Name: Cecilia Lori
Gender: Female
Race: Human (Pokemon trainer, artist)
Age: 18
Height: 5’8”
Weight: 130 lbs.
Build: Slim, a bit curvy
Complexion: Fair
Hair: Long, black, often up in a ponytail
Eyes: A warm yellowish-brown color
Handedness: Left
Scars: None
Relationship Status: Single (and ready to mingle)
Personality: Flirtatious, creative, rude at times, loyal
Mannerisms: Often adjusts ponytail, grumbles when upset, often gives hugs
Likes: Cheesy romance books, Pokemon, art, physical affection
Dislikes: Love triangles, stuck-up people, too much heat, not getting her way
Hometown: Snuggle Town, The Frozen Heart
Description: Cecilia tends to wear a variety of comfortable and warm clothes, usually opting to wear a long-sleeved black shirt and baggy tan jeans. The shirt shows a bit of skin, but she doesn't seem to mind it. For shoes, she tends to wear a pair of brown sandals. Her dark black hair is long, falling to her waist, and is generally kept in a ponytail. Her eyes are a warm yellowish-brown color and always seem to be shimmering with excitement.
Personality-wise, Cecilia is a rather… interesting individual to say the least. She is very flirtatious and is known to flirt with guys who are complete strangers if she thinks they’re cute. She can also be a bit rude at times, though it usually only occurs when someone has been rude to her first. Despite this, she is very loyal and has never cheated on any of the past romantic partners she’s had. She will also be there for friends when needed. She’s also very creative and dreams of becoming a master artist. She competes regularly in the annual art competition that the region puts on. She loves to give physical affection and is known to give hugs as a greeting to even complete strangers. She can often be seen painting with her team or reading a cheesy romance novel.

(Her beginning trainer card. Trainer card was made with this)

(Her future trainer card. Trainer card was made with this)
Biography: Cecilia grew up in a rather large family, being the oldest out of eight kids. Her parents struggled slightly to make ends meet as a result, though they always managed to make ends meet and lavished much affection onto each kid. Cecilia’s parents did the best they could to make sure their kids grew up happy and healthy.
As a result of being in such a large family, Cecilia rarely ever got a moment of peace. She even had to share a room with her two sisters, so she had to deal with them barging in and out all of the time. Regardless, she wanted to set a good example for them and did her best to help her parents provide for herself and her siblings.
At ten years old, she discovered her passion for art after going to one of the art competitions that the region put on every year. In the competition, the artists had to somehow have all of their members of their Pokemon team help them create a stunning artwork. Watching the competitors, Cecilia was amazed at how much fun they seemed to be having and with how their works of art turned out. From then on, she made it her goal to become a master artist in the region. As she eagerly waited for the day to get her starter Pokemon, she practiced her art skills religiously.
Once she turned eighteen, she eagerly rushed off to get her starter Pokemon from Professor Evergreen. She had her heart set on getting either an Alolan Vulpix or a Shinx and was delighted to see both were there when she arrived. She happily chose the Shinx, though the two didn’t really start out on the best of terms. From there on, Cecilia took to exploring the region with her new partner, just seeing what she could see and trying to improve her artistic skills even more. She regularly competes in the art competition now that she has a Pokemon, though she hasn’t won it just yet.
Character Themes:
'Who I Am'- Jessica Andrews
Her Beginning Team:
Pokemon 1: Shinx
Nickname: Bolt
Gender: Male
Personality/Background: Despite being Cecilia’s starter Pokemon, these two do not get along at all. The Shinx rarely listens to his trainer and will often not even pay attention to anything she says. He is a very stubborn and stand-offish Pokemon. Cecilia tries her best to get along with the Pokemon, but to no avail. In battle, he has rather average defense, but high speed and power. Cecilia had obtained this Shinx by getting him from Professor Evergreen as a starter Pokemon. The two rarely, if ever, get along.

