No artwork seen on the profile belongs to me. I've taken it off Google images, right go to their respective owners.
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Pokémon Trainer
Alignment: Neutral
Age: 18
Body Type: Athletic
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 275lbs
Hair: Short, blondish-brown, often covered with a hat.
Complexion: Light tan
Eyes: Kind, dark violet eyes.
Handedness: Ambidextrous, prefers his left.
Likes: His Pokémon, food, the summer, sleeping.
Hometown: Flocessy Town, Unova
Nicknames: John, JoJo (call him that and incur his wrath), Big J, Cowboy
A tall and broad cowboy that is known for wearing various purples, reds, and blacks. He often wears a long sleeve, button up shirt tucked into a pair of blue jeans or a pair of long, khaki pants, a pair of brown leather boots, and a stereotypical black cowboy hat along with a crimson bandanna.
Johnny is a rather kindhearted, happy go lucky individual with a rather crude sense of humor. He has a bit of a foul mouth, and this foul mouth only gets worse when he's been angered; luckily it takes a lot to truly anger him. In addition, the man has a strong sense of justice and has nerves of steel. He's unafraid to say what needs to be said and is willing to lay down his own brand of justice.

Team Member 1: Meowstic
Gender: Female
Ability: Inflitrator
Personality: Incredibly sweet, loving, and cuddly. She is a very loving Pokemon that has been known to cuddle up to anyone, even new trainers. She enjoys feeling the warm, gentle touch of her trainer.
Moves: Psychic, Shadow Ball, Energy Ball, and Calm Mind

Team Member 2: Volcarona
Gender: Female
Ability: Flame Body
Personality: Quiet, calm, and collected. She is a very quiet Pokemon that seldom interacts with the others. Despite this, she is a kindhearted Pokemon.
Moves: Fire Blast, Quiver Dance, Bug Buzz, Giga Drain
Biography: Johnny's fist Pokémon and his second most powerful. These two share a bond unlike any other, the two being inseparable from the other. The two don't even need to talk to understand what the other thinking, a simple passing glance is all that's needed. In battle, Volcarona has high power and good speed, though her defense is lacking a bit. She shares rather strong bonds with nearly everyone on the team despite her closed off personality.

Team Member 3: Lickiting
Gender: Male
Ability: Own Tempo
Personality: A quirky, goofy individual that enjoys making his friends laugh. He is lazy and enjoys food, a lot. He can often be seen sleeping if he isn't goofing off or eating.
Moves: Earthquake, Body Slam, Heal Bell, Toxic
Biography: Initially received as an egg, Lickitung was hatched just days prior to the Nimbasa City Gym battle. Since he hatched, Lickitung was the biggest reason to their unusually large food budget. The Pokemon could eat enough to make a Snorlax look skinny, though its prowess in battle more than makes up for it. He is a very bulky Pokemon, capable of shrugging hits off, though he's almost painfully slow and his offensive abilities are rather weak.

Team Member 4: Gyarados
Gender: Male
Ability: Intimidate
Personality: Despite being known as the Atrocious Pokemon, Gyarados is surprisingly gentle. However, if one of his allies are in danger, he's known to go on rampages.
Moves: Dragon Rage, Hydro Pump, Hyper Beam, and Giga Impact
Biography: The most powerful member of the team. Initially, Gyarados was bought by a strange man offering the younger Johnny an incredibly powerful, rare Pokemon that would prove to be a valuable member on the team. Being the idiot Johnny was, he coughed up the 500 Poke for the Pokemon. However, this rare and valuable Pokemon turned out to be nothing more than a Magikarp. While Johnny was quite frustrated with the dishonest salesman and his own stupidity, the man soon found out that this pathetic Pokemon really would become a valuable asset to the team. Gyarados has high power, good defenses, but below average speed. He shares strong bonds with his trainer and his teammates, being especially protective of Mawile.

