Name: Alice Thalias
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Class: Mercenary/Adventurer
Alignment: Lawful Good
Body Type: Average for her age.
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 125lbs
Hair: Light, golden blonde. It is generally worn in braids, ending in ponytails. It reaches down well below her shoulders.
Eyes: Dark, hazel-brown. They appear kind and curious.
Scars: A few minor scars dot her body.
Complexion: Fair
Hometown: Penca, Roseria, New Ravenloft
Relationship Status: Single

This young mercenary can often be seen wearing a long, flowing dress that is predominantly a salmon color with white highlights. The dress reaches down to just above her ankles and has a dark pink trimming. She wears a long, dark brown cape that reaches down to her ankles, around her waist is a small, golden bag that is used to carry various kinds of berries, stones, and anything that she deems interesting. Underneath her cape, her bow and quiver of arrows rests on her back. Her hair is fairly long, reaching down to below shoulders. It is a beautifully light, golden blonde color that is generally kept in braided twintails. The ponytails are held together with small red bows, these were gifts from her brother. Her hazel brown eyes seem to have a perpetual curiosity sparkling in them, they appear kind and loving.
Like her brother, she has a kind, loving heart that has a keen interest in adventuring. She loves being able to help those in need and will go out of her way to make sure people are safe. Alice has an insatiable curiosity and loves being able to study anything she finds interesting, often collecting random stones and items that have caught her interest. She enjoys being able to battle when she has the chance, but she will not kill someone unless she has no other choice. She believes in offering mercy to her opponents, even if they don't deserve it. She loves her brother dearly and she does what she can to keep him happy. In comparison to her brother, she has a much higher intelligence and she is very skilled in the art of strategy. She treats her fairy companion like a little brother and is almost never seen without him. She has little interest in romance and is quite oblivious towards people's advances on her, she believes a relationship could possibly cut her adventures short and she has no plans to retire for at least another ten years, potentially longer. While she's generally cool and calm, purposely bringing harm to her brother or fairy companion can bring you into a world of pain.
In comparison to her brother, she has less overall strength, but she is much faster. Her stamina is just as high as her brother's, but her defense is a bit poor in comparison as a result of her lack of armor. Though, her high speed and high skill with her bow more than make up for it. She much higher skill in magic, being a master of fire, ice, healing, lightning, and dark magic. She uses the magic in combination with her bow to create for strong, enchanted arrows. If she runs out of arrows in her quiver, she can create arrows out of ice and will use them instead, however this quickly drains her of energy and if the battle drags on for too long, she can wind up passing out from the exhaustion. Like her brother, she is a merciful and refuses to kill unless it is her only option. Her high intelligence and great skill in strategy give her an unpredictable fighting style. She is a tough opponent to fight, but has a number of glaring weaknesses that can easily be taken advantage of.
Character Theme: 'I Am A Wanderer' by Steve Earle
Encounter Theme: 'This Is Our Moment' by Kenny Chesney
Name: Ash Scaldaris
Race: Fairy
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown, physically, he's only six years old.
Class: Member of the Kindra Fairy Clan
Alignment: Chaotic Good; he's got a good heart, but often times causes more trouble than anything. Of course, this trouble is unintended.
Body Type: Small, childish, petite
Height: 10 inches
Weight: 25 ounces
Hair: Short, rusty-orange, most of it is hidden underneath his hat, though two long strands fall from either side.
Eyes: A deep, greenish-blue color. They appear playful and mischievous
Complexion: Fair
Hometown: Unknown, he was found just outside of Penca.

