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Emit: Hidden Valley's annual Strawberry Festival is starting now! Come pick fresh fruit, learn to make Strawberry pie, pet some cute animals, maybe even learn how to can! The Ranch's gates are open to any and all visitors and there will be plenty of fun for those who make the drive up the dirt road. `join Juddson
Host: Juddson & Jaiyden
Participants: Suthern, Riker Ford, Ericc, Caseyy, Brontes, Faune, Missy Kissinger, Dean Pierce, Brodey, Riptide, Desoto, Adney Hack, Harper Greenbush.
Host: Juddson & Jaiyden
Participants: Suthern, Riker Ford, Ericc, Caseyy, Brontes, Faune, Missy Kissinger, Dean Pierce, Brodey, Riptide, Desoto, Adney Hack, Harper Greenbush.
(18:06:48) Juddson looked forward to this every year, but always got stressed just before the festival actually happened. Everyone had put a lot of effort into getting this ready, and it showed. The ranch was decked out in strawberry decor, the animals had little strawberry clips in their manes, cardboard cutouts to put your faces in and take pictures.. you know, the whole nine. There was food along tables for people to take, and the orchard had signs leading to it with express instructions; $20, as much as you can carry. It was a bit of a competition with the locals each year. As long as you could physically carry it out, it was yours. No dragging, no wagons. He stood near the big old tree with the tire swing inside of the gate, waving people in and directing cars for where to park. He was hoping to see Ericc. The boy had promised to come.
(18:09:09) Desoto arrived with only the essentials. A tote bag, his wallet, cell phone... and a crippling anxiety for large gatherings. Time to get fat.
(18:09:55) Suthern was standing near the gate after others had paid. Here he stood, looking as pleasant as he possibly could. Let's face it his face was forced into a smile and it showed, but he would be pleasant. Handing out baskets to each person who paid. This way he didn't have to mingle too much and was also assisting in th Fesitivals activities. It also helped that he was super curious and wanted to come to recogniz faces and oh look, there was one now. He gave a toothy smile at Desoto.
(18:11:32) Brontes was on board with Desoto. The large gathering had his metaphorical feathers ruffled, go figure. He smiled as he slipped his hand into one of Desoto's back pockets. "OH LOOK! It's Ren." He waved at Ren and then gave a small nudge with his elbow into Desoto's side. "How many strawberries can you fit into that tote? Is it magical? Is it like a Grainger purse?"
(18:12:40) Jaiyden looked forward to a lot of things every year and watching a bunch of people struggle to git strawberries in their pockets without smooshing them was high on the list. The man sported a cowboy hat, plaid shirt and denim that rested over black work-boots. He was lingering near Juddson of course; quite comically sitting in the tire swing and kicking his legs up to gain some momentum. Not that it lasted long, he was a bit tall to be trying to use it as an actual swing. "Not a bad crowd." he commented idly to Juddson before pushing off that swing and coming up on Desoto and Suthern. "We got some strawberry wine, ya'll look like you need some alcohol. I can probably find something stronger if it'll help." the poor folks looked crippled with anxiety or something. Alcohol was always a good idea in the familiars opinion ... of course it didn't always end well but no risk no reward as they say!
(18:17:13) Riker Ford had been there already to help set up, but he did shower and go pick up West from his apartment. He was dressed in his usual, a clean white crew with white-washed jeans, but he did cowboy it up a little bit with the baseball cap West bought him and wore a pair of boots as well to the festival. He'd pay and collect a basket, handing it over to West as he smiled. "What'cha gonna do with all them berries West?" He'd wave to Judd and Jay, and of course Suthern.
(18:17:13) Ericc had genuinely fought with himself over this one. Telling his fathers he would be at the festival had felt like some weird kind of defeat but also.. weirdly freeing? It had been ten long years since he'd been to a Starwberry Festival, where as it was his favorite thing about the ranch as a kid. He drove through the gate, flipping Juddson off on his way through- probably playfully? Maybe not. Anyway, he went past him to go park by the house. He might stick around for dinner, he really wasn't sure right now. He didn't have anything else to do with his night. Over to the gathering crowd he wandered, sidling up to Jay and nudging him in the side. "I"m old enough for that wine now, so you better pour me a glass," he said by way of hello, reaching around to give the man a hug. Well. Baby steps, right?
(18:18:42) Suthern could definitely use some booze and he nodded with a bright, wide smile to Jaiyden. "If you deliver me some beverage I would be most grateful... I'll just say it's hot..." He would false fan himself and then wondered if he should have worn an outfit. He'd wave to the folks he knew. Ren was surprised to see some of the familiar ones.
(18:19:36) Caseyy there was no way he was missing HVR's strawberry fest! Whether his best friend decided to show up or not wouldn't stop him. The salty man could keep his distance from the Ranch, it was his loss when he didn't get to eat some of Jay's strawberry pie or get a jar of preserves before they were all sold out. It was a good season for the Ranch, given that they didn't really do much in the way of crops. Usually it was enough to keep the ranch and its employees fed, but strawberry season always drew in the crowds. "Hey old man!" he called out to Juddson as he appeared from...well who really knew. Casey wasn't much for conventional travel after all. His appearance put him nearby when Ericc drove up, flipping the bird which caused the blonde to roll his eyes. "What are you five?!" he called out to his best friend, tossing a slight frown and than a wave to Juddson. "You can't drink without me!" the man pouted, coming up to clap Ericc on the shoulder than look to Jay expectently.