Team Member 5: Mawile
Special Trait: Shiny
Gender: Female
Ability: Intimidate
Moves: Iron Head, Ice Punch, Protect, and Sucker Punch
Personality: Timid, shy, and rather closed off around newcomers. She takes a long time to warm up to anyone. Around her trainer and teammates, she is rather cuddly and caring, she enjoys being able to relax with her trainer.
Bio: Mawile was met just north of Icirrus City during the winter; badly injured. These wounds weren't caused by Pokemon, but rather they appeared to be caused by human hands. Concerned and rather surprised, Johnny made haste to get her to the Pokemon Center. Upon waking up, she had just about freaked out. Johnny looked vaguely similar to her previous trainer, giving her some trust issues around him. However, seeing how close Johnny was with the other Pokemon, she was slowly able to warm to him and soon became the best of friends with Johnny, though she is still a bit nervous around newcomers. She often wears a purple bandanna around her neck, it was a gift from her trainer.

Team Member 6: Metagross
Gender: N/A
Ability: Clear Body
Personality: Like Gyarados, Metagross is surprisingly gentle Pokemon that can often be seen napping. It is a calm Pokemon that generally aids in the training of the other Pokemon.
Biography: Metagross was initially received as a Beldum from the visiting Steven Stone. Initially, the Pokemon was incredibly weak, but after it eventually evolved into Metagross, it became the team's 'Great Wall of Unova'. In battle, Metagross is best described as a slow moving tank with high defense, good power, but extremely low speed. It is a very calm, gentle Pokemon that acts like a grandfather towards the team.

Gender: Female
Race: Human
Class: Pokémon Trainer
Alignment: Neutral
Age: 12
Body Type: Average, a bit shorter than most.
Height: 4'11"
Weight: 105lbs
Hair: Long, blondish-brown. Often braided and pulled into a ponytail.
Eyes: A very deep, midnight violet.
Complexion: Fair
Hometown: Flocessy Town, Unova
Nicknames: Cece, Lia, Celia, Cinnamon (only by her brother)
Cecilia is an averagely built twelve-year old girl. Though, don't let her small stature deceive you, as she could easily wrestle down a Machamp like it was nothing. She often wears a long, blue plaid dress that reaches just below her knees with a pair of long, leather boots that reaches midway up her shins. Her hair is a blondish-brown color that's often worn in a braided ponytail, it reaches just below the center of her back. Her eyes are a stunningly deep, beautiful midnight violet that seemingly shine like an amethyst under the sun. She generally has a pair of glasses. In addition, she'll often be seen with her beloved Eevee on her shoulder.
Like her brother, Cecilia has a very strong sense of justice and can often be seen laying down the law, and she's got massive nerves of steel. She has strong emotions, rarely showing any signs of anger or sadness; though you'll need to watch out if you do get her angry, as she's known to be like a raging Tauros when angry. She is kindhearted, but rather naive. She refuses to see the bad in people and she's known to be trusting. She's got a strange quirk of pairing her brother up with every girl she sees.

Team Member 1: Eevee
Gender: Female
Ability: Adaptability
Personality: Playful, timid, but outgoing. She's like her trainer in the fact that she wants to prove that she's strong and she'll do what she can to prove it.
Moves: Quick Attack, Shadow Ball, Bite, and Sand Attack
Biography: Cecilia's first and most beloved Pokémon. Little Eevee was first given to her by her older brother when she was just three years old. These two share a bond like no other, they are inseparable from the other, though it should be expected by a duo who have been with each other for nearly ten years. Eevee isn't much of a battler, but she always gives it her all whenever she does battle, refusing to back down. She has below average stats, though she is a fierce opponent.

