Name: Aurora Borealis (had been Aurora Reid before discovering her true heritage)
Gender: Female
Race: Human (Pokemon Trainer, surf academy instructor)
Age: 20
Height: 5’6”
Weight: 130 lbs.
Build: Athletic, surfer’s body
Complexion: Fair, despite all the time she spends in the sun
Hair: Long, an orangish-red color
Eyes: Light brown
Handedness: Left
Scars: A few minor ones dot her body, a large one courses down her back from a particularly nasty wipeout
Relationship Status: Single
Personality: Loud, sarcastic, helpful, athletic
Mannerisms: Often adjusts hat, mumbles to self when thinking, yawns when bored
Likes: The sun, surfing, teaching, her team
Dislikes: Cold weather, being inside, sunburns, wipeouts
Hometown: Mossdeep City, Hoenn
Description: Aurora typically wears a very summer, more specifically beach, themed outfit. Her outfit generally consists of a red bikini top with a matching red skirt. The skirt reaches to her knees and has white Pokeball designs on it. It is tied at her waist. Underneath the skirt, she wears red bikini bottoms. She also wears a large straw hat with a red ribbon tied around the brim of it along with a pair of red flip flops. Her hair is fairly long, reaching down to her waist and is an orangish-red color. Her eyes are a light brown color and always seem to be shimmering with happiness. She also has a few minor scars from various surfing injuries, a particularly large one courses down her back.
Personality-wise, Aurora is a very loud and sarcastic young woman. She won’t hesitate to tell someone off if she thinks they said or did something wrong. Of course, this has gotten her into trouble more than once, though it’s never been too bad. Despite her sarcastic streak, she is also very helpful and loves to teach people, more specifically aspiring surfers. She is also very athletic and loves to surf herself. She loves her team and her cousins (Andrew and Melody) to death and will do anything to make sure they’re happy and safe.

(Reference pic, drawn by me)

(Trainer card was made with this)
Biography: Aurora’s conception wasn’t exactly an approved one. She had been conceived when Aurora’s mother had cheated on her husband with another man. When the husband found out, he grew furious. He saw the child growing in his wife’s stomach as imperfect and tried to convince his wife to have an abortion to get rid of it. When that didn’t work, he forced his wife to agree to give the child up when she was born. In her last week of pregnancy, Aurora’s mother drove herself nearly insane trying to find a family that would take in the eventual infant. After all, even if the child wasn’t her husband’s, it was still hers and she wanted to make sure the child lived a good life.
Aurora’s mother was just about to give up on trying to find a home for her child when she remembered her sister had married and the two were wanting to have children of their own. Taking a chance, Aurora’s mother made her way over to where the couple lived and pleaded with them to take the child in as their own and keep her true origins a secret. Aurora’s future aunt and uncle agreed and not even a week later Aurora was born. A few weeks after that, Aurora’s aunt and uncle discovered that they would be expecting some more little feet around the house. Aurora’s aunt had ended up becoming pregnant with and eventually giving birth to twins.
Aurora and the twins had a happy and carefree childhood, completely unaware of the fact that they were actually cousins. They believed that they were siblings and that their ‘parents’ were just really eager to have another kid after having Aurora that was close in age to her. They had even set off on their journey to take on the Hoenn league at the same time. Along the way, they also had a few run-ins with Team Aqua and had built their teams. However, it was when the three were fifteen that their lives took quite and interesting turn. The three had returned home to take a rest after taking on the Mossdeep City gym when they overheard their ‘parents’ talking about Aurora with their ‘aunt’.
Listening in on the conversation, they seemed to be talking to their ‘aunt’ about telling Aurora something, saying she would need to be told or she’d figure it out eventually. Confused, the three teenagers confronted their ‘parents’ once their ‘aunt’ left about what they overheard. The parents reluctantly told the trio what they had been hiding for fifteen years; that Aurora was actually the child of who she thought of as her aunt. Understandably, the three were quite shocked by the news that they were cousins and not siblings, but that didn’t seem to change much between them.
With this news, the three set back off on their journey until they got the inspiration to build a surf academy, deciding to name it Summer Shores Surf Academy. From then on, they began a new chapter of their lives, teaching whoever decided to come by. The three still have an incredibly close bond with each other and their teams.
Character Themes: ‘Knee Deep’- Zac Brown Band feat. Jimmy Buffet
Her team:
Pokemon 1: Wartortle
Nickname: Shelldon
Gender: Male
Personality/Background: Aurora’s Wartortle is known to be a very loyal and cuddly Pokemon. He listens to no one but his trainer and loves nothing more than to cuddle up to her and his teammates. Though, at his trainer’s request, he will help with swimming and surfing lessons. In battle, he has high defense and power, but average speed. Despite her being from the Hoenn region, this Wartortle was Aurora’s first Pokemon. She had gotten him from an egg she had found near her house while exploring and the Pokemon had ended up taking a liking to her when he had hatched. He has refused to evolve any further, so Aurora gave him an everstone that she had found to keep him at the Wartortle stage.

