The Nerserhi are an interesting race of cat and shark-like aliens that come from a planet far, far away. Namely, the planet of Ners. The Ners-bound community is quite reclusive and prefers not to engage in Interplanetary affairs. All the while, there are those who stray from the flock. Such example of these being the Nerserhi that have aided in the takeover of Earth, there aren't many but they sure are there.
Click me for quite the detailed appearance description!Their appearance tends to have Shark and Cat-like attributes. Their skin is quite light-sensitive; Nerserhi are very naturally pale and can only sunbath so much before they get burned. Any member of this species you see will predominantly be patrolling at night, due to such sensitivities. Their hair can vary as much as human hair can, but one distinguishable feature of every Nerserhi is their white roots. Their hair is white-capped like this naturally to reflect any light it can from burning the individual's scalp, it's a more recent adaptation. But any hair that grows out from that takes on a more obsidian color, with streaks of whatever color. For example, one individual might have streaks in their obsidian, while another might have azure in their obsidian. Though, warmer hues are much more common than cooler hues; green being the most uncommon. Just as much as their hair varies, a Nerserhi's ears will vary as well as their tail. ( Will get examples later as this is hard to explain ) The eyes of a Neraerhi are nothing short of unsettling. Much like Eath's own Mako sharks, the eyes of this species are large and resemble the void of space in which they come from. But if someone might get the chance to shine a light into their sensitive eyes, one might be able to see the Nerserhi's slits for pupils. Normally, their irises are too dark to be able to see the pupil. But under the right circumstances, the pupil can be seen. Other than eyes, the teeth of this race tend to resemble and shark's as well. More specifically, a bull shark's set. On top of all this, all of the species' other senses are boosted considerably because why? They have no sense of smell. While Nerserhi do have a nose-like structure on their face; over the centuries, the whole nasal cavity has simply ceased to be. So while they do have exquisite hearing, sight, taste, and touch... They cannot smell.
The population as a whole is typically seen as technologically advanced and being technologically advanced comes with its advantages and disadvantages. Such as the lack of the need to be physically fit. The Nerserhi are not a very heavy race due to their excellent metabolism, but their endurance, strength, etc as whole isn't very good. Sure you've got some that do train to be physically inclined but most of the little fitness the Nerserhi have comes from taming their selected mounts and training them. The benefits of using wildlife as transportation has become clear to this race, so they use said creatures as opposed to pollutive vehicles. But anyway, then you've got those who actually train to be able fighters and to be those who maintain order. These are most, if not all, of the Nerserhi invaders on Earth.
They rate 1 on the toughness scale there is a reason they're on the ship they're easy to beat.Turns human during the day though at night they turn to their natural form. They can also comprehend English and speak it.
( Muhlt-ock-YOU'LL-nahr )
These aliens are relatively similar to the Nerserhi race in terms of being mammal-like, except these are more so. Specifically, they resemble bats, but no one can point out exactly which species they resemble the most.For their society, Mult's are more human-like in muscle mass and overall vitality. They're much more hardier than Nerserhi and have a considerably acceptable intelligence.
The males of this species make for exceptional fighters, while the females are good sentries and lookouts. Both sexes are best with melee combat, but the females are also adepts with guns.
They rate number 2 on the toughness scale the reason being they are hardier and not to mention smart. .Turns human during the day though at night they turn to their natural form. They can also comprehend English and speak it.
Page made by
- Jayson Valentine (played by Marcat2001) Mult'Oculnar *dead*
- Luna Douglas (played by _EBG) Human Survivor
Dendrils are a parasitic biomechincal alien race that intend to consume all sentient life in the galaxy. Before they have an actual form they start out as a small six legged looking metal crab with a long tail at the end. Once it finds it target it jumps up on top of there head latching down upon it, killing the host brain in the process but keeping the body alive in a more zombie like state and can go into cannibalism. As days progress this "Dendril fledglings" shed there skins and other organic parts exposing the unique metal call Dendrillium(a very useful metal in creating prostatic limbs) in which full shed they can become a few things:
BEFORE I get into anything else they like the Malacticians rate a 3 on the toughness scale if you continue reading you'll see why. They cannot change into a human during the day since they are again metal.
Click ME
Dendril assaulter: Click meThey stand on two feet but can run on all fours. They have sharp metal teeth orange eyes as they drool a lot out of there mouths. They usually carry an assault rifle, but this rifle has a chainsaw blade underneath it which can tear up flesh or metal like a knife through butter.
Dendril Berserker: Click meSimilar to the assualter but instead of an assualt rifle, they have in replacement of there left arm a built in pump action shotgun and they wield a chainsaw like sword on there right hand. The most aggressive out all(even though all of them are aggressive) will head straight into enemey fire to kill.
