Name: Sakurai Manami
Nicknames: Rai, Foxy, Flame, Brother
Class: Student
Gender: Male
Race: Kitsune (Fire Element)
Deity: N/A
Age: Unknown, presumed to be centuries old, though he appears to be no older than a senior in high school.
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 175lbs
Body Type: Average, nothing special.
Hair: Average length, a stunningly deep violet color. It is generally worn down and is generally kept clean and neat.
Eyes: His eyes appear like freshly polished amethysts. They shine and sparkle with an innocence and kindness unlike any other. Rarely will one see a look of fear or worry in his face.
Complexion: Fair
Relationship Status: Single
Birthplace: Fokkusu Kami
This happy go lucky fox has a number of outfits that he'll wear on a daily basis, but he has two outfits that he loves above everything he has in wardrobe. Whenever he's in school, he'll frequently be seen wearing his school's uniform. His uniform consists of a navy blue, button up dress shirt with a white vest, a pair of navy blue slacks, and a pair of black dress shoes. His clothes are generally fairly baggy in order to hide his fairly obvious fox-like tail. He can frequently be seen with a bandanna that covers his fluffy, fox-like ears. Like most kitsunes, he has not just one, but multiple tails; in fact, he has three tails in total, each of them are a deep, beautiful violet color with a snow white tip, almost like a paint brush of some sort. From a distance, they almost look like plushes, being as soft as a brand new stuffed animal. On his head are a pair of violet colored ears, being soft and fuzzy to the touch.
Back in his home land of Fokkusu Kami, he'll generally go for something a bit more casual. He tends to wear a kimono like outfit. This kimono is a deep, crimson colored outfit decorated with a violet flame pattern, signifying the element of magic he was born with. Like his sister and parents, he is capable of transforming into a medium sized fox that appears to be a purple, swift fox. In this form, he looks like a living fox plush with his fur being an absolute pleasure to pet.
Sakurai is a kindhearted, jolly individual with a big heart. He is energetic and hates sitting down for longer than he needs to, he loves being able to use every opportunity he can to explore every single inch of his surroundings. He loves helping those in need and will often go out of his way to make sure someone is smiling. He's been known to be quite the mischievous fox, often pulling pranks on people; though, these pranks are harmless and he never intends to hurt anyone. While he has a high intelligence and often gets incredibly high marks on his tests, he's been known to be quite clueless and is extremely dense. Generally, Sakurai is harmless until someone upsets or harms his beloved sister, then he's been known to snap a few arms and legs. Obviously, he loves and cares for his sister more than anything else in the world. He shares a bond with her that transcends even time and space, a bond so strong, not even God himself could pry them apart without plenty of effort. He's been known to abandon friends and even his parents if his sister was hurting. Like most twins, he often feels what his sister feels.
Character Theme: 'Slider' from the Super Mario 64 OST
Encounter Theme: 'We Are One' from the Lion King 2 OST
Name: Yuki Manami
Nicknames: Yu, Sister, Snow, Amethyst
Class: Student
Gender: Female
Race: Kitsune (Ice Element)
Deity: N/A
Age: Unknown, presumed to be centuries old, though she appears to be no older than a senior in high school.
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 135lbs
Body Type: Average, nothing special.
Hair: Long, beautifully shining purple. Her stunningly deep purple hair is generally in a long ponytail. It reaches down to her waist.
Eyes: Stunningly deep violet that appear and shine like an innocently radiating amethyst. Like her brother's, they sparkle in pure innocence and happiness. Sorrow and malice are completely absent from her eyes.
