Rules & Guidelines
1. Absolutely no god-modding or powerplay.
You control your character and your character only. The exception to this will be Game Admins, and that will only be if they need to step in and intervene with a powerplayer.
2. Proper grammar & spelling are expected.
It's okay to make mistakes every so often, but if you're excessively illiterate it simply won't be tolerated.
3. Punctuation. Use it.
There's nothing worse than trying to decipher an unstructured paragraph. It makes reading tedious when it shouldn't be.
4. Proportion - Divide long replies accordingly.
We don't want to read two pages worth of content crammed into one ridiculously long paragraph. And frankly? Neither does anyone else.
5. Proofread your replies.
This isn't a race. Take your time and avoid carelessness.
6. No symbol or "chat-style" roleplaying allowed.
7. Write in third person. No exceptions.
8. Common Courtesy
Respect your fellow group members.
9. No OOC Drama.
For the love of all things, don't take the in-story actions of another person's character personally. What happens in-story is exactly that; in the story! It amazes me how often I see people get salty because someone else's character "insulted" theirs. Tension is a necessary element in all good storylines; without it there wouldn't be a story to begin with. It doesn't mean someone has something against you in real life. We're all adults here, so act like it, yeah? Thanks!
10. Mature Content.
I've never had an issue with mature content as long as it is tastefully done and applicable to the storyline. All I ask is that topics with such content be marked with an 'M' in the topic title. So ladies and gentlemen, if erotica makes you feel all awkward-like, don't read topics marked with an 'M'. If you do and you don't like what you read? Just remember that you made a conscious decision to read it -
Featured Members
- Xion Member
- Chasing_Autumn Founder - Game Mistress
- Merry_Christmas Member
- BlackButlerDiva Member
- Nocturnal Member