Our terms.
Truly, I dislike the term "rules" since this always sounds so controlling and formal, so here are the "Guidelines" that should be read and respected for the roleplay that awaits! Please don't feel discouraged by the length of this page. Most rules are simply a given/common sense based, with a handful touching base on combat style and magic mechanics. If a rule is broken, members are simply sent a friendly reminder in private.
Play nice.It goes without saying that drama can be avoided if folks put effort in. Which effort? Patience and kindness go a long way. We are all here to have fun and if that is not the case, something has gone wrong. It's only natural for our muse to evolve and it's okay if you'd ever like to move on/away from this group. This space is pressure-free on pace, with very few activity checks. ^-^)
Artistic Disclaimer.All pixel maps are created by yours truly! I feel they offer a helpful layout for IC spaces. I also created the emblem featured on the front page. Other artwork should be considered references only and I do my best to credit and link back to the original artist directly. Neither my beloved mods or myself profit from this group.
Please note: My co-writer and I are having this creation (Tanbarune) copywrited in the near future. All writing pertaining to this lore is our own; races, religion, history, traditions, culture, characters, and more. Those who copy will face legal trouble. If you'd like your OC to join the group as a local, or you're even interested in playing a semi-closed species, please feel free to ask.
Setting.The Kingdom, Tanbarune takes place during the medieval era with high-fantasy and low-steampunk elements. This means no modern, or sci fi mentions. Such as hoodies, cell phones, etc. Cigarettes can be switched for cigars outdoors, hoodies for cloaks, jeans for trousers, and so on! ^^
The weather remains warm and sunny throughout the entire year with a rainy season during the spring and fall. Detailed information of Tanbarune can be found under "IC Knowledge."
OOC'ly, this space has slice of life themes but with opportunity to seek out action and/or long-term Plot. You can find these details along the "Welcome" collapsed-tag on our front page. Players of all ages are welcome to apply. Our evolving group first opened on November 29th, 2016.
IC Fun: Post length and group timeline.This group encourages para-roleplayers. Having said that, the absolute minimum requested of players is only five lines.This helps keep the flow and pacing within a scene while giving others something to work from.
There is no post order for flexibility, but Tutors should not be skipped over. Everyone may enjoy multiple scenes at once if they desire. While this all takes place under the same timeline, it's assumed that individual topics/scenes are happening during different parts of the day. This allows everyone to post throughout the group whenever they'd like.
Expelled?! Fired?!If a member looks to be inactive for 4 weeks, and they haven't necessarily shared a heads-up in the OOC forum, they will be removed from the group. Please know this is only to offer an updated member-count. If you find yourself removed and wish to return later, you are welcome to shoot me a PM! Removal for inactivity is not a ban by any means. If you have created a topic here, such as Tutors' classes or Students sharing a dorm with another, the topic will be tagged as "Retired" and stored in the OOC forum, allowing openers and other writing to be saved for anyone who wishes to return, as well as those taking a trip down memory lane.
Class Enrollment: How do I start?You may begin wherever you would like! Some members like to begin by introducing their character in a Downtime topic, whereas others hop right into the classes forum! The choice is yours! Classes tagged with (On Hold) will be reopened in the future. Often times, you can post in the OOC forum to inquire about a class you're interested in joining, if you're feeling unsure. It's considered a pretty flexible and inclusive space, otherwise!
Character Limits.- With this being a college-esq atmosphere, characters must be 16 years old to enroll and older adults are just as welcome!
- Taking inspiration from a loved source such as a book, or show is a-okay, but there cannot be exact replicas in this setting. Similarly, game/tv lore are not welcome to keep Tanbarune among its' own separate creation. Characters from other Kingdoms and unique cultures/lore of your own creation encouraged, if your OC has joined us from afar.
- Almost every fantasy race will be right at home in this diverse Capital, including powerful individuals. It's moreso action that is limited here, how a character conducts themselves, rather than how strong and gifted they may be.
- At this time, the only characters that aren't included in this group, respectfully; would be feral types, and characters that come in pairs or multiples. Twins, conjoined magical entities, etc.
- Anonymous characters are asked to introduce their main profile to me, the DM. (Albae/Robyn.) We encounter problems with banned troublemakers trying to return on occasion.
However, no one is asked to make their profile known to the group itself.
- Members can enroll two Student-characters and 3+ Tutor characters so long as the Student-OC does not attend their Tutor-alt's classes. However, both can be played during group events.
- There is no limit on the number of Tutor-characters per player, offering flexibility as inspiration evolves. However! Please, pretty please read onward to browse our "For Tutors" section below, to keep things fun while burn-out is kept far, far away!
For Tutors: Activity, Class creation, IC assistance.
Activity: With tutor-characters literally running scenes in their own classes, they need to remain active! When they suddenly poof without warning it honestly freezes the scene, and this can impact the muse of players participating. I'd love to recommend posting once a week for those who are running classes, even if these posts are only five-liners to progress the scene. If you're unavailable to continue for an extended time, it's always okay to publish an update from the OOC forum. Offline/IRL happenings come first!