Pokemon 2: Swanna
Nickname: Princess
Gender: Female
Personality/Background: Aurora’s Swanna is a very regal Pokemon, and she knows it too. She is very graceful and takes great pride in her appearance. She absolutely loves attention. In battle, the Pokemon has high speed and power, but low defense. Aurora had obtained this Pokemon simply by catching her as a Ducklett.

Pokemon 3: Vaporeon
Nickname: Jet
Gender: Male
Personality/Background: Aurora’s Vaporeon is an extremely protective and sometimes violent Pokemon. He listens to and trusts no one other than his trainer and he is known to try and go after people who even just attempt to get close to her without warning. He’s a lot like a loyal guard dog in that sense. In battle, he has high speed and power, but low defense. Aurora had obtained this Pokemon from Team Aqua. A few of the grunts had been abusing the poor thing since they thought he was too weak, so Aurora took it on herself to save him and quickly engaged the grunts in a battle for the Pokemon. It was long and hard, mostly due to the typing of each side’s Pokemon being the same, but Aurora was able to come out on top thanks to her newly caught Swanna. After rescuing the Vaporeon, he had begun to follow the trainer around and was eventually made part of the team. The Pokemon treats his trainer like his savior and he wants nothing bad to happen to her or her team.

Pokemon 4: Dewgong
Nickname: Dewey
Gender: Male
Personality/Background: Aurora’s Dewgong is the unintentional jokester of the group. He is always wanting to play and is also very gluttonous. This gets him into trouble every so often, but he means no harm. Despite this, he is also very protective towards his trainer and team. He can often be seen helping with swimming and surfing lessons. In battle, his defense is high, but his speed and strength are rather average. Aurora had caught this Pokemon when she was surfing and had a particularly nasty wipeout. The Dewgong had helped her to shore and in return for helping her, Aurora gave him a little treat. Due to this, the Dewgong had quickly taken a liking to her and had decided to invite himself to her team.

Pokemon 5: Goldeen
Nickname: Mist
Gender: Female
Personality/Background: Like her Swanna, Aurora’s Goldeen is a very regal Pokemon that takes pride in her appearance and loves attention. The two Pokemon can often be seen competing for the majority of the attention. In battle, the Goldeen has average defense and speed, but high strength. Aurora had obtained this Pokemon when she had decided to try her hand at fishing. The Pokemon was a rather easy catch, despite Aurora having Pokemon that were all the same type as the Goldeen.

