Zadhuyr is a planet primarily inhabited by spacefaring humans. When the original human colonists arrived on the planet many centuries ago, the planet already had a vibrant ecosystem and powerful ley lines, as well as the remnants of a mysterious abandoned civilization. Humans lived peacefully in the ruins of this ancient culture for decades, living off the land and learning what they could from the ruins. However, the Emmik Federation took over the planet about 70 years ago and began a rapid influx of colonists from all over the galaxy. As a result, zadhuyr's ecosystem has been corrupted by the rapid spread of human cities and mining outposts.
In the modern age, the planet is home to a wide variety of alien species, but humans are still the majority. Zadhuyr's cities are dense and dark places, and home to more than their fair share of poverty, criminal activity, and magic. Although non-government-mandated magic has been outlawed under Federation law, many people on Zadhuyr practice the planet's own unique brand of wizardry, which the locals call Balgayzaj, or Squatter Magic. Most Zadhuyrites live in gargantuan apartment complexes called Gyrads. Those few who live outside the Gyrads are mostly squatters and barbarians, inhabiting abandoned districts or ancient ruins. Very few clues exist as to the origin or current whereabouts of the planet's original inhabitants, known as the Natives.
The standard Zadhuyrite currency is Jeg Credits, which can be held as pentagonal plastic cash or transferred through bank accounts. Many Zadhuyrites prefer to barter, or use ancient currencies worth their weight in precious metals.
The Roleplaying will begin in Beqada, one of the most largest and most ancient Zadhuyrite cities. It is estimated to have been built by Zadhuyr's Natives around 50,000,000 years ago. Although the Federation's laws are supposed to be enforced by Zadhuyr's government, corruption and crime run rampant in Beqeda.
(I have created several functional languages for this planet and I can incorporate these languages into the dialogue if you want me to. Other planets and alternate dimensions exist that characters can travel to, but everyone begins on Zadhuyr.) -
Natural Environment
Zadhuyr has no surface oceans. Instead, it has vast underground lakes, rivers and aquifers which flow parallel to its ley lines. This water flow creates gargantuan cave systems, and the vast majority of Zadhuyr's biodiversity is found underground in these cave systems. The planet has mountains reaching 14,000 meters into the sky. It is also dotted with hot springs and geysers where both water and thaums (magical energy) boil up to the surface. Zadhuyr's forests are seemingly made of trees that can grow up to 90 meters, but because of the ways the "trees" reproduce they are technically ferns. These enormous ferns have roots that dig all the way into the underground lakes and rivers, and you can tell where the rivers run based on where the trees are. There are several species of animals living in the Native ruins that do not seem to have any evolutionary relatives, and it is speculated that they were bioengineered by the Natives in order to fulfill some unknown purpose. There are many dangerous and predatory animals on Zadhuyr, but strangely few venomous ones. Since the ley lines on Zadhuyr are so powerful and so close to the surface, many animals and plants have evolved to consume thaums for nutrients. These organisms can use their own primitive forms of magic to protect themselves, alter their environment, and hunt their prey. -
Human - Humans control most of the galaxy simply because they breed and develop colonies so fast compared to other intelligent species. They are known for their economic inequality, emotional dispositions, and military prowess. Humanity is governed primarily by the Emmik Federation, but many independent planets and nations exist. Most of humanity belongs to the Emmik ethnicity, while the rest is made up of Sadmik, Bezmik, and a handful of others. The average height for men is about 1.7 meters while the average height for women is about 1.6 meters. The Emmik have black or grey hair, coffee-colored skin, and dark brown eyes. The Bezmik are shorter and paler than the Emmik, while the Sadmik are taller and darker. Almost all humans speak Emmik, but some isolated colonies still speak only the languages of their individual culture. Because the Emmik ethnicity is the result of many different cultures combining and interbreeding, most Emmik do not have strong ties to any particular culture or religion, but since the Bezmik and Sadmik mostly keep to themselves, they have very strongly defined cultures. Humans often live alongside goblins. A few humans believe the aether to be the source of all life, and worship it as a god. Live for 90 years.