Complexion: Fair
Relationship Status: Single
Birthplace: Fokkusu Kami
Like her brother, she can often be seen wearing her school's uniform. Her uniform consists of a typical sailor fuku outfit. Her top is a fairly baggy, short sleeve shirt that generally reaches below her waist along with a long, navy blue skirt that reaches to just above her knees. She generally wears a long, navy blue jacket to cover up her fluffy looking fox-tail along with a navy blue bandanna to cover up her plush fox-ears. Like her brother, she frequently wears a happy smile that just sparkles with absolute innocence. She also has three fox tails that appear as if they were just plushies, they're a deep purple color with snow white tips. She can often be seen wearing a golden, amethyst adorned pendant that her mother gave for her eighteenth birthday.
Like the rest of her family, Yuki is capable of shifting into a purple, swift fox. She is roughly the same size as her brother, but her fur looks and feels considerably softer. Her casual outfit consists of a violet kimono with a white snowflake pattern dotting various parts of her outfit. Around her waist is a snow white ribbon, her twin tails are held up by two more white ribbons.
Yuki has a fairly childlike personality. She is incredibly kind, sweet, and caring, but she can be quite stubborn. She is full of energy and enjoys to run around, despite this boundless energy, she is rather timid. While she takes great pride in her appearance, she often self-consciousness about it due to her belief that her appearance is like that of a young child. She will get upset if someone teases her for it and will get a bit flustered if she's mistaken for younger than she actually is. She gets even more flustered when someone flirts with her, though she secretly enjoys it. In comparison to her brother, Yuki has all of the intelligence he has, but without the clueless nature, however it is offset by her very naive and innocent outlook on life. She has a very strong sense of curiosity and like her brother, she can be very playful and is rather mischievous, though she never intends to purposely hurt anyone. She shares a powerful, unbreakable bond with her brother. She is one of the biggest sources of happiness and comfort for Sakurai, she will never be convinced to betray him.
Character Theme: 'Compass' by Lady Antebellum
Encounter Theme: 'Humble & Kind' by Tim McGraw
In stark contrast to the twins almost sickeningly cheerful personalities, the history of the kitsunes were bloody and rather depressing. The early history of Majoria were known for exceptionally violent, it was almost frighteningly rare to see a country reign in an era of peace that lasted longer than a year. The humans of the world were known for being violently prejudiced towards any and all non-human races that were unfortunate enough to stand in their path of destruction. The Spilosima moth clan was more or less wiped out, while the other moth demons were practically forced onto a small, deserted island, numerous species of fox, spider, scorpion, and crocodile demons were largely wiped out and forced into hiding, but none faced nearly as much damage as the legendary kitsunes. At the peak of their existence, the kitsunes were widely believed to have been numbered in the hundreds of thousands, but as the bloody hatefulness of humanity spread, their numbers dwindled down to maybe a tenth of their original population, those who were not killed were used as slaves and household pets for the humans. If they failed in their line of duty, they were often turned into fancy throw rugs.
One family in particular managed to make a daring escape, by stealing a small shipping boat from a group of humans, they fled from the mainland in search of a land in which they could live peacefully without fear of death. Fortunately for them, they had plenty of supplies to last the journey no matter how long it may have taken them. While the oceanic adventure took no more than just ten years, it felt like an eternity on the endlessly rocking waves, it was like an endlessly blue hell for the two. They wanted nothing more than to have a couple children together, but it likely would've been a bad idea to try and have a few on a boat trip that may never end, or at least not in the near future.
Fortunately for them, that ten year voyage ended when they came across a strange island surrounded by a ring of sharp, seemingly impenetrable mountains. In a surprising twist of luck, or perhaps some divine intervention, the duo managed to successfully steer their ship into the ring of mountains. Much to their dismay, the land they came across was populated by a number of humans, but upon closer inspection, it seemed these humans were different. They were fairly advanced for being so closed off from the rest of the world, they had basic steel weapons and had rather fancy looking boats, buildings, and looked like they were the average run of the mill kingdom that the couple were used to, yet they seemed so... primitive in comparison. They showed no signs of malice or fear of the kitsunes that approached, but rather their eyes filled with wonder and curiosity.
