Name: Corrin Sena
Nicknames: Cor, Extravagant Cosplayer, Costume Boy
Gender: Male, though he's often mistaken for a female.
Race: Human
Alignment: Neutral
Age: 18
Body Type: Average
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 160lbs
Hair: Long, black hair that reaches midway down his back, ends in a ponytail.
Eyes: A very deep, midnight violet.
Complexion: Fair, a bit on the pale side.
Birthplace: Saffron City, Kanto
Hometown: Hau'oli City, Alola
Relationship Status: Single

An averagely built man that's often known for his extravagant outfits and is almost always seen in a Japanese-styled nobleman's outfit, along with a fake sword strapped to his back. He has long, black hair that is often worn in a ponytail that reaches down to the center of his back. While his hair is black, from certain angles it seems to shine a dark, navy blue color. His outfit is dominated by navy blues, golds, and whites. His eyes have a kind, yet focused look to them and are a very deep, midnight violet color. His facial features are rather feminine and often causes him to be mistaken for a female. His unusually beautiful appearance has led him to be courted by men and women alike, but he's shot each of them down so far.
Corrin has a rather colorful personality. He is generally kind, but has a sarcasm streak and is known for being brutally honest. He is not above tricking those to get what he wants and often resorts to trickery to get around the rules, sometimes he does it just for fun. He enjoys toying with those who fail to see through his trickery. Despite his generally unpleasing nature, he has a kind heart and wishes to help anyone in need. He's been known to be almost annoyingly optimistic, generally keeping a bright outlook on even the most grim of situations. He harbors an obvious crush on Lillie, the girl he met shortly after arriving in Alola, though he's incapable of coming forward with them. He loves his Pokemon dearly and treats them like they're his children.
Corrin was born and raised in the prosperous Saffron City in the Kanto region, raised by loving parents that were unfortunately disapproving of his uniquely flamboyant style of clothing, though they continued to raise their child to the best of their ability. At a young age, Corrin was known for getting high marks in school and very rarely failed any exam, passing the vast majority of them with flying colors. Though he was intelligent and generally a kindhearted student, he had a number of bullies on the schoolyard, but he never let it get to him. While the relentless insults and taunting from his peers got to him, he would never fight back and he would simply let the others eat away at him. He wasn't a coward, he just never cared; his kind heart never changed and he remained the kind, but sarcastic and witty student.
At the age of sixteen, just before he started his junior year in the Saffron City High School, his parents decided to move out towards the Alola region as they came closer to retirement. His mom and dad owned a small grocery store in Saffron and sold it to some friends of the family prior to the move. Corrin had no qualms with the sudden relocation, but rather he welcomed the relocation as it would get him away from the taunting and teasing. He decided upon arriving in Alola to continue his studies and hopefully one day he could leave on a journey to become a world renowned Pokemon researcher, though his goals soon changed once he learned about Alola's mysterious Ultra Beasts, most specifically the parasite Nihilego.
Just several days after arriving in Hau'oli City, Alola, he had gone to see if he could pick up a Pokemon from the professor, though it turned out Professor Kukui had been expecting him and had plans to give him one of the three starter Pokemon in the Alola region. While his face remained the same; emotionless and blank, his eyes told a different story. He was overjoyed with the fact that he was going to become a Pokemon trainer, though he'd have to wait until the festival at Iki Town where he would meet his future friend and rival, Hau.
There was plenty of time to kill between the time the festival started and the time he arrived, so he decided to take a look around the nearby Ruins of Conflict, the rumored home of Melemele Island's Guardian Deity, Tapu Koko. He wasn't expecting to meet the Guardian, but what happened was even more unexpected. Rather than just finding a quiet, serene view, he found a girl and a strange Pokemon. This strange Pokemon seemingly sitting on the bridge, at first he hadn't thought nothing of it, but after some pleading from the strange girl, he went to retrieve the Pokemon.
Carefully and slowly, he crossed the bridge to where the Pokemon was sitting and while he was able to safely get to the Pokemon, a group of Spearow thought it'd be a good idea to attack the two. While the little Pokemon was mostly protected by Corrin's body, the trainer took most of the damage. That wasn't even the biggest problem, as sometime during the attack, the bridge collapsed and certain death seemed to be ahead them. Through a miracle, Tapu Koko showed up and saved the two, seemingly interested in Corrin. It wasn't until him and the strange Pokemon were safely back with the girl did Corrin realize that the Island Guardian left him with a strange, sparkling stone. After the whole event went down, the trio returned for Iki Town, him and the girl, who's name has been revealed as Lillie became acquainted with one another. It would seem Corrin had one of those cliched 'love at first sight' moments when he laid eyes upon Lillie for the first time, this childish crush would become a major driving factor for what pushes Corrin.
Once arriving at the festival, Corrin was given the choice between the Grass type, Rowlet; the Fire type, Litten; and the Water type, Popplio. It was a tough decision, but after careful consideration and thought, he decided upon Popplio, considering it to be the cutest choice of the three options and was soon challenged to a battle by his fellow trainer, Hau. It was a relatively easy contest between Corrin's Popplio and Hau's Litten in which the Water-type came out on top. Though, the type advantage Popplio held had little in deciding the battle for Corrin, but rather it was also thanks to his years of training that led him to come on top. It seemed despite Corrin's awkwardness in social situations, he was able to become close friends with Hau.
After the festival was over, Corrin had left on his journey to take on the Island Trials and to continue his search for the Ultra Beast while also working out his love for Lillie. Along the way, he found himself getting into plenty of random misadventures, most notably with Team Skull and later the Aether Foundation while meeting various Pokemon.
Character Theme: 'More Than A Feeling' by Boston
Encounter Theme: 'It's A Great Day To Be Alive' by Travis Tritt