(18:20:48) Desoto recoiled like a dog near shaving cream toward Ren's smile, because holy BALLS that didn't look right... or even of this world. At Dom's insistence, amazingly --not so for those who knew him-- Des' gaze went in the exact opposite direction, clearing his throat all the while. "Don't see nothin'..." Then who are you waving to, bud? The world's just dying to know. "What? No. I'm a flippin' BIRD, dove, not a goddamn Merlin." What a preposterous idea, claims the man who had an ocarina enchanted to double as both a musical instrument and inventory space. "Uh," Favorite line thusly delivered to the offering of alcohol, Des looked over to Jaiyden, then glanced over to his curly-haired accomplice. "Yeah....? I mean, that's a TERRIBLE idea, but yeeeeaaahhh....?" He'd have bigger things to worry about than nerves, that's for damn sure.
(18:24:25) Brontes smiled and noted Des' look towards Ren which earned him a laugh. "Seriously... it's not like he's going to bite your face off... jeez..." He whispered and then shrugged and lifted his hands, "You never know. You surpise me all the time." He said defensively before Jaiyden was offering wine... Why not him?! Techinically he still wasn't old enough to drink. Maybe that's why. No booze for the minor..."Wait... don't give him booze." He warned Jaiyden. "Then I have to deal with what comes next."
(18:25:53) Faune: West was hardly prepared to be out in the daylight. If Riker hadn't gathered her up for this thing, she woulda stayed her ass at home. In bed at least until the sun started to dip below the horizon. She compromised with oversized sunglasses, and a sunhat, and a scowl. "What am I s'posed t'do with this?" She frowned at the empty basket. "We gotta pick em?" She frowned at Riker like he'd just condemned her to hard labor. "They got, like, strawberry wine here? Strawberry daiquiris?" Now, that was promising. She shoved her hands into the pockets of her denim dress and slouched against Riker. "I donno. Eat em. Feed 'em to you."
(18:26:17) Missy Kissinger was a little late getting out to the berry festival but she's been meaning to get some kind of shmoozing done with the folks surrounding Hidden Valley. She was dressed a little more outdoorsy but still very presentable. clothing. Floral print Doc Marten style boots. A pair of jeans. Black shirt. Hair was pulled up into a loud pink messy bun. She moved in toward the crowd, looking around for any faces she knew. More to avoid than to try and talk to anyone. She looked a tad lost but whatever. She was here for picking and canning lessons if nothing else. Better to be involved in the community. Right?
(18:27:06) Jaiyden flashed a grin to Suthern. "Sure thing; ain't no reason to make up anything. Just say the boss said you looked like you needed a drink. Perks of owning the place." he offered the man a wink; turning just in time to catch Ericc pull up and flip Judd the bird. A roll of eyes was offered before his step-son was coming up on him and offering that one armed hug. "You can drink if you play nice for at least the festival." there were plenty of people here who didn't know their family drama and didn't need to know it. Casey's appearance was perfect timing really. "Perfect, you keep him out of trouble eh Case?" he'd shove the two of them playfully together before disappearing to find the local brewed strawberry wine. Returning with three glasses he offered one to Suthern, Ericc and Casey each, idly pondering whether he should get himself one. Maybe this whole thing would be better if they were all drunk! >>
(18:27:42) Jaiyden Than again, he was supposed to show people how to make strawberry pie later so...maybe no alcohol. Desoto's call for alcohol had him flashing a grin, about to turn around to get the bird a glass when Dominic caught his attention. "Hey; I remember you. Good to see you doing well." he paused for a moment to glance between the Des and Dom, rubbing at the back of his neck. "I'll let ya'll sort that out, but the wine is free." he wasn't sure what it would do to Desoto, but he wasn't going to cause any unneeded strife. <<
(18:28:25) Juddson would.. take the rude gesture from his son, it was something. He couldn't stop the smile on his face when he saw him driving past, looking over for Jay and probably communicating a million emotions with his eyes. No time to dwell, he had to host this didn't he? He returned the wave to Riker, just as Casey arrived. Oh boy. "Keep him out of trouble?" he asked, but he knew that was highly unlikely. He finished directing the cars, leaving it to another ranch hand as he headed towards the tables where he was sure a lot of people would start to congregate. "Picking is $20, open for the next three hours! Talk with the man over there to get in." He gestured to Ren, before continuing. "If you wanna take some of your fruit and make pie, my wonderful husband Jay will be teaching techniques in a little while. If you need to cool off feel free to take a dip in the pond over there," he pointed over his shoulder where benches lined a body of water, "But you're on your own as far as lifeguards go. We've also got a couple job opportunities, speak with me or my husband if you're looking for work! Have fun!" And then, with that out of the way, he was happy to go mingle and have some fun himself.
