Name: Harper Mayes
Gender: Female
Race: Human (Pokemon Trainer, Waitress)
Age: 23
Height: 4’10”
Weight: 104 lbs.
Build: Average
Complexion: Fair
Hair: Light brown, short
Eyes: Navy blue
Handedness: Right
Scars: None
Relationship Status: Single
Personality: Kind, energetic, hard working, determined
Mannerisms: Often brushes bangs out of her eyes, fidgets when anxious, often re-ties apron
Likes: Cute Pokemon, good food, fashion trends, keeping herself busy
Dislikes: Rude customers, managing the cash register, not being busy, not getting tips
Description: Harper generally wears a number of cute and frilly outfits, mostly consisting of different-colored versions of her work outfit. Her work outfit is a dress that reaches down to her knees with frills at the bottom. She usually has a white apron over it. She also wears a small white bonnet-like headpiece. For shoes, she wears a pair of brown flats and white socks. Her light brown hair is rather short, reaching to just above her chin. Her navy blue eyes seem to shine with determination.
Personality-wise, Harper is a very hard-working, kind, and energetic young woman. She can almost always be seen doing something, whether it be taking and serving orders or just playing with her team. She absolutely hates sitting around and doing nothing and will do everything she can to keep herself busy until she gets too tired to do so. She is also very determined and has dreams of opening up her own Pokemon boutique someday and she will take every opportunity she can get to ramble on about it.

(Trainer card was made with this)
Biography: Ever since she was a little girl, Harper had dreams of running her own Pokemon boutique. She’d spend hours doing whatever research a small child could muster in order to figure out how to decorate Pokemon and make them look good. At the age of ten, she decided to set off on her journey to follow her childhood dream as well as see whatever sights the world had to offer. Of course, she wasn’t going on this journey alone. She had her new Mimikyu with her. She had gotten the Pokemon as a gift from her parents for her tenth birthday and absolutely fell in love with it.
The two journeyed through many regions together and saw the growth of Harper’s team. Eventually, Harper realized she would need to set aside her childhood dream for a while in order to get a job that would be able to sustain her financially. She looked for a few weeks before coming across a rather small and cute little Pokemon cafe where trainers and their Pokemon can enjoy a little snack before going back on the road. The cafe was looking for a waitress, and Harper jumped at the chance to apply. A few months later, and Harper became a waitress at the age of eighteen.
Now, at twenty three years old, Harper is still working as a waitress for the cafe and is a very well liked one. She’s even been allowed to have her team help her serve on occasions when the place is very busy and doesn’t have enough servers. She still dreams of owning her own Pokemon boutique, but she’s trying to save up the money in order to do so at the moment. She’s done quite well and is rather close to her goal.
Character Themes:
'Don't Stop Believin' '- Journey
Her Team:
Pokemon 1: Mimikyu
Nickname: Mimic
Gender: Male
Personality/Background: Harper’s Mimikyu is a very cuddly and loyal Pokemon. It is obvious he shares the strongest bond with his trainer. He listens to no one but her and can become quite jealous if someone gets too close to his trainer and starts taking her attention away from him. In battle, the Pokemon seems to be the strongest of Harper’s team with high power and defense, but average speed. Harper had gotten this oddly adorable Pokémon as a gift from her parents on her tenth birthday. The two quickly formed a strong bond that they still have to this day.

Pokemon 2: Rockruff
Nickname: Scooby
Gender: Male
Personality/Background: Harper’s Rockruff is a very playful and friendly Pokémon. He always seems to have bounds of energy and loves nothing more than to play with his trainer and teammates. In battle, he has average speed and power, but low defense. Harper had obtained her Rockruff by finding it as an abandoned egg. Deciding to take in whatever creature was within the egg and care for it, Harper kept it with her as she continued travelling and was delighted when it had hatched into such an adorable Pokemon.

