The most famous inn Fu Tien is the raucous Drunken Monkey. The inn, which was much more than that, is famous through out the Hundred Kingdoms for the drunken debauchery that never ends.
this would be more like a Casino/Resort type place than an Inn. Think like a Circus Circus but with way more hookers.
this would be more like a Casino/Resort type place than an Inn. Think like a Circus Circus but with way more hookers.
The group had all obtained slightly more elaborate masks so that they would not stick out too badly as foreigners as well as proper attire to wear to the entertainment venue. Despite a few of her companion’s protests, the princess felt that she needed to be present when they appealed to Mlungisi about his return to his duties.
Tsubaki lead the way to the Drunken Monkey but without his guidance the place would have been easy enough to find. Sounds of laughter, singing and the general merry making flooded out of the opulent gold and blue building as everburning lamps flickered in the evening shade. It seemed as if the one large building couldn’t contain all the revelry and had spilled out onto the streets and the shops nearby. They were approached several times by courtesans of both genders, offering to be their escort for the evening but Callista politely turned them down saying she was content with the company she already had for the time being, letting the rest of the group decide on their own if they wanted to accept any of the offers.
Inside the building was nearly overwhelming to the princess and she almost reached out to take one of her companion’s hands but realized that doing so may be more scandalous than her presence in the Drunken Monkey. There were several stages with varied performances going on, from a pair of what looked to be god blood women playing the same harm to a completely nude young man exhibiting his flexibility. Along the walls were tables set up for all sorts of games, those of chance and skill with the prizes ranging from jade coins to clothing or even favors from other people. It was all done in a surprisingly civilized way but the farther they went in the less controlled the party seemed to be.
”Where should be look first?” Callista asked while taking a deep breath. Between the bathhouse at Plaetaea and here, she had seen more human flesh than she thought she had seen in her entire life.
Tsubaki lead the way to the Drunken Monkey but without his guidance the place would have been easy enough to find. Sounds of laughter, singing and the general merry making flooded out of the opulent gold and blue building as everburning lamps flickered in the evening shade. It seemed as if the one large building couldn’t contain all the revelry and had spilled out onto the streets and the shops nearby. They were approached several times by courtesans of both genders, offering to be their escort for the evening but Callista politely turned them down saying she was content with the company she already had for the time being, letting the rest of the group decide on their own if they wanted to accept any of the offers.
Inside the building was nearly overwhelming to the princess and she almost reached out to take one of her companion’s hands but realized that doing so may be more scandalous than her presence in the Drunken Monkey. There were several stages with varied performances going on, from a pair of what looked to be god blood women playing the same harm to a completely nude young man exhibiting his flexibility. Along the walls were tables set up for all sorts of games, those of chance and skill with the prizes ranging from jade coins to clothing or even favors from other people. It was all done in a surprisingly civilized way but the farther they went in the less controlled the party seemed to be.
”Where should be look first?” Callista asked while taking a deep breath. Between the bathhouse at Plaetaea and here, she had seen more human flesh than she thought she had seen in her entire life.

I didn't imagine he would be hard to find, but then again something like this was never in my imagination.
Tsubaki, which way? Donovan pulled Cion next next to him to act as a wedge of muscle to push the way through the crowd in the appointed direction
Tsubaki, which way? Donovan pulled Cion next next to him to act as a wedge of muscle to push the way through the crowd in the appointed direction
Tsubaki waited patiently for Cion's friend's to get ready. He made sure to learn their names, and if they were Exalted or mortal. They were an interesting bunch, living proof of Khal Shono's success. And the threat he posed to Creation. But that he thought these beings pawns was... interesting. They were not pawns, chariots or elephants perhaps but not pawns.
He did his best to give Cion his space, pushing away his Shard's desperate desire to be returned to it's mate. He had his own reasons to be here, and if they were going to get into Mlungisi's Sanctum then it would suite him just fine. If his information was good, which it usually was, the Artifact he'd spent the last twelve years scouring the River Province for was within his reach at long last.
"Mlungisi is known to frequent the Rain Room. I should warn you...the depravity you come across will likely offend your sensibilities. Perhaps it would be wise to let those with fainter hearts remain behind." he warned them. He pushed past Donovan and began leading the way.
