This is very-much WIP, so check back periodically. The history of this group stretches back as far as '96.
Weapons of Gods
From the Ashes
After the fall of Titanius, her five heralds were left to pick up the pieces. The war of the gods were over and HomeRealm was in shambles. Turning then in on each-other her former weapons of war began to exterminate one another in a seemingly endless war. All the while plant, animal, and sentient life dying off due to the increasingly hostile realm.
Finally wreckage of world had come to a head and through tentative alliance the two remaining factions began work on a device to deal with the problem. The solution was the first constructed Realm Engine. Then a second war broke out over ownership of this new device, Xanthos Theoric and Aquaria Lidower finally dueling it out. Clearly he came out on top, and sadly the last of his kind was put to an end.
Realm engine had undergone much work since then, and even a complete overhaul the newest generation using mechanisms he refused to discuss with even the most trusted of associates. It was his dirty little secret. With Home Realm secured he began to travel the realms in search of knowledge. Any knowledge, and all. Consuming them and storing them in a great library he zealously guarded from anyone else.