(18:32:41) Riker Ford had condemned West to hard labor. That's what friends were for and he'd wrap his arm around her waist as she leaned in. A soft laugh rumbling out of him as he noted Missy. Wait, wait... according to Missy and Dean, he was... but here he was with West... Ah well! "Yeah you gotta pick 'em and yeah they got booze. The fuck, you think I'd take you some where you can't drink?" Pshhh... "Oh? You'd feed me?" He'd smile and wave to Missy in passing as they motored over to Jaiyden in hopes of some boozey-booze.
(18:34:39) Suthern Ren noticed Ericc and Caseyy come in, and nodded to them both before, "COME GET YOUR BASKETS OVER HERE!" He called out before glancing back over to Jaiyden, "Life saver." He took a long sip before lifting a basket and waved it around for folks to see. He sort of ignored Desoto by this point but if Brontes needed him he would certainly be obliged to help his prodigy.
(18:37:50) Jaiyden had missed Riker's wave due to being distracted with all the people! He'd catch the mechanic as soon as he could, tossing him a wave and noting the woman he came with. The mention of strawberry wine was amusing, he had just been handing out glasses of it like candy, it wouldn't be hard for West to find the table it was being kept at. If nothing else, Riker knew all about it and besides he had to get back to actually being a contributing member of Ranch ownership. With Juddson throwing his name all over the place the familiar couldn't help but offer a broad grin to anyone who looked his way. His destination was somewhere near Juddson, though not before catching Riker. "Wines over there, pretty sure there's something harder if you need but this ain't exactly a bar...." his eyes narrowed ever so slightly to Riker before flashing a grin and tossing them a wave. "Enjoy! Come see me later if you want to learn a thing or two about cooking. >>
(18:38:05) Jaiyden Or if she wants a job...though she don't look like the ranch type." it wasn't necessarily and insult, just an observation. Leaving them to their devices he returned to Suthern as he called out the baskets. "Mmm, how about we make it fun! The person who gets the most strawberries out gets to keep em for free!" everyone liked a little competition right? It might just get a few people to buy in that weren't originally going to...Jay was a self-proclaimed genius really. Now..where did his husband go? <<
(18:38:58) Riptide. "Kriii-keee kitches!!!" "Wow, put that potty mouth away or we're leaving." Weaving between the festival props and farm tools, Tide appeared as they did when on all four legs. Around their neck was a bandana sporting a skull and crossbones, while IB had on everything strawberry themed you can imagine. In fact, it's highly probable that she ripped her outfit straight off of a Strawberry Shortcake figurine. Riptide would pause long enough to appraise Riker with those large odd-eyes, before silent pawpads saw them toward Missy, the saddlebags on either side of the Gevaudan's shoulders filled with a day's worth of necessities.
(18:43:17) Faune: "I'll pick once I get a daiquiri. With whip cream." That'd make getting out of bed worth it. "It's hot." She wrinkled her nose as she followed Riker down wherever they could get their drinks. No one stood out in the crowd-- not until some fuckhead started yelling about baskets. "Jeezus." West kept close to Riker's side, only to stop and angle an unflinching frown at Jay, who must've been running the thing. Or helping-to-run. She seemed distracted, and at least a little disappointed that this wasn't a bar. "Fuck." The corner of her mouth twitched when Jay did that quick assessment, though it was difficult to say whether it was a smile or a snarl with those oversized sunglasses. "Y'better fuckin' buy me a drink, Riker."
(18:43:43) Dean Pierce was late to the party, but he approached the strawberry field looking grumpy as all heck. He approached no one but was quickly overwelmed by everyone; the sheer number of people made him want to turn tail and run. But goddanm it, he was promised all-you-can-carry strawberries for 20$ and he gosh damn well wanted to get some. Where he'd found 20 whole dollars was another question, but he paid his fare and slipped in a far-ish end of the field to start stuffing the 46 DDD bra he was wearing outside his hoodie for this very purpose. Where had he gotten it? Who knows, the same mysterious place as the 20$.
(18:46:29) Riker Ford found himself between a rock and a hard place yet his attention was going every which way, "Right," he said to Jaiyden and then looked to West, rolling his lips to hold back a humored smile. Please be nice, is what it said to West. She had a tendency to run off at the mouth after all. To her words he'd start laughing. "Ohhhh you're in such a mood... How much do you hate me right now? Don't you want to come to work with me more often?" He grinned and snorted, before nodding, "The wine is free..." He rolled his eyes and grabbed a couple, handing one over to West, and while he took a sip of the other one he was pretty sure that was going to be West's too. Then he saw Dean. "The fuck? I she wearing a bra?"
(18:46:38) Desoto scoffed, mouth going twisted. "You o' all people oughta know..." There was no need to finish that sentence, because the brief flash of teeth via a moody snarl said it all. Crossing his arms his attention again veered toward Jaiyden, who was being awfully respectful, something Des had to take a moment to fathom. So busy being a grump, he almost missed Dom's cautionary verbal refrain just seconds ago. "That's kinda hilarious, comin' from you." Fist would lightly tap at Dom's left pectoral, before nodding to Jaiyden in both thanks and comprehension. "We'll keep it in mind, thanks." With that there was little else to do but... exist? Des ventured deeper into the unknown, shrinking away from Ren's basket waving. Nope, this is why he brought his own bag! "Want to go straight to the berries, or?" Queried toward the witch-turned-demon, casual perusal usually transient. Always at least a little curious, but more than a lot of nnnnah son.