Pokemon 3: Eevee
Nickname: Tiny
Gender: Male
Personality/Background: Harper’s Eevee is a rather gluttonous and lazy Pokémon. He'd do anything for a treat and often uses his cute appearance to his advantage when begging for one… or two… or ten. When he isn't eating, he can usually be seen napping. Needless to say, Harper doesn't really call on him when she needs help around the cafe. In battle, the Eevee has rather low speed, power, and defense. Harper had obtained this Eevee when he had simply wandered into the cafe one day and started stealing food that was meant for customers. Instead of chasing the Pokémon out like her boss had ordered, Harper caught him, deciding that would be a better way to keep an eye on him.

Pokemon 4: Ledian
Nickname: Lady
Gender: Female
Personality/Background: Harper’s Ledian is a very fussy Pokémon. She likes everything done to her liking and will create a huge ruckus if she thinks things aren't being done right. In battle she has high speed, but average power and low defense. Harper had obtained this Ledian as a Ledyba simply by catching it in the wild. It was a rather easy task thanks to her Mimikyu.

Pokemon 5: Ribombee
Nickname: Pixie
Gender: Female
Personality/Background: Harper’s Ribombee is a very sweet and cuddly Pokémon. She loves nothing more than to cuddle up to people and Pokémon alike, even if they might be complete strangers. In battle, she has rather high defense, but low speed and power. Harper had obtained this little Pokémon because the tiny thing had been curiously following her around one day. The trainer instantly fell in love with the little thing and added her to the team.

Pokemon 6: Vulpix
Nickname: Rose
Gender: Female
Personality/Background: Harper’s Vulpix is a rather timid little thing. She tends to shy away from strangers and often finds solace in her trainer and teammates when she's nervous. From the few times she's battled, all her stats seem to be rather low. Harper had obtained the Vulpix when she had caught a group of kids hurting it because it didn't want to battle. Harper quickly warded the boys off and took to treating the wounds the Pokémon had. Since then, the Vulpix has become a much loved member of the team, though she is rather shy around strangers.
Gender: Female
Race: Human (Pokemon Trainer, Waitress)
Age: 23
Height: 4’10”
Weight: 104 lbs.
Build: Average
Complexion: Fair
Hair: Light brown, short
Eyes: Navy blue
Handedness: Right
Scars: None
Relationship Status: Single
Personality: Kind, energetic, hard working, determined
Mannerisms: Often brushes bangs out of her eyes, fidgets when anxious, often re-ties apron
Likes: Cute Pokemon, good food, fashion trends, keeping herself busy
Dislikes: Rude customers, managing the cash register, not being busy, not getting tips
Description: Harper generally wears a number of cute and frilly outfits, mostly consisting of different-colored versions of her work outfit. Her work outfit is a dress that reaches down to her knees with frills at the bottom. She usually has a white apron over it. She also wears a small white bonnet-like headpiece. For shoes, she wears a pair of brown flats and white socks. Her light brown hair is rather short, reaching to just above her chin. Her navy blue eyes seem to shine with determination.
Personality-wise, Harper is a very hard-working, kind, and energetic young woman. She can almost always be seen doing something, whether it be taking and serving orders or just playing with her team. She absolutely hates sitting around and doing nothing and will do everything she can to keep herself busy until she gets too tired to do so. She is also very determined and has dreams of opening up her own Pokemon boutique someday and she will take every opportunity she can get to ramble on about it.

