In the weeks after the ambush at Chang'an, the returned Solars have been treated with a mixture of fear and respect. Each given rooms worthy of Exalted nobility, but left under heavy surveillance. Many whispers as to what should be done with them, and what they even are swirl around Shono's court, but what the Khal of Khals has decided is anyone's guess.
Hearing of his brother's treachery, Shono rode out to meet Chagatai and his warband, with as many Temujin as he could rally in such a short time.
Ten thousand Temujin took the field before Karakorum, a civil war that would leave the Empire weak. It was this realization that lead Shono to challenge his younger brother to a duel, the winner of which would lead the remaining Temujin.
The duel lasted nearly three hours, Chagatai seemingly taking the advantage against his older brother. But eventually Shono was victorious. The wounded Khal rode home, installing Yokatsu as temporary leader of Karakorum. He knew it was a dangerous selection, but Yokatsu had proven loyal, despite his ambitions and was known to be an honorable man.
The Great Khal finally had to face the growing concern, so despite his wounds he called the Exalted to his throne room. Around him stood his whole family, even Chen who was well enough to stand with support of a cane. As well as every ranking general still in attendance.
Also in attendance were many of the survivors, who'd seen the battle first hand. Cao Ren not among them, as he was busy preparing his defenses against the threat of Guan Yu. The reactions were mixed among the survivors. Some felt the Solars were Anthema as the men of Cao Wei claimed, others (many of whom were healed by Callista) believed them to be heroes come to save the Empire.
Sanjuro and Kamoko stood at the foot of the dais, many Azuma and the entire Deathguard stood in the room.
"I am told you are Chosen of the Unconquered Sun, and that if I do not stand with you, I stand against you." the Khal spoke finally.
"It has taken me long to find any amount of truth about the Solar Exalted, but I am told you are not the only ones to return. Why after so long, remains to be seen. But make no mistake, I rule here. This Empire I built with my own hands, Conquered each of your people's, save you, Lady Stalling. You all live because I am merciful. Both in the current sense, and a grander one. Each of you has served me faithfully, and I would not see you killed out of turn, nor deny you of your chance to lead your people's to righteousness." he rose from his seat, wincing at the pain of the effort.
"I give you a choice, Lawgivers, individually or as a group it makes no difference to me; leave here with your possessions and never return, free to use your Sun granted divinity how you see fit. Hunted by those who brand you Anthema, and those jealous of your powers. Or, you may remain here, under my rule. I will grant you unparalleled authority to act in my name, and the name of my house, but you will answer to that name." he declared.
"Take your time with my offer. It is no easy choice. But do not be foolish, with the essence fever that clouds your judgement, there are no other choices. Your powers are in their infancy yet, and for all the might legend claims you wield, my Deathguard will prove your superior." he said, dismissing them to discuss their decision.
Callista watched quietly as the Khal gave his speech. It had been difficult for her not to offer to tend to his wounds but due to their treatment and not knowing his intentions she had withheld her aid. She didn’t think it would matter since she had been denied treating Chen as well and did not think the Khal would accept it from her either. Some people looked on them in suspicion, many in awe but so far no one had been outright hostile or opposed to their presence so she took that as a good sign.
There was a touch of simmering anger deep inside her when the Khal claimed he had the right to rule those lands and he was the builder of his stolen Empires. It was a foreign emotion for her and she knew by right of conquest he had earned that place. He had also shown wisdom and compassion, to her and his people. But was he the best leader? Time would tell and she had a much grander vision, one that was given directly to her by the Sun God himself, of a greater empire than the Temujin warlord could even imagine. At least time as something she had now and temperance was a virtue that beat strong in her chest. Callista did not plan or intend usurpation but she knew in her heart she would do what was best for her people.
”Thank you for your time and offer, Khal of Khals. I hope you and your servants will respect our desire to speak in private on these matters but I understand you will do what you feel you must,” she smiled and bowed before escorting the other Lawgivers and the Lunar to a meeting room not far off. Callista didn’t even bother to attempt to find a place where they would truly be alone because she expected Sanjuro or another loyalist to the Khal to be lurking somewhere.
