Two days after the meeting, the Shining Horde finally mobilizes for it's assault on Shu Han. Twenty six grueling days of marching, and two small skirmishes sees their army within view of the high walls of the Dragon-King's mighty city.

There it was in front of them. Shu Han, the city to fall. The march hadn't bee difficult, but the waiting had been miserable. Her men had been held back during the skirmishes that broke out earlier because they had such a pivotal role to play, and all of them were chomping at the bit for some action. They wanted a chance to prove themselves. The Temujin were laughing at them as they were told to stay in the reserve forces, and they hated it. Rebekah had to keep them quelled and ready for this day, so she had them drilling nonstop with their An-Tir shield wardens so they could work together. It was smooth enough, but only the real thing would matter in the long run.
"All right, that's enough! Put away your gear before you get sloppy." She turned to her companions with a triumphant grin. "So, what do you think?"
"All right, that's enough! Put away your gear before you get sloppy." She turned to her companions with a triumphant grin. "So, what do you think?"
"What do I think? I think it's going to take a little more than some fire dust and large stones to get across that wall. These people weren't playing around when they built that thing. It's like there's a problem with Warlords running across the land conquering people or something," Jill grinned, popping up almost out of nowhere like she often did. She stretched which might have indicated that she had been napping somewhere but she was wearing a shinning set of armor that's metal seemed to shift and change in the dim light so there was no telling with the cat-eared woman.
Rebekah was having a little fun, she supposed, her mood was high with her expectations, this would be a challenge, and she would make it work. "Ha! Silver, glad you came too. I have more than firedust and large stones. You heard of ardent resin before? I have bricks of the stuff I got from an alchemist on the way. Incendiary blocks the explode on contact with a heat from a fuse-wire. The more in one spot, the bigger the display.
The fresh stuff flows like sap, but if you let it set for a few months, it becomes like clay, and even longer, like stone. The stone burns for weeks. The more fluid forms trap gasses the blast everything nearby."
Rebekah started packing her bag back up and took out a small oilskin bag, tossing over to her friend. "Already shaped those little gems myself."
The fresh stuff flows like sap, but if you let it set for a few months, it becomes like clay, and even longer, like stone. The stone burns for weeks. The more fluid forms trap gasses the blast everything nearby."
Rebekah started packing her bag back up and took out a small oilskin bag, tossing over to her friend. "Already shaped those little gems myself."
Awilix stalked through the camp. She'd already spoken with the Ogun Chieftain... she couldn't remember his name. It didn't matter to her tough, he wasn't notable. Only their blacksmith-sorcerers were.
Suku's precense kept people a good distance away from her, which made it easy to get from one part of the camp to another.
Eventually she saw the fiery red hair she sought.
"Ah, Lookshy! I've been looking all over for you-....." her words cut off as she noticed the girl beside the siege specialist. She stared at the woman with an uncertainty.
"Who is your cute little friend, and why has it taken her so long to introduce herself to me." she asked as she sized up the other girl. She was almost certainly...
Suku's precense kept people a good distance away from her, which made it easy to get from one part of the camp to another.
Eventually she saw the fiery red hair she sought.
"Ah, Lookshy! I've been looking all over for you-....." her words cut off as she noticed the girl beside the siege specialist. She stared at the woman with an uncertainty.
"Who is your cute little friend, and why has it taken her so long to introduce herself to me." she asked as she sized up the other girl. She was almost certainly...
”I told you I’d be here. I couldn’t pass up watching the walls of Shu Han come crashing down now could I?” She grinned. Jill inspected the little balls of resin and the image of using them to blow open a safe or two came to mind. Alchemy was definitely going to have to be on her to-do list once she’d uncovered more wonders from the previous age. ”You really know your stuff don’t ya Ruby?” She said handing the bag back will all of its contents still there.
Jill’s little white ear swiveled around and her head quickly followed towards the voice behind her. Ooops she thought. She’d been so busy having fun with the large siege weapons that she’d neglected to make her way back to the camp to introduce herself to the other chosen of Luna. ”Hi there! I can’t say we’ve met. I’m Jillian, or Silver,” she grinned at the wild looking woman.
Jill’s little white ear swiveled around and her head quickly followed towards the voice behind her. Ooops she thought. She’d been so busy having fun with the large siege weapons that she’d neglected to make her way back to the camp to introduce herself to the other chosen of Luna. ”Hi there! I can’t say we’ve met. I’m Jillian, or Silver,” she grinned at the wild looking woman.
"Silver... yes I can see that." she said, no longer interested in anything else.
Suku sensed something was off and spoke up with a growl. She reached down to pet him.
"What brings you here, Silver?" she asked closing the gap between them subtly.