Team Member 2: Venomoth
Gender: Male
Ability: Tinted Lens
Personality: A bit quirky in comparison. He is affectionate, strange, and a bit of a class clown. He often lands on the heads of people as a way of showing affection.
Moves: Quiver Dance, Sludge Bomb, Bug Buzz, Sleep Powder
Biography: Met not too long after officially becoming a Pokemon trainer at just ten years old as a Venonat. Rather than catching the quirky Bug-type through battle, he joined the team after inviting himself to the groups's lunch. He loved the fresh smell of Cecilia's cooking, so he just waltzed in and joined them. Surprisingly, he grew closer to Cecilia rather than Gabrielle, the one who invited the Venonat to lunch. Unable to just leave the Pokemon behind, Cecilia added him to the team where he became a valuable asset. He has well rounded stats, speed being his best category.

Team Member 3: Ditto
Special Trait: Shiny
Gender: N/A
Ability: Limber
Personality: The Pokemon is very colorful, generally being quite quirky and weird. It is affectionate, but shy at times. Other times it is outgoing and very energetic. It's a strange thing of slime.
Moves: Transform
Biography: A strange Pokemon of unknown origins, except for the fact that they found it near the Virbank Sewers for reasons they were unaware of. Cecilia was intrigued by the strange, blue blob outside one of the nastiest places in the city...though they were unaware of why they traveled there in the first place. Believing it to be just a strangely colored Grimer, Cecilia was shocked to see it wasn't, rather it was a Pokemon none of the siblings had even heard of. Her curiosity peaked with the weird transforming blob, she battled it with her newly caught Venonat and successfully captured the little blob.

Team Member 4: Onix
Gender: Male
Ability: Sturdy
Personality: Calm, but loud and bold. He is gentle, but can become enraged in a flash. He enjoys battling and napping whenever he can.
Moves: Iron Tail, Flash Cannon, Bulldoze, and Iron Defense.
Biography: Met during a trip through the Clay Tunnel, Cecilia caught the Pokemon through kindness and love rather than through battle like she normal would. After showing the large Pokemon the kindness he deserved, Onix decided to join the team. In battle, he is quite resilient and powerful, but is annoyingly slow at times.

Team Member 5: Venusaur
Gender: Male
Ability: Overgrow
Personality: Lazy, gentle and kind. He generally acts as a sort of mentor to the other Pokémon, generally watching and protecting the group.
Moves: Vine Whip, Razor Leaf, Poison Powder, and Body Slam.
Biography: Initially given to her as a Bulbasaur from the visiting Professor Oak. While Oak had not originally planned to give any of the three Kanto starters to anyone, Bulbasaur had taken a strange liking to Cecilia, rarely wanting to be apart from her. In response to the love for the trainer, Oak had given the little Grass-type to Cecilia. After joining her team, him and his trainer grew rather close and eventually evolved into a Venusaur. The Pokemon is fairly balanced in battle with defense being his best stat.

Team Member 6: Tyranitar
Gender: Female
Ability: Sandstream
Personality: A Pokemon that has innate qualities of leadership, though she is easily enraged and hates being anything besides on top.
Moves: Hyper Beam, Stone Edge, Crunch, and Earthquake
Biography: Cecilia's finest catch and arguably the most powerful Pokemon among the three trainers. Tyranitar was met as a Pupitar that was being hunted down by poachers. In an effort to keep the Pokemon safe from the poaches, she took them on with her newly caught Onix and newly evolved Venomoth. Her attempts were successful and managed to convince the Rock-type to join her. Eventually, Pupitar evolved into a Tyranitar, where her abilities became far stronger; her raw power is unmatched, not even by Johnny's Gyarados or by Gabrielle's Blaziken. Her defense is bested only by Johnny's Metagross, though her speed is rather underwhelming, she has issues keeping up with even a Torkoal on a bad day.

