Name: Alyssa Kelce
Gender: Female
Race: Dragon
Age: Unknown, appears to be around 20
Body Type: Slightly athletic
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 113 lbs
Complexion: Pale, though if one were to look closely, they would see that peach colored scales cover her body
Hair: Black, long and ends just below her waist, often worn in a ponytail
Eyes: Deep, forest green
Handedness: Left
Scars: A few faded ones
Relationship Status: Single
Personality: Energetic, hard working, gullible, always wants to please everyone, rather innocent, obedient
Mannerisms: Hums when happy, often adjusts ponytail
Likes: Sweets, pleasing people, reading, animals
Dislikes: Not pleasing people, the dark, sad endings, spicy food
Hometown: Unknown, believed to have been born in ancient Ciburn
Description: A short and thin yet athletic young woman of draconian origins. She wears whatever her master at the moment gives her, though it tends to be a comfortable and simple dress that's a green color and sometimes has gold accents. The back of her neck has a strange symbol that looks vaguely similar to a dragon's fang. Her left wrist has a similar marking. Her hair is long, generally worn in a ponytail, and a deep black color. Her eyes are a soft forest green color. The woman has a few minor scars on her body from years of hard labor and some abuse. Her right cheek has a strange tattoo, four lines run down her cheek and end into strange swirls. She has no idea why they are there, however.
Alyssa has a rather energetic and obedient personality, always wanting to please everyone. This is mostly due to how she believed she had been raised for the majority of her life. However, every so often, she seems a bit more... distant... closed off... as if she's trying to remember something she needs to find. A confused and saddened look comes upon her face, though she's quick to cover it up and plaster a smile on. After all, she doesn't want to get punished for appearing weak and emotional. She rarely interacts with anyone besides her current master.

Background: A young dragon that was born to the king and queen of the Wyrm kingdom. The kingdom was a rather harmonic one and was just brimming with hope and happiness, especially after Alyssa was born alongside her twin sister. The two also had an older brother who showered much affection onto them. The kingdom was loving and happy and Alyssa lived a rather happy childhood, growing to be a rather sweet and energetic little girl.
However, Alyssa's life would soon take a drastic turn as her nation was thrown into a war against another known as Betelgeuse. Unfortunately, Betelgeuse wouldn't accept the many peace offers suggested by Wyrm, instead deciding to make their own. For reasons unknown, Betelgeuse would only allow peace if Wyrm sold Alyssa and Penny to them. After careful consideration, the king and queen had heartbreakingly sold their princesses to the other kingdom.
Being only ten at this time, Alyssa was heartbroken and confused. She had no idea why these people would separate her and her sister from their family. However, this isn't where the story ends. In fact, it's only beginning. Betelgeuse had taken even more of an interest in Alyssa and quickly decided how they could satisfy these desires. A person was hired to train Alyssa to become a slave for manual labor. Though, in order to mold Alyssa into the perfect slave, they needed to get rid of those pesky memories of hers. That was relatively simple with a poison that was able to erase memories. After that was done, the person started Alyssa's training.
The training started off kindly and easily, teaching Alyssa how to cook and clean simple things and the punishment not being horrible if she messed up. After all, they wanted her to be obedient and if they were cruel right off the bat, then there was more of a chance of rebellion. Though, the training got more strenuous and coldhearted as time went on. Alyssa got beatings for even the smallest of errors. However, she took these beatings without complaint as she felt she deserved them.
She was then thrown out into the slave market and quickly bought. She now works hard to please her masters, caring for their homes and sometimes even their children. Surprisingly, she hasn't been introduced to the darker part of the slave trading business and she has still kept her energetic and innocent personality. She has no memories of her siblings or childhood due to the poison's effects, though every so often, she starts to feel as if something is missing in her life.
Character Themes: 'See You Again'- Carrie Underwood
Gender: Female
Race: Dragon
Age: Unknown, appears to be around 20
Body Type: Slightly athletic
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 113 lbs
Complexion: Pale, though if one were to look closely, they would see that peach colored scales cover her body
Hair: Black, long and ends just below her waist, often worn in a ponytail
Eyes: Deep, forest green
Handedness: Left
Scars: A few faded ones
Relationship Status: Single
Personality: Energetic, hard working, gullible, always wants to please everyone, rather innocent, obedient
Mannerisms: Hums when happy, often adjusts ponytail
Likes: Sweets, pleasing people, reading, animals
Dislikes: Not pleasing people, the dark, sad endings, spicy food
Hometown: Unknown, believed to have been born in ancient Ciburn
Description: A short and thin yet athletic young woman of draconian origins. She wears whatever her master at the moment gives her, though it tends to be a comfortable and simple dress that's a green color and sometimes has gold accents. The back of her neck has a strange symbol that looks vaguely similar to a dragon's fang. Her left wrist has a similar marking. Her hair is long, generally worn in a ponytail, and a deep black color. Her eyes are a soft forest green color. The woman has a few minor scars on her body from years of hard labor and some abuse. Her right cheek has a strange tattoo, four lines run down her cheek and end into strange swirls. She has no idea why they are there, however.
Alyssa has a rather energetic and obedient personality, always wanting to please everyone. This is mostly due to how she believed she had been raised for the majority of her life. However, every so often, she seems a bit more... distant... closed off... as if she's trying to remember something she needs to find. A confused and saddened look comes upon her face, though she's quick to cover it up and plaster a smile on. After all, she doesn't want to get punished for appearing weak and emotional. She rarely interacts with anyone besides her current master.

Background: A young dragon that was born to the king and queen of the Wyrm kingdom. The kingdom was a rather harmonic one and was just brimming with hope and happiness, especially after Alyssa was born alongside her twin sister. The two also had an older brother who showered much affection onto them. The kingdom was loving and happy and Alyssa lived a rather happy childhood, growing to be a rather sweet and energetic little girl.
However, Alyssa's life would soon take a drastic turn as her nation was thrown into a war against another known as Betelgeuse. Unfortunately, Betelgeuse wouldn't accept the many peace offers suggested by Wyrm, instead deciding to make their own. For reasons unknown, Betelgeuse would only allow peace if Wyrm sold Alyssa and Penny to them. After careful consideration, the king and queen had heartbreakingly sold their princesses to the other kingdom.
Being only ten at this time, Alyssa was heartbroken and confused. She had no idea why these people would separate her and her sister from their family. However, this isn't where the story ends. In fact, it's only beginning. Betelgeuse had taken even more of an interest in Alyssa and quickly decided how they could satisfy these desires. A person was hired to train Alyssa to become a slave for manual labor. Though, in order to mold Alyssa into the perfect slave, they needed to get rid of those pesky memories of hers. That was relatively simple with a poison that was able to erase memories. After that was done, the person started Alyssa's training.
The training started off kindly and easily, teaching Alyssa how to cook and clean simple things and the punishment not being horrible if she messed up. After all, they wanted her to be obedient and if they were cruel right off the bat, then there was more of a chance of rebellion. Though, the training got more strenuous and coldhearted as time went on. Alyssa got beatings for even the smallest of errors. However, she took these beatings without complaint as she felt she deserved them.
She was then thrown out into the slave market and quickly bought. She now works hard to please her masters, caring for their homes and sometimes even their children. Surprisingly, she hasn't been introduced to the darker part of the slave trading business and she has still kept her energetic and innocent personality. She has no memories of her siblings or childhood due to the poison's effects, though every so often, she starts to feel as if something is missing in her life.
Character Themes: 'See You Again'- Carrie Underwood
Moderators: H3llf1re KansasVenomoth Guardian_Girl