”I understand that for some of you, there is nothing to keep you here under the rule of the Khal but what I will ask is that you each take into consideration that we are young to the world and do not know our strength. Let us be each other's strength in this time of change. The Unconquered Sun choose us for the gifts we have that can bring his light back to Creation. You all know my choice, to stay and see my ancestor’s home rise up again to glory but I also understand that this is but a small nation among a sea of broken lands. They could be made whole, from the banks of the Yellow River to the mountains that border the North. Khal Shono has begun this task, and we could see it finished.” What she didn't say or need to say was that they could do it with or without his help although she was wise enough to know that he was a strong ally to be had and that she would be foolish to disregard him so quickly. Even if they started as his underlings, she was confident that he could not really restrict them as much as he thought he could and if that failed, legends told of Solars living hundreds of years longer than even the oldest Dragons.
There was a touch of simmering anger deep inside her when the Khal claimed he had the right to rule those lands and he was the builder of his stolen Empires. It was a foreign emotion for her and she knew by right of conquest he had earned that place. He had also shown wisdom and compassion, to her and his people. But was he the best leader? Time would tell and she had a much grander vision, one that was given directly to her by the Sun God himself, of a greater empire than the Temujin warlord could even imagine. At least time as something she had now and temperance was a virtue that beat strong in her chest. Callista did not plan or intend usurpation but she knew in her heart she would do what was best for her people.
”Thank you for your time and offer, Khal of Khals. I hope you and your servants will respect our desire to speak in private on these matters but I understand you will do what you feel you must,” she smiled and bowed before escorting the other Lawgivers and the Lunar to a meeting room not far off. Callista didn’t even bother to attempt to find a place where they would truly be alone because she expected Sanjuro or another loyalist to the Khal to be lurking somewhere.
”I understand that for some of you, there is nothing to keep you here under the rule of the Khal but what I will ask is that you each take into consideration that we are young to the world and do not know our strength. Let us be each other's strength in this time of change. The Unconquered Sun choose us for the gifts we have that can bring his light back to Creation. You all know my choice, to stay and see my ancestor’s home rise up again to glory but I also understand that this is but a small nation among a sea of broken lands. They could be made whole, from the banks of the Yellow River to the mountains that border the North. Khal Shono has begun this task, and we could see it finished.” What she didn't say or need to say was that they could do it with or without his help although she was wise enough to know that he was a strong ally to be had and that she would be foolish to disregard him so quickly. Even if they started as his underlings, she was confident that he could not really restrict them as much as he thought he could and if that failed, legends told of Solars living hundreds of years longer than even the oldest Dragons.
Embers burned in Ruby's heart. Servitude? No way in hell. But she couldn't just leave. She wasn't done here, not yet. "I'm in. I don't leave a project at someone else's feet. Besides, I promised Silver her share of jade from Shu Han. Count on me while i'm here."
Sanjuro waited in the throne room while the Chosen spoke among themselves. Most of the assembly had left, but one man remained. Sanjuro turned to meet the man, finding it rude to make his injured Prince walk so far.
"I have never seen you so silent on such an important topic, teacher." the Prince was often so direct, Sanjuro grinned slightly in amusement under his mask.
"I have no real advise here. I have seen no clear answer." he said carefully. Chen laughed aloud.
"That will be the day, when you do not know what is best for the Empire. If you won't give it willingly it's because it will anger my father." Sanjuro's eyes narrowed, the Prince spoke true. And suddenly the Prince realized his assumption was correct.
"I cannot see how this ends through supernatural means. But even an empire spanning one hundred kingdoms will not be large enough for these Lawgivers and the Great Khal." he admitted. Chen whistled.
"Such a dark prophesy from you, teacher. One my father likely had no care to listen to in private. But I hear you, loud and clear. Let us hope it is a long time before my sister tests your loyalty." he said, putting a friendly hand on Sanjuro's shoulder. Sanjuro could see something working in the Prince's eyes, and he wasn't sure it was a good thing. But he didn't believe this conversation would ever reach Shono's ears, and that was interesting.
"I have never seen you so silent on such an important topic, teacher." the Prince was often so direct, Sanjuro grinned slightly in amusement under his mask.
"I have no real advise here. I have seen no clear answer." he said carefully. Chen laughed aloud.
"That will be the day, when you do not know what is best for the Empire. If you won't give it willingly it's because it will anger my father." Sanjuro's eyes narrowed, the Prince spoke true. And suddenly the Prince realized his assumption was correct.
"I cannot see how this ends through supernatural means. But even an empire spanning one hundred kingdoms will not be large enough for these Lawgivers and the Great Khal." he admitted. Chen whistled.
