First name: Lilinryss
Surname: Tinevera
Alias: None
Nicknames: Lily, Lily Pad, Lovely Lily
Age: 22
Date of birth: December 22nd, 1696
Species: Half Siren, Half Shapeshifter
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Current residence: Japan
Relationship status: Single
Social status: Gaining fame as a singer and dancer, tolerates the attention
Voice: Elizaveta Khripounova Reference
Accent: Barely noticeable Japanese accent
Languages spoken: Most Western Hemisphere
Eye color: Purple with a little blue Reference
Skin color: Slightly pale
Distinguishing features: Tattoo on her arm, her eyes
Quirks: Tends to play with her hair when she is nervous, fiddles with whatever she is holding when she is anxious
Disorders: None
Phobias: None she knows of
Build of body: Top Hourglass Body Type.
Weight: 52.3kg (115lbs.)
Height: 158cm (5’2”)
Scarring: None
Hair color: Pale Pink
Hair style: Unless she is performing, dressing up or cosplaying, her hair is usually down, reaching to her waist, in a loosely curled fashion Reference
Posture: Stands/sits up straight, carries herself well
Tattoos: 03 on the outside of her left upper arm
Is seen by others as: Pretty, confident, delightful
Likes: Singing, dancing, being alone, her pond, the color pink, her father, chocolate, flowers
Dislikes: Being touched
Education: High school
Fears: Losing her father
Personal goals: To be the best singer and dancer she can be
Religious values: Some, though most she regards as simply moral
General intelligence: Very intelligent
General sociability: Usually pretty social unless overwhelmed
Health: Excellent
Energy level: High
Eating habits: Depends on what she's eating, tends to be neat, but doesn't care if she has to use her hands. Tends to eat small meals several times throughout the day
Memory: Exceptional; remembers a lot
Any unhealthy habits: No
Birth country: Japan
Hometown: Iwakui
Past places of residence: She's been all over the world, but has only really lived in Japan
Peaceful or violent: Peaceful
Weaponry: None, she doesn't usually fight
Style of fighting: She fights through dance when necessary, usually ballet
Favorite types of food: Anything Japanese
Favorite types of drink: Anything Japanese specifically, certain American sodas
Allergies: None
Hobbies/past times: Relaxing in her pond, singing just to her father
Trades: None
Guilty pleasures: None
Pet peeves: None
Talents: Singing, Dancing, learning languages
Personality: Sweet, innocent, kind, Lovely to be around
Pictures and powers

Lily was born in Japan to a siren, and a male flamingo shifter. The two races she is descended from were never really fond of each other, though they got along okay. When her parents met they were not aware of what the other was, until after they had fallen in love and married. Socially this was unacceptable to the other races, since they were so different. Her parent's races however, didn't really care. When Lily was born, they were actually quite accepting of her, since she was a combination of what they called their races' "best parts". She was the first of her specific kind, being shapeshifter and siren. Half sirens exist, and so do half shapeshifters, however she is the first of both. In a way she united the two races, though they still aren't that fond of each other. The rest of the supernatural word looked down on her however, and she would rarely ever reveal what she was. It didn't take too long for the buzz to die down though, and eventually most races didn't care that much anymore, though they barely tolerated her existence. Still, her life was pretty wonderful, she had her loving parents, and both of their races that took care of her and kept her safe from the other races.
Unfortunately, her mother died when she was 6. She can still remember her mother's face however, which her father says she looks like, and the songs she used to sing whenever she was scared, or lonely, or hurt, or whatever. She rarely saw her father, since he was working full time to support them. To honor her mother's memory, Lily continued to sing her songs to herself, and her father whenever she could.
When she was 14, one of her teachers told her that she thought she was quite gifted with her singing and dancing. She enrolled her in a small show in their town. Lily loved dancing and singing in front of others, and also found out she had a knack for learning new languages.
By the time she was 18, she knew 3 other languages. She had also begun traveling around Japan competing at more small music shows. At one of these shows she was noticed by a rising record company, and given an opportunity to work with them. And that's when her career took off. Thanks to the company, she began wowing all of Japan, and other countries that heard of her.