Gender: Female
Race: Human
Class: Pokémon Trainer
Alignment: Neutral
Age: 12
Body Type: Average
Eyes: A deep, almost gem like violet
Hair: Longish, blondish brown, often worn in twin tails.
Height: 4'11"
Weight: 105lbs
Complexion: Fair
Hometown: Flocessy Town, Unova
Nicknames: Gab, Gabby, Gaborina (only by her siblings), sweetie (only by her brother)
Like her sister, she wears a long plaid dress that reaches below her knees, however it is gold with orange and green accents. She has a pair brown boots that reach up to her knees. Like her siblings, she has blondish brown hair, though she wears them in twin tails. Her eyes are a stunningly bright violet color. Unlike her outgoing sister, her smile is generally a shy one. She can often be seen with her beloved Vulpix on her shoulder.
Unlike Cecilia, Gabrielle is a shy, timid girl that prefers to let others make the first move. Despite that, she has enough energy to make even a Pachirisu become exhausted. Though, only those she's close to are aware of her inexhaustible energy source. She loves Pokémon, having a particular fondness for Fire-types, Espeon, and Umbreon.

Team Member 1: Vulpix
Gender: Female
Ability: Drought
Personality: Like her trainer, she is rather shy, timid, but full of life and energy. She is cuddly and enjoys attention, especially from her beloved trainer. Though, she's got a bit of a vengeful spirit at times.
Moves: Flamethrower, Confuse Ray, Toxic, and Quick Attack.
Biography: Much in the way that Cecilia obtained her beloved Eevee, the three-year old Gabrielle had received her beloved Vulpix from her brother. Practically overnight, the two had developed an unbreakable bond that only continued to grow stronger through their time together. Vulpix was almost never seen without her beloved trainer, almost always resting in her arms. Vulpix's battle strengths are largely unknown due to her trainer's unwillingness to battle with her.

Team Member 2: Flareon
Gender: Female
Ability: Flash Fire
Personality: Playful, loving, and rather naive. She enjoys playing until she has no energy left and can often be seen cuddling up to anyone on the team, whether it be the trainers or their Pokemon.
Moves: Fire Blast, Quick Attack, Shadow Ball, and Protect
Biography: Caught just the day before she left Castelia City with her siblings an Eevee. The evolution to Flareon was more of an accident, as the contact with the Fire Stone was not planned at all. Rather, the Eevee had come into contact with a Fire Stone within Gabrielle's bag, this stone was given to her by her parents specifically for Vulpix, though due to the curiosity of the Eevee, she'd came into contact first. Though, neither the trainer nor Vulpix were upset with this, rather they welcomed it. With the evolution, Flareon became even stronger and strangely enough, even sweeter. In battle, she has high power, but her other stats are below average.

Team Member 3: Blaziken
Gender: Male
Ability: Blaze
Personality: Bold, brash, and loud. He refuses to back down in a battle and is extremely protective of his allies, extremely loyal to his teammates.
Moves: Fire Punch, Low Kick, Sky Attack, and Swords Dance
Biography: Initially found as a Torchic egg on an unmarked path towards the Dreamyard near Striaton City. Curious and almost pitied, Gabrielle decided to bring the egg along. Eventually, the egg hatched into a Torchic, and because the girl was the first thing he saw, naturally it assumed Gabrielle was his mother and thus, their bond began to form. Once arriving in the Blaziken stage, it became the most powerful Pokemon on Gabrielle's team, having high speed, good power, but low defense.

Team Member 4: Rapidash
Gender: Male
Ability: Flash Fire
Personality: A Pokemon that values loyalty above all else. He will listen to no one besides his trainer and her siblings. He is docile and relaxed.
Moves: Fire Spin, Stomp, Horn Attack, and Sunny Day
Biography: Met near Route 12, Rapidash was caught after a successful battle between the horse and Gabrielle's newly evolved Combusken. There isn't much notable about Rapidash except for the fact that the Fire-type has by far the highest speed among the group.

Team Member 5: Espeon
Gender: Female
Ability: Synchronize
Personality: Calm, quiet, and solitary. She doesn't interact with people often, though she'll almost never leave her trainer's side. She shares a sisterly bond with Umbreon.
Moves: Psybeam, Signal Beam, Shadow Ball, and Hyper Beam
Biography: Espeon and her sister were met along the way back to Castelia City for a little rest and relaxation from their gym challenge up in nearby Nimbasa City. They were caught in a unique way, as they'd challenged Gabrielle to a double battle. In this battle, she used Flareon alongside her newly caught Rapidash, and with much diligence, she came on top and successfully captured the siblings. Espeon has high speed, but low power and defense.