He did his best to give Cion his space, pushing away his Shard's desperate desire to be returned to it's mate. He had his own reasons to be here, and if they were going to get into Mlungisi's Sanctum then it would suite him just fine. If his information was good, which it usually was, the Artifact he'd spent the last twelve years scouring the River Province for was within his reach at long last.
"Mlungisi is known to frequent the Rain Room. I should warn you...the depravity you come across will likely offend your sensibilities. Perhaps it would be wise to let those with fainter hearts remain behind." he warned them. He pushed past Donovan and began leading the way.
Cion wasn’t sure why Donovan was hanging on him so. Were the acts going on around them too much for the Knight? If he hadn’t been privy to certain information he may have even thought it was because of his proclamation of his interest in both genders, but who knew. Maybe An-Tir was as ambivalent as Tirnanog and the Realm.
It didn’t take a genius to see that several of their party members were uncomfortable in the Drunken Monkey so Cion took it upon himself to grab what appeared to be a waitress and ask for directions to the Rain Room.
”The Rain Room is currently in use,” she said taking in the handsome redhead before eyeing the group appraisingly. ”We have instructions to only allow people of a certain… type.. In there. Could I interest you in another room or perhaps a booth? We have areas for groups, or if you’d like a more private encounter I’m sure I can accommodate,” the woman said suggestively, biting her lip a little at the idea.
Cion picked up the woman’s hand that had found its way to his chest and held onto it as he leaned in. ”Let the occupant decide if we are his type, and if not, well then we will be free for other encounters then won’t we?” He said while flashing her a very charming and equally salacious looking smile in return.
The woman obviously had interest in making some money and was eager to lure someone in that was at least agreeable to ‘work’ for but Cion had no intentions of taking her up on her offer despite appearances. She shrugged, assuming that the group would be denied entry to the room the scavenger god had practically taken up residence in and she’d be able to seduce her way into some side cash. The waitress took the flame-masked man and lead him across the floor to the stairs that led upwards.
It didn’t take a genius to see that several of their party members were uncomfortable in the Drunken Monkey so Cion took it upon himself to grab what appeared to be a waitress and ask for directions to the Rain Room.
”The Rain Room is currently in use,” she said taking in the handsome redhead before eyeing the group appraisingly. ”We have instructions to only allow people of a certain… type.. In there. Could I interest you in another room or perhaps a booth? We have areas for groups, or if you’d like a more private encounter I’m sure I can accommodate,” the woman said suggestively, biting her lip a little at the idea.
Cion picked up the woman’s hand that had found its way to his chest and held onto it as he leaned in. ”Let the occupant decide if we are his type, and if not, well then we will be free for other encounters then won’t we?” He said while flashing her a very charming and equally salacious looking smile in return.
The woman obviously had interest in making some money and was eager to lure someone in that was at least agreeable to ‘work’ for but Cion had no intentions of taking her up on her offer despite appearances. She shrugged, assuming that the group would be denied entry to the room the scavenger god had practically taken up residence in and she’d be able to seduce her way into some side cash. The waitress took the flame-masked man and lead him across the floor to the stairs that led upwards.
Mercy's face burned beneath her mask. It was true all of it. The things in her books and more weren't just fantasy, here they were alive, breathing, and waiting to rub up next to you. Her imagination had always run wild for years since actually doing anything was forbidden, but wow. Just wow. Face with the reality, she quaked slightly- she would brave battle and fire and bodily harm for duty without question, but given actual opportunity would she, could she actually bring herself to partake in this place? She stayed with the safety of the group mutely moving with them for fear of finding out if she became separated.
At the door Donovan lifted his hand to knock but paused, and looked back at the others. A final look of here we are, or perhaps brace yourselves. In the end this was all nothing, the only threat here was what you allowed to happen.
The he lowered his hand and instead of knocking turned the handle.
The he lowered his hand and instead of knocking turned the handle.
As the door opened, a pair of rather large Ogun men turned and drew weapons. They moved forwards, boldly to bar entry to the new comers.
