Name: Masahiro Minami
Race: Celestial
Class: Prince of Celestia
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Gender: Male
Age: 20,000 (He is the equivalent to a twenty year old human)
Body Type: Average
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 235lbs
Hair: Snow white, reaches the base of his neck. In certain angles, it looks like it sparkles under a rainbow of color.
Eyes: Snow white with golden irises. In certain angles, it looks like it sparkles under a rainbow of color.
Complexion: Pale, though in certain angles, he seemingly sparkles a variety of colors.
Relationship Status: Single
Birthplace: The Temple of Celestia
A tall, fairly averagely built individual with a unique sense of fashion. His pants of long, snow white and reach just above his ankles. They look to be like an ordinary pair of jeans, nothing too unusual about them. Though, like the rest of the man, under certain angles, it looks like it sparkles in every color under the sun. His shirt is similar, it is a long sleeve, v-neck shirt with a cloak thrown around him. He seems to have a strange obsession with glitter... His eyes and hair are snow white with a similar glittering effect, even his flawless skin is that way. On him are two swords on his side and a staff with a radiantly glowing gem sits on his back.
This celestial has a very colorful personality, he is friendly and sincere to a fault. Masahiro enjoys good ol' conversation, making friends, and can be a cheesy flirt at times. Despite the friendly disposition, Masahiro is brutally honest and will almost always say what's on his mind, often causing him to come off as rude. He isn't known to sugarcoat things for people and just says it as is. He is rather arrogant and takes a lot of pride in what he is, never wasting anytime with boasting about it. He is a caring man that will go out of his way to protect others, having a very cliched sense of humor and justice. He is fiercely loyal to those he cares far, but he has been known to murder those who have broken his trust. He boasts a very high intelligence, but unfortunately, it's not often used due to his oblivious nature. He is very protective of his twin sister and will disregard even his significant other if she's in danger without a second thought, he loves and cares for her deeply.
The celestial is known for his powerful magic and merciless fighting style. He is a master of various types of magic, preferring to use fire, earth, lightning, poison, darkness, and light magic. His staff allows him to fire off powerful spells with few repercussions, however the staff will eventually run out of energy if used too much. Once his staff has run out of usable magic, he will become a bit easier to deal with as his hand-hand combat skill is rather mediocre and in spite of the two swords he carries, he does not pose much of a threat with his weapons, though he can rely on the magic that flows through his veins, but these spells will sap his own energy, and like all others, if he uses too much he can end up passing out or even end up killing himself. Like most of his species, he has a very fast healing factor and can heal any non-life threatening wounds in just a few seconds. However, wounds that result in the loss of his limbs or those that would be considered life threatening take much longer to heal; injuries to the head are almost always fatal. His defense is above average while his strength is rather poor, like most of his kind, he has a very high intelligence and is capable of formulating plans in the midst of battle. While he is powerful, he isn't unbeatable.
Character Theme: 'I Am A Wanderer' by Steve Earle
Encounter Theme: 'Point Of Know Return' by Kansas
Name: Miyako Minami
Race: Celestial
Class: Princess of Celestia
Alignment: Lawful Good
Gender: Female
Age: 13,000 (She is the equivalent to a thirteen year old human)
Body Type: Average for her age.
Height: 5'0"
Weight: 110lbs
Hair: Long, loosely worn. It is snow white and under the sun, it seemingly sparkles in a rainbow of color. This beautiful hair reaches down to the center of her back.
Eyes: They're a stunningly deep silver color that seemingly sparkle in a rainbow of colors.
Complexion: Pale, though in certain angles, she seemingly sparkles a variety of colors.
Birthplace: Celestia
Relationship Status: Single
The 'young' celestial can often be seen wearing a sleeveless, snow white dress that reaches down to her ankles with a pair of white sandals. Under the light of the sun, it sparkles in a beautiful array of colors. Her skin is rather pale despite spending so much time in the sun and like her brother, her skin is flawless and free of any scars. Her eyes are an eerie, yet stunningly beautiful silver color that seemingly shine in a rainbow of colors. She wears a strange staff on her back, the gem on the top of the staff shines like a beautiful rainbow and is capable of shooting out various kinds of magic. The girl looks very similar to a thirteen year old child and has a rather childish, young figure. She can occasionally be seen wearing a small, golden bracelet.
Miyako has a fairly childlike personality. She is incredibly kind, sweet, and caring, but she can be quite stubborn. She is full of energy and enjoys to run around, despite this boundless energy, she is rather timid. While she takes great pride in her appearance, she often self-consciousness about it due to her belief that her appearance is like that of a young child. She will get upset if someone teases her for it and will get a bit flustered if she's mistaken for younger than she actually is. She gets even more flustered when someone flirts with her, though she secretly enjoys it. Much like her older brother, Miyako has all of the intelligence he has, but doesn't seem to be as oblivious as he is.
