Posted by Marcat2001 August 9th 2016, 1:31pm
Hi domies, MissHolmes lost her phone (rather it was stolen), but nevertheless it happened. She may be on very little, but I will attempt to get her on. It seems the next arc is happening later than expected, but I don't think that's a bad thing. The arc will happen around next week at the latest maybe earlier? Though as you read in the title let me get into the reason I made this.
Okay guys, I've been looking at the RP and oddly enough I feel its lacking, what its lacking I'm unsure. Not in the RP sense I don't think, but in the sense of attraction! So if you have any suggestions on ANYTHING in the group please don't hesitate to display them (kindly) below. Thanks domies!
Okay guys, I've been looking at the RP and oddly enough I feel its lacking, what its lacking I'm unsure. Not in the RP sense I don't think, but in the sense of attraction! So if you have any suggestions on ANYTHING in the group please don't hesitate to display them (kindly) below. Thanks domies!
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- Dendril talk is for Max that's his forte and his species
I have literalyy tried everything for the background and colors in general I'll test some ideas, but if its so unreadable shall I suggest getting glasses or your eyes examined. -
I have to agree with Terminal. Im not much of a fan of the black bg.
Well, I'm trying to be active as much as I can. I try to post a few times a day . . . but hey, everyone has a life.
SO I'll be on as much as I can and try to focus on this RP a bit more since I have cut down on my group management.
Anyways, some of the colors for links and text are hard to read. Mostly the navigation links. But the text color is okay, but it can be better: cccccc. For the moment that's the only suggestions I have for this group, that usually involves colors.
And I'm not saying the group is bad, and I know you want cool colors.But they need to be easy to read. And trust me, having a good theme attracts people. So maybe I can help you out a little?
Well, aside from a lack of people, I have an idea for the Dendril! All this talk of the Dendril army working similar to zombies but we don't see any people turned metal around. As a way to spice things up, I feel that for a life threatening situation the group wants to ignore the scare factor in it all. It's the apocalypse and aliens are all around killing people, there should be more alertness, and more fear in the average person. Turning this towards the scary, or even horror, categories would make things very interesting!
Yeah, I know. I've sincerely tried to get people into the RP, but either they join and are always busy or quit because they don't like something and don't speak to me about it. I've said this before and I'll say it again if you have friends that you think might like the RP (and aren't too busy) invite them! Get them to check out the group! But truly I've tried everything to get people to join, but its a Sci-fi topic of sorts people aren't big fans of Sci-fi truthfully. We had like 20 people in the group, but then a lot never came back on or quit. Its really sad I like this group and the RP involved with it, if you have suggestions for getting active members I assure you I'm all ears!
Well I just wanted to point this out, but when it comes to involvement in the RP, its mostly me, Juice and you really who are involved.
I think its just the lack of people really.
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August 11th 2016