It turned out that these people were the original worshipers of Axelia, the Spirit of Light and foxes were widely revered throughout their religion. So, rather than attacking or shooing these visitors away, the people welcomed them like they were royalty. The people considered them to be like deities walking about the surface of the planet, the fact that these kitsunes shared various bits of knowledge that was totally unknown to these people only added to their godlike status in this strangely shaped island.
Shortly after setting foot on the island, the two kitsunes were escorted towards a beautifully constructed temple that had completely dwarfed anything they'd ever laid their eyes on before in terms of the sheer size and absolute beauty of the temple. For nearly the entirety of their lives, they had felt nothing but fear and sadness at the destruction of their own kind until now. This temple filled the future parents with such peace and joy, it was like a dream they never wanted to wake up from and luckily for them, it wasn't just a dream. It was a reality and it was a reality they were living in. Never in their many years of living were they so convinced that now was the right time to try for a child or two, and that's just what they did.
After roughly six years on the island, they eventually received their greatest treasures; a pair of twins with strikingly violet eyes. Naming the boy Sakurai and the girl Yuki, the pair would finally have kids that could live on their legacy as a messenger from Axelia. These kids grew in a happy and safe environment, everything they had seen throughout their many years of life were filled with joyous smiles and plenty of love from not just their parents, but from the people that lived in the surrounding villages. The island was like a beacon of hope, everyone knew everyone. People loved each other without reason or rhyme, they helped each other with no hope for a reward in return and did it purely because it was the right thing to do.
This loving and enriching home benefited the siblings in more ways than one, the twins had developed a bond that not even Axelia could break, even if she used all of her might. The siblings loved each other dearly and lived for one another, never once were they seen apart. Whether they were eating, playing, sleeping, bathing, causing mischief, they were together. It physically pained them to be apart for extended periods of time and as soon as they got the chance, they were together. If one was depressed, you better believe the other would be there to get them to smile again. Sakurai was extremely protective of her sister, fiercely fighting against anything that so much as even looked at her wrong while Yuki would always be there if her brother so much as shed a single tear, she'd snuggle the sadness out of him.
Their happy life would soon be filled with a number of exciting adventures and cool discoveries. It was discovered, just after the kitsunes turned ten (or at least they appeared to be ten, kitsunes age differently in comparison to humans), they discovered a most peculiar object lurking within the lowest floors of the temple. A floating, mirror like object showing a strange, grassland just on the other side. Without telling their parents, the young kitsunes had curiously and foolishly entered. They just wanted to know what this was and sure enough, they were more than satisfied by their discovery, this strange mirror they entered led them to a whole new world, one that mirrored their own, yet it was completely different. They were unable to even feel Axelia's presence anymore, which meant that they were in a completely different plane of existence. But, unfortunately for them, people were rather violent; while they never got into any of their conflicts, they were quick to return to their home world and decided it'd be best if they learned how to control and fight with the magic they were born with.
Rather than going to their parents or to anyone else for that matter, they decided they'd train together. Sakurai was gifted with fire magic from his mother while Yuki was gifted with ice magic from her father. While they may have had completely different magic types, they were able to develop a fighting style that perfectly mirrored the other. They were quick, but rather weak; they hit fast and were able to get a number of hits in before their opponents could hit back, but they took large amounts of damage and gave very little in return. Regardless, this proved to be a very efficient combo when they had returned to the strange world. They were able to keep their own as they explored the area that surrounded their strange portal. Their parents eventually found out about their otherworldly excursions, but did not stop them from going. They knew that the twins would benefit from exploring new things, so it'd be wrong to stop them.
Over the centuries, their world travels had continued and they explored every place they could, adventuring to their hearts content while continuing to strengthen their already immensely powerful bond. They explored Ancient Japan at first,witnessed the rise of Buddhism, then eventually arrived in Feudal Japan, witnessed the spreading of Christianity in Japan, witnessed the Japan of World War II, until they finally arriving in modern day Japan. The duo, now being over two thousand years old, passed off for being a senior in high school, and that's exactly what they did. With the help of their parents, they enrolled in a local high school and began living the life of a seemingly ordinary student.

