Posted by Marcat2001 July 14th 2016, 6:23pm
Hey domies! (SH you are domies! do not question it or me!)
Okay guys and gals I've had a lot of people quitting the RP because of lack of interest, inactivity, and other things of the sort let me explain some of these things and try to give a resolution? Okay? I'm not trying to offend anyone be aware of this, but these are actual things that happen and actual comments questions and concerns so please read on.
Inactivity is a big one here. I shall start off with if you are not a active role-player and don't reply to a RP at the least once a week you definitely shouldn't be in a group RP dependent on your replying like such. I understand absences and life happens, but tell me you got problems and I'll understand don't leave me out of the group lovelies!
Inactivity also doesn't just affect you in a group or any RP for that matter it affects everyone! You not replying depending on your role in the RP may mean it not progressing at all in result. Not to mention I want this to be a active group and only like 5 of us reply actively with a week while there are a lot more than 5 of us in the group. Its also doesn't take more than 1-10 minutes to reply sometimes barely even that, but I'll get to that. Your inactivity may also lead you to lose interest in the group that's why I say read all forum topics to stay in the loop with all information! A RP is like a story you need all parts of it winded together for it to be fun.
Lack of Interest:
This is a Sci-fi RP group I'd say personally if you don't like Science fiction then don't join you won't like it and I promise you that. There is also the reoccurring factor people say where their character isn't really interacted with. Maybe this is because you don't throw your character in there to be interacted with. Try and confront other characters their OCs won't ignore you. I would also say have longer replies too. I know not many people are creative, but you talk don't you? more than one sentence at a time I would guess so type what you'd say. It has nothing to do with creativity guys.
If your character is shy for example then make them interact with their other senses making someone get their OC to interact with you like for example:
"She quietly tip-toed her way to the corner and sat down wrapping her arms around her legs. She saw a man that stuck out on the other side of the room she gives him a magnified glance and looks up at his eyes drawing him in with her exquisite stare."
That just being off the top of my head you can do it guys I swear! That ^ up there would make and OC want to walk over and investigate your OCs perogative.
It takes 1-10 minutes at most if you really focus on your typing to reply. Its also not that difficult guys simply put one sentence I don't mind just reply! Its really important that you do, so we can get new members and the ball rolling in the RP.
New Members/Inviting Members:
We always want new members, so domies INVITE PEOPLE PLEASE! You want the RP interesting keep inviting new *cough* active *cough* members, so we can have more people joining and genuinely having fun and meeting new friends!
Anyone is welcome and everyone is urged to join and welcome to!
The RP's Future:
I will agree however the RP has been lacking a certain... zest to it and I've noticed so me and MissHolmes have been talking and we've got the perfect plan for the RP, so keep up with the RP shit's about to go down!
If you are AFK when shit goes down tell me I'll give you a time to be on when shit will go down I NEED ALL OF YOU ON THEN! Or your OC may be killed off (yes its that big of a scene about to go down) UNLESS you've told me you are or will be gone during the shit's about to go down time period. Which said time period hasn't been decided on yet, but I promise its on its way.
PS this is directed toward no one and I understand stuff comes up I usually just wants a heads up, but if something comes up out of the blue I understand just send a message my way when you get the chance. Don't just leave for 1 month or 2 weeks or such without as much as a warning like: "Personal stuff going on I'll reply when I can." or whatever.
ALSO, Feel free to comment questions,
concerns, compliments, statements,
and such below I strive to read them!!
Thanks for reading domies!
Hope this helps y'all out!
Okay guys and gals I've had a lot of people quitting the RP because of lack of interest, inactivity, and other things of the sort let me explain some of these things and try to give a resolution? Okay? I'm not trying to offend anyone be aware of this, but these are actual things that happen and actual comments questions and concerns so please read on.
Inactivity is a big one here. I shall start off with if you are not a active role-player and don't reply to a RP at the least once a week you definitely shouldn't be in a group RP dependent on your replying like such. I understand absences and life happens, but tell me you got problems and I'll understand don't leave me out of the group lovelies!
Inactivity also doesn't just affect you in a group or any RP for that matter it affects everyone! You not replying depending on your role in the RP may mean it not progressing at all in result. Not to mention I want this to be a active group and only like 5 of us reply actively with a week while there are a lot more than 5 of us in the group. Its also doesn't take more than 1-10 minutes to reply sometimes barely even that, but I'll get to that. Your inactivity may also lead you to lose interest in the group that's why I say read all forum topics to stay in the loop with all information! A RP is like a story you need all parts of it winded together for it to be fun.
Lack of Interest:
This is a Sci-fi RP group I'd say personally if you don't like Science fiction then don't join you won't like it and I promise you that. There is also the reoccurring factor people say where their character isn't really interacted with. Maybe this is because you don't throw your character in there to be interacted with. Try and confront other characters their OCs won't ignore you. I would also say have longer replies too. I know not many people are creative, but you talk don't you? more than one sentence at a time I would guess so type what you'd say. It has nothing to do with creativity guys.
If your character is shy for example then make them interact with their other senses making someone get their OC to interact with you like for example:
"She quietly tip-toed her way to the corner and sat down wrapping her arms around her legs. She saw a man that stuck out on the other side of the room she gives him a magnified glance and looks up at his eyes drawing him in with her exquisite stare."
That just being off the top of my head you can do it guys I swear! That ^ up there would make and OC want to walk over and investigate your OCs perogative.
It takes 1-10 minutes at most if you really focus on your typing to reply. Its also not that difficult guys simply put one sentence I don't mind just reply! Its really important that you do, so we can get new members and the ball rolling in the RP.
New Members/Inviting Members:
We always want new members, so domies INVITE PEOPLE PLEASE! You want the RP interesting keep inviting new *cough* active *cough* members, so we can have more people joining and genuinely having fun and meeting new friends!

