It would be several uneventful days. Their travel would be smooth although there was the occasional downpour. Nothing too much and the wardens made camp quickly if it was needed. Javier had been sent ahead once they were near enough to inform the Keep and by the time Selora and the group arrived, several of the Wardens would be around, partially to relieve the travellers of any loot they had picked up and tend to their mounts, but mostly to help carry the stretcher Tobias was on into the infirmary.
The injured warden had not changed much and had been kept alive and his comrades fed him soup where they could. There was a level of urgency to get him back to the Keep of course and by they time they got there, Skaldrin was exhausted, as was his pony. He would follow the wardens into the infirmary where the stretcher was carefully placed on a cot.
It wasn't that well stocked, containing the bare minimum of herbs. A bowl of liquid lyrium stood ready, close enough that it was in the room, far enough that it wouldn't have too bad of an effect on any mages. Some of the dwarves handled it.
Roderick had been sent for the minute they came through the gate and the mage stepped in, frowning as he examined Tobias. A nod of thanks was given to Selora as he examined the wounds.
"Skaldrin I'll expect a report later and a debrief, but take some rest for now." Worry was evident on the usually stoic man's face as he turned towards the patient.
"Javier said you healed him, what are his wounds?" Roderick knew better than to ask how.
The injured warden had not changed much and had been kept alive and his comrades fed him soup where they could. There was a level of urgency to get him back to the Keep of course and by they time they got there, Skaldrin was exhausted, as was his pony. He would follow the wardens into the infirmary where the stretcher was carefully placed on a cot.
It wasn't that well stocked, containing the bare minimum of herbs. A bowl of liquid lyrium stood ready, close enough that it was in the room, far enough that it wouldn't have too bad of an effect on any mages. Some of the dwarves handled it.

"Skaldrin I'll expect a report later and a debrief, but take some rest for now." Worry was evident on the usually stoic man's face as he turned towards the patient.
"Javier said you healed him, what are his wounds?" Roderick knew better than to ask how.
Selora was hardly the well put together mage Roderick had met a week ago. Hair tied back, a few smudges here and there, road robes sporting dust and other signs of travel, it was a far cry from a diplomatic presentation. Keeping Tobias alive had not been easy and the last day in particular she'd had to get creative. It was the rain, mostly. She kept his body temperature up as much as she could but his burn wounds made that difficult. Fortunately, she was able to use the Warden's speeds at erecting shelter as needed to channel fire into rocks and create something like a sauna or hut for the injured man to sleep in. Open flame would have been too risky; if Tobias had awoken and knocked a torch over, the whole tent could have lit up.
Now she was relieved to be back at Vigil's Keep and the other Wardens moved Tobias to the infirmary. She needed to speak with Vimes right away however and was glad he was there. Lucius handed over the artifacts they'd discovered along with the amulets. True to her word, Selora ordered him to relinquish the objects to the Wardens.
"His injuries were severe. Loss of a leg, burns on half his body, and blunt force trauma from the cave in. He likely suffered other internal injuries from the explosion. They were underground, a pocket of gas perhaps... murdered by the Carta, more likely." She gave a quick sum up. "We kept him alive but it's a fragile thing in him. Skaldrin said you might be able to do more, Warden-Commander. If not, then Tobias will die in relative comfort. I have done all I can with magic and potions both."
The infirmary was poorly stocked but she contributed what elfroot she'd found on the return voyage. A few medicated bandages, soothing oils, and other items were added to the small stock and judging by the lyrium present, Vimes was planning on trying more magic.
"I will remain with him. I want to see what healing talents you possess and my skills as an herbologist may yet prove useful in tandem with your magic. If I'm to accompany your men into the field again, both are skills I need to continue sharpening."
Now she was relieved to be back at Vigil's Keep and the other Wardens moved Tobias to the infirmary. She needed to speak with Vimes right away however and was glad he was there. Lucius handed over the artifacts they'd discovered along with the amulets. True to her word, Selora ordered him to relinquish the objects to the Wardens.