Now, at 22, she was traveling the world, wowing everyone with her singing and dancing. Everytime she would come to a new country, she would spend time learning the language so she could sing in it. She never forgot her father who fully supported her career, and would send money back to provide for him, as well as take lots of time off to spend with him.
Sometimes she wished she wasn't so famous though, because she would grow tired of all the people, and longed to just be alone with her father and the serenity of her favorite pond.
Just as she was about to stop however, her father became really sick, and their house among other things burned down. Lily ended up spending most of the money they had saved through the years to replace their stuff, and pay for her father's medical bills. As much as she really wanted to stop now and spend all her time with her father, he wouldn't allow it. He insisted she continue her career, since it was her dream. Torn between choosing to spend time with her father, and her dream, she eventually chose to honor his wishes that she continue. She told herself it was her duty, since her father could no longer work, she would definitely need to provide for him, and this was the best way she could think of.
Surname: Tinevera
Alias: None
Nicknames: Lily, Lily Pad, Lovely Lily
Age: 22
Date of birth: December 22nd, 1696
Species: Half Siren, Half Shapeshifter
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Current residence: Japan
Relationship status: Single
Social status: Gaining fame as a singer and dancer, tolerates the attention
Voice: Elizaveta Khripounova Reference
Accent: Barely noticeable Japanese accent
Languages spoken: Most Western Hemisphere
Eye color: Purple with a little blue Reference
Skin color: Slightly pale
Distinguishing features: Tattoo on her arm, her eyes
Quirks: Tends to play with her hair when she is nervous, fiddles with whatever she is holding when she is anxious
Disorders: None
Phobias: None she knows of
Build of body: Top Hourglass Body Type.
Beautifully defined waist and bust that is larger than her hips. Gently rounded shoulders that align nicely with her hips. Waist is obvious and gracefully curves out to her hips. Has a rounded bottom and beautiful side as well as front profile. Upper body is proportionate in length to her legs which are shapely.
Weight: 52.3kg (115lbs.)
Height: 158cm (5’2”)
Scarring: None
Hair color: Pale Pink
Hair style: Unless she is performing, dressing up or cosplaying, her hair is usually down, reaching to her waist, in a loosely curled fashion Reference
Posture: Stands/sits up straight, carries herself well
Tattoos: 03 on the outside of her left upper arm
Is seen by others as: Pretty, confident, delightful
Likes: Singing, dancing, being alone, her pond, the color pink, her father, chocolate, flowers
Dislikes: Being touched
Education: High school
Fears: Losing her father
Personal goals: To be the best singer and dancer she can be
Religious values: Some, though most she regards as simply moral
General intelligence: Very intelligent
General sociability: Usually pretty social unless overwhelmed
Health: Excellent
Energy level: High
Eating habits: Depends on what she's eating, tends to be neat, but doesn't care if she has to use her hands. Tends to eat small meals several times throughout the day
Memory: Exceptional; remembers a lot
Any unhealthy habits: No
Birth country: Japan
Hometown: Iwakui
Past places of residence: She's been all over the world, but has only really lived in Japan
Peaceful or violent: Peaceful
Weaponry: None, she doesn't usually fight
Style of fighting: She fights through dance when necessary, usually ballet
Favorite types of food: Anything Japanese
Favorite types of drink: Anything Japanese specifically, certain American sodas
Allergies: None
Hobbies/past times: Relaxing in her pond, singing just to her father
Trades: None
Guilty pleasures: None
Pet peeves: None
Talents: Singing, Dancing, learning languages
Personality: Sweet, innocent, kind, Lovely to be around
Pictures and powers

Currently all powers are passive abilities. They happen very subtly, and she doesn't really know she has them. Only thing she currently knows she has, is the ability to shapeshift into a flamingo.
Mystical Dancing - The user is able to perform a variety of mystical or supernatural effects by dancing in specific ways.
