The Khal of Khals sat on his throne, his war council was smaller now, and had new faces after the loss of brave men. Everyone stood in silence, all knowing the topic of the meeting would be a sore one.
"Let us skip to the matter at hand; my brother's delay was a key factor in our defeat at Shu Han. Many of you wish to blame strategies employed, recklessness by certain commanders. The simple fact is, with another six thousand men, men that were promised to me, the outcome would likely have been different." he spat on the floor and drew a long sip from his goblet of wine.
"Some of you leap to his defense, insisting he was intercepted. Others claim he chose not to answer my call for conquest because I denied his desire to exclude troops from other parts of my Empire. I have no proof, but either way he must answer for his failings. His silence has earned him little favor from me." he said, gesturing that he would now listen to arguments.
Donovan and Mercy filed in the back taking their place before the Khal spoke. He was here to listen and report. Though if needed he could bare testimony of what he had witnessed. The Khal's words put the onus on Changatai. So he expected him or his to make the first rebuttal against any claims against their honor.
Eida stepped forward. His body was still raw from his injuries, but there was relatively little scarring, and a significantly faster recovery thanks to Callista's ministrations. His voice was raspy, and he took long pauses between sentences while he spoke.
"Great Khal, the assault that took place did not end favorably.
However, even with the smaller force we had, your Shining Horde, under the direction of your esteemed son, has done more damage to the city of Shu-Han than we have managed before." There were some shouts and hurrahs from a few around, and Eida took that moment to catch his breath.
"That is cause to believe in the might of the people under your banner.
However, Khal Chagatai needs to be brought to audience. His absence was felt deeply by all who were with us.
Holding judgement of him without his explanation would be ill advised, it could alienate men under him that would otherwise return to your fold."
Eida stepped back, coughing. He motioned for a servant to bring him water. Talking was obviously a strain on him, but he was needed. He couldn't leave his Warlord here without his voice.
"Great Khal, the assault that took place did not end favorably.
However, even with the smaller force we had, your Shining Horde, under the direction of your esteemed son, has done more damage to the city of Shu-Han than we have managed before." There were some shouts and hurrahs from a few around, and Eida took that moment to catch his breath.
"That is cause to believe in the might of the people under your banner.
However, Khal Chagatai needs to be brought to audience. His absence was felt deeply by all who were with us.
Holding judgement of him without his explanation would be ill advised, it could alienate men under him that would otherwise return to your fold."
Eida stepped back, coughing. He motioned for a servant to bring him water. Talking was obviously a strain on him, but he was needed. He couldn't leave his Warlord here without his voice.
The throne room had so many new faces but Callista felt as if the souls of those parted still loomed over the gathering. She had May pick out a simple white dress for the meeting, the Terenuth traditional color of mourning. Instead of looking demure, she radiated like a gentle beacon of glossy silk amongst the Khal's men in their dark leathers and heavy brocade.
Her eyes passed over Donovan and Mercy in the back, as she was sure they were feeling the loss of the warmaster and countless comrades more heavily than she. The An-Tir had proven their strength both in battle and in their spirit, Callista felt they had more than earned their place of honor in the Khal's horde. His brother had been wrong, the forces of the other nations only made them stronger as a whole.
Up front were the more prominent advisors, including the prince, several other Khals, Awilix and Eida. Callista smiled a little as the sorcerer stepped forth, glad to see that he was healing well. Most people in the palace had thought his quick recovery was due to his mysterious power and so far only Sanjuro and herself knew the truth. That also meant that the ghost had not told anyone of her actions, not even his Khal. Despite the lingering feeling of betrayal from learning he had sent her to watch the failure of their crusade without alerting anyone, her feelings towards Sanjuro were no longer so harsh. He had kept her secret regardless of his opinions of the Nahuatl.
Her eyes passed over Donovan and Mercy in the back, as she was sure they were feeling the loss of the warmaster and countless comrades more heavily than she. The An-Tir had proven their strength both in battle and in their spirit, Callista felt they had more than earned their place of honor in the Khal's horde. His brother had been wrong, the forces of the other nations only made them stronger as a whole.
