"How I've waited for you to come
I've been here all along
And now that you've arrived
Please stay a while
And I promise I won't keep you long
I'll keep you forever."
I've been here all along
And now that you've arrived
Please stay a while
And I promise I won't keep you long
I'll keep you forever."
Real Name: Ameise Gein
Nicknames: Sadist, Psychotic Ant, the Crazy Bastard, the Devil.
Race: Ant Demon
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Deity: Gods are worthless in his eyes, just a distraction from the disgusting truths of life.
Age: Unknown, he appears to be in his early twenties.
Body Type: Average
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 195lbs
Complexion: Pale
Hair: Long, crimson color hair worn loosely, reaching down to his shoulders. It is generally unclean.
Eyes: A blood-red color. They appear cruel and conniving, but broken and lost at the same time.
Scars: Many. Some look as if they were self-caused, while others seem like they came from other people.
Relationship Status: Widowed
Likes: Blood, death, his games, torture and pain, the darkness, children.
Dislikes: Humans, watching the blood of an innocent child being spilled, seeing a child torn away from their parents.
Hometown: Unknown, presumed to be southern Canis Majoris.
Ameise is an averagely built ant demon that can generally be seen wearing a strange looking outfit. It is generally a pair of black slacks that reach down to his ankles, they are tight and formfitting along with an unnecessarily long white shirt that reaches down just below his knees. Unlike his pants, the shirt is rather baggy and loose, holes and blood stains decorate it in various areas. His hair is a deep crimson color that obviously hasn't seen a haircut in years, as it reaches just below his shoulders and clearly hasn't seen a shower in decades, as it's caked in dirt, blood, and grime. Split ends and tangles are common sights on the man's scalp. Scars cover the man's body, some appear self-induced, others appear to have come from others. His eyes are especially strange, they've a broken and lost look to them, but these blood red eyes are quite cruel and conniving at first glance. Like the majority of his people, Ameise is capable of transforming into a large ant the size of a small sedan and is a master of both fire and poison based magic.
The strange ant is a cruel and sick demon that loves watching his victims squirm in fear as his games take place. He shows great pleasure in torturing and toying with his victims, watching them squirm with fear and watching the blood spill out of his unfortunate victims often makes him smile in a way that would send chills down anyone's spine. He has a sick sense of humor and isn't known for showing mercy, his lust for blood knows no bounds and is almost exclusively aimed towards the human race. In spite of his giddy, murderous personality, Ameise has a depressing and broken side to him that is rarely ever seen, only those who have managed to earn his trust has seen this softer side of his personality. Strangely enough, Ameise has a very fatherly like personality towards children, going out of his way to make sure they are safe and sound. He has a secret desire to find love and redemption, but is convinced neither are possible.
Our hellish ant demon didn't always start out as the sadistic killer the people of Majoria know him as, but rather there was a time that he was a respected and well loved member of society despite the usual disdain the humans of the world held towards his people. During his early years, he was a loving and kindhearted demon that would almost always help those in need, even if they despised his own kind. Ameise didn't care what others thought about him and simply did what made him feel good and that was helping whoever he could. He tended to the sick, defended his home village from bandit raids, babysat children when necessary, cooked for the hungry, housed the homeless, among of other good deeds. These numerous favors he took on for the village had given him a fairly good reputation, which was almost painfully rare in the world for demons at this time.
Thanks to all of his deeds he took on for the village gave him a good standing among the people and was generally well liked among the townsfolk, giving him the nickname of 'Papa Ant' despite being less than twenty years old and single at the time. Though, this may have reflected the fact that many of the children he watched looked up to him like an adopted father and due to his own care and skill with children. He had a love for children and had dreams to one day father his own, wanting nothing more than be able to protect his own family one day.
As his life in this quaint little village continued, he had met a human girl named Aishī, one just two years older than he was. Like him, Aishī had also done what she could to better the village, though she took on a more offensive approach. She guarded the village with an iron fist, using her skill and prowess in combat to make sure invaders had little chance in harming the villagers. It wasn't long after Ameise and Aishī met that the two ended up falling in love with one another. The two formed a happy and loving relationship that would last until Aishī's unfortunate death, but before we can get to that part, there's still some key parts to their story that must be told.
It was just a year later that Ameise and Aishī married, their union was a healthy and happy one. Neither had envisioned a future without the other and both planned to be there for the other until they no longer breathed and would wait for their beloved on the other side. During the next seven years of their marriage, the couple had three children. Alex and Alan, twin boys and their little girl, Allison brought much joy and happiness into the couple's already joyful life. The family of five were known throughout for village as an exemplary bunch exuding nothing but love, happiness, and kindness. They were a family the majority wished they could be, the children were well behaved, kindhearted, and always wore a bright and loving smile on their faces. The mother and father were close and obviously happy, their smiles were bright and true.
