Name: Luna Fairburn
Gender: Female
Race: Okapi Shifter
Age: 23
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 130 lbs.
Build: Average
Complexion: Tan, though her arms and legs are a bit of a lighter color with darker stripe-like markings on them
Hair: Reddish-brown, short, reaches to her chin
Eyes: Golden brown
Handedness: Right
Scars: Numerous scars dot her body, a large one courses down her back
Relationship Status: Single
Personality: Hopeless romantic, quiet, night owl, closed off
Mannerisms: Hums to herself when happy, drums fingers on leg when thinking, shies away from crowded areas
Likes: Safety, soft things, familiarity, pretty flowers
Dislikes: Saying goodbye, early mornings, sleeping, loud noises
Description: Luna generally wears a simple, thin-strapped blue dress. The dress reaches down to her knees and ends in frills. For shoes, she tends to wear a pair of simple blue flats. Her skin color seems to match the fur pattern of an okapi. Her hair is a reddish-brown color and reaches down to her chin. A pair of large and fluffy-looking ears that resemble an okapi’s sit atop her head, though she tends to cover them with a hat or a bandanna. She also has an okapi’s tail attached to her, though she is also prone to hiding this. She can often be seen carrying around a plush fox, even though she’s an adult. She had gotten it as a present from her late parents, so she keeps it safe as it’s the only thing she has left of them.
Personality-wise, Luna is a very secluded individual. She rarely ever interacts with anyone and absolutely refuses to go into large and crowded areas. Even if one were get close enough to know her, they won’t be able to get much out of her as she is a very quiet individual. However, despite her closed off nature, Luna does wish to fall in love and start a family some day. She is also a night owl and tends to stay awake way longer than a normal person should.

(Ref. drawn by me)
Biography: Luna hadn’t immediately started out as the quiet and closed off young woman she is today. She had been born to two loving parents in the nation of Scuti and lived much of her early life in happiness and bliss. Unfortunately, that would soon be broken when the young okapi shifter was around four years old. It was at this time that her small family had been discovered and, as was usual, all of them were carted off to a prison camp. Soon enough, they found themselves thrown from their peaceful family home and into the prison camp of Falonde.
The three endured numerous beatings and experiments and, for Luna’s unfortunate mother, she was forced to undergo even worse than just physical and mental abuse. Luna’s father absolutely hated the idea of his wife having to go through that and would try to fight off the ones who would force Luna’s mother into those situations, but to no avail. After all, he was only one man and would often be held back by numerous guards, watching helplessly as his wife was pulled away to be violated. Luckily, Luna hadn’t been violated in the way her mother was. She only had to endure the physical and mental torture as well as the experiments. This unimaginable pain went on until Luna was six years old.
Luna’s father had finally had enough of the abuse not only he and his daughter, but his wife especially, endured. He found an opening to at least allow his wife and daughter to escape and took it. Unfortunately, during the battle to save the two, the man lost his life. The last Luna had seen of her father was him taking a final, weak, stand as he fended off the guards before being struck with one final blow.
From there on, it was just Luna and her mother. The two had managed to find their way to Krita. Sure, that country was still violent, but it was the closest place they could escape to and they could at least live without fear of being sent to a prison camp. Unfortunately, that feeling of safety wouldn’t last long.
Not even two hours after arriving in Krita and not even a day after Luna’s father had died, Luna and her mother were attacked by a group of outraged citizens of Krita. Luckily, Luna’s mother had hidden Luna, but the poor little okapi shifter had to watch as her mother was brutally murdered right in front of her eyes. It was only after her mother lay dead and the group left that Luna was able to flee. Now, Luna lives on the streets, hiding what she is and scavenging for food and other essentials.
Abilities: Being an okapi shifter, Luna has the ability to transform into an okapi. She is much more agile and fast in this form, but she is an easier target as she’s also a bit larger than she usually is.
Character Themes: ‘Dark Side’- Kelly Clarkson
Gender: Female
Race: Okapi Shifter
Age: 23
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 130 lbs.
Build: Average
Complexion: Tan, though her arms and legs are a bit of a lighter color with darker stripe-like markings on them
Hair: Reddish-brown, short, reaches to her chin
Eyes: Golden brown
Handedness: Right
Scars: Numerous scars dot her body, a large one courses down her back
Relationship Status: Single
Personality: Hopeless romantic, quiet, night owl, closed off
Mannerisms: Hums to herself when happy, drums fingers on leg when thinking, shies away from crowded areas
Likes: Safety, soft things, familiarity, pretty flowers
Dislikes: Saying goodbye, early mornings, sleeping, loud noises
Description: Luna generally wears a simple, thin-strapped blue dress. The dress reaches down to her knees and ends in frills. For shoes, she tends to wear a pair of simple blue flats. Her skin color seems to match the fur pattern of an okapi. Her hair is a reddish-brown color and reaches down to her chin. A pair of large and fluffy-looking ears that resemble an okapi’s sit atop her head, though she tends to cover them with a hat or a bandanna. She also has an okapi’s tail attached to her, though she is also prone to hiding this. She can often be seen carrying around a plush fox, even though she’s an adult. She had gotten it as a present from her late parents, so she keeps it safe as it’s the only thing she has left of them.
Personality-wise, Luna is a very secluded individual. She rarely ever interacts with anyone and absolutely refuses to go into large and crowded areas. Even if one were get close enough to know her, they won’t be able to get much out of her as she is a very quiet individual. However, despite her closed off nature, Luna does wish to fall in love and start a family some day. She is also a night owl and tends to stay awake way longer than a normal person should.