Nickname: Serena
Gender: Female
Ability: Shield Dust
Personality: An energetic, playful Pokemon with a large appetite for sweets, fruit, and battle. She enjoys cuddling up to her teammates and trainer. She has been known to cuddle up with even complete strangers. She has nearly boundless energy and will continue to play around until she runs out, which generally isn't until everyone else has already fallen asleep. She hates her Pokeball and will frequently travel on her trainer's head.
Moves: Bug Buzz, Draining Kiss, Protect, Quiver Dance
Background Info: Ribombee was initially caught as a Cutiefly on Route 2. The little Bug-type's capture was the result of Corrin's first wild encounter, the battle was a hard fought match between Cutiefly and his newly obtained Popplio. After the capture, the Pokemon and trainer were able to quickly bond with one another. It wasn't long after this capture that Cutiefly had evolved into a Ribombee. The evolution did nothing to weaken their unbreakable bond, but rather it seemed to only strengthen it. The little Bug-type is a fast, but weak Pokemon. She relies on Protect and Draining Kiss to make much of an impact on the battlefield.

Nickname: Water
Gender: Male
Ability: Torrent
Personality: A gentle and kindhearted Pokemon with a love for music. Whenever the team is resting, the Pokemon can generally be seen practicing its singing. He loves to sleep and can often be seen curled up near his trainer.
Moves: Sparkling Aria, Ice Beam, Aqua Jet, Moonblast
Background Info: Primarina was Corrin's first Pokemon, initially received from Kahuna Hala in Iki Town as his starter. According to the trainer, he chose the Water-type purely because it was an absolutely adorable Pokemon. The two bonded quickly and are inseparable from one another, though they occasionally butt heads due to their colliding personalities. The Popplio initially evolved into Brionne just shortly after Corrin's second trial and then evolved again after his sixth trial into Primarina. Now, Primarina is one of his star Pokemon; having high defense, good power, but poor speed. She and her trainer make excellent use of Primarium Z.

