1-Be kind to your fellow RPers! Post frequently or let the group know that you will be gone more than 2 days.
2-I do not like one liners! Please Post at Least One Paragraphs. And I Mean A Good Paragraph. Give us Some Content! I’d like to see 35 word post. I will not count each word but if you do not help the RP move along or if someone mentions that you are not pulling your weight in the RP, I will be checking your posts.
3- Internal thoughts are great but please make them appear different from your spoken words. I don't care if you use color or italics.
4- Do not post before you are accepted into the RP. Check the House List if you are unsure.
5- No Godmoding without permission! If you want to leave your character in someone’s hands, I need both the persons who will be gone and the person who will be allowed to ‘godmode’ post that you have agreed on this. Be sure to choose wisely or ask for a ‘task’ for your character to do while you are gone. If you want a task, PM me about it.
6- Keep Player Knowledge Separate From Character Knowledge. Just because you know something does not mean that your character was there and hearing what you have read. I hope this makes sense!
7- Respect the other players. Tolerate each other’s quirks. Suggest not criticize other RPers work. These three items will help everyone to grow in their ability of writing and characters will develop more depth. The RP will be more fun as well.
8- Nothing above PG 13. Flirting, hand holding, light kissing, and hugs. Then fade to black or take it to elsewhere.
9- Watch your language! While I prefer not to see swear words, I will allow some pass for it is in every day life now days. However, if you happen to be posting with swearing in every posting, you will be warned. If it continues, you will be kicked out of the RP.
10- Make your best effort to write intriguing and interesting posts—everyone gets better at writing and roleplaying and until then ask questions so you can learn.
11- Please be original, not only does it get boring to see the same characters over and over again, but there are so many of the same genre RP circling around.
12- If by chance that I miss your post, please either poke me or send me a PM saying that you were overlooked and was it on purpose or accidentally. I am The Creator but I not a god. I still have mistakes......