"Such a dark prophesy from you, teacher. One my father likely had no care to listen to in private. But I hear you, loud and clear. Let us hope it is a long time before my sister tests your loyalty." he said, putting a friendly hand on Sanjuro's shoulder. Sanjuro could see something working in the Prince's eyes, and he wasn't sure it was a good thing. But he didn't believe this conversation would ever reach Shono's ears, and that was interesting.
Eida stood and listened impassively. He knew what he wanted to do. He also knew that he could not just leave them here under the Khal's eyes alone. He already knew what it was like to be in this position. He could help them move into more suitable positions in the eyes of the leaders and advisors, even if their standing was in question because of what they are now. The ultimatum the Khal gave was not unexpected, and rang quite similar with how Callista had been when she had first tasted the power she was given.
The seigemaster spoke up, unsurprising, given her nature. But her desire was a short term plan, she needed to think in a broader sense now, especially when the decision demands a sentence of exile or fealty.
He waited silently for the rest to speak their piece. This decision between the five of them was important. They could not disregard the fact that they had all been chosen in that group. There was a simmering feeling that the group as a whole was meant to be together. For what purpose, the sorcerer was still unclear on, but as a set, the lot of them would be indestructible given time and coordination.
The seigemaster spoke up, unsurprising, given her nature. But her desire was a short term plan, she needed to think in a broader sense now, especially when the decision demands a sentence of exile or fealty.
He waited silently for the rest to speak their piece. This decision between the five of them was important. They could not disregard the fact that they had all been chosen in that group. There was a simmering feeling that the group as a whole was meant to be together. For what purpose, the sorcerer was still unclear on, but as a set, the lot of them would be indestructible given time and coordination.
The gravity of the situation was clear, however no one really knew how to proceed. They were anathema, though it was hard to think of himself, or anyone in their group as such. They had turned the tide of battle through their powers… but would that they could they would have done without powers as well.
Perhaps this is the true crux of the Khal’s conflict. Their desires would be made reality. If their experience holds true, little could be done to stop them, and he doubted heaven or earth could stop them as a group. Then again, they may not be in a vacuum and others would have been affected by this dispensation as well. Its not like there was a prophesy that neatly laid out their destiny, or even generally explained the situation.
Such power and agency was an alien concept to him, having molded his life to be one of service. So he would have to think upon what he wanted, before letting rash desire foolishly rule him.
If I were to take the Khal’s release, I would merely return home, and still be his man. I See no advantage in leaving. I think we have an immediate task ahead of us that would serve to prove that our desires are aligned with that of the Khal’s. I believe we should lead his armies back to Shu Han, and take the city. Beyond that… well, I must think upon what all this means. It he didn’t like to expose his lack of confidence, but it was the truth of the matter, and they were bonded by fate to be more than colleagues…friends? Equals?
Perhaps this is the true crux of the Khal’s conflict. Their desires would be made reality. If their experience holds true, little could be done to stop them, and he doubted heaven or earth could stop them as a group. Then again, they may not be in a vacuum and others would have been affected by this dispensation as well. Its not like there was a prophesy that neatly laid out their destiny, or even generally explained the situation.
Such power and agency was an alien concept to him, having molded his life to be one of service. So he would have to think upon what he wanted, before letting rash desire foolishly rule him.
If I were to take the Khal’s release, I would merely return home, and still be his man. I See no advantage in leaving. I think we have an immediate task ahead of us that would serve to prove that our desires are aligned with that of the Khal’s. I believe we should lead his armies back to Shu Han, and take the city. Beyond that… well, I must think upon what all this means. It he didn’t like to expose his lack of confidence, but it was the truth of the matter, and they were bonded by fate to be more than colleagues…friends? Equals?
Even the knight had no recourse to what was to happen down the line. Eida did not like that they were so unsure of everything now that things have changed so abruptly, but there really was nothing to be done about it.
"Then the agreement is fairly clear. Khal Shono will not let us rethink this decision however. Once the lands know of his new might, if they caught wind that we left for another reason, they would see him weak. Likely, he would rather have us killed in spectacle to keep the empire he wrested control of. He said that we have time to consider his offer. We should take it if we need to, but we should make the choice as a group. He likely could get the attention of warriors who take greater offense at us simple existing."
"Then the agreement is fairly clear. Khal Shono will not let us rethink this decision however. Once the lands know of his new might, if they caught wind that we left for another reason, they would see him weak. Likely, he would rather have us killed in spectacle to keep the empire he wrested control of. He said that we have time to consider his offer. We should take it if we need to, but we should make the choice as a group. He likely could get the attention of warriors who take greater offense at us simple existing."