Though, not everyone enjoyed the fact that a demon was so high up in a human settlement and the fact this demon and his family had a much better life then the majority of the villagers. Jealousy took over this strange, angry man decided to break this family to pieces, though he knew attacking them straight up would be the same as committing suicide, so he needed to wait until he could get Ameise out of the picture, which was easier than he realized. Ameise had frequently hunted for food in order to feed his large family and because of this, the soon to be murderer had struck, using a strange gas to suffocate and kill Ameise's family. The father of the household only returned to see his wife gasping for air and his children's lifeless bodies on the ground, despite his best efforts, he was not able to save them. After they passed, Ameise took the ring he'd given his now dead wife and a special drawing his children had given him just days prior to the tragedy with him before he fled from the village.
This event had hurt the man in more ways than one, both his mind and his heart had shattered into thousands upon thousands of pieces, there was nothing for him left in this world. What he had lived for was no longer apart of this world, though he was unable to end his own life, he felt that'd be the cowardly way out. Instead of searching for the man that murdered his family, he decided he'd attempt to lure this man out so that he could enact a sick and twisted revenge onto him. If it wasn't obvious by this point, the event had caused the once loving and kindhearted ant demon to twist into a sick and deranged individual with just one thing on his mind; blood and lots of it.
During the next two years, Ameise had worked on attempting to lure out the murderer no matter what it took, and this path had resulted in the spilling of enough blood to fill a large swimming pool. The first time blood had run down the man's arms excited him and caused him to become addicted to the sweet sensation that flowed through his body with each murder he committed. At the end of this two year period, the bloodthirsty ant had come across his target, his attempts at luring him out had been successful. Rather than just killing the man, he took him in and forcibly turned him into a slave of his own. His lust for blood, his desire to watch the humans quiver with fear caused him to take a sick and twisted path. He developed a strange, labyrinth filled with deadly traps.
What did he do with this labyrinth? Simple, he set up a small contest for the people that took an interest in this strange place. Once every two years, he would gather eight to twelve people to partake in this little contest, those who managed to survive his labyrinth would receive a life living in the lap of luxury, having their every whim bowed to. However, this life in luxury was more like an early invitation to hell, as he enslaved the unlucky winners. So far, not one person has left this maze alive and it's likely they never will.
Currently, Ameise is beginning to prep for the next edition of the Lair of the Ant, as such, he's begun traveling all over Canis Majoris in search of his next unlucky contestants to partake in his game. He secretly wishes to find someone to help him renew his life and find redemption, though he is convinced that it'll be impossible at this point. Who'd want to love a deranged killer like himself? Why would the gods want to grant forgiveness to someone that's been stained with so much blood?
These games are simple, just a maze full of deadly and dangerous puzzles. Generally, eight people take part of these every so often in hopes of gaining a better life. They're willing to risk hide and hair for a simple life of luxury, but who wouldn't? If you knew you were able to live a life in the lap of luxury without any responsibilities or worries, would you be willing to risk your own life? I'm sure you would...
Five rooms, five challenges. Surely you can make it through this, right? You're not that weak, are you? I've been looking forward to some entertainment, but sadly the last few visitors were a bunch of milk drinkers. All bark and no bite, so I'm hoping you're different at least.
Anyways, if you're willing and able, simply make it through five rooms and their respective challenges alive and your prize awaits you. Be ready to have your mind, body, and spirit tested. Hell awaits you in every corner of the maze.

"You didn't think these games were going to be easy, did you? If so, than it would appear you're even stupider than it would seem. I suppose you'll want me to explain what this labyrinth is for, don't you? Consider this...a parting gift from yours truly..."
Enough IC shenanigans and let's get on to the deadly labyrinth. This place contains five different rooms, all five of them have different puzzles, each more deadly than the last. While the map shows the rooms are marked with a different number, don't let it fool you. Trying to follow the rooms in numerical order will only quicken your inevitable death. You'll want to travel from room #1 of course, but I'd recommend avoiding #2 and skipping straight to #3 then follow up with #4 and #5, afterwards make your way towards room #2.
While you're exploring, keep your eyes out for this sparkling, black stars. These will be crucial in earning your prize, on the map these are denoted by green squares and black dots. You will not be able to complete the games until you've collected all five of them, so be aware and keep an eye out for them. Thankfully, they are fairly easy to obtain as there is nothing guarding them, so don't pass up the opportunity to collect them when you can
Room #1: Finding the Skull
In order to obtain the key to open the first door upon entering this hellish maze, you must search every nook and cranny of room #1 to find the bloodied skull. It really shouldn't be hard to miss, after all it's a blood red skull lying around in a pearly white room. Finding it isn't the problem, rather obtaining it is the problem. You see, this bloodied skull is guarded by a group of headless corpses. It seems you're not the only one searching for this object. Fend them off and collect your prize. Once you've collected the skull, head towards the exit and place it in its designated area and move on to room #3. The skull's location is denoted by the silver square with the black X.