Up front were the more prominent advisors, including the prince, several other Khals, Awilix and Eida. Callista smiled a little as the sorcerer stepped forth, glad to see that he was healing well. Most people in the palace had thought his quick recovery was due to his mysterious power and so far only Sanjuro and herself knew the truth. That also meant that the ghost had not told anyone of her actions, not even his Khal. Despite the lingering feeling of betrayal from learning he had sent her to watch the failure of their crusade without alerting anyone, her feelings towards Sanjuro were no longer so harsh. He had kept her secret regardless of his opinions of the Nahuatl.
Jill tried her best not to fidget as she stood off to the side trying to blend in. She could have really faded into the crowd if she wanted but by now most of the people here had seen her wandering in the palace so it seemed like a waste of energy. Cat form would have been a good option too, she could have sat on Ruby's shoulder the whole time but they were keeping thathe trick of hers quiet too. She sighed and wondered how other Lunars like Awilix put up with all this talk. It was downright boring.
Shono nodded at the Nahautl boy's words.
"My brother left in such haste to ready his forces, he was not involved in the planning. This was a mistake. I do not know what caused his failure to arrive, I do not know for sure he did not arrive. Shu Han's ambush forced your hands. My anger and disappointment cannot change that action had to be taken." he let his thoughts be known to the whole court for the first time. His closest attendants knew this attitude took time coming around to.
"This time, I shall send the war council to my brother. Jin-Sahn shall go with most of his advisors. Though some must remain here, or return to their homes to rally more forces to our banner. I have forgiven this failure, as I know it has cost many of you greatly. My own son may not survive wounds sustained in the battle. But understand me now; fail me this time, and you will all be replaced." he waved his hands.
"My brother left in such haste to ready his forces, he was not involved in the planning. This was a mistake. I do not know what caused his failure to arrive, I do not know for sure he did not arrive. Shu Han's ambush forced your hands. My anger and disappointment cannot change that action had to be taken." he let his thoughts be known to the whole court for the first time. His closest attendants knew this attitude took time coming around to.
"This time, I shall send the war council to my brother. Jin-Sahn shall go with most of his advisors. Though some must remain here, or return to their homes to rally more forces to our banner. I have forgiven this failure, as I know it has cost many of you greatly. My own son may not survive wounds sustained in the battle. But understand me now; fail me this time, and you will all be replaced." he waved his hands.
Ruby was antsy in the background. Here she was, agreeing to help out the war effort, and the first thing she is told is that if she fails, she's going to be replaced. That didn't bode well at all.
She looked over at Silver, whose tail was twitching nervously. They were going to try again, and soon. That meant they were doing this without the explosives. She could only hope that the breach had weakened other access points. She only had her two bags left, the rest would take weeks.
She looked over at Silver, whose tail was twitching nervously. They were going to try again, and soon. That meant they were doing this without the explosives. She could only hope that the breach had weakened other access points. She only had her two bags left, the rest would take weeks.
A knot began to grown in Callista's stomach as Khal Shono spoke as she reflected in the Azuma’s words about Khal Chagatai’s lack of action. So far the wraith had been right in many of his predictions and she couldn't see any reason for him to lie to her. If she was to find proof of his deception she knew she would need help. Her soft brown eyes scanned the assembly, looking for possibly allies. Prince Jin-Sahn wasn't likely to believe the accusations against his uncle, not without proof. Callista felt a touch guilty at being unwilling to trust her future husband but she knew that he would also be under too much scrutiny to be effective at digging up information.
None of the other Khals were an option. It was unlikely that they would listen to someone not of their tribe, let a lone a woman. That left the An-Tir, the Nahuatl and the mercenaries. She knew Donovan to be a man of honor but was unsure if he was capable the subtly the investigation would need. But he also had Mercy, who was often overlooked by the other soldiers and could listen in places othere could not. Callista remembered that Sanjuro had mentioned Eida would be at her side and she wondered if that meant that she should ask the Nahuatl for aid. It was a long shot, and she knew Awilix wasn't skilled at keeping secrets but her sorcerer had magic to do all sorts of wondrous things.