Class Creation: Tutor-characters are welcome to open as many classes as they would like! However, I love to gently encourage a suggested limit of 3 active classes at a time. This may prevent the players behind our tutors from becoming overwhelmed, while also offering creative freedom to enjoy teaching many subjects in waves, if they wish. To pause any number of classes to teach other topics, or if the aim is to take a break generally; simply edit the title and write (On Hold) at the beginning, allowing the members to easily see which classes are available to join. (Classes that are tagged with On Hold for an extended time might be transferred to the appropriate OOC forum, where they will stay safe and sound if a player would like to publish this class again.)
(Please read the "dice" rule for this to make more sense. Thanks gang!)
IC Tutor-Assistance: If a Student-Player becomes especially unlucky and cannot land a successful dice roll many times in a row, you as the Tutor have the authority to surpass the dice rule and assist them with a successful attempt through freeform-roleplay. Typically, we encourage creativity to have some comedic chaos follow multiple bad rolls if you're feeling inspired, but this is totally optional. Feeling unsure? I'm happy to clarify in PM.
IC Actions = IC Consequences.Should someone play say, an unapproachable character, others may simply avoid them IC. So please, do not take these things to heart OOC. Similarly, there will be consequences to a character breaking school rules IC. They can be found in the topic "IC Knowledge."
NPC Creation.- Student-players are welcome to roleplay NPC-classmates, and Tutor-players are welcome to play NPC-Students to depict a busier scene. This could be an active class or a scene taking place in the Downtime forum. But please do not allow your NPC's to dominate nor overpower a scene, i.e ignoring played characters. NPC's ought to be interacted with in passing or played as background "props" for immersion and flavor, if you'd like!
- NPC visitors, such as family members cannot enter scenes, since the school is indeed a private Academy. The space is guarded with great care, and entry is only possible beyond the warded barrier by Student or Tutor ID.
- Familiars and other magical pals are welcome, provided these NPC's do not result in ignored played-characters. Whether these pals are welcome in specific classes, however, is up to the Tutor!
Combat and Magic.Every attack, be it magical or traditional may be attempted only, as auto-hits are not tolerated here. Everyone is expected to attempt one attack per post. It would tilt into OP territory to have a character strike many times before the receiver had time to react, after all. Thankfully this rule keeps combat fair for all!
Dice.Players are expected to roll a 1d20 in some scenes. 12 or higher leads to success, while 11 or under leads to failure. Rolls are needed for the following:
- Dodging or blocking an attack.
- Learning/Trying a new skill for the very first time. Be it a magical cast, potion or fighting strike taught in class.
Note: No dice are needed to cast magic your character already knows. It simply must be roleplayed as an attempt if the magic has an effect on another character. Such as attacks or enchantments.
Hold up, you lost me! Could you give me an example of the combat mechanic?I sure can, buddy! Here is an example:- Frank wants to use a magical or traditional/physical attack against his foe. So, Frank attempts/hopes/tries to strike Charles down.
- Charles rolls a 1d20 dice to try and dodge! 12 or higher? He drops and rolls out of harm's way. 11 or under? Charles is too slow to dodge in time, and Frank strikes him.
Tip: If your character is hit, how they take it is up to you, the player. They don't necessarily have to drop and end with game over! Get creative, make it funny, make it heroic and dramatic, the choice is yours!
Bad words. You know the ones.Our group is open to players of all ages, so please resist the hilarious urge to cuss like a sailor in this space. In English, that is! If your fabulous OC stubs their toe and needs to shamelessly swear, they are more than welcome to in another language.
Scene creation.- Tutors are of course encouraged to open their very own topic to create the class-space as desired. They're also invited to open new scenes in the Tutor-downtime forum as well. Classes are entirely freeform when it comes to design, but with any new downtime topics from Tutor-players, I ask that the space matches the existing design/atmosphere of the Academy.
- Students cannot create new public scenes but suggestions are welcome! However, if your character has plans to share a dorm with a classmate, you are welcome to create a topic in Downtime for this roleplay and design it however you would like! Similar to Encanto, or even a Holodeck, the design can be limitless if one or both dormmates is handy with illusional magics. Existing members can read this, but it is a private scene that only the dormmates themselves may enter. Stay cautious! A rumor is floating about in the dormitory lounges...It is said that strange happenings follow when gifted mages live in close proximity...
Don't be that guy!It goes without saying that overpowered characters are no fun. While powerful characters are very welcome here, deciding to blow up a room, character, the Academy itself, and so forth will not fly! Roll on that creative freedom, reasonably so. Metagaming is also unwelcome. Be a good buddy.
Whew! You got through that jibber jabber? Congrats! -
Care to join us?
Have a character who is eager to teach or study? The Headmaster would love to meet them!
Present Curriculum!
"An Introductory Guide to Explosives" with Professor Greyson.
"Support Specialty" with Headmaster Albae.
"Emergency Survival for the blocked Mage" with Professor Despana.
"Confined Combat" with Headmaster Albae.
"Ward Crafting" with Professor Despana.
"Preservation of Lintrae" with Headmaster Albae.
"Tinali's Trot" with Miss Evie.