This tiny fairy is notable for wearing a large amount of orange and yellows. His outfit consists of a short sleeved, yellow vest with orange trimmings. Underneath, he wears a dark crimson tank top with black stripes. He has a pair of brown shorts that barely reach below his knees, his boots are a dark, navy blue color and reach up to his shins. Like Abigail, Ash has a small pouch that he uses to hold a number of various trinkets that he's collected over the years, though his is a dark rusty-orange color. He wears a rather strange, jester like hat with a sun attached to the front. The hat is mostly a light orange color, though the base is a light yellow. He wears a pair of gloves with a similar color scheme, only reversed. He can often be seen carrying a salmon colored trumpet, this is used to control his fire based magic. His hair is a light, rusty-orange and it is mostly hidden underneath his hat, though two long strands fall from either side of his head. His eyes are a deep, greenish-blue color, they appear to be quite playful and mischievous. He has a pair of small, transparent, bee-like wings on his back.
Much like his playful looking eyes, Ash is full of energy and loves being able to play every waking hour of the day. He is a rather loud, mischievous fairy that enjoys pulling random, mostly harmless pranks on those he meets. Generally, Ash is a kindhearted, caring child that loves his allies, especially his companion in Alice and he harbors a bit of a crush on Abigail, though he's unable to come forward with his feelings. Like Abigail, he is pretty affectionate and loves being able to give tiny hugs towards those he cares for. Music is one of his passions and if he hears a song he likes, he'll frequently hum along or play a similar tune on his trumpet. Despite being a fire fairy, he loves the ocean and loves being able to swim when he gets the chance. Food is one of his biggest weaknesses, especially sweet pastries, he'll go out of his way to get one. He loves Alice dearly and is rarely seen without her, almost always clinging onto her shoulder or in her arms, humming as they travel.
Like most fairies, Ash has access to fairly limited, but enormously powerful magic. He can only access fire magic, but the spells are unbelievably strong. The fire magic he possesses is predominantly used offensively, he tries to cause as much damage as he can as quickly as possible, though like all creatures, his magic drains him of energy. His moderate intelligence allows him to take full advantage of the dangerous magic he possesses, he uses small amounts of the magic to slowly chip away at his opponents strength. Unfortunately, like all fairies, he is physically weak and vulnerable to especially strong attacks, luckily his small size and high speed makes it difficult to hit him, so he need to be extremely careful in battle.
His most peculiar ability involves him being able to bestow a human with the knowledge of fire magic. The knowledge he bestows upon people allows them to create stronger fire magic without wasting as much energy. Though, he can only do this once and after he's bestowed the human with the knowledge, he will go into a week long hibernation period. In this state, he is extremely vulnerable to attacks and must be protected at all costs. He will only give the knowledge to a human he trusts immensely.
Character Theme: 'Who Says You Can't Go Home?' by Bon Jovi ft. Jennifer Nettles
Encounter Theme: 'Knee Deep' by the Zac Brown Band ft. Jimmy Buffett
This pair of nonidentical twins were born to Jonah and Lydia Thalias in New Ravenloft's largest city of Penca. They were born just seven years after their older brother was born, though they have absolutely no idea that he even exists. Their parents neglected to mention that they have an older brother that ran away just months before they were born. Unfortunately for them, they went through a lot of the same pain their long lost brother went through, but unlike their brother who was completely alone, Azariah and Alice has each other when they needed it most. The two were often blamed for things that were well beyond their control; if there was some kind of raging storm, it was their fault, if they were behind in the budget, the blame fell solely on the siblings. Once they had reached just four years old, the verbal assaults had soon become physical. Often times, the siblings would find new cuts and bruises dotting their bodies every few days. The two siblings could frequently be seen clinging to each other out of fear from their parents, holding onto each other for dear life. The only love the two had were for each other, they were never seen apart unless their parents literally pried them apart.
Whenever they went out to the markets, they had to come up with clever excuses to hide the truth from the concerned townsfolk, and surprisingly, people believed the siblings. They often claimed it was from some rough housing between each other, minor accidents, or simply due to their clumsiness. While the people had bought the lies from siblings, there was always some suspicion, as the oldest Thalias child hadn't been seen in over a decade, so rumors had slowly began to prop up in their neighborhood. Some accused the parents of abuse, but they would decline each and every accusation. Though, their life would take a strange twist in just a matter of months.
