Most people were very devout, so the day would start with prayers. Breakfast was usually a light meal, just some bread and beer or wine, and perhaps some cold meat.
A rich Tudor man, if he was a landowner, as most rich people were, would have estate business to see to, farms to inspect, perhaps tenants might have complaints he would have to settle.
If a Tudor gentleman was away, at court, or on business of some kind, his wife would be expected to run the estate in his absence, and would have to see to any estate business, settle disputes, etc. She was responsible for overseeing the running of the household, keeping watch over the servants, and making sure that enough foodstuffs and clothing were being produced. Tudor ladies usually had a stillroom, where they would make home remedies for the household, perfumes, and often their own cosmetics as well.
Dinner, the main meal of the day, was usually served at around 11 am. For the wealthy, it usually consisted of two or three courses, each offering a choice of several different dishes. The dishes would be laid out on the table and the family and guests would help themselves. Soups and stews would be eaten with spoons, meat or fish would be eaten with the fingers, hands were always washed before and after meals, and finger bowls would be brought round between courses. Rich, spicy sauces were popular with meat and fish, and pies and pastries were also popular, as were 'sallets' which were elaborate dishes made of vegetables.
In a wealthy household, there would probably be musicians to play while the family dined, most great households employed their own musicians.
After dinner there might be dancing, and people also enjoyed playing games. Games like hide and seek and blind man's bluff were played by adults as well as children in those days, and board games like chess, draughts, and backgammon were also enjoyed, as were card and dice games. Bowling was popular, as was tennis (played on an indoor court in those days).
Hunting is another activity that might be enjoyed some days, most wealthy people liked to go out hunting for deer, wild boar, hares, foxes, etc. Hawking was another popular activity, ladies and gentlemen had their own trained hawks.
If the rich people were staying in London, they might have a trip to the theater in the afternoon. Theatrical performances were normally in the afternoon because it was easier to perform in daylight, There were private boxes around the sides of the theater for the wealthy. You guys will be living in London.
Supper, a lighter meal than dinner, was usually eaten at around 5 or 6 pm. It might consist of two or three dishes.
There might be more dancing after supper, and games.
A gentleman or a lady would say their prayers before going to bed. They would have servants to help them undress, and might take a bath. Some great households had indoor plumbing, and if they did not, servants would bring up buckets of hot water to fill a tub for the lady or gentleman to bathe. Bedtime would be at around 8pm
Toilets were called 'Privies' and were not very private at all. They were often just a piece of wood over a bowl or a hole in the ground. Would wipe with lamb's wool. -
The Current Order!
Posted By Krissy on Jun 18th 2012
Is not working, so, from here out, you're welcome to post as much as you want.
Now, who ever isn't comfortable with this, this is fine by me and Rubix. You're welcome to come back when you wish to start your side rp's in this era.
Posted By Krissy on Jun 12th 2012
Yay! First, I would like everyone to reply to Rubix post! I hope everyone has lots of fun and I hope you guys don't get spooked for what we have come up with.
Posted By Krissy on Jun 8th 2012
It's almost time! I hope everyone is ready for an epic adventure through a different time period! We are planning on having the post up within a couple of days, so get your juices flowingUpdate!
Posted By Krissy on Jun 2nd 2012
Added a few things. Rules, a bit of information about London, England such as Food, clothing, etc.
Hopefully we have the roleplay up and running soon -
The poor had to work hard and struggled to survive. They worked six days a week and only had holy days and public holidays off work. They ate coarse grey bread made from rye and barley. Soups were made from vegetables and herbs. Meat was a luxury but poor people sometimes kept animals to provide milk, cheese and eggs.
Life for the poor in Tudor times was harsh. When the harvest failed it was tempting for poor people to steal food. When people did break the law, they risked public flogging or being hanged.
Baths were a rarity and peasants would "clean up" by taking hot water and dabbing themselves with a cloth.
Toilets were called 'Privies' and were not very private at all. They were often just a piece of wood over a bowl or a hole in the ground. Would wipe with leaves or moss. -
Back then, Food could not be transported, nor could it be frozen. The menu below shows what the rich people would have eaten. Poor people would have eaten a herb-flavored soup called pottage which would be served with bread. Served with Ale or water.
First Course
Brawn (boar meat)
Roast Tongue
Leg of Pork
Roast Beef
Roast Venison (deer)
Meat Pie
Vegetables in season
Second Course
Roast Lamb
Tarts and Custard
Banquets or balls:
The banquet is a crowded and noisy affair. Guests brought retainers who would act as gofers to their masters. The highest members of society may have also brought tasters along to see if the food was poisoned. Servants would have been running around bringing wine, food, and fresh trenchers. Dogs may have been a common sight gnawing on bones and scraps on the floor. Entertainment, such as much as music and acrobats would have further added to the bustle and noise.
Everyday Life
The Current Order!
Posted By Krissy on Jun 18th 2012
Is not working, so, from here out, you're welcome to post as much as you want.
Now, who ever isn't comfortable with this, this is fine by me and Rubix. You're welcome to come back when you wish to start your side rp's in this era.
Posted By Krissy on Jun 12th 2012
Yay! First, I would like everyone to reply to Rubix post! I hope everyone has lots of fun and I hope you guys don't get spooked for what we have come up with.
Posted By Krissy on Jun 8th 2012
It's almost time! I hope everyone is ready for an epic adventure through a different time period! We are planning on having the post up within a couple of days, so get your juices flowingUpdate!
Posted By Krissy on Jun 2nd 2012
Added a few things. Rules, a bit of information about London, England such as Food, clothing, etc.
Hopefully we have the roleplay up and running soon