An ancient and wondrous island that has been largely untouched by human hands for centuries. The oddly shaped island is surrounded by a ring of tall, nearly impregnable mountains that make travel in and out of this mystical place. Despite that, roughly three thousand years ago, a family of kitsunes made their way towards the island in hopes of developing a kingdom for their people. Even then, in Majoria's early history, non-human creatures received very harsh and hateful treatment, many of them being used as slaves for their human in spite of their amazing powers. As the years went by, more and more kitsunes were taken from their homes, forcibly sent into servitude. Those who resisted were often killed and turned into rather luxurious throw rugs.
Years went by as the population of the kitsune slowly dwindled, those who did not flee the fledgling kingdoms were killed. Two kitsunes managed to escape the slaughter by the humans of Majoria, fleeing on a strange ship in hopes of finding a safe place to raise their children and one day repopulate their species. These two spent years, perhaps centuries in search of a new land. Their search wasn't in vain as they eventually drifted onto what is now known as Fokkusu Kami. What they found on the strange looking island was most peculiar, a tribe of humans that were clearly far more advanced than anyone else in the known world, yet it seems as if they've never once set foot off the island.
The humans that resided on the island were just as surprised as the kitsunes to see one another. The kitsunes hadn't expected the island to be populated with such an advanced tribe while the humans didn't even realize there was life outside their island. While the humans were considerably more advanced than the other nations in the world, there was something missing from them... So, the kitsunes decided to pass on some of their own knowledge to these humans. They gave them new ways to write, new ways to read, new ways to fish and hunt for food, new way to farm, new languages, and ways to leave the island if necessary. This humans immediately took them for prophets, believing them to be emissaries from Axelia herself, sent to them for their loving and righteous natures.
The ancient humans took them to the large, mystical looking temple in the very center, allowing them to live there for as long as they may live. The humans took it to themselves to restore the temple for their newfound emissaries, while frequently worshiping and bringing them offerings of gold, food, water, and anything else they could. As time went on, the island would become completely ignored by the nations of the present day despite the sheer number of resources the island houses.
Just a few centuries after arriving on the island, the two kitsunes gave birth to twins; a son and a daughter, each hailed as Messiahs by the natives of the island. These two would become well loved and well known throughout the island, being known as a friend to the common folk. These two were noted for their exceptionally strong bond, even for a pair of twins. The twins lived for each other, showering the other in nothing but love and affection.
The temple that the kitsunes call home is perhaps the strangest part of the island. On the outside, it appears normal and is actually beautifully constructed. The outside has a number of beautiful plants that seem to have an eternal youth, they're centuries old, but they appear as if they were planted just a few days ago. The cherry blossom trees smell of heaven and paradise, their pink leaves are sure to please anyone as they pass by. The temple grounds have numerous beautiful waterways filled with a number of gorgeous fish swimming around in absolute harmony with the various insects and birds that also call this serene, picturesque temple home. The sidewalks, stairs, and buildings themselves are constructed from only the finest of materials and are maintained daily by the humans that inhabit the region. Surely anyone would feel an immediate rush of peace and quiet by simply sitting besides on of the many ponds the reside in the grounds of this beautiful temple.
The inside of the temple is perhaps the strangest part of it, while it'd have everything you'd need for a king and queen; a dining room, numerous bedrooms, servant quarters, a beautiful kitchen, a number of fine washrooms, and a luxurious hot spring that many would kill just to have five minutes in it. There is a strange room in the lowest floor of this beautifully expansive temple that's home to a floating mirror. This mirror seemingly peers into another world, a world that forever changes with Majoria.

Artwork is not mine, I took this off of Google Images. Rights go to their respective owners.
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