Welcome! Valley of Thorns is surrounded by huge thorns (the height of city buildings.) As for the bottom and sides of the massive thorns? They are covered in smaller thorns and vines. Therefore, if you try to leave town, you're likely to tumble into said thorns and get cut up pretty bad. The thickness of the smaller thorns is about the size of a 14in guage face piercing. (Which is pretty thick.) The forest is also covered in smaller thorns, bliars, vines etc. the trees are all dead and gloomy black.
The town? It's looks are those of an abandoned city, the sun never rises in this place. Every building has a form of broken objects, windows, doors or something of the sort. The roads are all cracked and broken (massive holes.) And the fun part..? It's haunted. Not your average, 'they cant hurt me!' type either. These types of hauntings contain more than ghosts. And they CAN hurt you!
Another note! Supernatural abilities and powers do NOT work what-so-ever in this place. Non-existent. However- if a vampire, your thirst still goes haywire. A werewolf will still feel their bodies trying to change (may be painful- depending how said werewolf changes.)
*The player gets to choose what carries over and what doesn't. Therefore don't be afraid to die, turn on your friends, become insane. Basically.. Don't be afraid to become anything than your 'normal' self! Have fun.