Room #3: Dire Teleportations
This one is rather straight forward, but it is by no means easy. Within room three, your goal is to find the key that lies within the gas chambers. Oh, don't worry. You won't have to fight against noxious clouds of gas immediately, this rather painful and slow death has ten minutes before it's scheduled to occur. Within these ten minutes, your goal is to find the teleportation device in order to reach the room holding the key. However, if you have not activated the teleport within the time allotment, your death is imminent. Toxic gases will slowly seep out of the room while the door to room #3 will lock. While your death will not be immediate, you have nearly ten minutes until the gas suffocates you. In the meantime, search for that teleport and once you've found it, your precious oxygen will return to you. These teleportation devices are denoted by the blue squares while your prize is denoted by the cyan squares. Once you've collected the key, make your towards room #4.
Room #4: A Six-Legged Struggle
With the key you've collected in room #3, head down to the southern hallway. Don't let your guard down, a number of large insects await you in combat, each masters of poison. If you thought the choking gases of room #3 were bad, just wait until you see what these insects hold. They can spit an acid that can melt away even the strongest armors, have pincers that can slice through bone as if it were butter, have stingers that pierce even solid stone with little effort. While they are strong, they are by no means unbeatable. Strike them once and they're dead, but do not take them lately or you may just end up as their dinner. If you've managed to clear them, make your to your prize, a miniature golden ant statue. Once you've obtained this, bring it towards the next door and start your challenge in room #5. Your treasure is denoted by the golden squares.
Room #5: A Moralistic Struggle
This one is probably the most controversial of the many puzzles that hide within the Lair of the Ant. In order to obtain the first key, you must choose between two things... a dying child* in which only you can save or the key you'll need to move on. That golden ant you picked up contains an antidote that'll cure the kid and will help him become the strong man he wishes to become, however the once the antidote is used up, the ant will crumble. Think carefully, as the ant is also crucial to obtaining the key for room #2. Once you place the ant on its pedestal, you will receive the key to open up the southern door, by doing so, the ant will crumble and that innocent child will perish knowing that his last moments were used watching his hopeful savior openly damn him. If you've obtained the key, head south to receive your... prize. The keys are denoted by red squares. Once you've obtained the second key, make your way to room #2 and prepare for your final challenge.
*Disclaimer: The child isn't actually real, it is merely an illusion. So, don't feel too bad about damning a false child. You'll have plenty of chances to do that to a real child once you're out of here, you heartless monster.
Room #2: The Final Battle
Wow, I'm gonna be honest. I didn't really think you'd make it this far, but nonetheless, I'm impressed. How'd it feel knowing that you'd openly damn an innocent, dying child for such a meager prize? I bet it felt good... you're just reveling in that success of yours, aren't you? I wouldn't be surprised... heh... Anyways, enough of this and let's move onto your final challenge. Did you end up collecting all five of the black stars? If so, good job... if not, I'll meet you in hell soon enough anyways.
Once the five stars are together, place them in their corresponding slot on the door and once you've done that, prepare yourself for the hardest battle in your life. You will fight a perfect clone of yourself, they know your every movement, your every thought. They are you. You'll need to outsmart yourself in order to survive this, after all you wouldn't want your own clone to be the parent of that child you wished to have, now would you? Oh, but don't worry, the clone won't allow their sick and deathly child just die like that, they'll do what they can to save them. Unlike you, they won't openly damn that child for such a ridiculous reason.
If you were successful in defeating yourself, make your way to the exit and claim your prize. I eagerly await to see what kind of monster was successful in completing my maze.
I await your arrival, challenger. Do not disappoint me.
The moment you've all been waiting for, that prize you've been working so hard to fight for. You've defeated a multitude of insects, you've defeated yourself, and your callous disregard for anyone besides yourself caused the death of an innocent child. Sure, he was just an illusion, but that still didn't change the fact that you were willing to put a child on the line for your own sake.
This prize is simply a life without responsibility, you'll in peace and happiness for however much longer you may live. Your every whim will be attended too, you'll never go cold and hungry again. You'll have protection from the Game Master himself, you'll have to most delicious and appetizing food you'll find anywhere, your bed will be even softer than what the gods have prepared for you in the heavens. Never again will you have to worry about struggling to feed yourself... though, of course your family isn't invited, since they didn't not attempt the maze. However, I will grant mercy to your children, if you have any. I'm sure your son or daughter would love to know that you'd be likely to damn them if your life was on the line... and if their other parent is still alive, they're welcome to join you as well.
Ha...haha... You humans are really clueless, aren't you? As soon as someone offers you the life of your dreams, you jump the gun with no regard to your own life. It's painful, honestly. Hadn't you taken the time to stop and even think that this may have been too good to be true? Of course not, you were offered a luxurious life and the natural selfishness of your human nature took over, pushing you to complete this menial task without even thinking of the potential outcomes.
This prize really isn't as luxurious as you hoped it would be, rather this was a legal way to acquire my own slaves. Once you've entered my chamber, you'll notice that the air isn't quite what you're used too... rather, it contains a strange poison that forces your very soul to submit to me and do my bidding. You no longer belong to yourself, but rather, you are mine. You pitiful humans and your pathetic minds are almost humorously easy to manipulate. No matter, I've a fresh slave...
Now that we've gotten this far, I welcome you to my humble abode, challenger.
Moderators: H3llf1re KansasVenomoth Guardian_Girl