"His injuries were severe. Loss of a leg, burns on half his body, and blunt force trauma from the cave in. He likely suffered other internal injuries from the explosion. They were underground, a pocket of gas perhaps... murdered by the Carta, more likely." She gave a quick sum up. "We kept him alive but it's a fragile thing in him. Skaldrin said you might be able to do more, Warden-Commander. If not, then Tobias will die in relative comfort. I have done all I can with magic and potions both."
The infirmary was poorly stocked but she contributed what elfroot she'd found on the return voyage. A few medicated bandages, soothing oils, and other items were added to the small stock and judging by the lyrium present, Vimes was planning on trying more magic.
"I will remain with him. I want to see what healing talents you possess and my skills as an herbologist may yet prove useful in tandem with your magic. If I'm to accompany your men into the field again, both are skills I need to continue sharpening."
The wardens accepted the trinkets. It would do them some good to sell it and stock up on their stores... but then again that was a problem everywhere of late.
Roderick could hardly care about the mage's appearance. He had a life to try and save. He listened with rapt attention as Selora rattled off the man's injuries. Javier had reported severe injuries but clearly not to the extent that Selora had mentioned. The lad had been sent off to rest the minute he came riding in at breakneck speed along with a sturdy drink.
"There's some things that I can do that are beyond that of normal mages," he said quietly. "I thank you for your effort on saving one of my wardens." He knew the effort it must have taken to keep him alive, especially on their travels. "And very well."
The warden-commander took a deep breath as he drew upon the fade. As a Spirit Healer, he had a companion... of sorts. The spirit's presence was felt as the commander drew it through the Veil, allowing his own body to channel its energies. A dangerous combination, one that could easily turn him into an abomination if done incorrectly... or if hijacked by a demon. Its essence radiated forth as Roderick channeled its energies towards Tobias, his magic driving through his hands in a blinding bright glow as the Fade was brought into reality.
He could do little for the lost leg, but the burns started to heal, replaced by scars in a matter of minutes. Damaged skin knitted together to heal and in some parts, vanished completely. Skin that had been burned off thickened and restored itself as new muscle was woven. It wouldn't be as good as it was before, but it was better than nothing. At that point, Tobias' body convulsed some, jerking as the magic did its work. Skaldrin rushed over to hold the elf down, frowning worriedly at his commander who held a hand to stop him.
Tobias jerked up, leaned over to throw up some old blood before he collapsed onto his side, unconscious once more. Roderick continued his treatment of the man before finally after a good long several minutes, the presence of the spirit faded and the song of lyrium became quiet.
The commander rocked unsteadily on his feet, leaning on anything or anyone nearby for support. His brow was covered in cold sweat and he looked pale, trembling slightly even from the sheer level of exertion.
"He'll live." That was all Roderick said while taking several deep breaths. There was no question on the mage's power and his link to the Fade. Little wonder why he didn't like Kirkwall.
Roderick could hardly care about the mage's appearance. He had a life to try and save. He listened with rapt attention as Selora rattled off the man's injuries. Javier had reported severe injuries but clearly not to the extent that Selora had mentioned. The lad had been sent off to rest the minute he came riding in at breakneck speed along with a sturdy drink.
"There's some things that I can do that are beyond that of normal mages," he said quietly. "I thank you for your effort on saving one of my wardens." He knew the effort it must have taken to keep him alive, especially on their travels. "And very well."
The warden-commander took a deep breath as he drew upon the fade. As a Spirit Healer, he had a companion... of sorts. The spirit's presence was felt as the commander drew it through the Veil, allowing his own body to channel its energies. A dangerous combination, one that could easily turn him into an abomination if done incorrectly... or if hijacked by a demon. Its essence radiated forth as Roderick channeled its energies towards Tobias, his magic driving through his hands in a blinding bright glow as the Fade was brought into reality.
He could do little for the lost leg, but the burns started to heal, replaced by scars in a matter of minutes. Damaged skin knitted together to heal and in some parts, vanished completely. Skin that had been burned off thickened and restored itself as new muscle was woven. It wouldn't be as good as it was before, but it was better than nothing. At that point, Tobias' body convulsed some, jerking as the magic did its work. Skaldrin rushed over to hold the elf down, frowning worriedly at his commander who held a hand to stop him.