The redheaded warrior gripped Alchred’s wrist and shook his hand firmly as the man slapped his shoulder foundly.
“Take care, Cion the Fireborn. My family owes a life debt to you,” the merchants said fondly as the rest of them gave their good-byes. Alchred had wanted to travel all the way into the city with him, but due to Cion’s new Exaltation he felt it would be safer if they took the caravan in before him.
The next morning he brushed the road dust from Speedy’s coat and shined his own slightly worn armor. It had been new when he had left Tirnanog but since then he had seen several battles in it. Satisfied with his work he pulled himself up into the saddle. ”Alright, let us go see if these rumors are true. Just let me do all the talking,” he said strapping the red and gold diaklaves to his back.
”You’re going to get us killed you know. This is the dumbest idea you’ve had since that innkeeper's daughter. Who tells a woman you don’t want to be with them in the middle of the night during a rainstorm?”
”Look, she was talking marriage and all sorts of insane things. You needed a bath anyway after all the time you spend rolling in the dirt,” Cion said as he leveled his eyes on the approaching gates.
”I itch and if you combed me more I wouldn’t have to roll so much,” the horse snorted.
”Hush you and look regal,” he said as they made their way into the city. The citizens turned their eyes to him as he passed, gawking at the exotic knight on the radiant white stallion. They made their way up to the steps of the palace where several guards moved to block their path. Cion had expected this but showed no signs of resentment or hostility.
”Dia dhuit, I am Cionaodh Is óige mac Sonek, the Fireborn and I have come seeking an audience with your Lawgivers.” He waited a moment as the guards whispered to each other, trying to make heads or tails of him. Finally he sighed and cleared his throat. ”Tell them I am here and see for yourself if they'd like to receive me,” he said as they glittering symbol of a sun at dawn appeared on his brow.
“Take care, Cion the Fireborn. My family owes a life debt to you,” the merchants said fondly as the rest of them gave their good-byes. Alchred had wanted to travel all the way into the city with him, but due to Cion’s new Exaltation he felt it would be safer if they took the caravan in before him.
The next morning he brushed the road dust from Speedy’s coat and shined his own slightly worn armor. It had been new when he had left Tirnanog but since then he had seen several battles in it. Satisfied with his work he pulled himself up into the saddle. ”Alright, let us go see if these rumors are true. Just let me do all the talking,” he said strapping the red and gold diaklaves to his back.
”You’re going to get us killed you know. This is the dumbest idea you’ve had since that innkeeper's daughter. Who tells a woman you don’t want to be with them in the middle of the night during a rainstorm?”
”Look, she was talking marriage and all sorts of insane things. You needed a bath anyway after all the time you spend rolling in the dirt,” Cion said as he leveled his eyes on the approaching gates.
”I itch and if you combed me more I wouldn’t have to roll so much,” the horse snorted.
”Hush you and look regal,” he said as they made their way into the city. The citizens turned their eyes to him as he passed, gawking at the exotic knight on the radiant white stallion. They made their way up to the steps of the palace where several guards moved to block their path. Cion had expected this but showed no signs of resentment or hostility.
”Dia dhuit, I am Cionaodh Is óige mac Sonek, the Fireborn and I have come seeking an audience with your Lawgivers.” He waited a moment as the guards whispered to each other, trying to make heads or tails of him. Finally he sighed and cleared his throat. ”Tell them I am here and see for yourself if they'd like to receive me,” he said as they glittering symbol of a sun at dawn appeared on his brow.
”It gladdens my heart that you have all chosen to stay. I agree that as a whole we are stronger and it is very possible we were chosen together for a reason that we have yet to discover. I know the circumstances under which we remain are not ideal but I have hope in the long run that things will become more clear and we will all gain wisdom from this,” she said to the group as a touch of essence twisted her words so that they could all understand: We stay as the Khal’s servants but have faith that soon he will see the wisdom of seeing us as equals.
Callista found that she was immensely relieved that they all decided to stay. There were different reasons for each but all of them were becoming important to her and not just for their talents. She smiled at them and nodded. ”I see no reason to delay giving our answer to the Khal.”
Callista found that she was immensely relieved that they all decided to stay. There were different reasons for each but all of them were becoming important to her and not just for their talents. She smiled at them and nodded. ”I see no reason to delay giving our answer to the Khal.”
Several guards came to find him, breaking Sanjuro from his thoughts.
