The Great Khal has decreed that before the next the Reaping of the Orchard Festival, Shu Han shall be counted among the Kingdoms of his Empire. Being only a few short weeks away, he has summoned troops from across his lands to form an army capable of this feet.
The great hall of the throne room begins to fill up with the invited generals and advisors, servants moving about silently serving the lords and ladies of the Shining Horde with food and drink.
The Khal of Khals is expected to arrive last, in the mean time, men plot and boast of glories to come.
While Shono and Min-Hee have yet to take their place on the dais, Khal Chagatai, Princes Chen and Jin-Sahn, Khal Yokatsu and the Shaman Vordu are all in attendance.
While Shono and Min-Hee have yet to take their place on the dais, Khal Chagatai, Princes Chen and Jin-Sahn, Khal Yokatsu and the Shaman Vordu are all in attendance.
It was easy to pick up on the buzzing in the halls days before the war council was set to meet. The servants were all extra busy preparing quarters for the visitors and gossip spread like wildfire amongst them. Callista had learned long ago that if she was kind to the peasants they opened up to her quickly about all the goings on in the palace. It wasn't difficult, so many of them had interesting lives that were vastly different than hers and she genuinely loved to hear about them. Sometimes she got a touch envious at how simple things seemed for them but then she reminded herself that fate often had plans and she had been put in her place for a reason.
Callista had timed her daily visit to the orchard a bit before the council was set to begin, and when the halls were most crowded with servants rushing to fetch drinks and fulfill the warlords' requests so that she would easily get lost in the chaos. It wasn't abnormal for her to spend several hours of her day outside alone and since no one was traditionally allowed in the orchard there were no guards to monitor her. Today she had other plans than idling away her time.
It was nice to sit alone in the late summer air and not having to worry about proper manners, she even kicked off her shoes to walk barefoot in the soft grass for a bit. The trees were all heavy with fruit, all awaiting the Reaping festival that would be on them soon enough when they would be stripped bare.
She was anxious though, eager to slip back when the Khal appeared and would state his strategy. The last few years after she had reached womanhood she had begun to notice the goings on the the court more and more, and outside of it as well. Since the last conquest years ago, things had been quiet in the palace so this was something new and something different for her. Before she had often ushered to other parts of the palace during meetings but now she seemed more trusted with her independence. Callista wasn't a child anymore and didn't require constant supervision, she understood how things were and was curious as to what it was all about. And why shouldn't she be curious? If she was to be the wife of a Khal someday, she figured that war would always be part of her life whether she liked it or not.
Callista had timed her daily visit to the orchard a bit before the council was set to begin, and when the halls were most crowded with servants rushing to fetch drinks and fulfill the warlords' requests so that she would easily get lost in the chaos. It wasn't abnormal for her to spend several hours of her day outside alone and since no one was traditionally allowed in the orchard there were no guards to monitor her. Today she had other plans than idling away her time.
It was nice to sit alone in the late summer air and not having to worry about proper manners, she even kicked off her shoes to walk barefoot in the soft grass for a bit. The trees were all heavy with fruit, all awaiting the Reaping festival that would be on them soon enough when they would be stripped bare.
She was anxious though, eager to slip back when the Khal appeared and would state his strategy. The last few years after she had reached womanhood she had begun to notice the goings on the the court more and more, and outside of it as well. Since the last conquest years ago, things had been quiet in the palace so this was something new and something different for her. Before she had often ushered to other parts of the palace during meetings but now she seemed more trusted with her independence. Callista wasn't a child anymore and didn't require constant supervision, she understood how things were and was curious as to what it was all about. And why shouldn't she be curious? If she was to be the wife of a Khal someday, she figured that war would always be part of her life whether she liked it or not.
Eida was apprehensive. He volunteered to stand in Awilix place today so that she could stay in the camp and work on organizing all of the groups coming in, or at least that's what he told himself. He had no idea how everyone would take to the Lunar Shadow being here on his own to listen.
Everyone was dressed in their ceremonial armors, ready for an intense fight even in here. He almost felt out of place in the attire he was in, the gold and stones draped across his shoulders were very exposing in comparison, revealing intricate patterns of midnight ink carving their way across his torso and wrapping around his arms in sharp asymmetrical patterns. His simple leather pants moved silently in comparison to the plates and chains that the others wore. It would have been an impressive show of status and confidence with the Nahuatl, but it may be lost on the conquerors.