Anyone is welcome and everyone is urged to join and welcome to!
The RP's Future:
I will agree however the RP has been lacking a certain... zest to it and I've noticed so me and MissHolmes have been talking and we've got the perfect plan for the RP, so keep up with the RP shit's about to go down!

If you are AFK when shit goes down tell me I'll give you a time to be on when shit will go down I NEED ALL OF YOU ON THEN! Or your OC may be killed off (yes its that big of a scene about to go down) UNLESS you've told me you are or will be gone during the shit's about to go down time period. Which said time period hasn't been decided on yet, but I promise its on its way.
PS this is directed toward no one and I understand stuff comes up I usually just wants a heads up, but if something comes up out of the blue I understand just send a message my way when you get the chance. Don't just leave for 1 month or 2 weeks or such without as much as a warning like: "Personal stuff going on I'll reply when I can." or whatever.
ALSO, Feel free to comment questions,
concerns, compliments, statements,
and such below I strive to read them!!
Thanks for reading domies!
Hope this helps y'all out!

Community Feedback
- Yes, I'm not talking about you Terminal, I'm talking in general. I would just like a heads up kind of...
I'm mainly talking about the people who reply 1 every month or haven't replied since the RP started. -
I've been really busy, family's been over, friends, just got back from a picnic, I got a cold, I've been berry picking, and exploring. It's why I haven't been active in like 2 weeks.
I mean, the above I have listed is a lot to keep up with. And I am active(usually), but I just had some really busy things going on this month.
I mean, family and friends is more important than the internet; right? -
Just try Clay I mean what else is there to do when your sick? You can't sleep forever and laziness is for when you're dead son work on your lyfe.
end my life, THERE GOES MY CHANCE AT THIS RP! Lmao. Though, I'm just lazy or sick (which is 99% of the time since my immune system is dying on me at the moment).
Yes! Its totally okay Sweet as long as you agree to it and tell me who it is of course some I'm not like "Uh that's against the rules"
I'll be busy next week and this weekend, so is it okay that I let me OC be controlled by someone else?
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July 14th 2016