Dendril scout: Click meA small child like being that is very nimble on its feet able to jump from tree to tree. They have one large orange eye that glows and usually used as snipers with there built in sniper rifles and have a natural invisibility on them. When they fire or move, there invisibility goes off for a breif moment before cloaking again
Dendril Pryo: Click meThis one looks like an industrial knight with the head looking like a classic Knights helm with the face guard that has the slits on it but the openings on the glow orange. Instead of hands they have big nozzles with a little flame at the end which allows them spit out fire at the enemies. Unlike the others the Pryo is slow but also very armored which is tough to take down
God of War: Click meDendrils under the assaulter and Berserker if live for very long turn into the Dendril God of War, a more humaniod Dendril that walks and runs on two legs but have large claws that they use to tear its victims apart. There heads look a little human but with very large teeth and orange eyes
Dendril Blazer: Click meAn evolved Dendril Pryo that now shoots fireballs but are red instead of industrial black.
Dendril Pathfinders:Are evolved Dendril Scouts that much taller and very skinny and are used as a dedicated sniper...still suffers with the invisibilty problem as the scout and still have that big eye
Unigue: Click meDendril Field Marshal: Marshals are born within the human population once one is passed away. They are the heads of Dendril species and there is only one. They look the most human, with exposed human skin on there stomach as a mid drift and on there arms except there forearms. They wear a helmet that covers there eyes but the helmet has holes in it that make it look like a bugs helmet and they also have a metal tail that drags on the floor. Current Field Marshal- Field Marshal Nikolai
Unique: Dendril Spiritual leader: Erica Codworth -
Malactician creatures are human-like they look like humans act like humans except they have exceptional human abilities at day and night they look the same, so they are hard to catch if you are being deceived. Their powers vary depending on the Alien they may have super strength, mind control, ability to fly, ect it all depends. They are all different and have different, personalities, appearances, ect.
Just like humans except they want to take humans down that's why they rank number 3 on the toughness scale chart. They just look human day and night that's why they're tricky to catch. But here's you a picture (Human or Malacticain silhouettes any one of these guys, gals, children, teens, or adults could be one or the other!)
These dog-like creatures only wander about at night. Many have their owners to watch over them. If a Doelalite is near then that means it's owner is surely near too. They are ferocious creatures and you can't simply talk your way out of them killing you, that's for sure. They are relentless when they set their sights on prey. They have a keen sense of smell and hearing. All the while, their sight would be something that you could trick them with since it's not very good. I would watch out, one bite from these guys and you're dead. They don't let go after they clamp their jaws on you. Doelalite are quite carnivorous, conditioned to prefer human meat, it's also their main food source. So if you make a loud noise at night, there's a likely chance these guys will show up. If that happens, you're most likely a goner unless you know how to hide, disguise your scent, and be super quiet. The slightest sound will make them to notice you, but they'll be less trouble, again, if you stay inside at night. Since they can't really get in doors or windows unless they are weak and un-barricaded.
Their terrifying knife-like tail helps them can be used just the same as.. Well... Knives. So stay away from close range, melee combat. It's best if you kill them from a distance. Though because of their tough rough and dense skin, one shot won't do it. It has to be at least two and to the head or heart. They're fast and good climbers so running is futile. Unless you're in a building you will probably have to find it and kill it face to face.
They rate number 4 on the toughness scale since they're perfect trackers.
They also cannot disguise as humans thus being why they only come out at night. Nor do they speak all they can do is bark and growl, so the won't understand anything a human says.
They're the Brutes and the Brawn of the group of Alien misfits. They are the ones that own the Doelalites. They have never been killed or seen for that matter. They only spawn to a location if their Doelalite dies. No one has survived a encounter from them and lived. They are good at most things since they are fast, have excellent hearing and sight, can smell a human if their near, and last can and will chew you up brutally and swallow you with no sense of guilt. To be honest they are practically unbeatable unless you're super lucky and you find their weakness otherwise you're dead. Not even I the creator of the Brudities know their weakness. So I recommend if you see one get the hell out of dodge.
They are related to the Doelalites and they're both from the same planet, but said planet is unknown. They also cannot disguise as humans thus being why they only come out at night with their Doelalites. Though these guys can speak English and comprehend it unlike the Doelalites.
Sorry for the lack of information there just isn't any since they are terrifying and hard to escape from or see for that matter... So for obvious reasons we do rate 5 on the toughness scale charts meaning GTFO IF THEY ARE NEAR which is the highest the scale can go.
Our Invaders
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In game currently:
Temp: 60 Fahrenheit (15 Celsius )
Time: 6pm
Season: Fall
Weather: Its now rather obvious the storm has subsided. There are a few stray clouds and roars from thunderstorms far off travelling away from them, but otherwise it was a bit muggy. -
Useful Links
Page made by
- Luna Douglas (played by _EBG) Human Survivor
- Tinsley Rain (played by Marcat2001) Human Survivor(MY BAB)