(Ref. drawn by me)
Biography: Luna hadn’t immediately started out as the quiet and closed off young woman she is today. She had been born to two loving parents in the nation of Scuti and lived much of her early life in happiness and bliss. Unfortunately, that would soon be broken when the young okapi shifter was around four years old. It was at this time that her small family had been discovered and, as was usual, all of them were carted off to a prison camp. Soon enough, they found themselves thrown from their peaceful family home and into the prison camp of Falonde.
The three endured numerous beatings and experiments and, for Luna’s unfortunate mother, she was forced to undergo even worse than just physical and mental abuse. Luna’s father absolutely hated the idea of his wife having to go through that and would try to fight off the ones who would force Luna’s mother into those situations, but to no avail. After all, he was only one man and would often be held back by numerous guards, watching helplessly as his wife was pulled away to be violated. Luckily, Luna hadn’t been violated in the way her mother was. She only had to endure the physical and mental torture as well as the experiments. This unimaginable pain went on until Luna was six years old.
Luna’s father had finally had enough of the abuse not only he and his daughter, but his wife especially, endured. He found an opening to at least allow his wife and daughter to escape and took it. Unfortunately, during the battle to save the two, the man lost his life. The last Luna had seen of her father was him taking a final, weak, stand as he fended off the guards before being struck with one final blow.
From there on, it was just Luna and her mother. The two had managed to find their way to Krita. Sure, that country was still violent, but it was the closest place they could escape to and they could at least live without fear of being sent to a prison camp. Unfortunately, that feeling of safety wouldn’t last long.
Not even two hours after arriving in Krita and not even a day after Luna’s father had died, Luna and her mother were attacked by a group of outraged citizens of Krita. Luckily, Luna’s mother had hidden Luna, but the poor little okapi shifter had to watch as her mother was brutally murdered right in front of her eyes. It was only after her mother lay dead and the group left that Luna was able to flee. Now, Luna lives on the streets, hiding what she is and scavenging for food and other essentials.
Abilities: Being an okapi shifter, Luna has the ability to transform into an okapi. She is much more agile and fast in this form, but she is an easier target as she’s also a bit larger than she usually is.
Her okapi form

(Image is not mine, I found it on Google images)

(Image is not mine, I found it on Google images)
Character Themes: ‘Dark Side’- Kelly Clarkson
Moderators: H3llf1re KansasVenomoth Guardian_Girl