(18:49:20) Ericc took the offered glass from Jay, sipping at it and grinning knowingly at Casey. How many bottles had they pretended to break so they could ferret one away and sip at it in their teens? He grinned at Ren as he suggested Ericc go in and pick strawberries. "I've got the all access pass, I'm good." He didn't blame the workers for not knowing who he was; it wasn't like he'd been around a lot lately, but who knew? Maybe he could stop by more, if only to drink the wine and bother Jay. Catch up with Casey. His father upped the ante on the strawberry picking, and he grinned. "I'll toss in a bottle of our wine to whoever picks the most strawberries," he added, because that was a much better incentive in his opinion.
(18:49:22) Suthern shrugged, "Sure, let's make it fun." He would let Jaiyden announce it because hell if he needed to say it again. He sipped on his wine and then also noted West. Why was was in women's clothes? He squinted his eyes and kept sipping, "Join the competition, pick the most strawberries and get a basket!" He rejoiced, or it sounded like it anyway, perhaps it was the wine. Regardless of what his voice sounded like his body language was different entirely expressing that he really just looked stiff. Ugh this heat...
(18:52:23) Faune: West was scowling, but she wasn't talking shit. And for that, Riker ought to be grateful. Maybe if she had an energy drink in her, she'd have the pep to start cussing people out the minute she felt slighted. But, she was a little too sleepy-- and she was trying to behave. "This ain' work," she mumbled, only to trail off when she saw... Dean? In a bra? Between that and the free wine, West was contemplating staying more than ten minutes. "Maybe he's tryna be strawberry queen." She sniffed and downed her cup in record time. It was on the sweet side, but... fine. It was fine. "Y'gonna try t'win? I'm too slow-- I won't pick enough." She waggled the basket at Riker, all while trying to steal the wine right out of his hand.
(18:53:24) Brontes smiled to Jaiyden, well yeah, lots of things had happened and it was safe to say Dominic wasn't human anymore. He nodded to Jaiyden, "Yeah thanks, Ren helped me a while back." He pointed to Suthern. Then he looked to Desoto, "You better put a smile on your face or I'ma pinch your ass... in front of everyone... again." He rubbed his pectoral after the tap, "If you get to drink Desoto... I get to drink, just keep that in mind, my heart." He would move an arm to weave into Desoto's, "Yeah, let's!" He would then pinch Deso's ass for just the sheer fun of it before fleeing away to a strawberry patch that looked pretty hearty!
(18:54:39) Juddson should probably be a good host and wait for everyone else to have their food before he was making a plate but.. well. He was hungry. He'd blame his age later, probably. He made himself a burger, grabbed a couple strawberries from where they'd been set for people to sample them and see how ripe and wonderful they were. He should have known Jay would throw in some kind of competition, but he didn't mind. It was good fun, it brought the community together. He moved along with his plate, pausing near Riker and laughing. "The bra isn't even the wackiest idea we've ever seen," he told him. "This is tradition, people get competitive. And some people just really like strawberries. Thanks so much for helping out; we couldn't have done this without you guys." He eyed Riptide, because he always kept a firm eye on something that was clearly supernatural, but he wasn't going to shoo the.. werewolf? away.
(18:55:47) Jaiyden stopped in his pursuit of Juddson to just stare for a moment at Dean. Well; that was one way to get the job done and admittedly, he gave the man credit for creativity. He'd surely have to catch him later and at least get a name. Desoto and Dominic earned a brow raise, the two of them reminding him an awful lot of himself and Juddson at a much younger age. Was that young love than? It was sort of sweet, but he'd leave them to go off to the berry field. For a brief moment his eyes turned back to West as he caught that 'smile that might have been a snarl' and returned a light roll of the shoulders. A flexing of muscles that was really nothing more than a stretch as he turned attention to find his husband and instead found...well he wasn't even sure what the hell it was. With curiosity immediately piqued he found himself navigating torward Missy, though not before rolling eyes at Ericc. >>
(18:55:56) Jaiyden"Who says you can even give away the wine?" though he didn't seem to be countering the offer, so it seemed a bottle of wine was also up for grabs. Leaving Ericc and Casey to do...whatever it is they got up to; he came up on Missy and Riptide. "Don't believe I've seen you around, you look a bit lost even?" he could help in that regard, given he owned the place and all that. <<
(18:55:52) Dean Pierce started picking berries and stuffing them where he could. The hood of his hoodie, the pouch of his hoodie, the bra, whatever was closest. This didn't work entirely well, as when he bent over to pick strawberries, others would fall...especially the ones in the bra. But, once they started being packed in well enough, they held in place. Success.