Tobias jerked up, leaned over to throw up some old blood before he collapsed onto his side, unconscious once more. Roderick continued his treatment of the man before finally after a good long several minutes, the presence of the spirit faded and the song of lyrium became quiet.
The commander rocked unsteadily on his feet, leaning on anything or anyone nearby for support. His brow was covered in cold sweat and he looked pale, trembling slightly even from the sheer level of exertion.
"He'll live." That was all Roderick said while taking several deep breaths. There was no question on the mage's power and his link to the Fade. Little wonder why he didn't like Kirkwall.
That was unexpected. Selora could feel the spirits presence yet Vimes was no abomination. She'd seen those, masses of warped flesh and arcane power. This was something different and different was fascinating to her. She studied his actions and what he did though per usual as a mage she had more questions than answers by the time he was done.
She'd help steady him and assist the Warden-Commander in remaining on his feet or sitting, whichever he preferred. That no doubt also explained why he hadn't liked Kirkwall. Magic like this was as unacceptable as blood works. Selora felt she was in good company.
"Quite the talent." She said, duly impressed. "Your skills as a healer are something to behold."
And then some.
Most of Tobias' wounds were gone but Selora still checked him over. It was remarkable how much of the damage had been undone. A shame nothing could have been done for Analese but her wounds had been beyond the pale.
She'd help steady him and assist the Warden-Commander in remaining on his feet or sitting, whichever he preferred. That no doubt also explained why he hadn't liked Kirkwall. Magic like this was as unacceptable as blood works. Selora felt she was in good company.
"Quite the talent." She said, duly impressed. "Your skills as a healer are something to behold."
And then some.
Most of Tobias' wounds were gone but Selora still checked him over. It was remarkable how much of the damage had been undone. A shame nothing could have been done for Analese but her wounds had been beyond the pale.
Roderick was quite happy to sit, his whole body was shaking with exhaustion and recovering. A spirit healer was rare even among the Circles and usually welcomed but Meredith's fanatic view of things had made things hell for the Warden.
Skaldrin checked Tobias once over before he helped clean the place up, then stated he was going to retire for the day and left without a word more. The emotional toil on the dwarf was evident at this point and rest was much needed. He had been carrying the responsibilies far more than Javier after all.
As Selora spoke of the warden commander's healing skills, Roderick nodded his head. "It's not easy no, but useful. This was one of the more challenging cases.
One of the junior wardens brought over some tea and a few biscuits for Roderick and Selora, Lucius too if he was around. Something simple.
"I suppose you'd have questions on my technique?" The commander asked while munching a biscuit.
Skaldrin checked Tobias once over before he helped clean the place up, then stated he was going to retire for the day and left without a word more. The emotional toil on the dwarf was evident at this point and rest was much needed. He had been carrying the responsibilies far more than Javier after all.
As Selora spoke of the warden commander's healing skills, Roderick nodded his head. "It's not easy no, but useful. This was one of the more challenging cases.
One of the junior wardens brought over some tea and a few biscuits for Roderick and Selora, Lucius too if he was around. Something simple.
"I suppose you'd have questions on my technique?" The commander asked while munching a biscuit.
Selora merely nodded to Skaldrin as he departed. The dwarf had borne a heavy load of leadership over the last week and had earned a rest. She would not trouble him to remain even as she'd grown somewhat fond of the stout Warden in relative short order. There were dwarves in Tevinter, naturally. Orzammar and the Imperium did a brisk trade in Lyrium though Orlais and Fereldan likely weren't as fond of that. Still, most the dwarves there were merchants, not warriors. Selora cared little for the caste system; she was living proof of the value of merit.
"A few, yes." She gave a quiet laugh about Vimes saying he was sure she had questions. "I could feel the presence of a spirit while you were doing that."
She tilted her head.
"Yet you don't seem possessed or to be a form of abomination. How is it you can channel a spirit like that and not be possessed? It seems to be riding a razor wire." Selora paused a moment. "Not that I judge you harshly. It is clearly a technique you've practiced. Tevinter also experiments with magic beyond traditionally accepted norms but that was my first time witnessing anything like what you just did."