Suku sensed something was off and spoke up with a growl. She reached down to pet him.
"What brings you here, Silver?" she asked closing the gap between them subtly.
Jill didn't know what the other lunar considered to be her territory but they were certainly not in it as far as she could tell. She was a bit concerned for the safety of her new friend should the other woman lash out.
"I'm working with them," she said jerking her thumb back towards the company working on the heavy artillery. Jill shifted a little in front of Ruby. She wasn't much of a fighter but she figured she could lead the other away if needed.
"I'm working with them," she said jerking her thumb back towards the company working on the heavy artillery. Jill shifted a little in front of Ruby. She wasn't much of a fighter but she figured she could lead the other away if needed.
Rebekah wasn't blind. There was something between these two, but she had no idea what. But she didn't need Silver standing up for her, she didn't do anything.
Rebekah took a step out from her friend, she would be on equal terms in this debate. "Warlord, I asked Silver to join my ranks when we met at the muster camp. She is practiced in mechanical wonders, and will be of great assistance to my men should she be allowed to join us."
Rebekah took a step out from her friend, she would be on equal terms in this debate. "Warlord, I asked Silver to join my ranks when we met at the muster camp. She is practiced in mechanical wonders, and will be of great assistance to my men should she be allowed to join us."
"Oh she's useful alright." Awilix said with a grin. "But no, you won't be keeping her to yourself, Lookshy." she reached out and tucked a strand of the girls hair behind her cat ears.
"I want you both now. Keep her our secret and we shall win great favor." there was a gleam in her eyes as the possibilities of a second Lunar raced through her mind.
"I want you both now. Keep her our secret and we shall win great favor." there was a gleam in her eyes as the possibilities of a second Lunar raced through her mind.
Jill could have groaned out loud. The look on the other woman's face made her feel like she was the mouse that was caught, not the other way around.
"There are no laws stating that I have to do any work outside what I signed up for," she narrowed her eyes a bit at the suggestions that she had used for her, intentionally indicating her knowledge of the Silver Way. "Great favor with who? You should be asking if this is important to me before you go suggesting I keep any secrets for you."
"There are no laws stating that I have to do any work outside what I signed up for," she narrowed her eyes a bit at the suggestions that she had used for her, intentionally indicating her knowledge of the Silver Way. "Great favor with who? You should be asking if this is important to me before you go suggesting I keep any secrets for you."
Awilix pouted mockingly, clicking her tongue.
"There is only one law out here little one; the Khal's law. Your desires mean nothing in the face of his designs." she shrugged.
"He prises Exalted highly. Perhaps you should be more concerned with me keeping secrets for you." she made sure the girl felt that threat. Suku let out a soft growl, understanding the tone of not the words.
"It would be better for you to already be in the service of me, than discovered hiding among his horde. But suit yourself, as you say there are no laws among out people demanding otherwise."
"There is only one law out here little one; the Khal's law. Your desires mean nothing in the face of his designs." she shrugged.
"He prises Exalted highly. Perhaps you should be more concerned with me keeping secrets for you." she made sure the girl felt that threat. Suku let out a soft growl, understanding the tone of not the words.
"It would be better for you to already be in the service of me, than discovered hiding among his horde. But suit yourself, as you say there are no laws among out people demanding otherwise."
Rebekah looked between the two women in front of her. "Wait...Silver, you're Ascended? And you need us? For what?" There was so much to absorb in that ten seconds.
Jill huffed loudly, this was not going at all how she had imagined it.
"I'm just passing through at best, the Khal can go conquest whatever he wants. I'm here for the pay, so unless you have a good offer you want to put on the table and I don't mean an offer of Jade, I'll be gone before your great leader even knows I'm here."
She flashed a sheepish grin over to her friend that said 'sorry but not sorry' "Chosen of Luna at your service. No sense trying to hide it now since someone let the cat out of the bag, so to speak."
"I'm just passing through at best, the Khal can go conquest whatever he wants. I'm here for the pay, so unless you have a good offer you want to put on the table and I don't mean an offer of Jade, I'll be gone before your great leader even knows I'm here."
She flashed a sheepish grin over to her friend that said 'sorry but not sorry' "Chosen of Luna at your service. No sense trying to hide it now since someone let the cat out of the bag, so to speak."
"Oh I like you," Awilix purred, leaning in and planting a kiss on the Lunar's mouth. "You've a fire to you little one, you might just survive here. What is it you would like? With me you're protected from the Wyld Hunt, you'll want for nothing, you may have your way with any of my warriors you please. What else do you want? You're not here for a meager portion of gold, are you? Is it spells? Treasures?" she looked down at the firewands on Stalling's hips. "Magical treasures? I have a whole ziggurat full of sorcerers workings I know nothing of." it had been a very long time she'd met an Exalted that wasn't one of the Khal's men, or an enemy that fell before his wrath.