(18:58:57) Missy Kissinger paid her dues to get in, listening to the explanation. It would be nice to bring the people she was staying with a pie. So she took note, exchaning bills for basket. Eyes trailed over Riker, looking to West and back to Riker with a grin. None of her business. Basket held under arm. She wanted booze too but she didn't want to deal with the awkwardness of standing in line near Riker. Ohhh no. She made her way toward the fields with her basket but paused when she spotted Riptide. "Well hey there." There was something off about her, hard to place what exactly. She crouched down in an attempt to pet the duo if allowed. No part of her seemed excited though. She just seemed interested.She eyed Brontes, recognizing him from the bar, but turned her attention to Jaiydan. "Just taking everything in. I'm Missy. This is Riptide and IB. I heard the event was.... four legged friendly. Sorry if I was ill informed."
(18:59:42) Caseyy noted Jay going off and playing host, always the social butterfly that one. He was a bit envious really, but he wasn't the one who had to play the part this time around. His only real goal was to steal off with a few jars of preserves, some jam and maybe a pie. Oh and a bottle of the wine, but much like Ericc he also had the all access pass. Speaking of that though, he leaned forward and flicked his friend on the forehead, tipping back his wine to down whatever was in the glass in one quick swallow. "Don't be a spoil sport Ericc, as I recall it, you've never beaten me at picking the berries." was that a challenge of his own? "You going to let bra-man over there outsmart you?" he was just playing with fire now wasn't he? It didn't seem like the witch had a single concern about it though as he waggled his brows and flashed a grin. >>
(18:59:50) Caseyy"Don't tell me you can't hack it anymore Ericc?" the berries needed to be picked anyway and even if they didn't keep the ones they picked, it was helping the ranch out either way. <<
(19:00:57) Brodey's loud pipes barked out his arrival well before his appearance ever did. The motorcycle would roll up towards the farm's parking section and scoot it's way towards the front with practiced ease. Dirt and dust were not uncommon lately for the bike to encounter, but a simple wipe would tell that he did wax the thing quite regularly. She may get dirty, but she didn't stay it. He stepped off and peeled his helmet away from his face, sweat beading his brow and brown locks sticking to his skin. He was wearing dark jeans and an equally dark blue denim button up with his usual boots. The downfall of riding - or perhaps he just preferred to keep that prosthetic quietly covered up. He wasn't sure why he came, maybe it was because he figured Riker would be around? Or maybe it was wishful thinking. Most likely, it was for the booze. He had his own flask quite full, but he would pay his dues and saunter in - always caring a confidence like he owned the place. >>
(19:02:28) Brodey. He bee-lined for the wine before all else without so much as a hello, though would watch as Missy (hello, eye candy) walked off to join... What the fuck was that? A wolf? Why was he not surprised.... <<
(19:04:41) Riker Ford waved to Tide. Dear god he hoped there were no werewolves following her today cause he really wanted to stay out of the hospital. There was a quick look around for Lauriana and he sighed as he resumed his focus as Juddson approached him. "The thing is... I live with him..." He informed his boss, "And he works for you ... as a mechanic... That's Dean. " He busted out laughing, West successfully grabbing the wine as he grabbed the basket, sighing. He wasn't gonna argue with her, nope. "Fine, but you know what... if you don't help-" and his threat ceased there as he heard the motorcyle. He stood up a little straighter and walked with the basket, in the wrong direction. Instead he moved slowly towards the wine stand again and came up beside Brodey. "Saw your apartment was flooded." He thunked the basket against his chest, "Come help me pick strawberries, cause West ain't gonna do it." Was that aggravation? Yep.
(19:08:09) Riptide lifted their head, ears tilting back. The pets were welcome, as were all the eyes drifting toward their person. And IB's, though the bat appeared to get far less attention, in spite of her garrish raiment. Huh... that's fair. Big bats are a lot less head-turning than oversized cat-wolf looking freakies. Still, those mostly crimson eyes landed on Judd, who'd receive a bright smile, then Brodey as he ambled up. For now Tide kept quiet, waving that unnaturally long tail towards Riker before finally emitting a low rumble. Nothing threatening, not even close. Like a purr, diamond-patch riddled pelt leaning against Missy's leg, if able. IB caught the signal and flew higher, in spite of her every instinct to dive bomb the strawberry bushes until she was too heavy to fly. True friendship, right there.
(19:09:01) Jaiyden waved away Missy's concern. "The whole ranch is supernatural friendly. We don't pull punches here, so long as you aren't destroying property." if there happened to be the mundane around? Well that was part of the appeal of the Ranch. People came here to see the odd and unusual, to go home and tell their friends and family about the strange things that happened. It was a good marketing tactic even, though there were some caveats. Destruction of property as he mentioned, but also a mostly human appearance was required for the most part. Four-legged shifters and weres and the like didn't have the same restrictions though. "Nice to meet ya'll; the name's Jay. I own the ranch with my husband...uh..." he turned about, pointing out Juddson off getting food. "Juddson, over there." he turned back to Missy and Riptide. >>
(19:09:10) Jaiyden"You came at a good time, the strawberries are perfect for picking. We also have pies and jars of preserves for sale, as well as wine. If you're interested in a class I'll be showing some things later." he paused in his speech to turn to the sound of the approaching motorcycle and more importantly the man who came off it to approach Riker. A loud cough was made to catch attention before he tipped his hat up slightly. "If there's going to be fighting, tell me now so we can set up a betting pool first." it wasn't hard to see the aggression between them after all. <<
(19:09:53) Suthern rolled his lips together, then glanced over to Ericc and Casey "Hell if you're gonna throw that in you might actually get me to pick some strawberries." The Jaiyden came over to scold and he wondered what the relationship was between at least Ericc and Jaiyden before smirking just slightly and finishing up his wine. "Baskets! Get a free basket and a bottle of Wine for the most strawberries picked!" He nodded to people as they came and went, fortunately he didn't have anyone he had to pay mind to here so this was easy. He did look over wondering what Juddson was up to, but after a while his eyes lingered on Dean in the Bra. "I'm so amused right now, I can't even smile."