Kyzak - About 2.4 meters tall, with white skin, a large and completely round head, a set of large, black eyes and 2 sets of small earflaps on the sides of the head. Humanlike posture, 2 legs, 2 long arms, and 2 smaller arms lower on the torso for performing complex tasks. Small and skinny torso, hands on long arms have 3 fingers and look froglike, while hands on small arms have 10 thin fingers with tiny hairs that can sense a variety of things including temperature, sound and toxicity. Incredibly dexterous and can control all minuscule body movements, even functions normally ascribed to the subconscious such as heartbeat, body temperature and digestion. As a society they see no value in individualism and prefer to all contribute to the species' goals in a rigid socialist system. Almost none believe in a higher power, and their culture generally detests the idea of asking otherworldly beings for assistance. They are born with slightly more developed thaumic medullas and less developed thaumic cortexes than humans, and so their magic is weaker but more controlled. Live for 110 years.
Goblin - Greyish greenish skin, average height of 1.5 meters standing upright but their standard posture is hunched. Pupils and iris are usually white or light grey and difficult to distinguish from the whites of the eyes. Grow course white and grey hair, athletically talented. About 30% of the goblin population is infected with a parasitic moss which makes them grow extra limbs, makes them faster, and shortens their lifespan. Most goblins live alongside humans in their settlements. They worship several Farside gods, and their berserker shamans are blessed with strange and wondrous abilities. Born with slightly more developed thaumic cortex but severely underdeveloped thaumic medulla, so most only produce magic in short but extremely powerful bursts. Live for 80 years without moss.
Chardanak - Enormous red crablike creature with an average height of 2.7 meters, 10 legs, a domelike shell, and a long spiny head. They have 4 genders. They traditionally live in communal hives of about 20, but many chardanak have begun to live in alien societies as individuals. There is no one governing body controlling the majority of the chardanak. Most chardanak are anarchists and not technically citizens of any nation. They are very intelligent, but they are unable to speak the languages of other species due to their physiology. Being kind to strangers is very important in their culture. Chardanak scientists were responsible for the invention of the Aether Engine, which allows spaceships to be sent into the aether and pulled back into our world to reduce distance. Have no thaumic system, and so are completely unable to do magic. Live for 300 years.
Extrel - Fat, pale, about 1.8 meters tall, very strong. They have 2 long tails which can taste and smell. Many thousands of independent extrel nation-states exist. Many extrels are nomadic and live solely in their spaceships. It is difficult for a non-extrel to obtain a visa for an extrel-controlled planet. They have many religions, but most adherents do not believe the doctrines and only follow the faith for cultural reasons. Similar thaumic system to humans. Live for 105 years.
Imp - Small 1 meter tall genderless creatures created by manipulating goblin genes. They are sold as slaves by breeders, and there are different varieties of imps for different purposes. They occasionally escape their captors, and small imp societies exist in densely populated urban areas. They are agile and strong for their size, and their intelligence varies based on what purpose they were bred for. Have no thaumic system, so they cannot do magic. Live for 10 years. -
Districts of Beqeda
The original Native city of Beqeda was heptagonal symmetrical, and was split into 7 identical sections. When Beqeda was originally discovered by the colonists, most of its buildings had already fallen to ruin. The original city's radial symmetry has now been ruined by the addition of more buildings by the human colonists. The city now has about 60 million people, a large portion of which are homeless. In many parts of the city, the use of money is uncommon, and bartering is the norm.
Beqeda still retains its basic 7-district structure. Each district has its own Lord, but all the Lords owe fealty to the Emmik Federation. The districts each have their own laws and customs. Each district is also required to enforce the laws of the Federation, but whether or not they actually do this depends on the district.
Dom Gekuga - Also known as the abandoned jungle district, it is 800 square kilometers of near-wilderness home to squatters, gangs, wizards, and many unknown flora and fauna. It is technically the territory of Lord Gekuga the Magnificent, but few sane people are willing to live there, and so both the Lord's rule and the Federation's law are rarely enforced. Vegetation has overtaken most of the old Native structures, but many are still intact. Gekuga's small military is currently engaged in a bloody war with the Headstomach gang. What either side has to gain from fighting over an uninhabited district is unclear.
Dom Pescat -
Dom Novat - One of the wealthier districts in Beqeda, it is one of the safest places to live in the city. Lord Novat the Gracious provides his district with ample protection from crime and violence, but living in Dom Novat is costly, and only the upper crust of Beqeda's citizenry can afford to live there. Most of this district is residential. It is known for its beautiful gardens.
Dom Pasha -
Dom Kem -
Dom Bezdhuyr -
Dom Akenan -