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  • Over a century has passed since the fall of the Baelanic empire that had once spanned the known world. Their roads and bridges still flow across the land to connect one ruined husk of civilization to another... their great works now monuments to what has been lost as none know how mortal hands could craft such massive and beautiful architecture. Those who pass as scholars now conjecture as to the cause of the Baelan downfall: stagnant society, a displeasing of the gods, slave uprisings, invasions, or a great plague. No matter the truth, to the various peoples and races living in the former Baelanic domains contend with more pressing problems: roving raiders, famine, sickness, and various beasts no longer kept in check by imperial garrisons.

    In this world our protagonists find themselves doing what they must to survive and, mayhaps, thrive in these Shattered Lands.
  • A user shaped Dark Age High Fantasy