Just months before they turned five, the twins had begun to study magic whenever they had the chance, which wasn't all that rare. There was a number of times their parents had left them completely alone in their home, and whenever they had left, they began to study. Azariah became especially skilled with poison magic while Alice became especially skilled with dark magic. In hopes of escaping the abuse, they had begun to devise a plan to take out their parents in hopes of being free from the unnecessary pain. They were only four years old, yet they had already begun to plot murder. This plan would involve mixing Azariah's poison with Alice's darkness in hopes of simply suffocating their parents, though they would have to wait for some time before they could execute their plan.
Just three months after they had begun devising their plan, a suspicious act of goodwill from their parents had caught them off guard. They had brought the siblings to a forest just north of Penca, the very place where their older brother was lost seen. Their father had plans to show them the family business, which simply involved them capturing as many fairies as possible in hopes of extracting the enormously powerful magical energy that these rare creatures held to create these miracle cure potions that were known to cure any and all diseases. The two of them were excited to potentially see a live fairy, but neither really liked the idea of killing the innocent creatures for such a reason, deciding that now would be a perfect time to put their plan in action. Rather than just starting it up instantly, they decided it'd be best to wait until they had come across these mythical fairies.
After a few hours of exploring the dense forest, they had come across two injured fairies, though what hurt was unknown to the family at the time. Their parents were ecstatic to know their magical gold was vulnerable and ripe for the taking. Letting the opportunity slip away simply wasn't an option for them, but unfortunately for their parents, the siblings had other plans. Before their parents could get anywhere close to the two fairies, the siblings muttered a simple phrase in perfect unison. "Empoisonner le mal!" A violet and black cloud had slowly engulfed their parents, quickly getting to work. While it wouldn't kill them right away, it would slow them down enough for them to make their escape. The siblings scooped up the injured fairies and made a dash for it, hoping to make it as far as they could before their parents recovered. Though, fortunately for them, the toxins had actually ended up killing their parents just days after they were infected.
After they had gotten far enough away, they began to attempting to treat the wounds the two fairies had. Unsurprisingly, the little fairies were initially distrustful of the two siblings, seeing as they had a number of poor experiences with humans beforehand, so they were understandably nervous around them. Though, once the siblings had shown that they meant no harm to them, the fairies had slowly begun to warm up to them, but they remained fairly reserved, only speaking up when they felt it was necessary. The fairies wished to be able to reunite with their respective fairy tribes in the future, as they had gotten separated during one of their major migrations, so they figured sticking with the siblings could potentially bring them some good things in the future.
After a few days, they had ended up in the Anin Woods after stowing away on a fishing boat. They weren't aware of the legends surrounding the forest, unaware of the Anin tribe that lived deep within it. Thankfully, the tribe did not attack them due to the fairies they had with them. The Anin considered fairies to be sacred, gifts from the Moon Deity, and rather than choosing to harm or kidnap the siblings, they decided to aid them on their journey. They had gifted the siblings with various treasures, these ones would prove to be very helpful in the future. The Anin Chief, Ogima had bestowed Azariah with the Blade of Tsuki, a strange sword with nine gem shaped slots on the hilt of the sword. It had a single gem, a golden diamond that seemingly crackled with electricity, the tribe called it the Diamond of Electari. According to Ogima, the gem would allow Azariah to tap into a powerful source of lightning magic when he fights with the sword, though using the magic would drain him of his energy. There were eight other gems scattered about the world, protected by other groups of the Anin Tribe throughout the world. Azariah would be required to collect the Sapphire of Azure in Canis Majoris, the Ruby of Flarius in Betelgeuse, the Amethyst of Toxera in Cepheis, the Emerald of Terriaus in Scuti, the Pearl of Soleria in Krita, the Garnet of Eternia in Erel, the The Obsidian of Lunaria in Vinosea, and the The Opal of Spacera in Tirithill.