Gender: Female
Race: Human (Pokemon trainer, artist)
Age: 18
Height: 5’8”
Weight: 130 lbs.
Build: Slim, a bit curvy
Complexion: Fair
Hair: Long, black, often up in a ponytail
Eyes: A warm yellowish-brown color
Handedness: Left
Scars: None
Relationship Status: Single (and ready to mingle)
Personality: Flirtatious, creative, rude at times, loyal
Mannerisms: Often adjusts ponytail, grumbles when upset, often gives hugs
Likes: Cheesy romance books, Pokemon, art, physical affection
Dislikes: Love triangles, stuck-up people, too much heat, not getting her way
Hometown: Snuggle Town, The Frozen Heart
Description: Cecilia tends to wear a variety of comfortable and warm clothes, usually opting to wear a long-sleeved black shirt and baggy tan jeans. The shirt shows a bit of skin, but she doesn't seem to mind it. For shoes, she tends to wear a pair of brown sandals. Her dark black hair is long, falling to her waist, and is generally kept in a ponytail. Her eyes are a warm yellowish-brown color and always seem to be shimmering with excitement.
Personality-wise, Cecilia is a rather… interesting individual to say the least. She is very flirtatious and is known to flirt with guys who are complete strangers if she thinks they’re cute. She can also be a bit rude at times, though it usually only occurs when someone has been rude to her first. Despite this, she is very loyal and has never cheated on any of the past romantic partners she’s had. She will also be there for friends when needed. She’s also very creative and dreams of becoming a master artist. She competes regularly in the annual art competition that the region puts on. She loves to give physical affection and is known to give hugs as a greeting to even complete strangers. She can often be seen painting with her team or reading a cheesy romance novel.

(Her beginning trainer card. Trainer card was made with this)

(Her future trainer card. Trainer card was made with this)
Biography: Cecilia grew up in a rather large family, being the oldest out of eight kids. Her parents struggled slightly to make ends meet as a result, though they always managed to make ends meet and lavished much affection onto each kid. Cecilia’s parents did the best they could to make sure their kids grew up happy and healthy.
As a result of being in such a large family, Cecilia rarely ever got a moment of peace. She even had to share a room with her two sisters, so she had to deal with them barging in and out all of the time. Regardless, she wanted to set a good example for them and did her best to help her parents provide for herself and her siblings.
At ten years old, she discovered her passion for art after going to one of the art competitions that the region put on every year. In the competition, the artists had to somehow have all of their members of their Pokemon team help them create a stunning artwork. Watching the competitors, Cecilia was amazed at how much fun they seemed to be having and with how their works of art turned out. From then on, she made it her goal to become a master artist in the region. As she eagerly waited for the day to get her starter Pokemon, she practiced her art skills religiously.
Once she turned eighteen, she eagerly rushed off to get her starter Pokemon from Professor Evergreen. She had her heart set on getting either an Alolan Vulpix or a Shinx and was delighted to see both were there when she arrived. She happily chose the Shinx, though the two didn’t really start out on the best of terms. From there on, Cecilia took to exploring the region with her new partner, just seeing what she could see and trying to improve her artistic skills even more. She regularly competes in the art competition now that she has a Pokemon, though she hasn’t won it just yet.
Character Themes:
'Who I Am'- Jessica Andrews
Her Beginning Team:
Pokemon 1: Shinx
Nickname: Bolt
Gender: Male
Personality/Background: Despite being Cecilia’s starter Pokemon, these two do not get along at all. The Shinx rarely listens to his trainer and will often not even pay attention to anything she says. He is a very stubborn and stand-offish Pokemon. Cecilia tries her best to get along with the Pokemon, but to no avail. In battle, he has rather average defense, but high speed and power. Cecilia had obtained this Shinx by getting him from Professor Evergreen as a starter Pokemon. The two rarely, if ever, get along.

Her Future Team:
Pokemon 1: Luxray
Nickname: Bolt
Gender: Male
Personality/Background: Cecilia and her Luxray still rarely ever get along. He’s still as stubborn and stand-offish as ever. He’s often seen prowling around by himself while Cecilia plays with her other Pokemon. She tries to entice him to play, but it’s always unsuccessful. He still rarely, if ever, listens to his trainer. His defense has improved slightly, though not by much and his power and speed are still high. Cecilia had obtained this Luxray by getting him from Professor Evergreen as a starter Pokemon. The two still have a rather rocky relationship.