Nickname: Silk
Gender: Female
Ability: Cute Charm
Personality: Shy, but naive and affectionate. She is slow to trust newcomers, but once she's capable of trusting them, she's been known to just cuddle up to them without a care in the world. She has a fear of heights and greatly enjoys resting near a lake.
Special Trait: Shiny
Moves: Psyshock, Swift, Draining Kiss, Moonblast
Background Info: Initially found as an Eevee on Route 4 just shortly before he went on to tackle his third trial. The Eevee was found injured, cold, and hungry; seemingly attacked by some wild Pokemon or potentially another trainer that just left it to rot. Out of pity and concern, Corrin decided to take her in and treat her wounds, though the Eevee was rather nervous of the new trainer, which would've been pretty understandable. There was no way of telling whether or not that Corrin would've hurt her, though thankfully in the end, the trainer simply took care of her. A day went by that Corrin treated her wounds and it wasn't long after her wounds were healed that she decided she'd join him for the remainder of his journey. Her bond with Corrin was slow to form, but it was worth it as the two would eventually become close enough for the Eevee to evolve into Sylveon. In battle, she is known for her uniquely defensive playstyle, being able to take many hits while dishing just as many out, however her speed is below average.

Nickname: Noms
Gender: Male
Ability: Thick Fat
Personality: He's got the personality of a stereotypical Snorlax; jolly, fat, and lazy. He loves food, especially fruits and chocolate. In battle, he is a highly determined Pokemon that refuses to give up even when his back is against the wall. He acts as an older brother towards the others and is fiercely protective of them. He can often be seen sleeping whenever the team is in between their travels.
Moves: Body Slam, Wild Charge, Brick Break, and Heavy Slam
Background Info: Snorlax was initially caught as a Munchlax on Route 1. This was arguably the easiest capture for him, as he didn't need to battle him or treat any injuries, the Munchlax simply invited himself to the group's lunch and just treated himself as if he's been apart of the gang since they joined. Initially, there were objections towards the Normal-type, but after he showed to be a kindhearted Pokemon by helping with the cleaning and gathering of more food, Munchlax was made an official member of the team. It was just after the third trial that Munchlax had evolved into the beloved goofball he is now. Him and Corrin share a strong, unbreakable bond and can often be seen napping together. The Normal-type is one of Corrin's most prominent powerhouses, having high power and is capable of shrugging off attacks, though his slow speed is by his biggest flaw and one can easily take advantage of it.

Nickname: Crystal
Gender: Female
Ability: Pressure
Personality: She is quiet and is rather timid, she loves her trainer dearly. In battle, she's frighteningly different; she's deceptive and merciless. If someone harms one of her teammates, she's been known to hold a grudge and is quite vengeful. Her prediction skills are on point and often allow her to keep the edge in battle. When she's down, she'll often seek refuge with her trainer or with Snorlax. She tenses up whenever she's around newcomers and whenever they arrive in the Tapu Village.
Moves: Night Slash, Slash, Detect, and Shadow Claw
Background Info: Absol was a rather depressing capture, this poor Dark type was effectively chased away from the Tapu Village as she was blamed for a recent string of robberies and assaults caused by the thugs of Team Skull. She had a habit of showing up just moments before the thugs struck the village and because of this poor timing, she was blamed for it. The villagers would often attack her out of a blind rage towards what has happened to their town, though that hadn't stopped the Disaster Pokemon from trying to warn them of impending doom. Though, one could tell the villagers unnecessary hatred towards the Pokemon was hurting her and she became a distrustful, timid Pokemon, but she had a bit of a grudge towards them as well. This grudge and anger were turned towards Corrin upon their first meeting. She figured Corrin was a cruel and heartless trainer, so out of pity for Ribombee, she attacked with hopes of freeing his other Pokemon.
The Absol was filled with anger and grief that was soon quelled with some gentle coaxing and a gentle hug from Corrin. The trainer held her much like a father would hold his daughter, ignoring the pain of the recent assault in order to aid in the mending of the Dark type's heart. While the Pokemon was still distrustful of humans, she decided Corrin was a safe bet and decided to join the team in hopes of keeping an eye on her new teammates, making sure the trainer really was as loving as he made it out to be. As the days went by, Absol and Corrin grew close and formed a bond unlike any other, soon forming a bond that was even stronger than the one Corrin and Primarina shared. Absol became protective of her trainer and teammates, often doing what she could to make them happy. In battle, Absol has average speed, poor defense, but high power.

