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  • General Rules

    1. All characters, creatures, plots, and items of power must first be approved by Administration.

    2. Any acts of a sexual nature must be carried out privately.

    3. Original characters only- this is NOT a fan setting, please do not treat it as such.

    4. Keep OOC issues and disagreements OUT of play. This is not The Maury Povich Show, we don't care what the lie detector says or who the father is.

    5. Despite the venue being a forum-based sight, players are expected to make time to post multiple times per week. Do not post once with the intent on not posting again until the next week. If personal events prevent reliable posting, please contact Captain Henrikson via PM.
  • Dice Rolls in Combat

    (Scale is based on a d20 Roll)

    Firearms, Archery, and Thrown Weapons*
    1. Hits are DC10
    2. Instant Killshots are DC15
    3. Executions** are Nat 20
    *All Thrown Weapons incur a -2 Penalty, which can only be overcome by completing Specialized Training Missions (STMs)
    **Executions are an instant, often brutal kill, which can potentially demoralize nearby enemies. Effected Enemies must pass an appropriate Will Save roll or succumb to fear, either "freezing up" or fleeing.

    Knives, Swords, Clubs, Fists, Etc
    1. Hits are DC10
    2. Instant Killshots are DC19
    3. Executions* are Nat 20
    *Executions are an instant, often brutal kill, which can potentially demoralize nearby enemies. Effected Enemies must pass an appropriate Will Save roll or succumb to fear, either "freezing up" or fleeing.