Pokemon 6: Milotic
Nickname: Grace
Gender: Female
Personality/Background: Aurora’s Milotic is a very skittish and timid Pokemon who trusts no one but her trainer. She is very motherly and loving towards her trainer and teammates. Not much is known about her stats due to her reluctance to battle. Like her Vaporeon, Aurora had also obtained her Milotic from Team Aqua, though this was another encounter with them. A few grunts had been attempting to capture the Pokemon and had backed it into a corner, starting to heavily attack the poor creature with their own Pokemon. Not standing for it, Aurora quickly engaged them in battle, this time with her Vaporeon and slowly but surely was able to drive off the grunts. Over the course of a few months, she slowly and gently nursed the Milotic back to health and decided to make the Pokemon a part of her team so she wouldn’t be hurt again.
Gender: Female
Race: Human (Pokemon Trainer, surf academy instructor)
Age: 20
Height: 5’6”
Weight: 130 lbs.
Build: Athletic, surfer’s body
Complexion: Fair, despite all the time she spends in the sun
Hair: Long, an orangish-red color
Eyes: Light brown
Handedness: Left
Scars: A few minor ones dot her body, a large one courses down her back from a particularly nasty wipeout
Relationship Status: Single
Personality: Loud, sarcastic, helpful, athletic
Mannerisms: Often adjusts hat, mumbles to self when thinking, yawns when bored
Likes: The sun, surfing, teaching, her team
Dislikes: Cold weather, being inside, sunburns, wipeouts
Hometown: Mossdeep City, Hoenn
Description: Aurora typically wears a very summer, more specifically beach, themed outfit. Her outfit generally consists of a red bikini top with a matching red skirt. The skirt reaches to her knees and has white Pokeball designs on it. It is tied at her waist. Underneath the skirt, she wears red bikini bottoms. She also wears a large straw hat with a red ribbon tied around the brim of it along with a pair of red flip flops. Her hair is fairly long, reaching down to her waist and is an orangish-red color. Her eyes are a light brown color and always seem to be shimmering with happiness. She also has a few minor scars from various surfing injuries, a particularly large one courses down her back.
Personality-wise, Aurora is a very loud and sarcastic young woman. She won’t hesitate to tell someone off if she thinks they said or did something wrong. Of course, this has gotten her into trouble more than once, though it’s never been too bad. Despite her sarcastic streak, she is also very helpful and loves to teach people, more specifically aspiring surfers. She is also very athletic and loves to surf herself. She loves her team and her cousins (Andrew and Melody) to death and will do anything to make sure they’re happy and safe.

(Reference pic, drawn by me)

(Trainer card was made with this)
Biography: Aurora’s conception wasn’t exactly an approved one. She had been conceived when Aurora’s mother had cheated on her husband with another man. When the husband found out, he grew furious. He saw the child growing in his wife’s stomach as imperfect and tried to convince his wife to have an abortion to get rid of it. When that didn’t work, he forced his wife to agree to give the child up when she was born. In her last week of pregnancy, Aurora’s mother drove herself nearly insane trying to find a family that would take in the eventual infant. After all, even if the child wasn’t her husband’s, it was still hers and she wanted to make sure the child lived a good life.
Aurora’s mother was just about to give up on trying to find a home for her child when she remembered her sister had married and the two were wanting to have children of their own. Taking a chance, Aurora’s mother made her way over to where the couple lived and pleaded with them to take the child in as their own and keep her true origins a secret. Aurora’s future aunt and uncle agreed and not even a week later Aurora was born. A few weeks after that, Aurora’s aunt and uncle discovered that they would be expecting some more little feet around the house. Aurora’s aunt had ended up becoming pregnant with and eventually giving birth to twins.
Aurora and the twins had a happy and carefree childhood, completely unaware of the fact that they were actually cousins. They believed that they were siblings and that their ‘parents’ were just really eager to have another kid after having Aurora that was close in age to her. They had even set off on their journey to take on the Hoenn league at the same time. Along the way, they also had a few run-ins with Team Aqua and had built their teams. However, it was when the three were fifteen that their lives took quite and interesting turn. The three had returned home to take a rest after taking on the Mossdeep City gym when they overheard their ‘parents’ talking about Aurora with their ‘aunt’.
Listening in on the conversation, they seemed to be talking to their ‘aunt’ about telling Aurora something, saying she would need to be told or she’d figure it out eventually. Confused, the three teenagers confronted their ‘parents’ once their ‘aunt’ left about what they overheard. The parents reluctantly told the trio what they had been hiding for fifteen years; that Aurora was actually the child of who she thought of as her aunt. Understandably, the three were quite shocked by the news that they were cousins and not siblings, but that didn’t seem to change much between them.
With this news, the three set back off on their journey until they got the inspiration to build a surf academy, deciding to name it Summer Shores Surf Academy. From then on, they began a new chapter of their lives, teaching whoever decided to come by. The three still have an incredibly close bond with each other and their teams.
Character Themes: ‘Knee Deep’- Zac Brown Band feat. Jimmy Buffet
Her team:
Pokemon 1: Wartortle
Nickname: Shelldon
Gender: Male
Personality/Background: Aurora’s Wartortle is known to be a very loyal and cuddly Pokemon. He listens to no one but his trainer and loves nothing more than to cuddle up to her and his teammates. Though, at his trainer’s request, he will help with swimming and surfing lessons. In battle, he has high defense and power, but average speed. Despite her being from the Hoenn region, this Wartortle was Aurora’s first Pokemon. She had gotten him from an egg she had found near her house while exploring and the Pokemon had ended up taking a liking to her when he had hatched. He has refused to evolve any further, so Aurora gave him an everstone that she had found to keep him at the Wartortle stage.