If Azariah wished to tap into the full power of his blade, he would to embark on the journey to collect all nine gems. Rather than being disappointed, he was actually pretty excited to traveling the world with his beloved sister, the only problem being was that he wasn't even five years old yet. Though, the Ogima did not see this as a problem, they allowed him and his sister to stay with them. The tribe trained him in the way of the sword up until he turned fifteen years old, and they helped him procure the armor he wears now. Thanks to many years of strenuous training, he had become a master of the sword, and had officially welcomed him and his sister as honorary members. They branded them with a crescent moon on their left shoulders, proving their connection with the tribe.
They gifted Alice with the Bow of Tsuki, a strange bow that also had nine gem shaped slots, like Azariah, one of her slots had already been filled with the Diamond of Electari and allowed her to create arrows out of electricity if she had run out of physical arrows or if she just needed a surprise attack. Over the next decade, they had given Alice the same strenuous training with her bow, making her a master of archery. Her aim was unmatched and her intelligence and vision in battle were among the best the tribe had ever seen. She was pretty excited knowing that they were not only connected to an ancient tribe, but that she was able to travel all over the world now. She's always wanted to leave home in hopes of journeying the world, wishing to study what the world beyond Penca held. Once they had managed to collect all nine gems, their weapons will evolve into something even greater, they will hold power unlike anything they had ever known.
They now had two daunting tasks ahead of them, they needed to travel the world and find the hidden members of Anin Tribe while also keeping an eye out for the tribes of their fairy companions. Over the next two years, the siblings had successfully managed to collect the gems from Krita, Scuti, and Betelgeuse, giving their weapons access to light, earth, and fire magic. After collecting the gem in Betelgeuse, they began making their way to Canis Majoris in search of the legendary sapphire.
During this time, they had managed to form powerful, unbreakable bonds with their fairy companions; Abigail, the Earth Fairy had become exceptionally close to Azariah while Ash, the Fire Fairy, had become exceptionally close to Alice. They had become like the younger siblings the two never had and were never seen away from them. Because of the love and trust they had in these humans, the two fairies had bestowed the two with exceptionally strong magic. Abigail had strengthened Azariah's earth magic to phenomenal levels, giving him the ability to use this defensive magic to its fullest extents without wasting as much energy. Ash had strengthened Alice's fire magic to phenomenal levels, giving her the ability to use the offensive magic to its fullest extents without using as much energy.
Just weeks before their sixteenth birthday, the siblings had heard rumors of a strange man with a fairy companion of his own traveling about Canis Majoris. The very thought of potentially meeting someone in a similar situation as they were was astounding and gave them even more of a reason to travel about New Ravenloft's old enemy. Upon arriving in Canis Majoris, they could tell the nation was a very different from their homeland. It didn't have the same peaceful, relaxing feeling that most of New Ravenloft had, rather it had a number of different emotions no matter where you were in the nation. Some parts felt loving and peaceful, some felt angry and hateful, some didn't have any emotion at all. Upon arriving in the nation, they took up some mercenary work to keep up a decent income, though neither really liked the idea of killing for money, it was among the only jobs that paid well and allowed them to continue traveling.
Now, just eighteen years old, the siblings had continued their travels about Canis Majoris, searching for both the legendary sapphires and the man with the fairy, though it seemed like that every time they had gotten close to the man, he was gone. Thanks to a number of clues given to them, they are hoping they have finally gotten on track again. They were told to keep an eye out for a man with unkempt white hair, a strange cloak, and a pink haired fairy clinging onto his shoulder. This man could frequently be heard preaching and praying over people, but these kind of people were seen all over Canis Majoris, so they needed to hang onto the brief descriptions they had been given, hoping to find this man soon. Unfortunately, nothing has come up so far, but their hope in finding this man remains strong.