Nickname: Toxera
Gender: N/A
Ability: Beast Boost
Personality: Contrary to the dangerous reputation that the Ultra Beasts have, Toxera is almost surprisingly sweet and kind. It loves its fellow teammates and fiercely protects them. It isn't above attacking someone if they insult its trainer or friends. It can frequently be seen cuddling up to Corrin. The Poison-type is rather shy and timid around newcomers. Due to the Ultra Beasts reputation, people tend to dismiss Nihilego as a dangerous Pokemon, which damages it quite a bit.
Moves: Power Gem, Sludge Bomb, Protect, Hidden Power
Background Info: After Corrin heard from Detective Looker of the appearance of Ultra Beasts in various parts of Alola, he made haste to search around the region for the one he set off to capture in the first place, Nihilego. The journey around Alola to find the beast was long and tough, but in the end it was worth it. The Nihilego was eventually found near Diglett's Tunnel and Corrin soon engaged it in a tough, lengthy battle. The Ultra Beast was able to keep up a strong offense against the team and was able to slowly dwindle Corrin's team to just his Snorlax. After a long and hard fought battle on both sides, Corrin used one of the Beast Balls to secure the capture of Nihilego. After the capture, the two were able to bond surprisingly well and quickly became inseparable. Nihilego holds its trainer in high regards and is extremely protective of him, while Corrin is a very loving trainer that gives Nihilego the love and care it deserves. People have considered Nihilego to be a dangerous Pokemon and have taken shots at Corrin for catching it, though this hasn't deterred either of them. After the Pokemon's capture, Corrin began trying to change the image that the Ultra Beasts have by proving they're just like any other Pokemon. In battle, Nihilego has high power and speed, though its defenses are below average.
Nicknames: Cor, Extravagant Cosplayer, Costume Boy
Gender: Male, though he's often mistaken for a female.
Race: Human
Alignment: Neutral
Age: 18
Body Type: Average
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 160lbs
Hair: Long, black hair that reaches midway down his back, ends in a ponytail.
Eyes: A very deep, midnight violet.
Complexion: Fair, a bit on the pale side.
Birthplace: Saffron City, Kanto
Hometown: Hau'oli City, Alola
Relationship Status: Single