After her mind was made up she refocused on the meeting, attaching a small faux smile to her lips as if she approved of all the Khal said.
None of the other Khals were an option. It was unlikely that they would listen to someone not of their tribe, let a lone a woman. That left the An-Tir, the Nahuatl and the mercenaries. She knew Donovan to be a man of honor but was unsure if he was capable the subtly the investigation would need. But he also had Mercy, who was often overlooked by the other soldiers and could listen in places othere could not. Callista remembered that Sanjuro had mentioned Eida would be at her side and she wondered if that meant that she should ask the Nahuatl for aid. It was a long shot, and she knew Awilix wasn't skilled at keeping secrets but her sorcerer had magic to do all sorts of wondrous things.
After her mind was made up she refocused on the meeting, attaching a small faux smile to her lips as if she approved of all the Khal said.
"It shall be so, father. I shall discover the trruth of my uncle's tardiness, and plan with him our next assault. Shu Han will fall!" the young Prince said, to a chorus of cheers.
"I have already chosen much of the party. Akoni, Awilix, Rebekah, Brother Donovan, Hailung, Taigo and Princess Callista. Each of you may bring a few attendants, but we travel light." he said.
"I have already chosen much of the party. Akoni, Awilix, Rebekah, Brother Donovan, Hailung, Taigo and Princess Callista. Each of you may bring a few attendants, but we travel light." he said.
Ruby looked on in awe as she heard her name with the respected warlords to accompany the prince. She had no idea how to lead, or what he expected of her, the men that followed her were all gone.
She turned to the twitchy lunar at her side, "Care to be my 'attendant' then, Silver? I don't exactly know anyone else."
She turned to the twitchy lunar at her side, "Care to be my 'attendant' then, Silver? I don't exactly know anyone else."
"Hmm, as long as you don't start requiring me to call you m'lady or scrub under your nails. Doesn't sound like there will be any mass explosions so I'm in."
Donovan was shocked that teh Kahl's brother was still in the field. However, that meant he was still in the field with his camp of 3000 riders.
Mercy, you must run to the camp to inform Warmaster Soto of the situation. Request of him a lance of knights to accompany us. Per the Khals decree we must be ready to ride at once, but I do not trust the Khal's brother any farther than I can spit a rat, and it does not sit well to me to ride into his camp so few in number. If his tardiness truly was a trap, then this is nothing more than presenting most of his enemies to him on a platter. I imagine us to be under his notice and of little consequence. However if this is a trap within a trap, then I would that we can buy our Khal and his princess the time they need. I shall be preparing our bags and horses here... and Yes, I do still know how to pack and mount myself, it was not so long ago that I was a squire, but if you give me that look again I shall box your ears, or worse, I shall back your bustle dress you bought here and make you wear it the entire ride there. Now go.
Mercy, you must run to the camp to inform Warmaster Soto of the situation. Request of him a lance of knights to accompany us. Per the Khals decree we must be ready to ride at once, but I do not trust the Khal's brother any farther than I can spit a rat, and it does not sit well to me to ride into his camp so few in number. If his tardiness truly was a trap, then this is nothing more than presenting most of his enemies to him on a platter. I imagine us to be under his notice and of little consequence. However if this is a trap within a trap, then I would that we can buy our Khal and his princess the time they need. I shall be preparing our bags and horses here... and Yes, I do still know how to pack and mount myself, it was not so long ago that I was a squire, but if you give me that look again I shall box your ears, or worse, I shall back your bustle dress you bought here and make you wear it the entire ride there. Now go.
As the council began to disperse, Callista disappeared out the side door. The area was too saturated with Temujin whose loyalties weren't known enough for her to be comfortable speaking anywhere they could over hear. She caught a glimpse of Mercy dashing off down the hall looking like she was on some urgent business most likely for Donovan. That left only her other option for now.