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Class: Mercenary/Adventurer
Alignment: Lawful Good
Body Type: Average for her age.
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 125lbs
Hair: Light, golden blonde. It is generally worn in braids, ending in ponytails. It reaches down well below her shoulders.
Eyes: Dark, hazel-brown. They appear kind and curious.
Scars: A few minor scars dot her body.
Complexion: Fair
Hometown: Penca, Roseria, New Ravenloft
Relationship Status: Single

This young mercenary can often be seen wearing a long, flowing dress that is predominantly a salmon color with white highlights. The dress reaches down to just above her ankles and has a dark pink trimming. She wears a long, dark brown cape that reaches down to her ankles, around her waist is a small, golden bag that is used to carry various kinds of berries, stones, and anything that she deems interesting. Underneath her cape, her bow and quiver of arrows rests on her back. Her hair is fairly long, reaching down to below shoulders. It is a beautifully light, golden blonde color that is generally kept in braided twintails. The ponytails are held together with small red bows, these were gifts from her brother. Her hazel brown eyes seem to have a perpetual curiosity sparkling in them, they appear kind and loving.
Like her brother, she has a kind, loving heart that has a keen interest in adventuring. She loves being able to help those in need and will go out of her way to make sure people are safe. Alice has an insatiable curiosity and loves being able to study anything she finds interesting, often collecting random stones and items that have caught her interest. She enjoys being able to battle when she has the chance, but she will not kill someone unless she has no other choice. She believes in offering mercy to her opponents, even if they don't deserve it. She loves her brother dearly and she does what she can to keep him happy. In comparison to her brother, she has a much higher intelligence and she is very skilled in the art of strategy. She treats her fairy companion like a little brother and is almost never seen without him. She has little interest in romance and is quite oblivious towards people's advances on her, she believes a relationship could possibly cut her adventures short and she has no plans to retire for at least another ten years, potentially longer. While she's generally cool and calm, purposely bringing harm to her brother or fairy companion can bring you into a world of pain.
In comparison to her brother, she has less overall strength, but she is much faster. Her stamina is just as high as her brother's, but her defense is a bit poor in comparison as a result of her lack of armor. Though, her high speed and high skill with her bow more than make up for it. She much higher skill in magic, being a master of fire, ice, healing, lightning, and dark magic. She uses the magic in combination with her bow to create for strong, enchanted arrows. If she runs out of arrows in her quiver, she can create arrows out of ice and will use them instead, however this quickly drains her of energy and if the battle drags on for too long, she can wind up passing out from the exhaustion. Like her brother, she is a merciful and refuses to kill unless it is her only option. Her high intelligence and great skill in strategy give her an unpredictable fighting style. She is a tough opponent to fight, but has a number of glaring weaknesses that can easily be taken advantage of.
Character Theme: 'I Am A Wanderer' by Steve Earle
Encounter Theme: 'This Is Our Moment' by Kenny Chesney
Name: Ash Scaldaris
Race: Fairy
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown, physically, he's only six years old.
Class: Member of the Kindra Fairy Clan
Alignment: Chaotic Good; he's got a good heart, but often times causes more trouble than anything. Of course, this trouble is unintended.
Body Type: Small, childish, petite
Height: 10 inches
Weight: 25 ounces
Hair: Short, rusty-orange, most of it is hidden underneath his hat, though two long strands fall from either side.
Eyes: A deep, greenish-blue color. They appear playful and mischievous
Complexion: Fair
Hometown: Unknown, he was found just outside of Penca.