An averagely built man that's often known for his extravagant outfits and is almost always seen in a Japanese-styled nobleman's outfit, along with a fake sword strapped to his back. He has long, black hair that is often worn in a ponytail that reaches down to the center of his back. While his hair is black, from certain angles it seems to shine a dark, navy blue color. His outfit is dominated by navy blues, golds, and whites. His eyes have a kind, yet focused look to them and are a very deep, midnight violet color. His facial features are rather feminine and often causes him to be mistaken for a female. His unusually beautiful appearance has led him to be courted by men and women alike, but he's shot each of them down so far.
Corrin has a rather colorful personality. He is generally kind, but has a sarcasm streak and is known for being brutally honest. He is not above tricking those to get what he wants and often resorts to trickery to get around the rules, sometimes he does it just for fun. He enjoys toying with those who fail to see through his trickery. Despite his generally unpleasing nature, he has a kind heart and wishes to help anyone in need. He's been known to be almost annoyingly optimistic, generally keeping a bright outlook on even the most grim of situations. He harbors an obvious crush on Lillie, the girl he met shortly after arriving in Alola, though he's incapable of coming forward with them. He loves his Pokemon dearly and treats them like they're his children.
Corrin was born and raised in the prosperous Saffron City in the Kanto region, raised by loving parents that were unfortunately disapproving of his uniquely flamboyant style of clothing, though they continued to raise their child to the best of their ability. At a young age, Corrin was known for getting high marks in school and very rarely failed any exam, passing the vast majority of them with flying colors. Though he was intelligent and generally a kindhearted student, he had a number of bullies on the schoolyard, but he never let it get to him. While the relentless insults and taunting from his peers got to him, he would never fight back and he would simply let the others eat away at him. He wasn't a coward, he just never cared; his kind heart never changed and he remained the kind, but sarcastic and witty student.
At the age of sixteen, just before he started his junior year in the Saffron City High School, his parents decided to move out towards the Alola region as they came closer to retirement. His mom and dad owned a small grocery store in Saffron and sold it to some friends of the family prior to the move. Corrin had no qualms with the sudden relocation, but rather he welcomed the relocation as it would get him away from the taunting and teasing. He decided upon arriving in Alola to continue his studies and hopefully one day he could leave on a journey to become a world renowned Pokemon researcher, though his goals soon changed once he learned about Alola's mysterious Ultra Beasts, most specifically the parasite Nihilego.
Just several days after arriving in Hau'oli City, Alola, he had gone to see if he could pick up a Pokemon from the professor, though it turned out Professor Kukui had been expecting him and had plans to give him one of the three starter Pokemon in the Alola region. While his face remained the same; emotionless and blank, his eyes told a different story. He was overjoyed with the fact that he was going to become a Pokemon trainer, though he'd have to wait until the festival at Iki Town where he would meet his future friend and rival, Hau.
There was plenty of time to kill between the time the festival started and the time he arrived, so he decided to take a look around the nearby Ruins of Conflict, the rumored home of Melemele Island's Guardian Deity, Tapu Koko. He wasn't expecting to meet the Guardian, but what happened was even more unexpected. Rather than just finding a quiet, serene view, he found a girl and a strange Pokemon. This strange Pokemon seemingly sitting on the bridge, at first he hadn't thought nothing of it, but after some pleading from the strange girl, he went to retrieve the Pokemon.
Carefully and slowly, he crossed the bridge to where the Pokemon was sitting and while he was able to safely get to the Pokemon, a group of Spearow thought it'd be a good idea to attack the two. While the little Pokemon was mostly protected by Corrin's body, the trainer took most of the damage. That wasn't even the biggest problem, as sometime during the attack, the bridge collapsed and certain death seemed to be ahead them. Through a miracle, Tapu Koko showed up and saved the two, seemingly interested in Corrin. It wasn't until him and the strange Pokemon were safely back with the girl did Corrin realize that the Island Guardian left him with a strange, sparkling stone. After the whole event went down, the trio returned for Iki Town, him and the girl, who's name has been revealed as Lillie became acquainted with one another. It would seem Corrin had one of those cliched 'love at first sight' moments when he laid eyes upon Lillie for the first time, this childish crush would become a major driving factor for what pushes Corrin.
Once arriving at the festival, Corrin was given the choice between the Grass type, Rowlet; the Fire type, Litten; and the Water type, Popplio. It was a tough decision, but after careful consideration and thought, he decided upon Popplio, considering it to be the cutest choice of the three options and was soon challenged to a battle by his fellow trainer, Hau. It was a relatively easy contest between Corrin's Popplio and Hau's Litten in which the Water-type came out on top. Though, the type advantage Popplio held had little in deciding the battle for Corrin, but rather it was also thanks to his years of training that led him to come on top. It seemed despite Corrin's awkwardness in social situations, he was able to become close friends with Hau.
After the festival was over, Corrin had left on his journey to take on the Island Trials and to continue his search for the Ultra Beast while also working out his love for Lillie. Along the way, he found himself getting into plenty of random misadventures, most notably with Team Skull and later the Aether Foundation while meeting various Pokemon.
Character Theme: 'More Than A Feeling' by Boston
Encounter Theme: 'It's A Great Day To Be Alive' by Travis Tritt