“Eida,” she said lightly as the tattooed man exited the room. After his miraculous recovery Callista hadn't seen him much since it wasn't proper to visit him once he was moved back to his own quarters. She wondered just how much he had remembered through the pain. “Now that you are feeling better I was wondering if you were still interested in seeing the orchard. I do not know how long this journey will be and I'm afraid we may not make it back in time for the festival.”
“Eida,” she said lightly as the tattooed man exited the room. After his miraculous recovery Callista hadn't seen him much since it wasn't proper to visit him once he was moved back to his own quarters. She wondered just how much he had remembered through the pain. “Now that you are feeling better I was wondering if you were still interested in seeing the orchard. I do not know how long this journey will be and I'm afraid we may not make it back in time for the festival.”
Eida came out carrying half a dozen scrolls and parchments with the various notes from scribes and messages from the war camps. After he put them away, Eida was going to go lay down again. Even this exertion put strain on him. He should be finished recovering during the travel to where Khal Chagatai was currently, but until then, he needed to conserve himself. Besides, if he didn't Awilix and the cat would bodily carry him again.
Callista's soft voice carried easily through hall. He was one of the very last out of the chamber, so there wouldn't be many left to demand his attention, so he had a minute to spare.
"That thought has crossed my mind.
The journey according to the notes I've been given make this trip near fourteen days.
I am disappointed in the results, but have resigned myself to my duty.
The princess will be missing the tradition with her people because of this...problem, and that troubles me." Eida was clearly struggling with his words, more annoyed that he couldn't speak all that much at once rather than that he was in pain. The salve that worked wonders for the burns on the outside could do nothing for the damage on the inside.
Callista's soft voice carried easily through hall. He was one of the very last out of the chamber, so there wouldn't be many left to demand his attention, so he had a minute to spare.
"That thought has crossed my mind.
The journey according to the notes I've been given make this trip near fourteen days.
I am disappointed in the results, but have resigned myself to my duty.
The princess will be missing the tradition with her people because of this...problem, and that troubles me." Eida was clearly struggling with his words, more annoyed that he couldn't speak all that much at once rather than that he was in pain. The salve that worked wonders for the burns on the outside could do nothing for the damage on the inside.
”There will be many more years for me to attend the Reaping. This errand we are on is much more important than a festival,” she said even though she had already realized that this would be the first time in her entire life that she would not be present for the Reaping. The thought made her sad and it would seem that it was just another sign that her life was slowly changing. ”I know you have many duties to attend to in these troubled times but if you could find the time I would be honored to escort you there and show them to you,” Callista smiled, intentionally giving him the excuse of his duties to allow him to choose a time when he felt had the energy to do so.
Eida was taken aback at her request. The princess had been the one to make and administer the potent poultice that had gotten him this far along in his recovery, and now she was inviting the Sorcerer to tour the orchards with her.
"I am honored for your offer, princess, however I have no responsibilities for the next few days. I managed to complete my preparations for the trip yesterday while I was...confined...to my room. I wouldn't miss that opportunity for anything, but please, do not put yourself out because of me."
Eida was exhausted, but he couldn't bear to disappoint the princess. She was such a light in this palace, and every new Temujin problem threatened to put that out. He would not be a part of that. Besides, his curiosity towards the godly orchard was palpable. He could push himself for her. Awilix would probably roll her eyes, but her people were under the threat of dying out like the Nahuatl. He wanted to know what they were like.
"I am honored for your offer, princess, however I have no responsibilities for the next few days. I managed to complete my preparations for the trip yesterday while I was...confined...to my room. I wouldn't miss that opportunity for anything, but please, do not put yourself out because of me."
Eida was exhausted, but he couldn't bear to disappoint the princess. She was such a light in this palace, and every new Temujin problem threatened to put that out. He would not be a part of that. Besides, his curiosity towards the godly orchard was palpable. He could push himself for her. Awilix would probably roll her eyes, but her people were under the threat of dying out like the Nahuatl. He wanted to know what they were like.
Callista felt bad that her invite was under the pretense of kindness when in reality she needed an excuse to speak to him away from the prying ears and eyes of others. Although after some thought she found that part of her felt that perhaps those were not her only motivations.