He walked quietly back and forth between the Khal's generals, wondering just how many of their boasts have been 'embellished' with how big some of it got, and couldn't help but smile as he did. This small elite group was so much easier to navigate than the hoard outside, but he didn't know them as well as he needed to, so he gleaned as much as he could to find their personal movement styles. Organizing this many men would take more than one great warlord, and he was unsure of their willingness to synchronize their styles.
Everyone was dressed in their ceremonial armors, ready for an intense fight even in here. He almost felt out of place in the attire he was in, the gold and stones draped across his shoulders were very exposing in comparison, revealing intricate patterns of midnight ink carving their way across his torso and wrapping around his arms in sharp asymmetrical patterns. His simple leather pants moved silently in comparison to the plates and chains that the others wore. It would have been an impressive show of status and confidence with the Nahuatl, but it may be lost on the conquerors.
He walked quietly back and forth between the Khal's generals, wondering just how many of their boasts have been 'embellished' with how big some of it got, and couldn't help but smile as he did. This small elite group was so much easier to navigate than the hoard outside, but he didn't know them as well as he needed to, so he gleaned as much as he could to find their personal movement styles. Organizing this many men would take more than one great warlord, and he was unsure of their willingness to synchronize their styles.
Donovan felt a little overwhelmed in the opulence of the palace. He was familiar with the trappings of court, but this was at another level. Here the greatest riches from the 12 kingdoms had been gathered as a display of the Khal’s wealth and prowess. It did its job well, serving both to impress and intimidate. He would rather be out with the men, after all there was still much to do. His companion sensed his unease.
Brother Donovan, battles are won and lost in the field, but it is here in court where victory may be attained without ever losing a man.
Uncle, I am not unfamiliar with court, but why me? I’m so junior to many of the other Brother Knights.
the old man’s stern face broke into a gentile smile and he clasped Donovan on the shoulder True you are a junior to many of the other knights I have brought, but I made you my Aide de Camp because it is not steel I need here, but your gift of tongues. I would have you listen, and speak only when spoken to, but as you listen, also think. The generals here will each try to sell what has worked for them in the past- it is the curse of being successful. But the walls of Shu Han have held for so long for a reason. We must ensure that if our lives are decided to be spent that they are done so at great cost, and not a shield or another man’s cowardice or incompetence.
Donovan nodded Yes Uncle and took his place behind the old General in the assembly.
Brother Donovan, battles are won and lost in the field, but it is here in court where victory may be attained without ever losing a man.
Uncle, I am not unfamiliar with court, but why me? I’m so junior to many of the other Brother Knights.
the old man’s stern face broke into a gentile smile and he clasped Donovan on the shoulder True you are a junior to many of the other knights I have brought, but I made you my Aide de Camp because it is not steel I need here, but your gift of tongues. I would have you listen, and speak only when spoken to, but as you listen, also think. The generals here will each try to sell what has worked for them in the past- it is the curse of being successful. But the walls of Shu Han have held for so long for a reason. We must ensure that if our lives are decided to be spent that they are done so at great cost, and not a shield or another man’s cowardice or incompetence.
Donovan nodded Yes Uncle and took his place behind the old General in the assembly.
Those who pay attention will see that all twelve kingdoms are represented by at least one person, as well as other interested parties such as the Guild. The conversations are mainly of who is most worthy to participate in the battle. Not all would get that honor, as some would be sent to reinforce borders and protect supply lines. While still vital roles, they were less glorious, and came with smaller shares of loot. Every Temujin in the room desired to go. And it was clear many of them were eyeing the conquered people's with contempt.
It was little secret the Khal's brother, Chagatai, had blamed the previous failures at the walls of Shu Han on his brother allowing the lesser cultures participate in Temujin conquest. That he believed life among the so called "civilized" cultures had made his brother grow soft.
He barely even tried to hide it.
It was little secret the Khal's brother, Chagatai, had blamed the previous failures at the walls of Shu Han on his brother allowing the lesser cultures participate in Temujin conquest. That he believed life among the so called "civilized" cultures had made his brother grow soft.
He barely even tried to hide it.