This tiny fairy is notable for wearing a large amount of orange and yellows. His outfit consists of a short sleeved, yellow vest with orange trimmings. Underneath, he wears a dark crimson tank top with black stripes. He has a pair of brown shorts that barely reach below his knees, his boots are a dark, navy blue color and reach up to his shins. Like Abigail, Ash has a small pouch that he uses to hold a number of various trinkets that he's collected over the years, though his is a dark rusty-orange color. He wears a rather strange, jester like hat with a sun attached to the front. The hat is mostly a light orange color, though the base is a light yellow. He wears a pair of gloves with a similar color scheme, only reversed. He can often be seen carrying a salmon colored trumpet, this is used to control his fire based magic. His hair is a light, rusty-orange and it is mostly hidden underneath his hat, though two long strands fall from either side of his head. His eyes are a deep, greenish-blue color, they appear to be quite playful and mischievous. He has a pair of small, transparent, bee-like wings on his back.
Much like his playful looking eyes, Ash is full of energy and loves being able to play every waking hour of the day. He is a rather loud, mischievous fairy that enjoys pulling random, mostly harmless pranks on those he meets. Generally, Ash is a kindhearted, caring child that loves his allies, especially his companion in Alice and he harbors a bit of a crush on Abigail, though he's unable to come forward with his feelings. Like Abigail, he is pretty affectionate and loves being able to give tiny hugs towards those he cares for. Music is one of his passions and if he hears a song he likes, he'll frequently hum along or play a similar tune on his trumpet. Despite being a fire fairy, he loves the ocean and loves being able to swim when he gets the chance. Food is one of his biggest weaknesses, especially sweet pastries, he'll go out of his way to get one. He loves Alice dearly and is rarely seen without her, almost always clinging onto her shoulder or in her arms, humming as they travel.
Like most fairies, Ash has access to fairly limited, but enormously powerful magic. He can only access fire magic, but the spells are unbelievably strong. The fire magic he possesses is predominantly used offensively, he tries to cause as much damage as he can as quickly as possible, though like all creatures, his magic drains him of energy. His moderate intelligence allows him to take full advantage of the dangerous magic he possesses, he uses small amounts of the magic to slowly chip away at his opponents strength. Unfortunately, like all fairies, he is physically weak and vulnerable to especially strong attacks, luckily his small size and high speed makes it difficult to hit him, so he need to be extremely careful in battle.
His most peculiar ability involves him being able to bestow a human with the knowledge of fire magic. The knowledge he bestows upon people allows them to create stronger fire magic without wasting as much energy. Though, he can only do this once and after he's bestowed the human with the knowledge, he will go into a week long hibernation period. In this state, he is extremely vulnerable to attacks and must be protected at all costs. He will only give the knowledge to a human he trusts immensely.
Character Theme: 'Who Says You Can't Go Home?' by Bon Jovi ft. Jennifer Nettles
Encounter Theme: 'Knee Deep' by the Zac Brown Band ft. Jimmy Buffett
This pair of nonidentical twins were born to Jonah and Lydia Thalias in New Ravenloft's largest city of Penca. They were born just seven years after their older brother was born, though they have absolutely no idea that he even exists. Their parents neglected to mention that they have an older brother that ran away just months before they were born. Unfortunately for them, they went through a lot of the same pain their long lost brother went through, but unlike their brother who was completely alone, Azariah and Alice has each other when they needed it most. The two were often blamed for things that were well beyond their control; if there was some kind of raging storm, it was their fault, if they were behind in the budget, the blame fell solely on the siblings. Once they had reached just four years old, the verbal assaults had soon become physical. Often times, the siblings would find new cuts and bruises dotting their bodies every few days. The two siblings could frequently be seen clinging to each other out of fear from their parents, holding onto each other for dear life. The only love the two had were for each other, they were never seen apart unless their parents literally pried them apart.
Whenever they went out to the markets, they had to come up with clever excuses to hide the truth from the concerned townsfolk, and surprisingly, people believed the siblings. They often claimed it was from some rough housing between each other, minor accidents, or simply due to their clumsiness. While the people had bought the lies from siblings, there was always some suspicion, as the oldest Thalias child hadn't been seen in over a decade, so rumors had slowly began to prop up in their neighborhood. Some accused the parents of abuse, but they would decline each and every accusation. Though, their life would take a strange twist in just a matter of months.