Much like the rest of her people, Miyako has access to very strong magic and she is proficient in all fields of magic, though she greatly prefers darkness, cosmic, lightning, light, and healing magic. She has rather high speed, but her defenses and strength are below average; like her brother, she is capable of creating powerful spells with her strange staff, but after extensive use, it will run out of charge and force her to use magic like any normal mage, though unlike her brother, she will not run out of energy nearly as quickly. She has poor hand to hand skills and poor weapons skills, though her high intelligence and powerful magic more than make up for it. She and her brother often team up and are capable of making powerful tag teams.
Character Theme: 'One' by U2
Encounter Theme: 'If The World Had a Front Porch' by Tracy Lawrence
Masahiro was born roughly fifteen thousand years before the first major kingdom sprouted on the world of Majoria. At the time, the moon's neighbor was a very different world; Majoria was a peaceful planet home to a number of prehistoric hunter-gatherer tribes. These people were not the same as the violent, warmongering creatures seen on the present day Majoria. At that time, the world seemed peaceful and nature seemed to be like the gods intended it to be. Humans and demons weren't trying to kill each other purely because of their race, rather they fought for prime territory and food like any typical animal, they mated in hopes of keeping their species alive.
Back on Celestia, life had taken a very different turn; the celestials were far more similar to the humans of present day Majoria. They had a single kingdom to was spread throughout the entirety of the moon, they had a functioning system of law and order, a proper trading system, and not a single war had ever broken out for any reason. The citizens were loving and treated each other like family, regardless of their social standings and backgrounds. These creatures had watched over the development of life throughout Majoria, from the day the first animal took its first breath on dry land, to the first time humans began leaving modern day Betelgeuse. The ancient tribes had considered them to be gods, completely unsure of what to really think of them. The shined in a variety of colors, they wore beautiful white clothing, and were masters of the arcane arts, in fact, it's believed that the celestials were the ones that first taught the beings of Majoria how to tap into the magical energy that ran through their veins. It was only a matter of time before the beings began worshiping them.
As millennia passed, the humans and demons of Majoria had slowly become more advanced, civilized communities had begun sprouting up throughout the world's eight continents, but unfortunately these creatures had become increasingly violent. Much to the disappointment of those that lived on Celestia, they had high hopes for them, but it seem it had been torn to bits. However, the reigning queen of Celestia, the one now known as Lady Axelia had decided to try and change the world by spreading her own message of love and peace. The only problem was that she had begun raising two children, the soon to be 7,000 year old Masahiro and the 1,000 year old Miyako, all on her own. Her husband, the one now known as the Hateful One, Kirai had been banished to the desolate wasteland of Jigoku for becoming unusually violent. Fortunately for the Good Lady, several of her close subjects were willing to watch over her children and raised them while she crossed over the colorful bridge to Majoria... though, she would not cross it alone, her husband had come along the journey, for a very different reason.
Axelia's goal was to bring peace and harmony back to Majoria, while Kirai had plans to do the exact opposite. He seemed to thrive upon the very notion of hatred and violence, so he wanted to keep it for as long as he could. This resulted in a number of violent conflicts between the two ex-lovers, many of their battles had lasted for centuries and often times, they robbed Axelia of her chances to return to Celestia. Obviously, this raised plenty of concern for not only the queen's subjects, but for the children as well. With the absence of both his parents, Masahiro had matured rather quickly as he was next in line for the throne of Celestia and would likely take it within a thousand years due to his mother's absence.
As the many years went by, Masahiro had continued preparing for his coronation while teaching his sister about the world around him, creating a rather powerful bond between the two of them. Masahiro loved little Miyako with every ounce of his heart and dedicated his life to protecting her, believing this is what his mother would've wanted from him. As they grew up, the two had developed a bond unlike any other, though that's to be expected when you've had over ten thousand years together. They spent a number of years together learning how to control their magic, the history of Majoria and Celestia, among many other things that would become important in their lives.
Once Masahiro had hit 20,000 and Miyako hit 13,000 years old, that mystical bridge that connected Celestia and Majoria had formed. The two siblings were desperate to see their mother once again, so they decided to take the trek across the bridge without informing anyone. It was a dangerous journey, but the two believed it was worth it if it meant reuniting with their mother. The two embarked on the journey together, miraculously making their way towards the world of Majoria unharmed, stepping foot on the kingdom of Betelgeuse first. Initially, the duo were astounded to see what kind of diversity the world they held, but they were quick to notice how divided it was. Demons against humans, humans against humans, men against women, kings against peasants... it just wasn't the world the siblings had envisioned. They imagined a world of peace, a world of love and kindness like the one they were raised on. It was almost like a nightmare to them, but they refused to let this deter them from their goal. They wanted to see their mother and they were gonna do whatever it took to reunite with their mother.