Looking him over she could see the weariness he was masking and even though he looked nearly healed she knew there was more to recovery than what the eye could see. ”Well then, shall we meet tomorrow morning then while the sun is still low? I have my own preparations to make and I'm afraid I am not dressed for walking in the grass,” she smiled. A small exaggeration but she did not want him to tax himself any more that day.
Looking him over she could see the weariness he was masking and even though he looked nearly healed she knew there was more to recovery than what the eye could see. ”Well then, shall we meet tomorrow morning then while the sun is still low? I have my own preparations to make and I'm afraid I am not dressed for walking in the grass,” she smiled. A small exaggeration but she did not want him to tax himself any more that day.
"Of course princess, the early morning air would be a wonderful change." Eida bowed his head. He wondered just how many people were privy to a treat like this.
"Where is it I shall meet you tomorrow morning then? It would be irresponsible for me to have you waiting because I get lost."
Once he was told where the two of them would join each other, Eida excused himself and went to his quarters. The scrolls and paperwork he dumped on the desk, snuffing a candle the servants had lit in preparation of his arrival.
Sitting in the dark, windowless room that he called his own, Eida's mind wheeled. Sure, Princess Callista had made a promise to him to visit during the Reaping festival, but they were to be on mission during that time. Simple guilt over something like that couldn't be her motivation for going out of her way to give him the tour he was so interested in, could it?
He lay back on the stone slab that was his bed. A simple life, he was told, let to pleasure in the riches of experience. There was nothing simple to what was going on, but he was going to enjoy the opportunities that came his way.
"Where is it I shall meet you tomorrow morning then? It would be irresponsible for me to have you waiting because I get lost."
Once he was told where the two of them would join each other, Eida excused himself and went to his quarters. The scrolls and paperwork he dumped on the desk, snuffing a candle the servants had lit in preparation of his arrival.
Sitting in the dark, windowless room that he called his own, Eida's mind wheeled. Sure, Princess Callista had made a promise to him to visit during the Reaping festival, but they were to be on mission during that time. Simple guilt over something like that couldn't be her motivation for going out of her way to give him the tour he was so interested in, could it?
He lay back on the stone slab that was his bed. A simple life, he was told, let to pleasure in the riches of experience. There was nothing simple to what was going on, but he was going to enjoy the opportunities that came his way.
Mayumi walked into Sanjuro's room silently. She could see he was in deep meditation, before him were numerous forms of divination. Also scattered about were various scrolls and books that suggested he'd taken up an interest in ancient history.
She sat herself down next to him. He knew she was there, likely well before she entered the room. She wondered why he had turned down the Khal's offer of his own house. He certainly deserved one for all his efforts. He was the only man of his stature that lived within the palace walls.
"I have given instructions to the healers on how to take care of the Prince's wounds while I am gone. Why did you not tell me Callista would be going out again so soon? I don't like it." she said after a few moments. Sanjuro's eyes didn't open, but she could feel his consciousness come closer, away from the thoughts of distant places and times long past.
"Because you will remain behind with Prince Chen." he said simply. May's jaw very nearly dropped.
"You know I can do no more for him! You could, but I have no magics, Sanjuro. I should be with Callista!" she said, both angry and insulted. "Who do you trust with her safety more than I?" she asked. He opened his eyes finally.
"None, not even myself. But it is not up for discussion. You are needed here." he said, fully intending that to be the last they spoke of it. But Mayumi had noticed things the others didn't. Something was wrong with her brother, and this was madness.
"They are going to die, aren't they?" she said, horror crossing her features as she looked down at the divining sticks and bones scattered on the floor. Sanjuro took in a deep breath, exhaling slowly.
"Not the Princess." he said confidently. May reached out and slapped her brother hard across the face. It hardly turned his head, but it got her point across. He eyed her, shocked and angry himself.
"You are playing dangerous games!" she said accusingly. Slowly, carefully Sanjuro reached his thumbs underneath the cloth that covered the lower half of his face and pulled it down.