Just months before they turned five, the twins had begun to study magic whenever they had the chance, which wasn't all that rare. There was a number of times their parents had left them completely alone in their home, and whenever they had left, they began to study. Azariah became especially skilled with poison magic while Alice became especially skilled with dark magic. In hopes of escaping the abuse, they had begun to devise a plan to take out their parents in hopes of being free from the unnecessary pain. They were only four years old, yet they had already begun to plot murder. This plan would involve mixing Azariah's poison with Alice's darkness in hopes of simply suffocating their parents, though they would have to wait for some time before they could execute their plan.
Just three months after they had begun devising their plan, a suspicious act of goodwill from their parents had caught them off guard. They had brought the siblings to a forest just north of Penca, the very place where their older brother was lost seen. Their father had plans to show them the family business, which simply involved them capturing as many fairies as possible in hopes of extracting the enormously powerful magical energy that these rare creatures held to create these miracle cure potions that were known to cure any and all diseases. The two of them were excited to potentially see a live fairy, but neither really liked the idea of killing the innocent creatures for such a reason, deciding that now would be a perfect time to put their plan in action. Rather than just starting it up instantly, they decided it'd be best to wait until they had come across these mythical fairies.
After a few hours of exploring the dense forest, they had come across two injured fairies, though what hurt was unknown to the family at the time. Their parents were ecstatic to know their magical gold was vulnerable and ripe for the taking. Letting the opportunity slip away simply wasn't an option for them, but unfortunately for their parents, the siblings had other plans. Before their parents could get anywhere close to the two fairies, the siblings muttered a simple phrase in perfect unison. "Empoisonner le mal!" A violet and black cloud had slowly engulfed their parents, quickly getting to work. While it wouldn't kill them right away, it would slow them down enough for them to make their escape. The siblings scooped up the injured fairies and made a dash for it, hoping to make it as far as they could before their parents recovered. Though, fortunately for them, the toxins had actually ended up killing their parents just days after they were infected.
After they had gotten far enough away, they began to attempting to treat the wounds the two fairies had. Unsurprisingly, the little fairies were initially distrustful of the two siblings, seeing as they had a number of poor experiences with humans beforehand, so they were understandably nervous around them. Though, once the siblings had shown that they meant no harm to them, the fairies had slowly begun to warm up to them, but they remained fairly reserved, only speaking up when they felt it was necessary. The fairies wished to be able to reunite with their respective fairy tribes in the future, as they had gotten separated during one of their major migrations, so they figured sticking with the siblings could potentially bring them some good things in the future.
After a few days, they had ended up in the Anin Woods after stowing away on a fishing boat. They weren't aware of the legends surrounding the forest, unaware of the Anin tribe that lived deep within it. Thankfully, the tribe did not attack them due to the fairies they had with them. The Anin considered fairies to be sacred, gifts from the Moon Deity, and rather than choosing to harm or kidnap the siblings, they decided to aid them on their journey. They had gifted the siblings with various treasures, these ones would prove to be very helpful in the future. The Anin Chief, Ogima had bestowed Azariah with the Blade of Tsuki, a strange sword with nine gem shaped slots on the hilt of the sword. It had a single gem, a golden diamond that seemingly crackled with electricity, the tribe called it the Diamond of Electari. According to Ogima, the gem would allow Azariah to tap into a powerful source of lightning magic when he fights with the sword, though using the magic would drain him of his energy. There were eight other gems scattered about the world, protected by other groups of the Anin Tribe throughout the world. Azariah would be required to collect the Sapphire of Azure in Canis Majoris, the Ruby of Flarius in Betelgeuse, the Amethyst of Toxera in Cepheis, the Emerald of Terriaus in Scuti, the Pearl of Soleria in Krita, the Garnet of Eternia in Erel, the The Obsidian of Lunaria in Vinosea, and the The Opal of Spacera in Tirithill.