Pokemon 2: Furret
Nickname: Stripes
Gender: Male
Personality/Background: Cecilia’s Furret is a rather curious and inquisitive Pokemon. He has been known to dart off to investigate one thing or another. In battle, he has rather low speed, but high power and average defense. Cecilia had obtained her Furret as a Sentret when he had basically invited himself to play with Cecilia. Cecilia ended up liking him and added him to her team.

Pokemon 3: Wigglytuff
Nickname: Fairy
Gender: Female
Personality/Background: Cecilia’s Wigglytuff is a very gluttonous, yet cuddly Pokemon. She absolutely loves treats and will do anything for them. She also is known to cuddle complete strangers. In battle, she has high speed, but low defense and average power. Cecilia had obtained her Wigglytuff as an Igglybuff simply because she had fed it a treat and it started following her around. Taking a liking to the little Pokemon, she added it to her team.

Pokemon 4: Audino
Nickname: Lady
Gender: Female
Personality/Background: Cecilia’s Audino is a rather shy Pokemon. She doesn’t really like tight spaces or large crowds and often cuddles up to her trainer if she’s upset. Not much is known about her battling style due to her unwillingness to be used. Cecilia had obtained this Pokemon by finding her as an abandoned egg. Once the egg hatched, the Audino seemed rather shy and reluctant to battle, so Cecilia rarely ever battles with her.

Pokemon 5: Mimikyu
Nickname: Ghost
Gender: Male
Personality/Background: Cecilia’s Mimikyu is a very odd and seclusive Pokemon. He prefers to be off on his own rather than cuddling or playing with his trainer and teammates. In battle, he has high power and defense, but low speed. Cecilia had obtained this Pokemon because her then Luxray had gotten into a battle with the odd thing and nearly knocked the Mimikyu out. Cecilia caught the Pokemon before any more damage was done.

Pokemon 6: Pachirisu
Nickname: Pachi
Gender: Female
Personality/Background: Cecilia’s Pachirisu is a very cuddly, playful and sweet Pokemon. She's always the first one to go play or cuddle up with Cecilia. In battle, she has high speed, but average power and low defense. Cecilia had obtained the Pachirisu simply by catching her in the wild by using her then Jigglypuff.

Pokemon 1: Luxray
Nickname: Bolt
Gender: Male
Personality/Background: Cecilia and her Luxray still rarely ever get along. He’s still as stubborn and stand-offish as ever. He’s often seen prowling around by himself while Cecilia plays with her other Pokemon. She tries to entice him to play, but it’s always unsuccessful. He still rarely, if ever, listens to his trainer. His defense has improved slightly, though not by much and his power and speed are still high. Cecilia had obtained this Luxray by getting him from Professor Evergreen as a starter Pokemon. The two still have a rather rocky relationship.

Pokemon 2: Furret
Nickname: Stripes
Gender: Male
Personality/Background: Cecilia’s Furret is a rather curious and inquisitive Pokemon. He has been known to dart off to investigate one thing or another. In battle, he has rather low speed, but high power and average defense. Cecilia had obtained her Furret as a Sentret when he had basically invited himself to play with Cecilia. Cecilia ended up liking him and added him to her team.

Pokemon 3: Wigglytuff
Nickname: Fairy
Gender: Female
Personality/Background: Cecilia’s Wigglytuff is a very gluttonous, yet cuddly Pokemon. She absolutely loves treats and will do anything for them. She also is known to cuddle complete strangers. In battle, she has high speed, but low defense and average power. Cecilia had obtained her Wigglytuff as an Igglybuff simply because she had fed it a treat and it started following her around. Taking a liking to the little Pokemon, she added it to her team.

Pokemon 4: Audino
Nickname: Lady
Gender: Female
Personality/Background: Cecilia’s Audino is a rather shy Pokemon. She doesn’t really like tight spaces or large crowds and often cuddles up to her trainer if she’s upset. Not much is known about her battling style due to her unwillingness to be used. Cecilia had obtained this Pokemon by finding her as an abandoned egg. Once the egg hatched, the Audino seemed rather shy and reluctant to battle, so Cecilia rarely ever battles with her.

Pokemon 5: Mimikyu
Nickname: Ghost
Gender: Male
Personality/Background: Cecilia’s Mimikyu is a very odd and seclusive Pokemon. He prefers to be off on his own rather than cuddling or playing with his trainer and teammates. In battle, he has high power and defense, but low speed. Cecilia had obtained this Pokemon because her then Luxray had gotten into a battle with the odd thing and nearly knocked the Mimikyu out. Cecilia caught the Pokemon before any more damage was done.