"This party is invitation only. You are not the master's type." one of the men snarled. Before Donovan or any of the other's could act rashly, Tsubaki put and arm on the knight's sword arm and slipped in front of him.
"They're with me, my dears. And I'm fairly certain your.... master... will enjoy what they have to say." he smiled. The men regarded him with suspicion.
"See that they are respectful, Peacock. We'd hate to have to feed them to the pack." the second guard said. Tsubaki was pretty sure the man didn't mean that, but he wasn't ready to reveal that the party was Exalted just yet.
"This party is invitation only. You are not the master's type." one of the men snarled. Before Donovan or any of the other's could act rashly, Tsubaki put and arm on the knight's sword arm and slipped in front of him.
"They're with me, my dears. And I'm fairly certain your.... master... will enjoy what they have to say." he smiled. The men regarded him with suspicion.
"See that they are respectful, Peacock. We'd hate to have to feed them to the pack." the second guard said. Tsubaki was pretty sure the man didn't mean that, but he wasn't ready to reveal that the party was Exalted just yet.
The waitress looked incredibly disappointed as the party vanished into the room without the handsome redhead even giving her a second glance. There was a moment of tension as Tsubaki talked his way past the guards and then they were inside as simply as that.
The Rain Room was appropriately outfitted to fit its name, swathed in dark blue velvets with glistening crystal accents, while above it a faint cloud of hookah smoke hung on the ceiling as if it was there as part of the decor. Inside was surprisingly cozy, with a collection of low tables suited for socializing as a collection of wait staff, all whom seemed to be males dressed to please the tastes of the host, milled around tending to the needs of the guests. In the time that the Scavenger God had resided in Fu Tien, he had made quite a few friends from various walks of life due to his ability to use his treasures to fund his extended vacation. They had either already shared his tastes or had acquired them while in his presence but among the tables could be spotted several masks that implied high status in the city. Around them, slaves and servants were dressed up tending to their needs from simply holding their pipes to satisfying their sexual desires right there in the open.
In the very back nearest to the strage lounged the wayward god himself, leaning back in a makeshift throne composed of large pillows to accommodate his bulky spotted frame. He seemed perfectly relaxed and at home where he was, even sporting not much else besides a lavishly gilded eye mask that must have been custom made to fit his very canine face. Around his neck was draped a single comely figure wearing a flowing gown; tall and fair skinned but entirely too broad in the shoulders to truly be mistaken for a woman.
A servant whispered to him and he turned his gaze toward the group as they approached, looking rather displeased and confused. ”Peacock, you are always welcome here but it seems you have come under dressed and with guests that don't quite… fit in,” he said but his eyes passed over the men in the group thoughtfully as if he was a connoisseur assessing steaks that had not been cooked yet.
The Rain Room was appropriately outfitted to fit its name, swathed in dark blue velvets with glistening crystal accents, while above it a faint cloud of hookah smoke hung on the ceiling as if it was there as part of the decor. Inside was surprisingly cozy, with a collection of low tables suited for socializing as a collection of wait staff, all whom seemed to be males dressed to please the tastes of the host, milled around tending to the needs of the guests. In the time that the Scavenger God had resided in Fu Tien, he had made quite a few friends from various walks of life due to his ability to use his treasures to fund his extended vacation. They had either already shared his tastes or had acquired them while in his presence but among the tables could be spotted several masks that implied high status in the city. Around them, slaves and servants were dressed up tending to their needs from simply holding their pipes to satisfying their sexual desires right there in the open.
In the very back nearest to the strage lounged the wayward god himself, leaning back in a makeshift throne composed of large pillows to accommodate his bulky spotted frame. He seemed perfectly relaxed and at home where he was, even sporting not much else besides a lavishly gilded eye mask that must have been custom made to fit his very canine face. Around his neck was draped a single comely figure wearing a flowing gown; tall and fair skinned but entirely too broad in the shoulders to truly be mistaken for a woman.
A servant whispered to him and he turned his gaze toward the group as they approached, looking rather displeased and confused. ”Peacock, you are always welcome here but it seems you have come under dressed and with guests that don't quite… fit in,” he said but his eyes passed over the men in the group thoughtfully as if he was a connoisseur assessing steaks that had not been cooked yet.