"A few, yes." She gave a quiet laugh about Vimes saying he was sure she had questions. "I could feel the presence of a spirit while you were doing that."
She tilted her head.
"Yet you don't seem possessed or to be a form of abomination. How is it you can channel a spirit like that and not be possessed? It seems to be riding a razor wire." Selora paused a moment. "Not that I judge you harshly. It is clearly a technique you've practiced. Tevinter also experiments with magic beyond traditionally accepted norms but that was my first time witnessing anything like what you just did."
(I see your pun)
Roderick sipped the tea. It was heavily sugared and even holding it showed how badly he was shaking. But he was taking it in his stride.
At her surprise, the commander rubbed his beard a little.
"I'm surprised they don't have Spirit Healers there, or is it by another name? I summoned a benevolent spirit through the veil and that spirit uses its abilities on the my behalf. It's not without its challenges or risks I admit. It's not exactly a possession but I do risk... drawing the attentions of demons," Roderick said with a sigh.
"It is not a skill I use lightly. Mending spells work well enough, but in Tobias' case, I needed more help. Spirit healers are usually valued in Circles due to our rarity, but Meredith of course didn't see it that way."
Roderick sipped the tea. It was heavily sugared and even holding it showed how badly he was shaking. But he was taking it in his stride.
At her surprise, the commander rubbed his beard a little.
"I'm surprised they don't have Spirit Healers there, or is it by another name? I summoned a benevolent spirit through the veil and that spirit uses its abilities on the my behalf. It's not without its challenges or risks I admit. It's not exactly a possession but I do risk... drawing the attentions of demons," Roderick said with a sigh.
"It is not a skill I use lightly. Mending spells work well enough, but in Tobias' case, I needed more help. Spirit healers are usually valued in Circles due to our rarity, but Meredith of course didn't see it that way."
(LOL, I didn't)
Selora knew of spirit healers in an academic sense but she didn't know much more beyond that. They were rare in the Imperium and channeling a spirit was as socially acceptable there as it was in Fereldan. She'd never seen one in action consequently.
"How great is the risk of possession?" She asked. "And is it a relationship with a specific spirit or more a general type?"
Her mind was processing it all.
"Given the Breach as well... could a spirit use that conduit to physically enter the world?"
Selora knew of spirit healers in an academic sense but she didn't know much more beyond that. They were rare in the Imperium and channeling a spirit was as socially acceptable there as it was in Fereldan. She'd never seen one in action consequently.
"How great is the risk of possession?" She asked. "And is it a relationship with a specific spirit or more a general type?"
Her mind was processing it all.
"Given the Breach as well... could a spirit use that conduit to physically enter the world?"
(Short order *giggity*)
"A lot greater than that for a normal Mage," Roderick said with a sigh. He continued eating the biscuits and tea... and he'd ask for more. The next plate brought was quite a mountain of biscuits which he started on.
"More than one tale exists of a spirit healer being fooled by a demon masquerading as a benevolent spirit, and inadvertently bringing them across the Veil. There's also tales of mages being tricked into letting their guard down and resulting in a possession.
Generally we work with one spirit. Very often it is the spirit that has chosen us rather than we choose them. It is a calling more than anything, but there are some who try to convince a spirit.
I believe mine is a spirit of duty. We have walked in the Fade as I dreamed and it is a quiet constant companion throughout my life.
Given the Breach yes although from my understanding with the other mages in the Inquisition and there was this one boy... I can't quite remember his name, it's rather traumatic to cross the Veil.
I have heard that the Augers of the Avvars are similar but I've yet to have time to look into that. Alas, I have my duties as the Commander of the Grey."
"A lot greater than that for a normal Mage," Roderick said with a sigh. He continued eating the biscuits and tea... and he'd ask for more. The next plate brought was quite a mountain of biscuits which he started on.
"More than one tale exists of a spirit healer being fooled by a demon masquerading as a benevolent spirit, and inadvertently bringing them across the Veil. There's also tales of mages being tricked into letting their guard down and resulting in a possession.