Nickname: Serena
Gender: Female
Ability: Shield Dust
Personality: An energetic, playful Pokemon with a large appetite for sweets, fruit, and battle. She enjoys cuddling up to her teammates and trainer. She has been known to cuddle up with even complete strangers. She has nearly boundless energy and will continue to play around until she runs out, which generally isn't until everyone else has already fallen asleep. She hates her Pokeball and will frequently travel on her trainer's head.
Moves: Bug Buzz, Draining Kiss, Protect, Quiver Dance
Background Info: Ribombee was initially caught as a Cutiefly on Route 2. The little Bug-type's capture was the result of Corrin's first wild encounter, the battle was a hard fought match between Cutiefly and his newly obtained Popplio. After the capture, the Pokemon and trainer were able to quickly bond with one another. It wasn't long after this capture that Cutiefly had evolved into a Ribombee. The evolution did nothing to weaken their unbreakable bond, but rather it seemed to only strengthen it. The little Bug-type is a fast, but weak Pokemon. She relies on Protect and Draining Kiss to make much of an impact on the battlefield.


Nickname: Water
Gender: Male
Ability: Torrent
Personality: A gentle and kindhearted Pokemon with a love for music. Whenever the team is resting, the Pokemon can generally be seen practicing its singing. He loves to sleep and can often be seen curled up near his trainer.
Moves: Sparkling Aria, Ice Beam, Aqua Jet, Moonblast
Background Info: Primarina was Corrin's first Pokemon, initially received from Kahuna Hala in Iki Town as his starter. According to the trainer, he chose the Water-type purely because it was an absolutely adorable Pokemon. The two bonded quickly and are inseparable from one another, though they occasionally butt heads due to their colliding personalities. The Popplio initially evolved into Brionne just shortly after Corrin's second trial and then evolved again after his sixth trial into Primarina. Now, Primarina is one of his star Pokemon; having high defense, good power, but poor speed. She and her trainer make excellent use of Primarium Z.


Nickname: Silk
Gender: Female
Ability: Cute Charm
Personality: Shy, but naive and affectionate. She is slow to trust newcomers, but once she's capable of trusting them, she's been known to just cuddle up to them without a care in the world. She has a fear of heights and greatly enjoys resting near a lake.
Special Trait: Shiny
Moves: Psyshock, Swift, Draining Kiss, Moonblast
Background Info: Initially found as an Eevee on Route 4 just shortly before he went on to tackle his third trial. The Eevee was found injured, cold, and hungry; seemingly attacked by some wild Pokemon or potentially another trainer that just left it to rot. Out of pity and concern, Corrin decided to take her in and treat her wounds, though the Eevee was rather nervous of the new trainer, which would've been pretty understandable. There was no way of telling whether or not that Corrin would've hurt her, though thankfully in the end, the trainer simply took care of her. A day went by that Corrin treated her wounds and it wasn't long after her wounds were healed that she decided she'd join him for the remainder of his journey. Her bond with Corrin was slow to form, but it was worth it as the two would eventually become close enough for the Eevee to evolve into Sylveon. In battle, she is known for her uniquely defensive playstyle, being able to take many hits while dishing just as many out, however her speed is below average.


Nickname: Noms
Gender: Male
Ability: Thick Fat
Personality: He's got the personality of a stereotypical Snorlax; jolly, fat, and lazy. He loves food, especially fruits and chocolate. In battle, he is a highly determined Pokemon that refuses to give up even when his back is against the wall. He acts as an older brother towards the others and is fiercely protective of them. He can often be seen sleeping whenever the team is in between their travels.
Moves: Body Slam, Wild Charge, Brick Break, and Heavy Slam
Background Info: Snorlax was initially caught as a Munchlax on Route 1. This was arguably the easiest capture for him, as he didn't need to battle him or treat any injuries, the Munchlax simply invited himself to the group's lunch and just treated himself as if he's been apart of the gang since they joined. Initially, there were objections towards the Normal-type, but after he showed to be a kindhearted Pokemon by helping with the cleaning and gathering of more food, Munchlax was made an official member of the team. It was just after the third trial that Munchlax had evolved into the beloved goofball he is now. Him and Corrin share a strong, unbreakable bond and can often be seen napping together. The Normal-type is one of Corrin's most prominent powerhouses, having high power and is capable of shrugging off attacks, though his slow speed is by his biggest flaw and one can easily take advantage of it.