"I have always played this game, sister. When have I steered us wrong in the past? I took my second breath and nearly defeated the Khal's armies. I bent my knee and saved our people from death. I convinced the Empress that Callista would be of use to us. I convinced Shono to keep that ambitious Nahataul bitch around. All because I am patient enough to trust that fate has a plan. And now it is telling me our Princess needs to grow up. To harden her heart to the cruelties she will face as a leader. War and betrayal will temper her like a blade." May's eyes widened. She hated hearing this, it made her heart ache.
"Wouldn't my death harden her heart more than any other Azuma's?" she asked. Sanjuro let the words hang in the air, shocked that they broke the silence.
"I have given up my honor, my pride, my freedom and years of my life. I refuse lose you, Mayumi. The answer is no. Now get back to your duties before I punish you for daring to strike your lord." he rose and picked up a book from his desk, no longer paying attention to her.
May knew better than to push him further. For him to admit what he had meant he was feeling just as terrible about his actions as he should. It would do no more good fighting with him.
Still, it made her sick to her stomach that Callista was being sent into danger without her. If her brother was wrong.... she couldn't think that way. He had seen the omens wrong so few times in the past, but he had gotten them wrong in the past.
She sat herself down next to him. He knew she was there, likely well before she entered the room. She wondered why he had turned down the Khal's offer of his own house. He certainly deserved one for all his efforts. He was the only man of his stature that lived within the palace walls.
"I have given instructions to the healers on how to take care of the Prince's wounds while I am gone. Why did you not tell me Callista would be going out again so soon? I don't like it." she said after a few moments. Sanjuro's eyes didn't open, but she could feel his consciousness come closer, away from the thoughts of distant places and times long past.
"Because you will remain behind with Prince Chen." he said simply. May's jaw very nearly dropped.
"You know I can do no more for him! You could, but I have no magics, Sanjuro. I should be with Callista!" she said, both angry and insulted. "Who do you trust with her safety more than I?" she asked. He opened his eyes finally.
"None, not even myself. But it is not up for discussion. You are needed here." he said, fully intending that to be the last they spoke of it. But Mayumi had noticed things the others didn't. Something was wrong with her brother, and this was madness.
"They are going to die, aren't they?" she said, horror crossing her features as she looked down at the divining sticks and bones scattered on the floor. Sanjuro took in a deep breath, exhaling slowly.
"Not the Princess." he said confidently. May reached out and slapped her brother hard across the face. It hardly turned his head, but it got her point across. He eyed her, shocked and angry himself.
"You are playing dangerous games!" she said accusingly. Slowly, carefully Sanjuro reached his thumbs underneath the cloth that covered the lower half of his face and pulled it down.
"I have always played this game, sister. When have I steered us wrong in the past? I took my second breath and nearly defeated the Khal's armies. I bent my knee and saved our people from death. I convinced the Empress that Callista would be of use to us. I convinced Shono to keep that ambitious Nahataul bitch around. All because I am patient enough to trust that fate has a plan. And now it is telling me our Princess needs to grow up. To harden her heart to the cruelties she will face as a leader. War and betrayal will temper her like a blade." May's eyes widened. She hated hearing this, it made her heart ache.
"Wouldn't my death harden her heart more than any other Azuma's?" she asked. Sanjuro let the words hang in the air, shocked that they broke the silence.
"I have given up my honor, my pride, my freedom and years of my life. I refuse lose you, Mayumi. The answer is no. Now get back to your duties before I punish you for daring to strike your lord." he rose and picked up a book from his desk, no longer paying attention to her.
May knew better than to push him further. For him to admit what he had meant he was feeling just as terrible about his actions as he should. It would do no more good fighting with him.
Still, it made her sick to her stomach that Callista was being sent into danger without her. If her brother was wrong.... she couldn't think that way. He had seen the omens wrong so few times in the past, but he had gotten them wrong in the past.
Moderators: cyranax Callista (played anonymously) Eida (played anonymously) Kellian Roux (played anonymously)