"And yet those foreigners each gave their own challenges that the Temujin needed to rely on outside influence in order to overcome. Each people has their own strength to bring, it is up the Khal to best decide on how to implement it, not you." Eida slipped off into the crowd after he said his piece, letting the aggravated warlord sputter as he moved on to listen to the next group.
While what he was saying was certainly inflammatory, Eida knew that what he said was true, and the Khal was wise enough to use his acquired people effectively. As long as the man kept a cool head, he would see through the vain pride his people had.
While what he was saying was certainly inflammatory, Eida knew that what he said was true, and the Khal was wise enough to use his acquired people effectively. As long as the man kept a cool head, he would see through the vain pride his people had.
Several of his men held Chagatai back as the Nahuatl walked back into the crowd. It took a few moments for the conversations to go back to normal, and Jin-Sahn pulled himself away from the distant relatives he'd been speaking with.
It didn't take him long to find the man, and the nearest guests made room for their prince to speak.
"Even though she does not grace us with her presence, the Moon-silver Kaloomte manages to stir up troublevia proxy." he said with an amused chuckle. He spoke in the Nahuatl tongue with only a slight accent.
"You won't be making many friends here with words like that, Aeda was it?" he'd only met the man once before.
It didn't take him long to find the man, and the nearest guests made room for their prince to speak.
"Even though she does not grace us with her presence, the Moon-silver Kaloomte manages to stir up troublevia proxy." he said with an amused chuckle. He spoke in the Nahuatl tongue with only a slight accent.
"You won't be making many friends here with words like that, Aeda was it?" he'd only met the man once before.
Kellian’s fingers rapped on the table but other than that the rest of him remained still. He had been seated over by the royal family, more likely as a sign of their stature rather than out of respect for him. Guild backing was a big deal and smaller kingdoms would suffer if they didn't have the large trade barges transporting goods up and down the river for them. Even thusly seated, the merchant still stuck out in his Realm finery, still looking every bit a commanding figure but lacking the rough beastial look so many of these warlords decided to put forth.
He did his best to listen to the various views in the room, trying to pick out the leaders that would best suit his cause. The Khal's brother did not fall into that category so when the lithe white haired man quipped at him, Kell surpessed a small snort of amusement.
He did his best to listen to the various views in the room, trying to pick out the leaders that would best suit his cause. The Khal's brother did not fall into that category so when the lithe white haired man quipped at him, Kell surpessed a small snort of amusement.
As he turned around, Eida noticed who had come to speak with him, and hung his head in deference. "Eida, Lord Dragon, though I will commend you on your mastery of my language, though speaking here with me may not bring you allies." The pale man never slipped out of the Temujin's common tongue. I was not well liked by some, but speaking in a lost or conquered language would send several into a rage, and he did not want to drag another into a fight he was looking at.
"I am not here to make friends, I came to make sure that strength was not discounted merely because it wasn't familiar. Warlord Awilix may have asked me so that she can bring together the muster, but the trouble I make is not in her name. I will stand under the scorching rays myself, or else never be recognized for my ability. Did you wish something of me Lord Dragon?"
The simple fact that he had garnered not one, but two of the Khal's brother's attention in this meeting was promising. He wasn't expecting to have his words even be listened to, let alone addressed.
"I am not here to make friends, I came to make sure that strength was not discounted merely because it wasn't familiar. Warlord Awilix may have asked me so that she can bring together the muster, but the trouble I make is not in her name. I will stand under the scorching rays myself, or else never be recognized for my ability. Did you wish something of me Lord Dragon?"
The simple fact that he had garnered not one, but two of the Khal's brother's attention in this meeting was promising. He wasn't expecting to have his words even be listened to, let alone addressed.
The time for the meeting was drawing near and Callista wondered if the Khal had made his appearance yet. She stood up from the soft grassy floor of the Orchard and smoothed out her fine pale silk dress. Even after his assuming of the throne, Khal Shono had made sure she still enjoyed the finery her rank entitled her to. Speedy looked up from the shiny apple he was munching on and swiveled his ears at her questioningly.
”I know I'm cutting today's walk short but I will make up for it tomorrow, I promise. I need to go before May comes looking for me,” she smiled as she stroked his mane.
”I could come with you,” The horse said hopefully.
”You will absolutely not. You know the empress hates it when you come into the palace, plus your hooves would give me away,” she kissed his nose lightly and waved at him ”Leave some of those emerald apples for your father for when he visits at the festival. You know they are his favorite.” Speedy gave her an indignant look but didn't stop eating the apples.