Pokemon 2: Swanna
Nickname: Princess
Gender: Female
Personality/Background: Aurora’s Swanna is a very regal Pokemon, and she knows it too. She is very graceful and takes great pride in her appearance. She absolutely loves attention. In battle, the Pokemon has high speed and power, but low defense. Aurora had obtained this Pokemon simply by catching her as a Ducklett.

Pokemon 3: Vaporeon
Nickname: Jet
Gender: Male
Personality/Background: Aurora’s Vaporeon is an extremely protective and sometimes violent Pokemon. He listens to and trusts no one other than his trainer and he is known to try and go after people who even just attempt to get close to her without warning. He’s a lot like a loyal guard dog in that sense. In battle, he has high speed and power, but low defense. Aurora had obtained this Pokemon from Team Aqua. A few of the grunts had been abusing the poor thing since they thought he was too weak, so Aurora took it on herself to save him and quickly engaged the grunts in a battle for the Pokemon. It was long and hard, mostly due to the typing of each side’s Pokemon being the same, but Aurora was able to come out on top thanks to her newly caught Swanna. After rescuing the Vaporeon, he had begun to follow the trainer around and was eventually made part of the team. The Pokemon treats his trainer like his savior and he wants nothing bad to happen to her or her team.

Pokemon 4: Dewgong
Nickname: Dewey
Gender: Male
Personality/Background: Aurora’s Dewgong is the unintentional jokester of the group. He is always wanting to play and is also very gluttonous. This gets him into trouble every so often, but he means no harm. Despite this, he is also very protective towards his trainer and team. He can often be seen helping with swimming and surfing lessons. In battle, his defense is high, but his speed and strength are rather average. Aurora had caught this Pokemon when she was surfing and had a particularly nasty wipeout. The Dewgong had helped her to shore and in return for helping her, Aurora gave him a little treat. Due to this, the Dewgong had quickly taken a liking to her and had decided to invite himself to her team.

Pokemon 5: Goldeen
Nickname: Mist
Gender: Female
Personality/Background: Like her Swanna, Aurora’s Goldeen is a very regal Pokemon that takes pride in her appearance and loves attention. The two Pokemon can often be seen competing for the majority of the attention. In battle, the Goldeen has average defense and speed, but high strength. Aurora had obtained this Pokemon when she had decided to try her hand at fishing. The Pokemon was a rather easy catch, despite Aurora having Pokemon that were all the same type as the Goldeen.

Pokemon 6: Milotic
Nickname: Grace
Gender: Female
Personality/Background: Aurora’s Milotic is a very skittish and timid Pokemon who trusts no one but her trainer. She is very motherly and loving towards her trainer and teammates. Not much is known about her stats due to her reluctance to battle. Like her Vaporeon, Aurora had also obtained her Milotic from Team Aqua, though this was another encounter with them. A few grunts had been attempting to capture the Pokemon and had backed it into a corner, starting to heavily attack the poor creature with their own Pokemon. Not standing for it, Aurora quickly engaged them in battle, this time with her Vaporeon and slowly but surely was able to drive off the grunts. Over the course of a few months, she slowly and gently nursed the Milotic back to health and decided to make the Pokemon a part of her team so she wouldn’t be hurt again.

Moderators: H3llf1re KansasVenomoth Guardian_Girl