More Information on the RP
So far in the RP...
A dome dropped on over the city of New York! Its metal, but somehow indestructible. There are holes at the very top of the dome that are as small as the tip of your pinky. The holes are retractable, so weather like sun, snow, rain and such can get in.
How the aliens get in the dome? A tube the chose where they want to go and they're spaceship spits them out through the tube there. The Ship is hovering over the dome currently.
Event wise, you haven't missed much so far in the RP the only big event that has happened is there was a meeting at the Empire State Building and it told all the OCs about the Aliens. Which some aliens attended, but few know that in the RP. Some
OCs also decided to stick around and check out that floor.
Tinsley is also currently writing the journal that you read on the "Our Cage is Our Home" home page.
Zwei is starting to question his lover Erica's intentions.
Tinsley and Kira are getting to know each other at the Empire State Building, they seem like they're becoming friends, while Tommy simply sleeps. Lazy bones *smh*...
Casendra knows about the attack on the Empire State building, so when she goes to tell the gang there they believe her and try to get everyone out of the building. Though that fails to a extent when they're accused of being aliens and are held prisoner until their men come back from the Library to see if what they say is truth. The real question is will their men come back from the Library?
Character developing wise, we learned Erica was a alien leader of the Dendril species, Vinzintine and Xinder were found out just recently by Zwei and Casendra because of Erica, and there was also oddly a alien shapeshifting stowaway is on the spaceship? hm... that interesting.
All Aliens wear a watch that tells them who other aliens are and helps them contact the ship and get on the ship. No humans have been on the ship at all throughout the RP.
The Alien leaders just recently decided they must invade the Empire State Building at 12am (in RP) , but Erica told Casendra and Zwei about it in fewer words, so Casendra is headed to tell the Gang at the Empire State Building.
Xinder is struggling with his inner demons.
Erica is starting to show her emotions and she is also currently with the Shapeshifting Stowaway about to talk to him with Zwei by her side.
Vinzintine and Xinder seem to be a bit heated and upset at one another, probably because of Xinder's problem and him not wanting to rope the fragile Vinzintine into it.
Xinder is at a loss unaware of how to solve his problems and stay the good guy he's always been. So currently he's really depressed.
Erica is holding the guards from the Empire State building captive deciding whether or not to kill them or let them live. This also may decide the fate of those in the Empire State building little does she know.
Erica let the guards go, so the people in the Empire State Building (Tommy, Casendra, Tinsley, and Kira) just got interrogated then were set free. They then decided they wanted to leave the Empire.
Dietrich has a confrontation with Kira they seem to know one another. Dietrich then heads to the Northern Apartments.
Erica and Zwei head to the basement of the Library and find the special book she was looking for.
Tinsley, Kira, Tommy, and Casendra are headed toward the Northern Apartments where Dietrich is. They hear him loud and clear what will their confrontation be like?! Their confrontation was moderately tame though some in the group shall their names not be said *cough* Casendra *cough* do not trust this stowaway Alien. The confrontation ending with snot getting all in Tommy's hair and him heading to clean in up after Dietrich tries to make it into a "style" for Tommy.
Meanwhile on the ship Xinder is eating some human food! nom nom nom am I right!
Then back at the Northern Apartments on Tommy's way to heading to the bathroom he hears footsteps and tells in everyone in his group at the Northern Apartments to hide. As they do the room Casendra, Tommy, and Dietrich are in is knocked on Cas tells Tommy and Dietrich to climb out the window and into the room next door where Tinsley and Kira are. Tommy accepts Casendra's wishes though Dietrich decides to stay and help. Machete out Cas then decides to kick down the door and confront the thing. Soon she sees its a man with a scythe whom says they can address him by Mal. He eventually starts flirting with her then reveals the information that he knew the rest of the group was in the next room. As Casendra tells them to exit they introduce themselves to him still slightly unsure if he can be trusted or not yet. It would also seem Tommy is jealous of Cas and Mal, dun dun dunnnnn!
Meanwhile in the library the mutant shadow brothers are looking at books as the Dendrils and Zwei watch them closely to assure that's the only reason why they're here. Meanwhile Erica and her Dendrils check in the basement to see if what they found was the correct book Erica was looking for.
Tinsley, Mal, Casendra, Kira, and Tommy are stuck trying to get out of the basement of the Northern apartments after running off from a doelalite. They're all very tired and exhausted. All the while Dietrich lost his way and got separated from the group and now is stuck in the dumpster in the middle of the road.
The attack on the empire state building is a go! The aliens throw their first wave of Doelalites and Brudities at the building viciously. The humans are doing pretty good fending them off only 15 minutes in, but will it go down hill from there?!
Aye, it went downhill, the humans were quickly exterminated except for 3 human that the Brudites decided to keep for interrogation, now for the 3rd floor. Would all of the humans plans and hard work be destroyed? Or would it be kept and observed for the aliens to see their strategy...
They decided to destroy everything while salvaging one or two papers as they left some Malacticians, Mults, and Dendrils to keep watch on their Empire as the rest of the aliens marched off.
We later learn the aliens plan to experiment on the kids. Meanwhile Xinder and Vinzintine attempt to hatch a plan to save the kids.
After a goodnight's rest the group of 5 (Tinsley, Mal, Kira, ect.) are having a lovely meal and deciding what to do whilst in this apocalypse. And Dietrich well he slithered off to the river and was captured by aliens and is now on their ship for god knows what reason.
And that's it so far domies. Hope this helped you guys! And if you haven't I hope you join! This is for if you're AFK or New or simply want a summary
Page made by:
- Luna Douglas (played by _EBG) Human Survivor
- Tinsley Rain (played by Marcat2001) Human Survivor(MY BAB)
- Roemello Kyric Darkholme (played by Phoenix_Avatar) Member
- Steven Jeffords (played anonymously) Human Survivor
- Vinzintine (played by MissHolmes) Nerserhi Ambassador
Extra info on RP
Want to see if you can survive?
In game currently:
Temp: 60 Fahrenheit (15 Celsius )
Time: 6pm
Season: Fall
Weather: Its now rather obvious the storm has subsided. There are a few stray clouds and roars from thunderstorms far off travelling away from them, but otherwise it was a bit muggy. -
Useful Links
Page made by:
- Marcat2001 Founder and Moderator
- Harry (played by Leoxis) Member
- The Asarahs (played by Marcat2001) Human Survivor Tommy *dead*
- Erica Codsworth (played by maxd234) Dendril Leader
- Casendra Quani (played by Marcat2001) Mutant Survivor(OTHER BAB)