Nickname: Crystal
Gender: Female
Ability: Pressure
Personality: She is quiet and is rather timid, she loves her trainer dearly. In battle, she's frighteningly different; she's deceptive and merciless. If someone harms one of her teammates, she's been known to hold a grudge and is quite vengeful. Her prediction skills are on point and often allow her to keep the edge in battle. When she's down, she'll often seek refuge with her trainer or with Snorlax. She tenses up whenever she's around newcomers and whenever they arrive in the Tapu Village.
Moves: Night Slash, Slash, Detect, and Shadow Claw
Background Info: Absol was a rather depressing capture, this poor Dark type was effectively chased away from the Tapu Village as she was blamed for a recent string of robberies and assaults caused by the thugs of Team Skull. She had a habit of showing up just moments before the thugs struck the village and because of this poor timing, she was blamed for it. The villagers would often attack her out of a blind rage towards what has happened to their town, though that hadn't stopped the Disaster Pokemon from trying to warn them of impending doom. Though, one could tell the villagers unnecessary hatred towards the Pokemon was hurting her and she became a distrustful, timid Pokemon, but she had a bit of a grudge towards them as well. This grudge and anger were turned towards Corrin upon their first meeting. She figured Corrin was a cruel and heartless trainer, so out of pity for Ribombee, she attacked with hopes of freeing his other Pokemon.
The Absol was filled with anger and grief that was soon quelled with some gentle coaxing and a gentle hug from Corrin. The trainer held her much like a father would hold his daughter, ignoring the pain of the recent assault in order to aid in the mending of the Dark type's heart. While the Pokemon was still distrustful of humans, she decided Corrin was a safe bet and decided to join the team in hopes of keeping an eye on her new teammates, making sure the trainer really was as loving as he made it out to be. As the days went by, Absol and Corrin grew close and formed a bond unlike any other, soon forming a bond that was even stronger than the one Corrin and Primarina shared. Absol became protective of her trainer and teammates, often doing what she could to make them happy. In battle, Absol has average speed, poor defense, but high power.


Nickname: Toxera
Gender: N/A
Ability: Beast Boost
Personality: Contrary to the dangerous reputation that the Ultra Beasts have, Toxera is almost surprisingly sweet and kind. It loves its fellow teammates and fiercely protects them. It isn't above attacking someone if they insult its trainer or friends. It can frequently be seen cuddling up to Corrin. The Poison-type is rather shy and timid around newcomers. Due to the Ultra Beasts reputation, people tend to dismiss Nihilego as a dangerous Pokemon, which damages it quite a bit.
Moves: Power Gem, Sludge Bomb, Protect, Hidden Power
Background Info: After Corrin heard from Detective Looker of the appearance of Ultra Beasts in various parts of Alola, he made haste to search around the region for the one he set off to capture in the first place, Nihilego. The journey around Alola to find the beast was long and tough, but in the end it was worth it. The Nihilego was eventually found near Diglett's Tunnel and Corrin soon engaged it in a tough, lengthy battle. The Ultra Beast was able to keep up a strong offense against the team and was able to slowly dwindle Corrin's team to just his Snorlax. After a long and hard fought battle on both sides, Corrin used one of the Beast Balls to secure the capture of Nihilego. After the capture, the two were able to bond surprisingly well and quickly became inseparable. Nihilego holds its trainer in high regards and is extremely protective of him, while Corrin is a very loving trainer that gives Nihilego the love and care it deserves. People have considered Nihilego to be a dangerous Pokemon and have taken shots at Corrin for catching it, though this hasn't deterred either of them. After the Pokemon's capture, Corrin began trying to change the image that the Ultra Beasts have by proving they're just like any other Pokemon. In battle, Nihilego has high power and speed, though its defenses are below average.

Moderators: H3llf1re KansasVenomoth Guardian_Girl