Once inside she composed herself and took a deep breath. Already the muffled sounds from the war room could be heard in the hallway which told her that the Khal was not likely there yet. She made her way around back to the the pillars next to the screened part of the dais, counting on their leader to make a grand entrance through the front he normally did. There were many faces she recognized, at least in passing and a few new ones that must had joined the horde more recently. Callista did her best to pick up on the varying conversations trying to judge which way the group was swaying.
”I know I'm cutting today's walk short but I will make up for it tomorrow, I promise. I need to go before May comes looking for me,” she smiled as she stroked his mane.
”I could come with you,” The horse said hopefully.
”You will absolutely not. You know the empress hates it when you come into the palace, plus your hooves would give me away,” she kissed his nose lightly and waved at him ”Leave some of those emerald apples for your father for when he visits at the festival. You know they are his favorite.” Speedy gave her an indignant look but didn't stop eating the apples.
Once inside she composed herself and took a deep breath. Already the muffled sounds from the war room could be heard in the hallway which told her that the Khal was not likely there yet. She made her way around back to the the pillars next to the screened part of the dais, counting on their leader to make a grand entrance through the front he normally did. There were many faces she recognized, at least in passing and a few new ones that must had joined the horde more recently. Callista did her best to pick up on the varying conversations trying to judge which way the group was swaying.
The Khal's son smiled at the Nahuatl's words.
"Only for you to serve my glorious father to the best of your abilities. Prove your words true." he said before leaving to speak with other guests.
Not long after, the doors opened and the Great Khal and his wife walked into the room, flanked by a dozen of his Death Guard. He walked with purpose to his throne as the conversations stopped and respect was paid.
He helped his wife onto the dais and waited for his sons and those who held office to take their places as well.
"What a day..." he sighed, shaking his head as if there was a great weight on his shoulders. Then he looked up, flashing a grin that's mirth was reflected in his good eye. "A day for feasting and drinking!" he said and many of the guests raised their cups in cheer.
"Let us celebrate the glories to come, and once our bellies are full and our faces red with drink, then may we talk of war." he said to great applause as a servant came baring a try of food and a goblet filled with wine.
First to his side came his brother Chagatai, but soon many other guests came to speak with Shono, as it was rare for many of them to come so far from their homes.
"Only for you to serve my glorious father to the best of your abilities. Prove your words true." he said before leaving to speak with other guests.
Not long after, the doors opened and the Great Khal and his wife walked into the room, flanked by a dozen of his Death Guard. He walked with purpose to his throne as the conversations stopped and respect was paid.
He helped his wife onto the dais and waited for his sons and those who held office to take their places as well.
"What a day..." he sighed, shaking his head as if there was a great weight on his shoulders. Then he looked up, flashing a grin that's mirth was reflected in his good eye. "A day for feasting and drinking!" he said and many of the guests raised their cups in cheer.
"Let us celebrate the glories to come, and once our bellies are full and our faces red with drink, then may we talk of war." he said to great applause as a servant came baring a try of food and a goblet filled with wine.
First to his side came his brother Chagatai, but soon many other guests came to speak with Shono, as it was rare for many of them to come so far from their homes.
"When she was eleven, my sister followed me through seven leagues of mountain terrain by tasting the earth for the salt of my sweat. And yet the two of you would have me believe she loses track of you several times a week, Princess." Sanjuro's voice said softly. The silent man seemed to step out of the darkness, as if he weren't there before. He bowed to the Khal's foster daughter as if she were his true child, as he usually did.
"I wonder if you would be so quick to guilt her into relaxing her duties if you knew I punished her each time." he said, with no real malice.
"I wonder if you would be so quick to guilt her into relaxing her duties if you knew I punished her each time." he said, with no real malice.
As the young dragon left, Eida watched him appreciatively. He was willing to accept criticism from a 'savage,' a rare trait for his people. Eida felt that Jin-Sahn had a steady head, and may help his position here at a later time.
