Leader
- Harry (played by Leoxis) Member
- Tinsley Rain (played by Marcat2001) Human Survivor(MY BAB)
- Marcat2001 Founder and Moderator
- Roemello Kyric Darkholme (played by Phoenix_Avatar) Member
- Vinzintine (played by MissHolmes) Nerserhi Ambassador
- Luna Douglas (played by _EBG) Human Survivor
- Sonya Rivington (played by Sweet16) Human Survivor
Donate if you want...
You can contribute if you'd like. Though only donate if you want and can. Its greatly appreciated on all stand points. Whatever you donate will go toward the group and its wellbeing! Thanks lovelies!
- Tinsley Rain (played by Marcat2001) Human Survivor(MY BAB)
- Roemello Kyric Darkholme (played by Phoenix_Avatar) Member
- Xinder Walahs (played by Marcat2001) Malactician
- Luna Douglas (played by _EBG) Human Survivor
- Marcat2001 Founder and Moderator
- The Asarahs (played by Marcat2001) Human Survivor Tommy *dead*
- Harry (played by Leoxis) Member
- Bella (played by Madster) Member
- Erica Codsworth (played by maxd234) Dendril Leader
- Casendra Quani (played by Marcat2001) Mutant Survivor(OTHER BAB)
Group's Treasury
- Tinsley Rain (played by Marcat2001) Human Survivor(MY BAB)
- Harry (played by Leoxis) Member
- Thorn'Detrax Alkaid (played by Phoenix_Avatar) Member
- Roemello Kyric Darkholme (played by Phoenix_Avatar) Member
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Group Announcements
Sorry guys!
Posted By Marcat2001 on Oct 23rd 2016
I know I have been very much afk and I apologize with school, life, and real world stuff I have been so busy. Not even busy enough to get on the internet at all for the past few weeks and I truly apologize! I will try to be better about getting on here I swear.
Love you domies!Updates and Less Activity
Posted By Marcat2001 on Sep 10th 2016
Hey domies... I may be on less due to Karate, and me being in a play at my school. I will try to get on, but with homework and chores this may be neglected for the next 4 weeks I'm in the play. Starting on Monday which is my first rehearsal.
However I will try to GM as much as I can, since I have...You guys die?
Posted By Marcat2001 on Aug 31st 2016
DOMIES!!! WHERE ARE YOU!?Arc has started
Posted By Marcat2001 on Aug 24th 2016
The attack will commence now...2ND ARC WILL START AT 6:50 EST
Posted By Marcat2001 on Aug 24th 2016
As the title reads 2nd arc or when the aliens attack the Empire State building will start at 6:50 EST or 11 minutes from now. Be there or be square domies!
Lol 11 minutes and counting
Our Cage's our Home
Want to see if you can survive?
In game currently:
Temp: 60 Fahrenheit (15 Celsius )
Time: 6pm
Season: Fall
Weather: Its now rather obvious the storm has subsided. There are a few stray clouds and roars from thunderstorms far off travelling away from them, but otherwise it was a bit muggy. -
Useful Links
Interesting Factoids!
Karen is a shy otaku loner just trying to survive... -
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You can contribute if you'd like. Though only donate if you want and can. Its greatly appreciated on all stand points. Whatever you donate will go toward the group and its wellbeing! Thanks lovelies!
Group's Treasury