Dance Combat - The user can infuse dance in their physical attacks, having the ability to move from one attack to the next effortlessly while being graceful and elegant. The user can dodge attacks easily, execute combat with little problem.
Holy Voice - The user can cleanse, purify, heal, or shatter, destabilize, disintegrate, stabilize living and/or non-living things by speaking/singing.
Hypnotic Song - Hypnotic Song is the ability to emit a beautiful song that entrances people and subliminally compels them to either follow any predetermined orders given by the user in the song, or to try to reach the source of the song, no matter what dangerous obstacles are in the way of the path (it may even just mesmerize a subject or make them want to dance).
Currently all powers are passive abilities. They happen very subtly, and she doesn't really know she has them. Only thing she currently knows she has, is the ability to shapeshift into a flamingo.
Mystical Dancing - The user is able to perform a variety of mystical or supernatural effects by dancing in specific ways.
Dance Combat - The user can infuse dance in their physical attacks, having the ability to move from one attack to the next effortlessly while being graceful and elegant. The user can dodge attacks easily, execute combat with little problem.
Holy Voice - The user can cleanse, purify, heal, or shatter, destabilize, disintegrate, stabilize living and/or non-living things by speaking/singing.
Hypnotic Song - Hypnotic Song is the ability to emit a beautiful song that entrances people and subliminally compels them to either follow any predetermined orders given by the user in the song, or to try to reach the source of the song, no matter what dangerous obstacles are in the way of the path (it may even just mesmerize a subject or make them want to dance).
Lily was born in Japan to a siren, and a male flamingo shifter. The two races she is descended from were never really fond of each other, though they got along okay. When her parents met they were not aware of what the other was, until after they had fallen in love and married. Socially this was unacceptable to the other races, since they were so different. Her parent's races however, didn't really care. When Lily was born, they were actually quite accepting of her, since she was a combination of what they called their races' "best parts". She was the first of her specific kind, being shapeshifter and siren. Half sirens exist, and so do half shapeshifters, however she is the first of both. In a way she united the two races, though they still aren't that fond of each other. The rest of the supernatural word looked down on her however, and she would rarely ever reveal what she was. It didn't take too long for the buzz to die down though, and eventually most races didn't care that much anymore, though they barely tolerated her existence. Still, her life was pretty wonderful, she had her loving parents, and both of their races that took care of her and kept her safe from the other races.
Unfortunately, her mother died when she was 6. She can still remember her mother's face however, which her father says she looks like, and the songs she used to sing whenever she was scared, or lonely, or hurt, or whatever. She rarely saw her father, since he was working full time to support them. To honor her mother's memory, Lily continued to sing her songs to herself, and her father whenever she could.
When she was 14, one of her teachers told her that she thought she was quite gifted with her singing and dancing. She enrolled her in a small show in their town. Lily loved dancing and singing in front of others, and also found out she had a knack for learning new languages.
By the time she was 18, she knew 3 other languages. She had also begun traveling around Japan competing at more small music shows. At one of these shows she was noticed by a rising record company, and given an opportunity to work with them. And that's when her career took off. Thanks to the company, she began wowing all of Japan, and other countries that heard of her.
Now, at 22, she was traveling the world, wowing everyone with her singing and dancing. Everytime she would come to a new country, she would spend time learning the language so she could sing in it. She never forgot her father who fully supported her career, and would send money back to provide for him, as well as take lots of time off to spend with him.
Sometimes she wished she wasn't so famous though, because she would grow tired of all the people, and longed to just be alone with her father and the serenity of her favorite pond.
Just as she was about to stop however, her father became really sick, and their house among other things burned down. Lily ended up spending most of the money they had saved through the years to replace their stuff, and pay for her father's medical bills. As much as she really wanted to stop now and spend all her time with her father, he wouldn't allow it. He insisted she continue her career, since it was her dream. Torn between choosing to spend time with her father, and her dream, she eventually chose to honor his wishes that she continue. She told herself it was her duty, since her father could no longer work, she would definitely need to provide for him, and this was the best way she could think of.
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