(19:10:40) Faune: West shut up when more people began to talk to Riker. He had an easy personality that way-- he could make friends easily, and Riker had lived here for a while, hadn't he? West didn't make friends with people who came to strawberry festivals. And regardless of the strange creatures milling about, she felt like she stuck out like a sore thumb. "Can I smoke here?" She was already digging into the pockets of her denim dress. She'd only just got the cigarette between her lips when Riker stopped mid-sentence and walked away. To go talk to someone else. West stared after him for a moment before she lit up, filling her lungs deep. "What th'FUCK, Riker?" She half-recognized Brodey, as she joined them at the wine, refilling her glass. "Don't ditch me."
(19:13:02) Ericc: "Who says I was asking?" Ericc quipped back at Jay, because he was going to hand out that bottle whether his fathers liked it or not. Or maybe he was ribbing him. Maybe both? He was oddly relaxed, but the way he was sipping a little harder on the wine but have something to do with it. Casey did spark something in him, making the young man finish the glass and set it aside, rolling up his sleeves. "I'm going to kick your ass in that strawberry patch," he threatened. "Pops better thank you for the free labor." There was no way he was taking a shit ton of strawberries home. He even paid the fee; because this was his legacy even if he didn't spend as much time here as he should. The wine table was getting crowded, and he couldn't resist pouring a glass for West. "There's a whole bottle in it for you if you can outpick the pros," he said, before heading off to the Ren to grab a basket and go into the orchard. Well, fuck it. He had nothing else to do. He wasn't taking a picture in the damn strawberry cutout, that was for sure.
(19:13:21) Dean Pierce remained out in the offskirts, head down and trying not to look at the crowds of happy people drinking and laughing like everything was sunshine and roses. It wasn't. He sat down in front of a strawberry bush and wondered what they'd do if he turned the strawberries to jam right there in the field. You can carry a lot more strawberries if they're jammed than if they're fresh. Probably wouldn't count. Besides...who cares about the contest, right? He just wanted berries. He sighed. Thi was killing him. So much laughter. So much joy.
(19:13:48) Desoto. "Ah'll fookin' eat yeh in fron'a everyone, Cinnabun." And not the Valentine's kind, either. Of course this was said mildly, even with a tinge of jovial sass, but Des' face would remain in it's usual... uh, 'neutral' --nervously pissed-- style. "Smiles are for special occasions." Once intertwined, Desoto kept a good grip on Dominic while looking ahead at the bushes, their respective branches drooping from the weight of their... offspring? Technically, yeah. Actually that's really disturbing, stop thinking about it. Des' noticed Dean but uh, seeing as the guy was dressed as he was and shoving fruit down said eccentric choices in attire. The Valravn decided to leave the fella to his picking. Just when he'd been about to reply back to Dom's stipulations, Des felt his articulation squalled to a raucous squeal when pinched. His eyes said it all, tote removed from it's resting place. Now, wielding it like a flail, he went charging after the other, shouting profanities.
(19:17:13) Juddson was startled by the news. Ah, so that was the mechanic. "I'm a terrible boss; don't tell the others?" His voice held a false pleading tone before he let Riker go off to have his fun. He'd done plenty before to set up, he didn't need to do more now. He was happy to see so many smiles all over the place; this felt normal, more so with having the entirety of his family here for the first time in a long time. "Knock him down a peg, Casey," he called to the young man, before sidling up to Jay as he spoke with Missy. "We'd be hypocrites to tell anyone animals aren't allowed." It wasn't because of the livestock; he gave Jay a secretive smile. "Did you see the bike?" he asked him quietly, because the two did love a good motorcycle. "I hope you have fun; we're happy to have all the guests who want to be here," he told Missy, but he meant it for Riptide, too.
(19:17:49) Brontes his shoulders bunched up. Ahh to the sweet sound of Cinnabun Wins. He would snatch up a couple strawberries here and there, carting them in his shirt that he had lifted with one hand as he started running through the rows, leaping over them on the occasion when there might be someone in the way and even ran around Dean about... twice, because the third time would be vastly too predictable. All the while he was laughing without restraint and childlike with his flee from the Terrorizing Desoto.
(19:21:21) Missy Kissinger quietly gave a look to Riptide. Couldn't choose this time to come in the tophat and vest? She nodded with a sigh of relief when Jaiyden gave her the low down. "Good.... good." She smiled a little bigger. "Didn't know how open we could be here." She cleared her throat. "Juddson. I've kind of been meaning to talk to you guys. I don't have many allys in this land, since it's without a Glenn or Court as far as I've seen. I've heard whispers of a coven. I'm much interested in learning human traditions as well as lending what I remember from the faerie realm." She nodded her head slowly. "But we can talk some other time. We should enjoy the festivities for now. Hm? It's a pleasure to meet you Jaiyden." She kind of watched Dean wander into the field with the bra and rolled her eyes. "Genius." She chuckled a little bit and nodded slowly back to the two. "Thank you for the wishes. You're throwing a lovely event, and the property is gorgeous."