Pokemon 6: Pachirisu
Nickname: Pachi
Gender: Female
Personality/Background: Cecilia’s Pachirisu is a very cuddly, playful and sweet Pokemon. She's always the first one to go play or cuddle up with Cecilia. In battle, she has high speed, but average power and low defense. Cecilia had obtained the Pachirisu simply by catching her in the wild by using her then Jigglypuff.

Name: Vivian Lori
Gender: Female
Race: Human (Pokemon trainer, aspiring librarian)
Age: 18
Height: 5’7”
Weight: 127 lbs.
Build: Slim
Complexion: Fair
Hair: Brown, long
Eyes: A warm yellowish-brown color
Handedness: Ambidextrous (Prefers her right)
Scars: None
Relationship Status: Single (not really interested)
Personality: Quiet, polite, socially awkward, scary when mad
Mannerisms: Often adjusts gloves, tucks hair behind ear when nervous, blushes easily
Likes: Books, Pokemon, laughter, babies
Dislikes: Physical affection, impolite people, not having books to read, sad books
Description: Vivian is typically noted for having a very frilly and adorable clothing style. She generally wears a blue short-sleeved dress that reaches above her knees with a pair of long boots for shoes. She wears a pink scarf and blue fingerless gloves to complete the outfit. She can often be seen with a flower in her hair. Her hair is long, reaching to her waist, and a light brown color. Her yellowish-brown eyes always seem to radiate shyness, though they are also very warm.
Personality-wise, Vivian is almost the complete opposite of her twin sister, Cecilia. She’s very socially awkward, and gets extremely flustered if someone starts flirting with her. However, she can be quite frightening if she’s ever made angry. She’s also very polite and quite the bookworm, loving to get into book after book. Like her sister, her favorite books are ones in the romance genre, though she also likes a good thriller every once in a while. She tends to shy away from physical affection, having an aversion to being touched.

(Her beginning trainer card. Trainer card was made with this)

(Her future trainer card. Trainer card was made with this)
Biography: Like Cecilia, Vivian was born into what would eventually become a seven child family. She was also the oldest out of the siblings, though she was born only minutes after Cecilia, so she was technically the second oldest. Unlike her sister, Vivian had grown to be a rather quiet and shy girl, though there really wasn’t any explanation as to why. She fell in love with books at a young age and often loved to get lost in the worlds within them. As a result, she made many trips to her local library and had become obsessed with the idea of becoming a librarian when she got older.
On their eighteenth birthday, Vivian and her twin sister, Cecilia, went to Professor Evergreen to get their starter Pokemon and start their own journeys. Cecilia had chosen a Shinx for her starter while Vivian had chosen a Seel. The trainer and Pokemon hit it off immediately and excitedly set off to see what the world had to offer. From there, Vivian and Cecilia went their separate ways to pursue their own goals. Vivian still has dreams to become a librarian and will stop at nothing until it’s fulfilled.
Character Themes:
‘Fly’- Maddie and Tae
Her Current Team:
Pokemon 1: Seel
Nickname: Snowy
Gender: Male
Personality/Background: Vivian’s Seel is a very affectionate and loyal Pokemon. He loves nothing more than to cuddle up to his trainer. He also has a bit of a lazy streak, loving to take naps essentially anywhere at any time. He has rather average stats in terms of power and defense, though he has lower speed. Vivian had obtained this affectionate Pokemon as her starter from Professor Evergreen. The two immediately formed a strong bond.