Tsubaki flashed a smile at the God's words. He knew well the beasts tastes, but as expected Cion's friends were rather shocked by the whole display.
"You don't like my outfit? I seem to recall you trying rather hard to get me in less clothes when last we spoke." he said with a light laugh.
"As for my friends, their status and reason for seeking you should hopefully be enough to make up for dressing as the appropriate sex." his eyes glinted behind the mask.
"Allow me to introduce you to Princess Callista of Terenuthis, daughter of the Great Khal and her party. Their number includes many prominent heroes of the battle of Shu Han, as well as the masked menace known as Creeping Death." he revealed Sanjuro first before the fact that half the party were chosen by the Unconquered Sun. Sanjuro's reputation should prevent them from being attacked should they upset the God or his allies, allowing them to keep that secret trump card a while yet.
"You don't like my outfit? I seem to recall you trying rather hard to get me in less clothes when last we spoke." he said with a light laugh.
"As for my friends, their status and reason for seeking you should hopefully be enough to make up for dressing as the appropriate sex." his eyes glinted behind the mask.
"Allow me to introduce you to Princess Callista of Terenuthis, daughter of the Great Khal and her party. Their number includes many prominent heroes of the battle of Shu Han, as well as the masked menace known as Creeping Death." he revealed Sanjuro first before the fact that half the party were chosen by the Unconquered Sun. Sanjuro's reputation should prevent them from being attacked should they upset the God or his allies, allowing them to keep that secret trump card a while yet.
The God leaned forward and snorted.
”I don't recall you being very opposed to that notion before. Any friend of the Peacock’s could be a friend of mine. Famous or not, this is a place of relaxation not business. There is plenty to go around, but I would suggest some of your companions get a little bit more comfortable,” he said as his eyes settled on the most attractive seeming of the men. The hyena God’s ear flicked at annoyance when the guests were introduced but he tried to seem undisturbed. ”Drinks for our new guests,” Mlungisi ordered and a dark skinned servant hurried forward to provide them with cups of a rich amber liquid that's potency reaches their noses before it even neared their lips. The princess politely handed hers off, while Jill merely sipped at it and Cion took a large drink before readily collecting Callista's discarded one. "I would be delighted to have them fetch something more flattering for you all. Why don't you and your gentleman friends come sit with me."
”I don't recall you being very opposed to that notion before. Any friend of the Peacock’s could be a friend of mine. Famous or not, this is a place of relaxation not business. There is plenty to go around, but I would suggest some of your companions get a little bit more comfortable,” he said as his eyes settled on the most attractive seeming of the men. The hyena God’s ear flicked at annoyance when the guests were introduced but he tried to seem undisturbed. ”Drinks for our new guests,” Mlungisi ordered and a dark skinned servant hurried forward to provide them with cups of a rich amber liquid that's potency reaches their noses before it even neared their lips. The princess politely handed hers off, while Jill merely sipped at it and Cion took a large drink before readily collecting Callista's discarded one. "I would be delighted to have them fetch something more flattering for you all. Why don't you and your gentleman friends come sit with me."
Rebekah took the drink and sniffed at it, shuddering at the intense feel it gave. She tasted it and nearly coughed it back up it was so strong. Setting the cup back on the server's tray, she looked around at the visitors. Most of them were well distracted by their attractions, but one in particular caught her attention. A man with bright, well tailored clothes glared in their direction as he got dressed. A server came over and he dropped a weight of jade and script on her tray, tugging at the rope tied around the girl's neck. He sneered as he let the room, straightening his jacket, flipping his ponytail out as he spun away from them.
She turned back to their 'host' with half a dozen questions, but the 'Peacock' introduced her as part of the party, so she waited to see how the boys would react to his invitation.
She turned back to their 'host' with half a dozen questions, but the 'Peacock' introduced her as part of the party, so she waited to see how the boys would react to his invitation.
Donovan sipped at his glass and held onto it. Like his compatriots he didn't move from his spot. The God's offer politely ignored by all of them. From what had been said thus far, it seemed that the God never discussed business. He waited to see how the Peacock maneuvered the situation.
