Want to introduce yourself, talk, chat, whatever? DO IT HERE WE'LL GLADLY CHAT WITH YOU LOVELY PEOPLE
*poof* I think I'll say hi.. Don't know what else to do. So.. yea.. Hi.
This is the time and place I'm trying to get Tinsley down to the Alley way Tanya is in so stand by.
And to think that I was gonna hide in a cabinet and wait for the shaking to stop, rip.
lmfao I wanted less OCs and I wanted a first death, so I was like lets make my OC dumb and die! RUN TOWARD THE FALLING RUBBLE JAYSON GOOOO
Really tired and need sleep so I can help my gf through a hangover tomorrow, I hate to break the flow of how smoothly everything is going but I've been going on 4 hours of sleep since yesterday's noon. I'll reply once I wake up
Sorry I've been getting on late X( my schedule is shit.
I'm gonna wait until Mrs. Codsworth is up to reply again, I don't wanna leave her out and sit there adding and adding just for her to catch up while her OC does nothing but stare. Until then I'm gonna try to get over this break-up, it wasn't on the best of terms.
Aw I'm sorry! Just know it gets better ...
Gonna be dropping out of this one, sorry. I can play out Adam's death if you guys want, even though I'm not sure how it'll happen since he's on the second floor of Empire State.
Aw Okay we don't have to play out his death since he isn't really talking to anyone right now. You can just go ahead and leave the group. Sorry you have to quit
Good I do too Silviot or something idk if I spelled it right lmao.
Moderators: Vinzintine (played by MissHolmes) Marcat2001