Generally we work with one spirit. Very often it is the spirit that has chosen us rather than we choose them. It is a calling more than anything, but there are some who try to convince a spirit.
I believe mine is a spirit of duty. We have walked in the Fade as I dreamed and it is a quiet constant companion throughout my life.
Given the Breach yes although from my understanding with the other mages in the Inquisition and there was this one boy... I can't quite remember his name, it's rather traumatic to cross the Veil.
I have heard that the Augers of the Avvars are similar but I've yet to have time to look into that. Alas, I have my duties as the Commander of the Grey."
"I'm not sure you'd get much help from the Avvar." Selora replied. "Everything I have read about them suggests they are barbarians who kill first and talk second. Though perhaps they have some odd, outmoded code of honor you could exploit to such an end."
Or he could attempt a dreaming though it was tricky even for an experienced mage and all the more so if you didn't know which mind specifically you were looking for. Selora knew how to shield her dreams against most forms of unwanted intrusion but she'd hardly claim to be a Dreamer herself. It was a rare talent and a feared one; with enough skill, a Dreamer could even kill their enemies while they slept. Mages weren't safe anywhere.
"It sounds like a gamble of a practice but not one without benefit. The risk for us is always the same and eternal vigilance is the price we pay for the gift of magic." To her it had been a ticket out of slavery so to hear others speak of it as a curse flatly boggled her mind. "I am glad you were able to heal Tobias further. He would not have survived much longer with only my aid."
Hours, perhaps. A day or two at most. Her hand was still wrapped from the cut she'd inflicted to perform it. Where blood magic was concerned, however, if it was one's own blood and that of volunteers, then what harm came of it? She wasn't so sadistic that she wished to execute slaves for even more. Not all in the Imperium felt that way but she was only in control of herself.
"With a prosthetic he'll likely return to close to full capacity."
"I'm not sure you'd get much help from the Avvar." Selora replied. "Everything I have read about them suggests they are barbarians who kill first and talk second. Though perhaps they have some odd, outmoded code of honor you could exploit to such an end."
Or he could attempt a dreaming though it was tricky even for an experienced mage and all the more so if you didn't know which mind specifically you were looking for. Selora knew how to shield her dreams against most forms of unwanted intrusion but she'd hardly claim to be a Dreamer herself. It was a rare talent and a feared one; with enough skill, a Dreamer could even kill their enemies while they slept. Mages weren't safe anywhere.
"It sounds like a gamble of a practice but not one without benefit. The risk for us is always the same and eternal vigilance is the price we pay for the gift of magic." To her it had been a ticket out of slavery so to hear others speak of it as a curse flatly boggled her mind. "I am glad you were able to heal Tobias further. He would not have survived much longer with only my aid."
Hours, perhaps. A day or two at most. Her hand was still wrapped from the cut she'd inflicted to perform it. Where blood magic was concerned, however, if it was one's own blood and that of volunteers, then what harm came of it? She wasn't so sadistic that she wished to execute slaves for even more. Not all in the Imperium felt that way but she was only in control of herself.
"With a prosthetic he'll likely return to close to full capacity."
Roderick nodded his head, chuckling quietly.
"That depends, being a Grey Warden is not without its perks. There are ancient treaties and alliances that would grant me passage to areas deemed dangerous by others. But I shall only consult them if the chance ever arises. Sometimes they travel out to trade so perhaps I will chance upon one eventually."
Roderick was no dreamer, but he had a spirit companion that watched over him. That was more shelter than one could already ask for in the Fade. He brought his teacup to his lips, sipping on it quietly as he quickly demolished the plate of biscuits. Where did it all disappear to?!
At the mention of the price of magic, the warden sighed softly. "And yet despite its benefits, sometimes I wonder how different life would be without it. Over here, young children are taken away from their families when they show an aptitude for magic. Sometimes I wonder what life would be like without it, but it is but a fleeting thought. I am here now and that is all that's needed."