They were met with plenty of adventure within just their first year of arriving in Betelgeuse, some of the adventure was filled with joy and new friendships, while some of it was filled with drama and angst, but they valued every moment of it. Despite their inability to find their mother, they enjoyed the journey, believing it was a good choice for them. The exploration and the many sights they had the pleasure of witnessing gave them plenty of reasons to smile, though they had a number of problems along the way. Due to their rarity, a number of people wanted to be able to study them, a number of people wished to see them killed purely because they aren't humans, but this didn't stop them. They've only continued to explore the world to their hearts content in hopes of one day reuniting with their mother.

Age: 4.5 billion years
Size: Roughly half the size of the Earth's moon.
Distance from its parent planet: 163,000 miles.
Water: Yes, it takes up roughly 56% of Celestia's surface.
Length of Day: 43 Earth Hours
Length of Orbit: 16 Earth Days
Distance from Earth: 728 light years.
Atmospheric Composition: 60% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 10% carbon, 9% other trace elements.
Surface Composition: The surface is primarily made of iron, aluminum, silicon, titanium, along with trace amounts of gold, silver, platinum, chromium, sodium, and magnesium, among a number of other elements.
This moon is a spectacular one, dwarfing the Earth's moon in all its glory. Unlike the Earth's moon, Celestia is home to liquid water, an atmosphere, and tectonic plates, though there's only a single continent that wraps around the surface of Celestia in a fantastical way. The most fascinating part of the moon is the fact that it home to advanced, intelligent life. Little is known about the people that inhabit Celestia, however.
These mythical creatures have often be noted in Majorsian folkore, believing them to be angels. The moon itself has always been considered the place where the saints go after they day, it's effectively their version of Heaven. Those with just and loving hearts are said to ascend to Celestia where they will live out in peace for the remainder of time. The celestials are known for having extremely extensive lifespans, a year for a celestial is equivalent to a thousand human years. They generally have to wait between 13,000-16,000 years before their bodies are capable of reproducing.
They are effectively immortal; immune to even the most powerful of toxins and disease along with a powerful healing factor. The Celestials are capable of regenerating entire limbs in a matter of a few days, however this healing factor can also be seen as a weakness. Minor wounds can be healed in a matter of seconds, but more serious, life threatening injuries can take longer to heal; from anywhere to a few days, to even a couple years. Head injuries are especially threatening to them, as they are capable of regenerating most limbs like their arms or legs, they are incapable of regenerating their heads. Younger celestials are especially vulnerable to injuries, as their healing factors do not kick in as quickly.
Every celestial is capable of using frighteningly strong magic, but they are held back by the same limitations as the citizens of Majoria. They are not capable of throwing spells left and right, each spell saps energy, the stronger the spell, the more energy is sapped. If they use too much, they run the risk of passing out or straight up killing themselves. A very small population of the celestials are capable of proficiently wielding a weapon and few rely on hand-hand combat. They are frighteningly strong mages, but they are not unbeatable.
Despite the moderately large size of Celestia, the moon is sparsely populated and is estimated to have no more than 5,000 celestials, though it's possible there's a few more than estimated. Study of this mysterious race is next to impossible due to the lack of practical travel between the two worlds. While it isn't impossible, it's just difficult; once every thousand years, a mysterious bridge forms between the two worlds, allowing those brave enough to travel between them. However, in order to reach the other side, you need to be able to travel quickly and carefully, as the bridge itself crosses through the planet's many rings, so the journey is treacherous. The bridge will remain static for twenty days before it disappears, along with the protective barrier that prevents travelers from suffocating to death. Only certain celestials can cross over the bridge, they require permission from the king before they are allowed to cross. If they successfully make it over the bridge, they must wait a thousand years before they can return home.
Celestial culture is a strange one, they are not known for warfare and are very peaceful. They refuse to resort to violence unless they have no other option. In spite of the millions of years they have lived, not a single war has broken out. The majority of the population are devout worshipers of the Good Lady, Axelia. It's even been theorized that Axelia herself was once a citizen of Celestia, considered to be one of, if not the most powerful of the celestials. The beings value knowledge, love, loyalty, and compassion above all else. Once a celestial has found someone they wish to mate with, they will remain with them for the rest of their lives and their love never fades away for their partner. They are generally reluctant to mate with humans or demons due to their much, much shorter lifespans, but they will not rule it out.
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