(19:23:39) Brodey successfully acquired his wine and just as he was turning away from the table he was assaulted by a wicker basket. He stared at it, an eyebrow raising before he would take it in hand. How was he supposed to pick berries AND drink? Because let's be honest, he'd be drinking no matter what. He would blink though and acknowledge the betting pool advice, though merely cleared his throat as West joined them. He squinted some... Familiar, but oh - yes, that was West. Their meeting had been brief, but he was keen enough to pick up on context clues. "Yeah, it sure did," he would murmur, half hearted. He didn't want to explain, didn't have the heart to tell all. "Been dealing with the VA," he would say with a shrug. Best to just leave it with that. "Can't pick strawberries on your own? Though... What is that bat, cat-dog looking thing?" He would ask of Riker, gesturing some to Riptide, inaccurately assuming that IB was actually a part of them too.
(19:24:13) Suthern handed Ericc a basket, and settled back. It looked like his job was done here so he would take another glass of wine and would begin sipping at it this time. Yep, he was going to get that slowly but surely, a nice, mature buzz.
(19:26:02) Caseyy grinned at Suthern as he made the comment, humming lightly. "I don't see why ya can't. Can find someone else to stand here and sell the baskets. Though you're doing a good job I must admit." he wasn't sure he'd have the same level of enthusiasm for standing in the son and calling out to the crowd the way Suthern was. In fact he was pretty certain that all those who were going to pick berries were already doing so. His attention was switfly caught by both Judd and Ericc calling out to him. "You're on. We can even make it interesting; winner gets a picture of the loser in that cut out over there." he pointed to the one Ericc was avoiding. "I promise I won't post it on Facebook." he was quick to take up a basket from Suthern; "Thanks, drink more wine. Its free." he reminded before following after Ericc to the wine table before going into the fields. >>
(19:26:09) Caseyy"You got ten minutes, ain't fun if you get all day. One run, most berries at the end wins. No going back to refill your basket." with the rules laid out he'd take off into the fields and make his way straight to Dean. "You're a fucking genius, just had to let you know." and than he'd be off picking to fill up his basket. <<
(19:29:01) Riptide blepped their tongue out. If Missy had been hoping for the usual insouciant, intellectual witticism that the woofer usually had on speed dial for every situation under the sun. She'd be disappointed today. Still, what with the owner's of the place speaking to you directly... "Much appreciated, sirs." IB, too high to really bother making herself relevant in the conversation. Instead stealthily slipped into the occasional dive in order to pluck a strawberry from it's host bush. By the time the Gevaudan gazed toward Dean, their attention had already swapped for the two running about like a pack of wild puppies. Even if they only numbered at two.
(19:30:34) Riker Ford paused with Jay for that moment and nodded, "Of course." As he was now at Brodey'sglanced back to West, right, he might have ditched her a little bit. "Sorry," he said quietly and then took the basket back, he grabbed another glass off wine and handed it off to West when she would need or want it. "I guess you can smoke," he shrugged, "I suppose just watch where the ash goes?" He then looked to Riptide. Truth or lies? "A werewolf..." obviously. The same one he helped and ended up in the hospital for, but he wouldn't mention that, nope. "You don't have to help, just concerned about you... Brodey." He patted his shoulder and pulled his smile back on West and Brodey could join him or they could drink together... whatever, he was gonna go pick some berries damnit!
(19:33:45) Ericc gave Juddson a seething look, but Casey distracted him before his anger could mount and this could get ugly. They still had a lot to work on, okay? "You're on," he told Casey firmly, because he absolutely believed he would beat the man. "Ten minutes? I'll be done in five." He wouldn't. He'd take up the entire ten minutes to do what he needed to do, confident that his basket was full enough to get things done and put Casey behind a cardboard cutout. Probably. Maybe? Dammit, he was second guessing himself now, something he rarely did as he went for another glass of wine. What? He had a place to crash if he got too buzzy, and he'd already figured on trying to have dinner here.
(19:34:05) Dean Pierce wasn't doing too shabby for a one-handed guy in a bra, but apparently a tiny bat-thing was doing better. Damnit. But hey, he was here for the berries not the booze. He doubted he'd be allowed to have the wine anyways. As he stared into one of the strawberries, two of its outer seeds stood out to him. They looked like slanted eyes watching him closely, leering at him, egging him on. Brontes jumped nearby and caught his attention for a second, but he went back to the strawberry and stared it down with contempt. "The fuck you lookin' at?" he murmurred. He hated it. He hated that fucking piece of shit. He squeezed it right there on the vine, so hard it exploded in red mush that dripped from his hand like blood. He stared darkly at his hand, wet, sticky, and- He looked up at Caseyy. "Wuh? Oh. Yeh. Sorta. I guess."