The main doors flew open, and Eida quickly hung his head before the Khal that saw wisdom in letting him live, even after the malicious words of other Temujin. Once the man and his wife were seated and made their announcement, Eida looked at everyone as their toasted each other and spoke with renewed vigor. His eyes stopped momentarily on a woman in soft clothes unfitting the rest of the environment, and watched as her eyes widened in surprise as a shade practically materialized behind her, presumably saying something to her. Sanjuro, a wraith himself, was someone that Eida respected. To earn a place as guardian after his people surrendering, he was aiming for similar. Eida was practiced in similar arts, and could envy the man his ability at times.
He waited his turn to have a moment to address the Khal, and when it came, he stood with deference. "Warlord Awilix sends her regrets on her inability to arrive. The Khal's great reputation has brought a far larger number of warriors from abroad than was expected. I would serve as her proxy for the evening if you will it." A small gesture, but information and flattery are currency in this hall right now.
The main doors flew open, and Eida quickly hung his head before the Khal that saw wisdom in letting him live, even after the malicious words of other Temujin. Once the man and his wife were seated and made their announcement, Eida looked at everyone as their toasted each other and spoke with renewed vigor. His eyes stopped momentarily on a woman in soft clothes unfitting the rest of the environment, and watched as her eyes widened in surprise as a shade practically materialized behind her, presumably saying something to her. Sanjuro, a wraith himself, was someone that Eida respected. To earn a place as guardian after his people surrendering, he was aiming for similar. Eida was practiced in similar arts, and could envy the man his ability at times.
He waited his turn to have a moment to address the Khal, and when it came, he stood with deference. "Warlord Awilix sends her regrets on her inability to arrive. The Khal's great reputation has brought a far larger number of warriors from abroad than was expected. I would serve as her proxy for the evening if you will it." A small gesture, but information and flattery are currency in this hall right now.
Shono accepted the Nahuatl's bow and nodded at his words.
"She trusts you to speak to me in her stead, then you are either a most valuable retainer or an incredible lover." the man said with a belly laugh. He nudged his son Jin-Sahn who was near by. "I accept your counsel, consort to the only woman in the Hundred kingdoms brave enough to refuse my advances." he chuckled. He clapped his hands and a servant refilled the Khal's glass and poured a second for Eida.
"Tell me your name, mighty lover." he said, raising his cup in toast.
"She trusts you to speak to me in her stead, then you are either a most valuable retainer or an incredible lover." the man said with a belly laugh. He nudged his son Jin-Sahn who was near by. "I accept your counsel, consort to the only woman in the Hundred kingdoms brave enough to refuse my advances." he chuckled. He clapped his hands and a servant refilled the Khal's glass and poured a second for Eida.
"Tell me your name, mighty lover." he said, raising his cup in toast.
Callista turned slowly and gracefully towards the quiet voice that had come out of the shadows, still maintaining her composure despite the fact that her heart had skipped a few beats in the seconds before she recognized Sanjuro’s figure.
”It is always nice to know your watchful eye is on our Khal of Khals, Sanjuro. You do not miss much that goes on in these walls and it helps someone like me sleep better knowing you are around,” she said giving him a warm, genuine smile. May’s brother was a strange man that she didn’t often get to speak with much because their paths rarely crossed, but she knew him to be true to his duty. ”I understand that if you feel that it is necessary to punish May, but you must but consider that it is no fault of hers that I wander aimlessly. Please go easy on her, for my sake.”
Her eyes darted towards the dais where the Khal was entertaining the pale man Callista believed was one of Awilix’s associates. Most of the people in the room were watching the exchange as well, it was secret that the Nahuatl warlord was one of the fiercest around and a woman of all things. This made her curious as well, as to know more about the kind of land would allow a woman such prestige.
”It is always nice to know your watchful eye is on our Khal of Khals, Sanjuro. You do not miss much that goes on in these walls and it helps someone like me sleep better knowing you are around,” she said giving him a warm, genuine smile. May’s brother was a strange man that she didn’t often get to speak with much because their paths rarely crossed, but she knew him to be true to his duty. ”I understand that if you feel that it is necessary to punish May, but you must but consider that it is no fault of hers that I wander aimlessly. Please go easy on her, for my sake.”
Her eyes darted towards the dais where the Khal was entertaining the pale man Callista believed was one of Awilix’s associates. Most of the people in the room were watching the exchange as well, it was secret that the Nahuatl warlord was one of the fiercest around and a woman of all things. This made her curious as well, as to know more about the kind of land would allow a woman such prestige.