"Sir, there is a man outside claiming he wishes an audience with the Anth... Lawgivers. He claims to be the fireborn, and carries a pair of Daiklaives." the guards said. It was not often an Exalt simply arrived unannounced, but then again things had been strange of late.
Sanjuro followed the guards, waving a trio of his Azuma to follow him.
He saw the man they claimed, and indeed he had a touch of fire to him. His eyes narrowed at the man's posture.
"I am Azuma Sanjuro, Chosen of the dead Goddess Izanami, Champion to the Great Khal Shono. None enter the palace without my judgement. And no Exalt may remain within these borders without receiving the Great Khal's blessing first." he said to the Fireborn.
"What reason do you come to Terunuthis, and what do you know of the Lawgivers? I have known many of them for years, and never has mention of a Fireborn crossed their lips." he was curious, and Sanjuro hated to be curious.
"Sir, there is a man outside claiming he wishes an audience with the Anth... Lawgivers. He claims to be the fireborn, and carries a pair of Daiklaives." the guards said. It was not often an Exalt simply arrived unannounced, but then again things had been strange of late.
Sanjuro followed the guards, waving a trio of his Azuma to follow him.
He saw the man they claimed, and indeed he had a touch of fire to him. His eyes narrowed at the man's posture.
"I am Azuma Sanjuro, Chosen of the dead Goddess Izanami, Champion to the Great Khal Shono. None enter the palace without my judgement. And no Exalt may remain within these borders without receiving the Great Khal's blessing first." he said to the Fireborn.
"What reason do you come to Terunuthis, and what do you know of the Lawgivers? I have known many of them for years, and never has mention of a Fireborn crossed their lips." he was curious, and Sanjuro hated to be curious.
”Céad míle fáilte, Azuma Sanjuro. I apologize, from the rumors I heard there were other Sun Children here and I had assumed… well that doesn’t matter. I have heard of your Khal as well, word of his might has spread across the river lands and so I guess I would ask his leave to stay and meet with them, as well as yours too I suppose?”
”Do you have to get permission from the kitchen cat too?” Speedy grumbled under his breath then snorted when the Dawn nudged his side with his heel.
”Do you have to get permission from the kitchen cat too?” Speedy grumbled under his breath then snorted when the Dawn nudged his side with his heel.
Sanjuro decided he didn't like this Fireborn. But he said the right words, and it was not his place to deny Khal Shono another Exalted servant.
He then heard the man's horse speak. There was no mistaking that it was the horse, and his eyes widened in amazement.
"We do not allow cats in the kitchen anymore. Come with me Fireborn. Your timing is... interesting. Soon the Solars will have an audience with the Khal. You may petition them all." he nodded the guards off.
"I will send one of my own men to see your horse is taken care of." he said as he turned to lead the way.
He then heard the man's horse speak. There was no mistaking that it was the horse, and his eyes widened in amazement.
"We do not allow cats in the kitchen anymore. Come with me Fireborn. Your timing is... interesting. Soon the Solars will have an audience with the Khal. You may petition them all." he nodded the guards off.
"I will send one of my own men to see your horse is taken care of." he said as he turned to lead the way.
This time the throne room had only the Khal's most trusted men; his wife, his sons, the death priest Vordu, Kamoko and two dozen of her deathguard, Sanjuro and the Ogun Blacksmith Nezhno Abidemi.
Cion the Fireborn was allowed to wait for the other guests to arrive in the room before, a pair of Deathguard and a trio of Azuma waited with him.
Cion the Fireborn was allowed to wait for the other guests to arrive in the room before, a pair of Deathguard and a trio of Azuma waited with him.
Speedy gave his friend the biggest, saddest eyes when he handed the reins over to the servant. ”Sorry friend, no horses in the palace. Make sure you take good care of him or I will know, trust me.”
Cion was impressed by the open architecture of the palace which was vastly different than the strangely carved halls of this Fair Folk made home. He smiled and winked at the female Azuma that stood guard beside him, rubbing the back of his head when she turned away without any response. This was proving to be more of an ordeal then he thought especially since the Sun Kings weren't in charge like he assumed they would be. The last village they had stopped in had only limited information but he had been under the impression that those chosen by the sun God were the great leaders of the past. Maybe that wasn't what he was after all. Cion waited patiently to be addressed and hoped he would find the answers he sought after.