"I have only managed to heal what could be done physically, as for mentally and emotionally, that remains to be seen... but I appreciate the aid you have rendered. It bought him the time needed. Would you like me to heal your wound?" he asked having noticed the bandaged hand. He was tempted to offer more as a way of thanks to Selora. Despite her Tevinter heritage, she was proving to be a useful ally.
"That depends, being a Grey Warden is not without its perks. There are ancient treaties and alliances that would grant me passage to areas deemed dangerous by others. But I shall only consult them if the chance ever arises. Sometimes they travel out to trade so perhaps I will chance upon one eventually."
Roderick was no dreamer, but he had a spirit companion that watched over him. That was more shelter than one could already ask for in the Fade. He brought his teacup to his lips, sipping on it quietly as he quickly demolished the plate of biscuits. Where did it all disappear to?!
At the mention of the price of magic, the warden sighed softly. "And yet despite its benefits, sometimes I wonder how different life would be without it. Over here, young children are taken away from their families when they show an aptitude for magic. Sometimes I wonder what life would be like without it, but it is but a fleeting thought. I am here now and that is all that's needed."
"I have only managed to heal what could be done physically, as for mentally and emotionally, that remains to be seen... but I appreciate the aid you have rendered. It bought him the time needed. Would you like me to heal your wound?" he asked having noticed the bandaged hand. He was tempted to offer more as a way of thanks to Selora. Despite her Tevinter heritage, she was proving to be a useful ally.
Life without magic? Selora didn't even want to imagine it in her case. She'd be cleaning some nobles floor and dangling off his hips at night, an elf slave didn't have much to look forward to in Tevinter. Maybe, maybe, they'd somehow earn enough coin that they could buy their freedom. More likely they'd be slaves forever, assuming a beneficent master, and blood sacrifices if a malignant one. Selora knew which fate she preferred.
"If you were willing, I would happily accept." She replied and unbandaged her hand. "It always itches something terrible as it heals."
The cut was scabbed over already but looked sore even as her medicinal skills had kept infection at bay.
"As you say, it is yet to be seen how Tobias' mind will come through the experience. He has his fellows here to support him and that will no doubt prove a great aid." Selora nodded. "We also brought back numerous amulets, some with minor protective magic on them, and a number of ancient elven artifacts that should fetch additional coin for the keep."
"If you were willing, I would happily accept." She replied and unbandaged her hand. "It always itches something terrible as it heals."
The cut was scabbed over already but looked sore even as her medicinal skills had kept infection at bay.
"As you say, it is yet to be seen how Tobias' mind will come through the experience. He has his fellows here to support him and that will no doubt prove a great aid." Selora nodded. "We also brought back numerous amulets, some with minor protective magic on them, and a number of ancient elven artifacts that should fetch additional coin for the keep."
Roderick didn't have to think how life would be as an elven slave! Such lack of consideration Roderick, for shame.
He'd take her hand gently as he examined the cut. It confirmed what he had guessed but he wasn't going to pursue it. Having one warden back alive was better than none. He had his own views of blood magic, but the commander wasn't going to flaunt or insist on others taking his view!
Having the lyrium nearby helped in a manner of speaking. He drew upon it as a source of energy once more as he focused his magic on the woman's wound. It would leave a scar but he did his best to ensure that the skin knitted back together. Selora would feel the gentle warmth of his energy, and a lot of itch as Roderick willed the skin back together.
"I will have to check the amulets in due time, probably contact someone who might know a thing or two about elven artefacts. I'm hardly an expert in it. Unless of course you do know about them."
He'd take her hand gently as he examined the cut. It confirmed what he had guessed but he wasn't going to pursue it. Having one warden back alive was better than none. He had his own views of blood magic, but the commander wasn't going to flaunt or insist on others taking his view!
Having the lyrium nearby helped in a manner of speaking. He drew upon it as a source of energy once more as he focused his magic on the woman's wound. It would leave a scar but he did his best to ensure that the skin knitted back together. Selora would feel the gentle warmth of his energy, and a lot of itch as Roderick willed the skin back together.
"I will have to check the amulets in due time, probably contact someone who might know a thing or two about elven artefacts. I'm hardly an expert in it. Unless of course you do know about them."