He smiled and glanced momentarily at Jin-Sahn as he accepted the proffered glass. The son did take more than exaltation from his father, his light-hearted court manners were a gift. "Eida, great Khal, Ebon Eyes of the Nahuatl. Companion to Awilix. Honored to be accepted to counsel. If you require anything of me, ask." He lifted his own cup and drank heavily. The lord nodded his approval as Eida was quite nearly shoved away by an impatient general wanting his moment to shine.
Eida sidled away, stopping to rest just a few feet from the Khal's princess in hopes of talking to her and see what she had come for, since her eyes had hardly left him since he had approached the Khal. He stood just far enough from the steely gaze of the man that he wasn't thought of as a risk. Sanjuro's loyalty was steadfast, but his motives and behaviors were erratic and enigmatic.
Eida sidled away, stopping to rest just a few feet from the Khal's princess in hopes of talking to her and see what she had come for, since her eyes had hardly left him since he had approached the Khal. He stood just far enough from the steely gaze of the man that he wasn't thought of as a risk. Sanjuro's loyalty was steadfast, but his motives and behaviors were erratic and enigmatic.
Beneath his mask Sanjuro smiled. He easily understood his sister's soft spot for the girl. "Your words are undeserved by this one, Princess. My duty is it's own reward." he said.
"And at your orders, Princess, I would. But Mayumi would take it as an offense if I treated her any differently than other Azuma who fail in their duties." he bowed apologetically. "I would rather not suffer her wra-" his hand fell to the hilt of his blade and he made an almost imperceptible movement that would give him the leverage needed to step between Callista and danger, as well as dispatch the man approaching her.
"Those who consort with demons have no reason to approach the Princess." he said in an even voice.
"And at your orders, Princess, I would. But Mayumi would take it as an offense if I treated her any differently than other Azuma who fail in their duties." he bowed apologetically. "I would rather not suffer her wra-" his hand fell to the hilt of his blade and he made an almost imperceptible movement that would give him the leverage needed to step between Callista and danger, as well as dispatch the man approaching her.
"Those who consort with demons have no reason to approach the Princess." he said in an even voice.
Eida was right to keep the distance he had. The wraith moved quick. Eida kept his hands to his side and lifted his palms up, empty. He wasn't armed. That wasn't to say that he couldn't be armed in an instant with the bindings around him, but that he wasn't currently.
"To assume equal power is to think falsely, Chanekeh." He had to try to maintain an even voice, he wasn't expecting to be outwardly threatened when the woman's own guardian was away. "The lady wanted to speak with me, or I am no judge of body language. If I am wrong, she can tell me to leave, but I will not approach further."
"To assume equal power is to think falsely, Chanekeh." He had to try to maintain an even voice, he wasn't expecting to be outwardly threatened when the woman's own guardian was away. "The lady wanted to speak with me, or I am no judge of body language. If I am wrong, she can tell me to leave, but I will not approach further."
Callista reached over and placed her hand on Sanjuro’s sword arm gently. ”That is no way to treat a guest of our Khal, Sanjuro. I am sure the Kaloomte Awilix would not keep an untrustworthy man as her consort.” She turned her gaze back to the man approaching and bowed as she would have if the warlord herself was there. Inside Callista was eager to know more about their people and culture but never had the courage to talk to Awilix herself so she saw this as an opportunity to perhaps learn more. ”It is a pleasure to finally get to meet you, Eida. I have heard your name on the lips of your leader often enough to know your importance to her cause. I am Callista of the Terenuth family, ward of Khalo Shono. What may I do for you?”
At her touch Sanjuro's hand fell to his sides.
"I trust Awilix's judgement less than I trust her cat to behave in the kitchen." he said. "But if speaking with this warlock is your wish, Princess, you must accept that he may come no closer." he said begrudgingly. The Princess was young and naive. Her trusting and compassionate nature was the exact reason the Empress came to him to see she was protected by his finest warrior.
"I trust Awilix's judgement less than I trust her cat to behave in the kitchen." he said. "But if speaking with this warlock is your wish, Princess, you must accept that he may come no closer." he said begrudgingly. The Princess was young and naive. Her trusting and compassionate nature was the exact reason the Empress came to him to see she was protected by his finest warrior.
Moderators: cyranax Callista (played anonymously) Eida (played anonymously) Kellian Roux (played anonymously)