Gender: Female
Race: Human (Pokemon trainer, aspiring librarian)
Age: 18
Height: 5’7”
Weight: 127 lbs.
Build: Slim
Complexion: Fair
Hair: Brown, long
Eyes: A warm yellowish-brown color
Handedness: Ambidextrous (Prefers her right)
Scars: None
Relationship Status: Single (not really interested)
Personality: Quiet, polite, socially awkward, scary when mad
Mannerisms: Often adjusts gloves, tucks hair behind ear when nervous, blushes easily
Likes: Books, Pokemon, laughter, babies
Dislikes: Physical affection, impolite people, not having books to read, sad books
Description: Vivian is typically noted for having a very frilly and adorable clothing style. She generally wears a blue short-sleeved dress that reaches above her knees with a pair of long boots for shoes. She wears a pink scarf and blue fingerless gloves to complete the outfit. She can often be seen with a flower in her hair. Her hair is long, reaching to her waist, and a light brown color. Her yellowish-brown eyes always seem to radiate shyness, though they are also very warm.
Personality-wise, Vivian is almost the complete opposite of her twin sister, Cecilia. She’s very socially awkward, and gets extremely flustered if someone starts flirting with her. However, she can be quite frightening if she’s ever made angry. She’s also very polite and quite the bookworm, loving to get into book after book. Like her sister, her favorite books are ones in the romance genre, though she also likes a good thriller every once in a while. She tends to shy away from physical affection, having an aversion to being touched.

(Her beginning trainer card. Trainer card was made with this)

(Her future trainer card. Trainer card was made with this)
Biography: Like Cecilia, Vivian was born into what would eventually become a seven child family. She was also the oldest out of the siblings, though she was born only minutes after Cecilia, so she was technically the second oldest. Unlike her sister, Vivian had grown to be a rather quiet and shy girl, though there really wasn’t any explanation as to why. She fell in love with books at a young age and often loved to get lost in the worlds within them. As a result, she made many trips to her local library and had become obsessed with the idea of becoming a librarian when she got older.
On their eighteenth birthday, Vivian and her twin sister, Cecilia, went to Professor Evergreen to get their starter Pokemon and start their own journeys. Cecilia had chosen a Shinx for her starter while Vivian had chosen a Seel. The trainer and Pokemon hit it off immediately and excitedly set off to see what the world had to offer. From there, Vivian and Cecilia went their separate ways to pursue their own goals. Vivian still has dreams to become a librarian and will stop at nothing until it’s fulfilled.
Character Themes:
‘Fly’- Maddie and Tae
Her Current Team:
Pokemon 1: Seel
Nickname: Snowy
Gender: Male
Personality/Background: Vivian’s Seel is a very affectionate and loyal Pokemon. He loves nothing more than to cuddle up to his trainer. He also has a bit of a lazy streak, loving to take naps essentially anywhere at any time. He has rather average stats in terms of power and defense, though he has lower speed. Vivian had obtained this affectionate Pokemon as her starter from Professor Evergreen. The two immediately formed a strong bond.

Her Future Team
Pokemon 1: Dewgong
Nickname: Snowy
Gender: Male
Personality/Background: Vivian’s Dewgong is still as loyal, affectionate, and lazy as ever. He can more often than not be seen napping or cuddling up to his trainer. His power and defense have gotten slightly higher, though his speed is still rather low. Vivian and her Dewgong still share the strong bond that they had formed when Vivian picked him as her starter Pokemon.

Pokemon 2: Lucario
Nickname: Lucy
Gender: Female
Personality/Background: Vivian’s Lucario is a rather aggressive and intelligent Pokemon. She loves nothing more than the thrill of a good battle and is rather quick to outsmart her opponents, sometimes using rather underhanded tactics to win. In battle, she had high speed, but average power and low defense. Vivian had obtained this Pokemon when the Lucario had suddenly attacked one of the member’s of Vivian’s team. Vivian immediately engaged the Pokemon in battle and after a fairly long and difficult fight, came out victorious and caught the Pokemon.

Pokemon 3: Lycanroc
Nickname: Rocky
Gender: Female
Personality/Background: Vivian’s Lycanroc is a lot like her trainer; rather shy and having an aversion to physical affection. She rarely interacts with the other Pokemon, instead opting to either stick close to her trainer or be off by herself in a quiet area. Not much are known about her stats due to her unwillingness to battle. Vivian had obtained this Pokemon simply through a trade. Even though the Pokemon was extremely shy and unwilling to battle for some reason, Vivian still loves and takes good care of her.