Rebekah was feeling ignored now by the two Ascended, and then objectified as a spoil when the Warlord motioned to her toys.
"I'm still here you know. All the time in the world to bed Silver if you can find her price. You said you wanted me for something?"
"I'm still here you know. All the time in the world to bed Silver if you can find her price. You said you wanted me for something?"
Awilix grinned, sparing a sideways glance to Rebekah.
"Don't worry Lookshy, you're still my favorite." she grinned. "There's a meeting soon, my advisor wanted to go over a few last minute things with you beforehand. Good thing I wanted out of that stuffy tent," she said looking back at her fellow Lunar. "I wouldn't have known about my new best friend here." she hoped she'd picked out the girl's interests. Why else would she be inspecting a bag of wand-powder.
"Don't worry Lookshy, you're still my favorite." she grinned. "There's a meeting soon, my advisor wanted to go over a few last minute things with you beforehand. Good thing I wanted out of that stuffy tent," she said looking back at her fellow Lunar. "I wouldn't have known about my new best friend here." she hoped she'd picked out the girl's interests. Why else would she be inspecting a bag of wand-powder.
Rebekah groaned. "More? You mean Eida isn't done boring us yet? We'll have grave markers by the time he is happy." She started walking away from the 'couple' that just met.
"Fine, I'll let you two get to know each other better, I'm gonna look for something fun before I have to endure another one of that man's lectures." She walked off looking for someone else to entertain her for the little time she had before meeting up with the commanders again.
"Fine, I'll let you two get to know each other better, I'm gonna look for something fun before I have to endure another one of that man's lectures." She walked off looking for someone else to entertain her for the little time she had before meeting up with the commanders again.
Her ears perked up ”A whole ziggurat you say? I’m sure there has to be something useful in there,” she mused. Jill wasn’t sure how the other Lunar would feel about those treasures being removed though. She kind of huffed when her mortal friend walked off but she would catch up later once things were settled with the lunar.
”I don’t think I caught your name,” she said turning her attention back to the warrior woman. ”As for treasures and items from the first age, yes I do seek them but not for personal gain. Well, maybe personal curiosity but there are many in the Silver Pact that can put items to good use or desire to have relics from their lost mates.” Sometimes they even repaid her too but ever since she left her life behind in Nexus she’d had little use for money. It did bother some Lunars that so far she refused to plant herself in a portion of creation to partake in their grand plan of the Thousand Streams River but nothing had felt right yet. She always felt restless.
”I don’t think I caught your name,” she said turning her attention back to the warrior woman. ”As for treasures and items from the first age, yes I do seek them but not for personal gain. Well, maybe personal curiosity but there are many in the Silver Pact that can put items to good use or desire to have relics from their lost mates.” Sometimes they even repaid her too but ever since she left her life behind in Nexus she’d had little use for money. It did bother some Lunars that so far she refused to plant herself in a portion of creation to partake in their grand plan of the Thousand Streams River but nothing had felt right yet. She always felt restless.
"I am called Awilix, but you can call me whatever you like." she smiled, she had piqued to other woman's interest.
"You and me both, Lookshy." she called as the redhead walked off.
She listened to the other Lunar as she gave some back story and then shrugged.
"After they gave me my marks I didn't have much use for stuffy old Lunars who care about the past more than the present." she said.
"I don't know that any of the items in my home are so old as our dead soul mates, but they are of little use to me." she didn't really even believe the old story, even if some small part of her seemed to remember another life.
"They say stopping the wyld is important, that we must help the mortals resist the hosts, but here is a man who would unite one hundred kingdoms, and they would cast him off because he's a Dragon Blood." there was a bitterness to her words.
"No, I don't have time for most others of our kind. But I have a feeling you are different, Silver, are you different? Will you help me?" she asked hungrily.
"You and me both, Lookshy." she called as the redhead walked off.
She listened to the other Lunar as she gave some back story and then shrugged.
"After they gave me my marks I didn't have much use for stuffy old Lunars who care about the past more than the present." she said.
"I don't know that any of the items in my home are so old as our dead soul mates, but they are of little use to me." she didn't really even believe the old story, even if some small part of her seemed to remember another life.
"They say stopping the wyld is important, that we must help the mortals resist the hosts, but here is a man who would unite one hundred kingdoms, and they would cast him off because he's a Dragon Blood." there was a bitterness to her words.
"No, I don't have time for most others of our kind. But I have a feeling you are different, Silver, are you different? Will you help me?" she asked hungrily.
Moderators: cyranax Callista (played anonymously) Eida (played anonymously) Kellian Roux (played anonymously)