"I'm no more an expert on elven history than the next person here." Selora shook her head. "I can tell you that they are elven. We also found some ruins which seemed to react to my presence some. Perhaps if you have any of the Dalish among your number, they would know more."
The Dalish often fooled themselves; they thought living like vagabonds and travelers made them more 'pure' somehow. Their ways, while rooted in tradition, were largely facsimile of a memory of something that had once been greater. Since Tevinter had shattered Arlathan so many, many years ago, the elves had been a people in decline. It simply was what it was. Bemoaning the past took one's attention off the present.
"Much better, my thanks."
The itching was uncomfortable but only momentarily. Selora didn't mind the scar, she'd had one there already, and this one was thin enough that it may even look better than the last time it had healed. She appreciated that Roderick wasn't leaping all over her about the practice... Fereldans could be so finicky about magic. Granted, Vimes was from Kirkwall, and living under Meredith along with his own unique magical talents had likely granted him a certain depth of perspective that others lacked.
"You should rest, Warden-Commander. Tobias will be fine now."
The Dalish often fooled themselves; they thought living like vagabonds and travelers made them more 'pure' somehow. Their ways, while rooted in tradition, were largely facsimile of a memory of something that had once been greater. Since Tevinter had shattered Arlathan so many, many years ago, the elves had been a people in decline. It simply was what it was. Bemoaning the past took one's attention off the present.
"Much better, my thanks."
The itching was uncomfortable but only momentarily. Selora didn't mind the scar, she'd had one there already, and this one was thin enough that it may even look better than the last time it had healed. She appreciated that Roderick wasn't leaping all over her about the practice... Fereldans could be so finicky about magic. Granted, Vimes was from Kirkwall, and living under Meredith along with his own unique magical talents had likely granted him a certain depth of perspective that others lacked.
"You should rest, Warden-Commander. Tobias will be fine now."
Roderick sighed a little. "A number of our Dalish wardens vanished after the Exalted Council. The Ines that remain are not that well versed in their culture I'm afraid."
At the mention he should rest, Vimes just let out a laugh of surprise. "Eventually once I've settled a number of things. No rest for the wicked I'm afraid. Though I believe you'd like to rest yourself. I shall see you eventually. Thank you for your help."
With that, he got up and left for his office. There was much work to do, letters to write... mostly to Analese' family, and sorting out of duties.
The wardens had blood mages among their ranks. Mages who had run from the war. If Roderick was so picky about things, he'd hardly be the commander he was right now.
At the mention he should rest, Vimes just let out a laugh of surprise. "Eventually once I've settled a number of things. No rest for the wicked I'm afraid. Though I believe you'd like to rest yourself. I shall see you eventually. Thank you for your help."
With that, he got up and left for his office. There was much work to do, letters to write... mostly to Analese' family, and sorting out of duties.
The wardens had blood mages among their ranks. Mages who had run from the war. If Roderick was so picky about things, he'd hardly be the commander he was right now.
Yes, a lot of Dalish had vanished everywhere, hadn't they? Selora had never been motivated by racial purity and so found it more dubious. They had to do as they saw fit, she supposed... even if she didn't agree with it one bit. No rest for the wicked indeed.
"And you for yours." She thanked him in turn. "I would not be opposed to a rest. The road was long."
She exited with him though instead of his office, Selora headed for her quarters. A simple, utilitarian bed never looked so good in all her life. She slept on the far end and channeled some of her mana into a protective glyph on the floor next to it... just in case. Lucius or other rivals might strike when she least expected it, after all. Selora changed into a sleeping robe and walked to the bed. About the same time her back hit the mattress though, she was asleep.
"And you for yours." She thanked him in turn. "I would not be opposed to a rest. The road was long."
She exited with him though instead of his office, Selora headed for her quarters. A simple, utilitarian bed never looked so good in all her life. She slept on the far end and channeled some of her mana into a protective glyph on the floor next to it... just in case. Lucius or other rivals might strike when she least expected it, after all. Selora changed into a sleeping robe and walked to the bed. About the same time her back hit the mattress though, she was asleep.