A group of people was cleared away at the table nearest to the scavenger god, who peered on skeptically as they made no move to join the party.
Callista was well aware that they were being very impolite but they were there to get something not socialize with the god. ”If the gentlemen would like to join you after we speak, they may do so if that is their choice,” she said, boldly stepping in front of the group, allowing a little of her essence fuel her words so that she would grab his attention. She assumed none of them would be too keen on entertaining the god but for now she would allow him to assume whatever he wanted. ”We have come to petition for your people and request that you return to them to once more lead and guide them. If you would not, we have a personal request and that is to discuss with us the use or purchase of materials from your stock so that your people may make use of them for us.”
Callista was well aware that they were being very impolite but they were there to get something not socialize with the god. ”If the gentlemen would like to join you after we speak, they may do so if that is their choice,” she said, boldly stepping in front of the group, allowing a little of her essence fuel her words so that she would grab his attention. She assumed none of them would be too keen on entertaining the god but for now she would allow him to assume whatever he wanted. ”We have come to petition for your people and request that you return to them to once more lead and guide them. If you would not, we have a personal request and that is to discuss with us the use or purchase of materials from your stock so that your people may make use of them for us.”
Charm activation
Harmonious Presence Meditation (personal motes)
Harmonious Presence Meditation (personal motes)
The God turned and regarded his... "esteemed" guest. Something was off about her, he could feel it. But still he had no interest in her or her wishes. He waved dismissively.
"The Ogun have a new leader, they don't need me." he said with a hyena-like chuckle. He looked past her to watch a dancer but his eyes were drawn back to the Princess. He sighed.
"What do you need from me? I'm a busy God but I suppose I could get you sell you something since you went to all this effort to get here, Princess." he said the last word ironically.
"The Ogun have a new leader, they don't need me." he said with a hyena-like chuckle. He looked past her to watch a dancer but his eyes were drawn back to the Princess. He sighed.
"What do you need from me? I'm a busy God but I suppose I could get you sell you something since you went to all this effort to get here, Princess." he said the last word ironically.
"Busy? Busy?!?" Eida stepped up just to Callista's side. "The only thing you are 'busy' with is pandering the obsolete relics you've collected for the next high or toy. Remember something today, if this Princess and her Khal were to fall for some reason, this haven you built for yourself would collapse when the next leader should come. How much of your wealth would you part with just to buy out another regime? You are less god than the market buyers that frequent this one's presence. Secure yourself with the Khal and his force so that your cycle of debauchery can continue without interruption. Or don't, and you can try your luck with someone new."
Tsubaki winced as the words came out of the angry Nahuatl's mouth. Mlungisi looked towards the young Solar, one part amused and the other with barely controlled fury.
"I was here long before your Khal, and will be long after him, boy." he snarled, taking and angry bite of meat, cracking the leg bone it was attached to and wolfing it down.
"Ask you Peacock, I have made new dozens of "obsolete" relics you couldn't fathom you haughty child. Items forgotten so long ago only the oldest of Gods remember their purpose. I've crafted with materials you couldn't imagine, and walked in the ruins of cities you couldn't dream of with all your Sorcerous might." he rose, placing his clawed hands on the table and looked down at each of them in turn.
"You come here with your master's Executioner and demand I treat you as important customers? You've already disturbed my cycle of debauchery, perhaps I should send your heads back to Shono, a man with twelve kingdoms can surely have found better envoys. I've yet to even be told what it is you want, and for what purpose. I don't simply trust Artifacts to fools who flaunt mortal authority like it is of significance." more guards made their way towards the table, sensing their master's displeasure.
Tsubaki smiled, grabbing Mlungisi's attention.
"Well, this has gone rather diplomatically, hasn't it. How's about someone without a death wish speak for our group, and shall I remind our beloved God of Old Made New that it was Khal Shono who fronted the money to rent this room all these years. Perhaps you could listen to his lovely daughter just a bit longer, assuming her friends act with a little more repsect." he said, giving Eida a sharp warning look.
"I was here long before your Khal, and will be long after him, boy." he snarled, taking and angry bite of meat, cracking the leg bone it was attached to and wolfing it down.
