Name: Delphi Loveman
Gender: Female
Race: Black Cat Shifter (Student at Acubens Shifter Academy)
Age: 12
Height: 4'10"
Weight: 95 lbs.
Build: Slim
Complexion: Tan, freckles where her whiskers are in cat form
Hair: Black, sleek, reaches her shoulders
Eyes: Bright green
Handedness: Left
Scars: One on her knee from an accident as a child
Relationship Status: Single and too young to mingle
Personality: Nosy, cuddly to people close to her, introverted but noisy when she wants attention, graceful
Mannerisms: Hisses when annoyed, purrs when happy, always lands on feet
Likes: Seafood, sleeping, pranks (only on those who deserve them), knowing what her friends are doing
Dislikes: Rats (literal and figurative), the cold, sudden loud noises, sudden bright lights
Description: During the weekdays, like any other student of Acubens, Delphi wears her school uniform of her house, tending to go for the more feminine outfit. On the weekends, she wears a number of frilly and colorful clothes, usually a dress with knee high socks and a pair of matching flat shoes. Obviously, she favors a more cutesy clothing style. She usually keeps her hair down, occasionally curling it. A rather plush looking pair of ears sit atop her head with a similarly plush looking tail being connected to her backside. She also has a pair of claws on each hand that she can extend or retract, much like a regular cat would. Her eyes also seem to have a slight glow when it’s dark.
Personality-wise, Delphi is a very mischievous and fun loving individual. She can often be seen pulling pranks and regularly causing mayhem, though it’s mostly harmless. She’s also rather nosy, always wanting to know every little detail about every situation. Though she may not show it, she’s also rather cuddly in her own way towards people she’s close to, often giving a quick hug or simply lounging in the same room as them. Though, she’s also rather vocal when she wants attention, despite being quite introverted otherwise.
Her school outfit (drawn by me)

Her regular outfit (drawn by me)

Biography: Delphi was born to two cat shifters in Newminster, Honimress and was practically showered with love from day one. However, within a few years of her being born, Delphi’s parents would split, with Delphi’s father gaining custody of her.
You see, Delphi’s mother wasn’t exactly the kindest person. She’d often hit and nearly smother Delphi if she had gotten too loud or rambunctious, sometimes going so far as to drug her with medicine to make her drowsy. Eventually, Delphi’s father had found out and quickly filed for divorce and custody of Delphi, fortunately winning the case once evidence of his wife being abusive towards Delphi was brought up. So, from then on, Delphi was raised by her father, not even being able to see her mother, who had been jailed for the abuse.
Delphi’s father did his best trying to provide as much as he could for her as she grew. Though he did struggle a bit financially, he was still able to keep her fed and happy. Eventually when Delphi had reached twelve years of age, her father sent her off to Acubens so she could get a good education and possibly make some friends as she didn’t really have any kids her age that she hung out with where she lived. Now, having gotten sorted into the Fairy house at Acubens, Delphi does her best to pass her classes while also trying to make new friends.
Character Theme:
‘Those I’ve Loved’- Eric Church
'Wild Child'- Kenny Chesney (feat. Grace Potter)
Gender: Female
Race: Black Cat Shifter (Student at Acubens Shifter Academy)
Age: 12
Height: 4'10"
Weight: 95 lbs.
Build: Slim
Complexion: Tan, freckles where her whiskers are in cat form
Hair: Black, sleek, reaches her shoulders
Eyes: Bright green
Handedness: Left
Scars: One on her knee from an accident as a child
Relationship Status: Single and too young to mingle
Personality: Nosy, cuddly to people close to her, introverted but noisy when she wants attention, graceful
Mannerisms: Hisses when annoyed, purrs when happy, always lands on feet
Likes: Seafood, sleeping, pranks (only on those who deserve them), knowing what her friends are doing
Dislikes: Rats (literal and figurative), the cold, sudden loud noises, sudden bright lights
Description: During the weekdays, like any other student of Acubens, Delphi wears her school uniform of her house, tending to go for the more feminine outfit. On the weekends, she wears a number of frilly and colorful clothes, usually a dress with knee high socks and a pair of matching flat shoes. Obviously, she favors a more cutesy clothing style. She usually keeps her hair down, occasionally curling it. A rather plush looking pair of ears sit atop her head with a similarly plush looking tail being connected to her backside. She also has a pair of claws on each hand that she can extend or retract, much like a regular cat would. Her eyes also seem to have a slight glow when it’s dark.
Personality-wise, Delphi is a very mischievous and fun loving individual. She can often be seen pulling pranks and regularly causing mayhem, though it’s mostly harmless. She’s also rather nosy, always wanting to know every little detail about every situation. Though she may not show it, she’s also rather cuddly in her own way towards people she’s close to, often giving a quick hug or simply lounging in the same room as them. Though, she’s also rather vocal when she wants attention, despite being quite introverted otherwise.
Her school outfit (drawn by me)

Her regular outfit (drawn by me)

Dark Magic
Delphi has the ability to use shadows to shroud herself in darkness or otherwise confuse her enemies. However, she hasn’t really mastered this skill. The more she uses this power in a short amount of time, the more her energy is drained.
Delphi has the power to transform into a black cat, though she has yet to fully master it, often transforming when she’s extremely stressed. She also gets stuck in this form for a week each month in order to drain any excess magic she has. The longer she’s in this form, the more energy is drained from her.
Delphi has the power to transform into a black cat, though she has yet to fully master it, often transforming when she’s extremely stressed. She also gets stuck in this form for a week each month in order to drain any excess magic she has. The longer she’s in this form, the more energy is drained from her.
Her cat form:

(This image was found on Google Images. It is not mine)

(This image was found on Google Images. It is not mine)
Biography: Delphi was born to two cat shifters in Newminster, Honimress and was practically showered with love from day one. However, within a few years of her being born, Delphi’s parents would split, with Delphi’s father gaining custody of her.
You see, Delphi’s mother wasn’t exactly the kindest person. She’d often hit and nearly smother Delphi if she had gotten too loud or rambunctious, sometimes going so far as to drug her with medicine to make her drowsy. Eventually, Delphi’s father had found out and quickly filed for divorce and custody of Delphi, fortunately winning the case once evidence of his wife being abusive towards Delphi was brought up. So, from then on, Delphi was raised by her father, not even being able to see her mother, who had been jailed for the abuse.
Delphi’s father did his best trying to provide as much as he could for her as she grew. Though he did struggle a bit financially, he was still able to keep her fed and happy. Eventually when Delphi had reached twelve years of age, her father sent her off to Acubens so she could get a good education and possibly make some friends as she didn’t really have any kids her age that she hung out with where she lived. Now, having gotten sorted into the Fairy house at Acubens, Delphi does her best to pass her classes while also trying to make new friends.
Character Theme:
‘Those I’ve Loved’- Eric Church
'Wild Child'- Kenny Chesney (feat. Grace Potter)
Moderators: H3llf1re KansasVenomoth Guardian_Girl