Team Member 6: Umbreon
Special Trait: Shiny
Gender: Female
Ability: Synchronize
Personality: Quiet, mysterious, and a bit lazy. She can often be seen napping if she isn't battling or cuddling up to her trainer. She shares a sisterly bond with Espeon.
Moves: Toxic, Curse, Moonlight, Dark Pulse.
Biography: Umbreon and her sister were met along the way back to Castelia City for a little rest and relaxation from their gym challenge up in nearby Nimbasa City. They were caught in a unique way, as they'd challenged Gabrielle to a double battle. In this battle, she used Flareon alongside her newly caught Rapidash, and with much diligence, she came on top and successfully captured the siblings. Umbreon has high defense, but poor speed and power.

A group of siblings born to Thomas and Kathleen Allen on a small ranch in Flocessy Town in the Unova region. His parents were the hardworking couple that raised many Pokemon with the intentions of simply giving them a good home. They'd take in Pokemon that either had no place to call their own, were abused and abandoned by their trainers, or those that were sick and injured. The family would take care of the Pokemon until they could find a good home for these precious little creatures.
During his childhood, Johnny would often be tasked with simply feeding the Pokemon. While it wasn't the most glamorous job a child could have, it was easy and it gave him a chance to work with the creatures he loved. It was on this ranch that he'd met his first Pokemon, a Larvesta. These two became close rather quickly, which was strange. The Larvesta was a wild Pokemon that accidentally came across the ranch after leaving its old home nearby. After arriving on the ranch and meeting with Johnny, the two became rather inseparable. The two were seen doing everything together; they ate together, played together, slept together (Though, that often caused problems.), among many other things.
Upon reaching the ripe 'ol age of 10, Johnny decided he'd take Larvesta on a journey with him for a bit of self-discovery. He wasn't quite sure what he wanted to with his young life. He had so many options; he could take on the Pokemon league, he could follow in his parents' footsteps, he could become the leader of Team Rocket, so he just went on the journey to figure that out. He's leaning towards the Pokemon League challenge.
However, he hadn't left on this journey alone. He left with his sister, who was just four at the time of their departure from home. His younger sisters, Cecilia and Gabrielle, both of whom were four years old at the time.
Cecilia decided to leave with her brother on an adventure to prove that she could be just as strong as everyone else, she wanted to prove she could be someone unlike what all those stereotypes suggested. She wished to take on the Pokémon and become champion, in order to do so, she began training and studying alongside her older brother.
Her very first Pokémon was an Eevee gifted to her for her third birthday from her older brother. Like Johnny and his Larvesta, Cecilia became very attached to her beloved Normal-type. The two were never seen apart and if it weren't for the fact that they were different species, you could mistaken them for sisters, they were that close.
Despite her strenuous training regime, she's still a very kindhearted trainer that seeks to bring out the best in her team. She loves her Pokémon and siblings dearly, so she does what she can to protect them.
Then we've got little Gabrielle. Much like her siblings, she's got a deep love for Pokémon and her siblings, though she's a bit closer to her brother. She has dreams of seeing what the world has to offer, she wants to explore everything she can whenever she can, though her shy personality makes it a bit difficult sometimes.
On her third birthday, the day Cecilia received her partner Pokémon, Gabrielle had received hers. Johnny gifted the three year-old with a Vulpix. The girl practically fawned over the adorable little Fire-type. She'd made it clear that she loved the little thing.
Upon turning four years old, Gabrielle and Cecilia managed to convince not just their brother, but their parents to let them travel the world with their older brother, figuring it'd be a good idea to learn as much as they could.
The three siblings are now travelling about the Unova region in hopes of accomplishing their biggest dreams while their bonds with each other and their Pokémon continue to grow all the more unbreakable.
Moderators: H3llf1re KansasVenomoth Guardian_Girl