"Ask you Peacock, I have made new dozens of "obsolete" relics you couldn't fathom you haughty child. Items forgotten so long ago only the oldest of Gods remember their purpose. I've crafted with materials you couldn't imagine, and walked in the ruins of cities you couldn't dream of with all your Sorcerous might." he rose, placing his clawed hands on the table and looked down at each of them in turn.
"You come here with your master's Executioner and demand I treat you as important customers? You've already disturbed my cycle of debauchery, perhaps I should send your heads back to Shono, a man with twelve kingdoms can surely have found better envoys. I've yet to even be told what it is you want, and for what purpose. I don't simply trust Artifacts to fools who flaunt mortal authority like it is of significance." more guards made their way towards the table, sensing their master's displeasure.
Tsubaki smiled, grabbing Mlungisi's attention.
"Well, this has gone rather diplomatically, hasn't it. How's about someone without a death wish speak for our group, and shall I remind our beloved God of Old Made New that it was Khal Shono who fronted the money to rent this room all these years. Perhaps you could listen to his lovely daughter just a bit longer, assuming her friends act with a little more repsect." he said, giving Eida a sharp warning look.
Callista showed no outward reaction to the quick, heated exchange of words except for merely pressing her lips together.
”And we come bearing souls that are more ancient than apathetic deities such as yourself. If you will not respect our mortal authority than you will respect our divine one,” Callista said, allowing her essence to present the Zenith full-disk for all to see. She could tell that the god merely wanted to be left alone, and eventually she knew he would have to answer for his neglect of his duties but that was not why they were there. ”I am not here requesting your artifacts, as I can see you are much more interested in your petty vices to create anything worthy of myself. We want access to your store of orichalcum so that those of your followers who still do their duties can continue to do so.”
”And we come bearing souls that are more ancient than apathetic deities such as yourself. If you will not respect our mortal authority than you will respect our divine one,” Callista said, allowing her essence to present the Zenith full-disk for all to see. She could tell that the god merely wanted to be left alone, and eventually she knew he would have to answer for his neglect of his duties but that was not why they were there. ”I am not here requesting your artifacts, as I can see you are much more interested in your petty vices to create anything worthy of myself. We want access to your store of orichalcum so that those of your followers who still do their duties can continue to do so.”
The God's eyes widened and suddenly he was very much interested in the girl. He sat back down, waving his guards off. He looked at the Peacock, a bemused smile on the man's masked face.
"I'd heard the gossip but I would never have believed it. Oh someone in Yu Shan is going to be very, very upset to let such lovely creatures as you back into Creation." he licked his lips, then leaned back to regard the other's with her. He wondered how many were also Solars.
"One does not store Orichalcum, nor do any of the Ogun know how to make use of it. I doubt any mortals do. And it would be a rare Exalt who did. Such a search would attract the Realm, or at the very least Lookshy. You would be very short lived Chosen indeed." he smiled a toothy grin, taking another bite out of the haunch of meat and washing it down with the alcohol he'd offered them earlier.
"But I have a few items, pieces I scavenged before my promotion. With a little work, I'm sure they would work for you and your allies. What's in it for me?" he asked with a hyena-like laugh.
"I'd heard the gossip but I would never have believed it. Oh someone in Yu Shan is going to be very, very upset to let such lovely creatures as you back into Creation." he licked his lips, then leaned back to regard the other's with her. He wondered how many were also Solars.
"One does not store Orichalcum, nor do any of the Ogun know how to make use of it. I doubt any mortals do. And it would be a rare Exalt who did. Such a search would attract the Realm, or at the very least Lookshy. You would be very short lived Chosen indeed." he smiled a toothy grin, taking another bite out of the haunch of meat and washing it down with the alcohol he'd offered them earlier.
"But I have a few items, pieces I scavenged before my promotion. With a little work, I'm sure they would work for you and your allies. What's in it for me?" he asked with a hyena-like laugh.
”Then let us have those items and we will be too busy putting them to use to bother about a wayward God. If there are any other terms you would like to discuss, I will consider them.”
Moderators: cyranax Callista (played anonymously) Eida (played anonymously) Kellian Roux (played anonymously)