Pokemon 4: Mimikyu
Nickname: Chewie
Gender: Male
Personality/Background: Vivian’s Mimikyu is also a lot like his trainer, being a shy Pokemon with and eversion to physical affection, though he’s a lot shyer in comparison to Vivian’s Lycanroc. He’ll often lash out if someone other than his trainer tries to touch him. He also doesn’t have much known about hi stats due to his unwillingness to battle. Vivian had taken in this oddly adorable Pokemon when she had found him abandoned in the wild by his trainer and having his costume broken. Taking pity on him, she took the Mimikyu in and fixed up his disguise. It took awhile, but he slowly warmed up to her.

Pokemon 5: Lapras
Nickname: Pacifica
Gender: Female
Personality/Background: Vivian’s Lapras is a very motherly and loving Pokemon. She absolutely adores her team members and trainer and will protect them at all costs. She loves to give ride on her back. In battle, she has high defense and power, but low speed. Vivian had obtained this Pokemon simply through some fishing. She had reeled the Pokemon in and engaged her in battle, quickly coming out victorious and catching her.

Pokemon 6: Raichu
Nickname: Lightning
Gender: Male
Personality/Background: Vivian’s Raichu is a very playful and energetic Pokemon. He loves nothing more than to run around and play with his trainer and team mates. In battle, he has high speed, but average power and low defense. Vivian had obtained this Pokemon simply by catching him in the wild. It was a tough battle, but she persevered and managed to catch the Raichu.

Pokemon 1: Dewgong
Nickname: Snowy
Gender: Male
Personality/Background: Vivian’s Dewgong is still as loyal, affectionate, and lazy as ever. He can more often than not be seen napping or cuddling up to his trainer. His power and defense have gotten slightly higher, though his speed is still rather low. Vivian and her Dewgong still share the strong bond that they had formed when Vivian picked him as her starter Pokemon.

Pokemon 2: Lucario
Nickname: Lucy
Gender: Female
Personality/Background: Vivian’s Lucario is a rather aggressive and intelligent Pokemon. She loves nothing more than the thrill of a good battle and is rather quick to outsmart her opponents, sometimes using rather underhanded tactics to win. In battle, she had high speed, but average power and low defense. Vivian had obtained this Pokemon when the Lucario had suddenly attacked one of the member’s of Vivian’s team. Vivian immediately engaged the Pokemon in battle and after a fairly long and difficult fight, came out victorious and caught the Pokemon.

Pokemon 3: Lycanroc
Nickname: Rocky
Gender: Female
Personality/Background: Vivian’s Lycanroc is a lot like her trainer; rather shy and having an aversion to physical affection. She rarely interacts with the other Pokemon, instead opting to either stick close to her trainer or be off by herself in a quiet area. Not much are known about her stats due to her unwillingness to battle. Vivian had obtained this Pokemon simply through a trade. Even though the Pokemon was extremely shy and unwilling to battle for some reason, Vivian still loves and takes good care of her.

Pokemon 4: Mimikyu
Nickname: Chewie
Gender: Male
Personality/Background: Vivian’s Mimikyu is also a lot like his trainer, being a shy Pokemon with and eversion to physical affection, though he’s a lot shyer in comparison to Vivian’s Lycanroc. He’ll often lash out if someone other than his trainer tries to touch him. He also doesn’t have much known about hi stats due to his unwillingness to battle. Vivian had taken in this oddly adorable Pokemon when she had found him abandoned in the wild by his trainer and having his costume broken. Taking pity on him, she took the Mimikyu in and fixed up his disguise. It took awhile, but he slowly warmed up to her.

Pokemon 5: Lapras
Nickname: Pacifica
Gender: Female
Personality/Background: Vivian’s Lapras is a very motherly and loving Pokemon. She absolutely adores her team members and trainer and will protect them at all costs. She loves to give ride on her back. In battle, she has high defense and power, but low speed. Vivian had obtained this Pokemon simply through some fishing. She had reeled the Pokemon in and engaged her in battle, quickly coming out victorious and catching her.

Pokemon 6: Raichu
Nickname: Lightning
Gender: Male
Personality/Background: Vivian’s Raichu is a very playful and energetic Pokemon. He loves nothing more than to run around and play with his trainer and team mates. In battle, he has high speed, but average power and low defense. Vivian had obtained this Pokemon simply by catching him in the wild. It was a tough battle, but she persevered and managed to catch the Raichu.

Moderators: H3llf1re KansasVenomoth Guardian_Girl