Trigger Warning: Dove's profile contains references to drug issues, alcoholism, self harm, and parental homophobia, so please proceed with caution if you are sensitive to those topics!
Name: Dove Cross
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Age: 22
Height: 5’8”
Weight: 150 lbs.
Build: Athletic, dancer’s body
Complexion: Fair, freckled though she mostly covers them with makeup
Hair: Long, light blue at the moment, but she dyes it regularly, naturally black
Eyes: Green with flecks of blue
Handedness: Ambidextrous, prefers her right
Scars: A few on her wrist, mostly covered by a tattoo, also has a couple of other tattoos, one on her shoulder, another on her calf
Relationship Status: Single (lesbian)
Personality: Headstrong, flirty, introverted, closed off at times
Mannerisms: Smokes/drinks often, has a bit of a crooked smile, often snores/talks in her sleep
Likes: A good drink, sugar, snow, classic rock music
Dislikes: Rodents, handsy people, most religious talk, rain
Description: Dove tends to wear rather tight and revealing clothes that really show off her body. She usually goes for a crop top with a rather short pair of shorts or a short skirt. She usually pairs this outfit with a pair of combat boots or occasionally a pair of heels. Her hair is rather long and she dyes it regularly, with it currently being dyed a light blue color. She generally keeps it up in a variety of fashions, mostly opting to go for a ponytail or braid. Her eyes are a rather pretty green color with flecks of blue. She also has a few tattoos that she almost always has shown off thanks to her revealing clothes. She also has a couple piercings in her ears and nose.
Personality-wise, Dove is an extremely headstrong young woman, going to whatever lengths she can in order to get what she wants. She can also be rather flirty with women who she finds attractive. She can often be found in a bar with a drink in hand, looking for other women to flirt with and possibly even have one night stands with. She also has a love for classic rock, Journey being a particular favorite band of hers. She can often be found listening to it in her free time. She also has a strong dislike for religious talk, often quickly shutting it down or just walking away if it comes up in a conversation.

(Some refences of Dove, drawn by me)
Biography: Dove was born to two extremely conservative and religious parents, the type that would criticize anyone who didn’t conform to their ideals. Her father was a preacher while her mother stayed at home taking care of Dove and her four other siblings. As she grew, it became increasingly obvious that Dove was the ‘black sheep’ of the family.
From a young age, thanks to her extremely religious upbringing, Dove had it practically beat into her how much of a sin it was to love someone of the same gender. So, when she had hit high school and fell for a pretty girl in one of her classes, she struggled a lot with herself and her feelings, eventually coming to a head when she was sixteen years old.
At sixteen, she had come to terms with her feelings and began sneaking around with the girl she had been crushing on. Though, a few months later, the two would be caught sharing a kiss by Dove’s parents. Her parents grew furious with Dove, almost immediately disowning her and kicking her out of the house with nothing but the shirt on her back and the change in her pockets.
Luckily, Dove didn’t have to live on the streets, mostly bouncing around from friends’ houses to LGBT youth centers. However, she still struggled a lot with trying to find herself, with this eventually culminating in a few suicide attempts along with a smoking and drug addiction just to cope with her depression, falling out with most of her friends as well as the girl she had been caught by her parents with in the process. She was also looking for a job in order to get back on her feet, but was unable to find anything, which only worsened her depression.
At eighteen years old, she had eventually found something, though it was a rather… controversial job. She had ended up finding a club that was looking for strippers and, not having any other options and needing the money, Dove jumped on the chance, eventually getting hired. It was also around this time that she had kicked her drug addiction due to a bad trip, though she still struggled with smoking and thoughts of suicide.
She had also managed to get into a fairly nice college with computer science as her major, and with a rather nice scholarship, though it was still fairly expensive, even with the scholarship and the loans she took out. Luckily, thanks to her new job, she’s managing to pay for it as well as a small and run down apartment and a very old and beat up truck and equally beat up phone. Now, Dove still works at the strip club while going through school, just trying to make it day by day.
Character Themes:
‘Girls Like Girls’- Hayley Kiyoko
Moderators: H3llf1re KansasVenomoth Guardian_Girl