Cion was impressed by the open architecture of the palace which was vastly different than the strangely carved halls of this Fair Folk made home. He smiled and winked at the female Azuma that stood guard beside him, rubbing the back of his head when she turned away without any response. This was proving to be more of an ordeal then he thought especially since the Sun Kings weren't in charge like he assumed they would be. The last village they had stopped in had only limited information but he had been under the impression that those chosen by the sun God were the great leaders of the past. Maybe that wasn't what he was after all. Cion waited patiently to be addressed and hoped he would find the answers he sought after.
A servant came when summoned and Callista informed them they were ready to give their answer. She was nervous but did her best not to show it. Now she felt responsible for all of them whether they approved or not and she could feel the weight of it pressing down on her shoulders.
The walk was a silent one since they all had their own thoughts to attend to. When they came to the receiving room, Callista was surprised to find it occupied. ”Greetings,” she smiled and nodded to the handsome young man, noticing the number of guards around him.
The walk was a silent one since they all had their own thoughts to attend to. When they came to the receiving room, Callista was surprised to find it occupied. ”Greetings,” she smiled and nodded to the handsome young man, noticing the number of guards around him.
Something was different. Their personal army of deathguard was traveling with them, but noone else was in the halls. There was usually one at each corner. When the entered the waiting room, a man with hair as bright as Ruby's stood at the doors. he looked like he had been there for only a couple minutes, no real signs of restlessness were apparent. At his hip was a pair of red jade Daiklaves, and from appearances, they had chosen him as their bearer. So he was a man of great personal power. Eida looked over to the glass hand-cannon Ruby held, comparing the two, unable to get a gauge of where they stood.
Jaeda writhed in its binding. New people. New prospects. it opened a sleepy eye to watch what was about to happen, and wondered what was expected of this new arrival. They decided their own fate today, how was this one involved?
Jaeda writhed in its binding. New people. New prospects. it opened a sleepy eye to watch what was about to happen, and wondered what was expected of this new arrival. They decided their own fate today, how was this one involved?
Cion's emerald eyes brightened up when he was greeted by the most lovely young woman followed by a curious entourage. ”Dia dhuit, beautiful lady. I am Cionaodh, the Fireborn but you may call me Cion.” He grinned, bowing his head and reaching to take her hand so that he could kiss it formally. His lips didn't quite make it when he was brought up short in his endeavor.
Mayumi's hand snatched the newcomer's and she almost forgot herself enough to take him to the floor. But starting a fight with some Fire-dragon was not a good plan and she quickly stopped herself.
"This is the Princess Callista. Callista, my brother says this man wishes an audience with you, should our Khal allow him to remain." she said, falling to her mistress's side, clearly happy to be with her once more.
"This is the Princess Callista. Callista, my brother says this man wishes an audience with you, should our Khal allow him to remain." she said, falling to her mistress's side, clearly happy to be with her once more.
Ruby only glanced at the man himself for a moment before her eyes fixated on the fancy weapons at his side. "Cion? Ruby, siege-master. Silver, my...partner? Donovan, An-Tir knight. and Eida, Nahuatl priest. Why'd you come?" They were sharp, well kept, recently used. She had to pry her eyes away to look him in the eyes.
"Ah, yes. Princess. It makes sense that such a stunning you woman would hold that title. I apologize, in my country it is a customary greeting to kiss a lady's hand," he explained but stood back up and held his hands up to show her meant no offense. "You are the Lawgiver then? These must be your guards. I am pleased to meet you." Cion bowed again, trying to be as charming as possible. The princess put her hand over her mouth to cover a small smile at him so he took that as a good sign.
Cion turned to the woman who must have been the Princess's body guards and smiled broadly at her. "Surrounded by beautiful women, Terenuthis is truly a city of wonders. Pleasure to meet you as well, Ruby and company. To answer your question, I came here seeking to see if the rumors of other chosen by the Sun God were true and speak to them.” He said as his eyes drifted to the white haired girl at her side that was peering at him closely. Did she have a tail? Cion snapped his eyes back politely and grinned.
Cion turned to the woman who must have been the Princess's body guards and smiled broadly at her. "Surrounded by beautiful women, Terenuthis is truly a city of wonders. Pleasure to meet you as well, Ruby and company. To answer your question, I came here seeking to see if the rumors of other chosen by the Sun God were true and speak to them.” He said as his eyes drifted to the white haired girl at her side that was peering at him closely. Did she have a tail? Cion snapped his eyes back politely and grinned.
Moderators: cyranax Callista (played anonymously) Eida (played anonymously) Kellian Roux (played anonymously)