If Azariah wished to tap into the full power of his blade, he would to embark on the journey to collect all nine gems. Rather than being disappointed, he was actually pretty excited to traveling the world with his beloved sister, the only problem being was that he wasn't even five years old yet. Though, the Ogima did not see this as a problem, they allowed him and his sister to stay with them. The tribe trained him in the way of the sword up until he turned fifteen years old, and they helped him procure the armor he wears now. Thanks to many years of strenuous training, he had become a master of the sword, and had officially welcomed him and his sister as honorary members. They branded them with a crescent moon on their left shoulders, proving their connection with the tribe.
They gifted Alice with the Bow of Tsuki, a strange bow that also had nine gem shaped slots, like Azariah, one of her slots had already been filled with the Diamond of Electari and allowed her to create arrows out of electricity if she had run out of physical arrows or if she just needed a surprise attack. Over the next decade, they had given Alice the same strenuous training with her bow, making her a master of archery. Her aim was unmatched and her intelligence and vision in battle were among the best the tribe had ever seen. She was pretty excited knowing that they were not only connected to an ancient tribe, but that she was able to travel all over the world now. She's always wanted to leave home in hopes of journeying the world, wishing to study what the world beyond Penca held. Once they had managed to collect all nine gems, their weapons will evolve into something even greater, they will hold power unlike anything they had ever known.
They now had two daunting tasks ahead of them, they needed to travel the world and find the hidden members of Anin Tribe while also keeping an eye out for the tribes of their fairy companions. Over the next two years, the siblings had successfully managed to collect the gems from Krita, Scuti, and Betelgeuse, giving their weapons access to light, earth, and fire magic. After collecting the gem in Betelgeuse, they began making their way to Canis Majoris in search of the legendary sapphire.
During this time, they had managed to form powerful, unbreakable bonds with their fairy companions; Abigail, the Earth Fairy had become exceptionally close to Azariah while Ash, the Fire Fairy, had become exceptionally close to Alice. They had become like the younger siblings the two never had and were never seen away from them. Because of the love and trust they had in these humans, the two fairies had bestowed the two with exceptionally strong magic. Abigail had strengthened Azariah's earth magic to phenomenal levels, giving him the ability to use this defensive magic to its fullest extents without wasting as much energy. Ash had strengthened Alice's fire magic to phenomenal levels, giving her the ability to use the offensive magic to its fullest extents without using as much energy.
Just weeks before their sixteenth birthday, the siblings had heard rumors of a strange man with a fairy companion of his own traveling about Canis Majoris. The very thought of potentially meeting someone in a similar situation as they were was astounding and gave them even more of a reason to travel about New Ravenloft's old enemy. Upon arriving in Canis Majoris, they could tell the nation was a very different from their homeland. It didn't have the same peaceful, relaxing feeling that most of New Ravenloft had, rather it had a number of different emotions no matter where you were in the nation. Some parts felt loving and peaceful, some felt angry and hateful, some didn't have any emotion at all. Upon arriving in the nation, they took up some mercenary work to keep up a decent income, though neither really liked the idea of killing for money, it was among the only jobs that paid well and allowed them to continue traveling.
Now, just eighteen years old, the siblings had continued their travels about Canis Majoris, searching for both the legendary sapphires and the man with the fairy, though it seemed like that every time they had gotten close to the man, he was gone. Thanks to a number of clues given to them, they are hoping they have finally gotten on track again. They were told to keep an eye out for a man with unkempt white hair, a strange cloak, and a pink haired fairy clinging onto his shoulder. This man could frequently be heard preaching and praying over people, but these kind of people were seen all over Canis Majoris, so they needed to hang onto the brief descriptions they had been given, hoping to find this man soon. Unfortunately, nothing has come up so far, but their hope in finding this man remains strong.
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