(Trainer card was made with this)
Biography: Ever since she was a little girl, Harper had dreams of running her own Pokemon boutique. She’d spend hours doing whatever research a small child could muster in order to figure out how to decorate Pokemon and make them look good. At the age of ten, she decided to set off on her journey to follow her childhood dream as well as see whatever sights the world had to offer. Of course, she wasn’t going on this journey alone. She had her new Mimikyu with her. She had gotten the Pokemon as a gift from her parents for her tenth birthday and absolutely fell in love with it.
The two journeyed through many regions together and saw the growth of Harper’s team. Eventually, Harper realized she would need to set aside her childhood dream for a while in order to get a job that would be able to sustain her financially. She looked for a few weeks before coming across a rather small and cute little Pokemon cafe where trainers and their Pokemon can enjoy a little snack before going back on the road. The cafe was looking for a waitress, and Harper jumped at the chance to apply. A few months later, and Harper became a waitress at the age of eighteen.
Now, at twenty three years old, Harper is still working as a waitress for the cafe and is a very well liked one. She’s even been allowed to have her team help her serve on occasions when the place is very busy and doesn’t have enough servers. She still dreams of owning her own Pokemon boutique, but she’s trying to save up the money in order to do so at the moment. She’s done quite well and is rather close to her goal.
Character Themes:
'Don't Stop Believin' '- Journey
Her Team:
Pokemon 1: Mimikyu
Nickname: Mimic
Gender: Male
Personality/Background: Harper’s Mimikyu is a very cuddly and loyal Pokemon. It is obvious he shares the strongest bond with his trainer. He listens to no one but her and can become quite jealous if someone gets too close to his trainer and starts taking her attention away from him. In battle, the Pokemon seems to be the strongest of Harper’s team with high power and defense, but average speed. Harper had gotten this oddly adorable Pokémon as a gift from her parents on her tenth birthday. The two quickly formed a strong bond that they still have to this day.

Pokemon 2: Rockruff
Nickname: Scooby
Gender: Male
Personality/Background: Harper’s Rockruff is a very playful and friendly Pokémon. He always seems to have bounds of energy and loves nothing more than to play with his trainer and teammates. In battle, he has average speed and power, but low defense. Harper had obtained her Rockruff by finding it as an abandoned egg. Deciding to take in whatever creature was within the egg and care for it, Harper kept it with her as she continued travelling and was delighted when it had hatched into such an adorable Pokemon.

Pokemon 3: Eevee
Nickname: Tiny
Gender: Male
Personality/Background: Harper’s Eevee is a rather gluttonous and lazy Pokémon. He'd do anything for a treat and often uses his cute appearance to his advantage when begging for one… or two… or ten. When he isn't eating, he can usually be seen napping. Needless to say, Harper doesn't really call on him when she needs help around the cafe. In battle, the Eevee has rather low speed, power, and defense. Harper had obtained this Eevee when he had simply wandered into the cafe one day and started stealing food that was meant for customers. Instead of chasing the Pokémon out like her boss had ordered, Harper caught him, deciding that would be a better way to keep an eye on him.

Pokemon 4: Ledian
Nickname: Lady
Gender: Female
Personality/Background: Harper’s Ledian is a very fussy Pokémon. She likes everything done to her liking and will create a huge ruckus if she thinks things aren't being done right. In battle she has high speed, but average power and low defense. Harper had obtained this Ledian as a Ledyba simply by catching it in the wild. It was a rather easy task thanks to her Mimikyu.

Pokemon 5: Ribombee
Nickname: Pixie
Gender: Female
Personality/Background: Harper’s Ribombee is a very sweet and cuddly Pokémon. She loves nothing more than to cuddle up to people and Pokémon alike, even if they might be complete strangers. In battle, she has rather high defense, but low speed and power. Harper had obtained this little Pokémon because the tiny thing had been curiously following her around one day. The trainer instantly fell in love with the little thing and added her to the team.

Pokemon 6: Vulpix
Nickname: Rose
Gender: Female
Personality/Background: Harper’s Vulpix is a rather timid little thing. She tends to shy away from strangers and often finds solace in her trainer and teammates when she's nervous. From the few times she's battled, all her stats seem to be rather low. Harper had obtained the Vulpix when she had caught a group of kids hurting it because it didn't want to battle. Harper quickly warded the boys off and took to treating the wounds the Pokémon had. Since then, the Vulpix has become a much loved member of the team, though she is rather shy around strangers.

Moderators: H3llf1re KansasVenomoth Guardian_Girl