(19:36:34) Desoto dashed after Dom like he had infernals nipping at his heels, swinging the bag left and right. Every so often he'd swiftly reach out to nab a strawberry or two, quality over quantity in this case... which you'd then realize he had only done in order to add some heft to the bag he'd now weaponized. But Des, you're a man of art, a warrior of the kitchen! How could you sacrifice perfectly g-- the world thrives on sacrifices.
(19:37:24) Juddson stiffened slightly at the mention of the coven. Well.. it certainly was around, but he didn't love the idea of sending someone with fairy magic off to discuss things with them. "Jay and I would be happy to help you," he said anyway, because he couldn't let someone who needed his help walk away with no sort of answer. "Another time though," he agreed. "Feel free to stop by anytime this week." The ranch was pretty much always open to visitors. He watched the festivities continue on, feeling at peace. This was what he loved about the ranch. A bunch of strangers had come together and turned this into a game. People were having a great time. And the strawberries were getting picked, making all of their jobs just a tiny bit easier. Before long, he'd wander over towards the table and stand up on the bench, clapping his hands. "Last call for strawberrys for the contest!" he hollered. "Bring 'em up and we'll get to counting to see who gets their money back and apparently a bottle of wine."
(19:37:53) Faune: West loitered there, shoulders squared off, an arm wrapped around her middle, while the other helped nurse a cigarette. She glanced between Riker and Brodey, features placid. She took up that wine as soon as Riker handed it over, and downed it. The sugar was gonna be one hell of a hangover, and so she swapped to her own personal stash, taking a quick swig from her flask and back into her pocket it went. She shouldn't have come here. "I'm jus' gonna stay here." There was too much competition over the berries, too much action in the narrow rows. Plus, she expected that the owners wouldn't appreciate her smoking up and ashing on all the plants. So she pulled out her phone, properly ignored Brodey, and began to scroll.
(19:38:08) Suthern grinned and took Casey's advice. Drinking and chilling that's exactly what he was doing. He lookd down to Brodey and West down the way and Ren would lift a hand, "This is where the alcoholics stay... don't feel the peer pressure, be one with the table." He grinned as he sat and watched Desoto and Dom, and that one guy Dean with the bra. "Might need to jump in the pond after this."
(19:39:12) Jaiyden was all of a sudden presented with so much formality he didn't know how to handle it. He wasn't sure he remembered the last time he had been called 'sir' let alone by his full name. Okay, the last part was a lie; Juddson liked to use it quite often when the familiar got himself into trouble. None the less, it was a bit much for him because he was just a simple Rancher really. "Just Jay is fine." he ran a hand along the back of his neck in an awkward sort of manner before leaning into Juddson as he approached. "It's a nice one yea, we should see about getting a closer look later." but right now Missy and crew had his attention. The bike would just have to wait, because there was actual people that needed his focus right now. There wouldn't be any denying the way his gaze occassionally turned to the bike though before settling back on the gathering. "You're awful kind Miss." he tipped his hat to Missy as she spoke. >>
(19:39:20) Jaiyden"I dunno how much help we'll be, but if you're looking for a safe place you've found it. There's enough spells here to keep those with ill intent at a distance." which wasn't to say it was infallible, but the wards weren't exactly weak in nature either. "We can talk some other time though, when we can all focus." there was a lot of activity going on after all! "I think you're friend there is going to secretly beat everyone. Since she's cute I won't call it cheating." he offered a flash of a grin and wink to Riptide as he watched IB dive for more berries. <<
(19:44:01) Riker Ford found himself diving and scavenging for berries. Hell he wasn't going to get many but he was doing his best without West's help and most likely Brodey's too. Eventually he'd walk back up to the front, admitting defeat but he'd put his up to show once it was there as the all call had happened. He'd even hop over to Dean, "Hey time to weigh in man, lets see who won! Also, love the Bra." Once he got up to the front with Juddson, "I got distracted by good looking people... that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it."
(19:45:37) Caseyy had noticed Dean's lack of a hand and given the way he had just squashed that berry when the blonde witch came up on him it was likely a recent development. Something the man was still angry about, though it didn't have to be that way. Casey didn't know Dean well enough to talk about it though, but he did know Riker. Sort of...he knew of the man through the owners of the Ranch, so maybe he'd be able to talk to Dean that way. Or ask about it at least. He was a healer, he could maybe do something for the man? It wasn't a good topic to bring up now though and besides he had a competition to win. Instead he shook his head to Dean and grinned once again. "Nah man, total genius. Even if you don't win I'll give you a bottle of wine just for being so creative." he wasn't considering that the man might not be able to drink it. >>
(19:45:49) Caseyy He tossed the man a wave though and went back to darting across the fields and filling his basket...than his shirt and he even took off his boots and fill them too! By the time he came back it was pretty clear who had won between him and Ericc, though he'd set his haul down to be officially counted. "Looks like I win again." he was already cocky, pulling out his phone and flipping to the camera app. "You better smile." he waved the thing in his friends face as he emptied his boots into another basket and pulled them back on. <<
(19:45:49) Brontes would whip around arms' out to catch Desoto as he hauled ass on his heels and would dig them in, likely scooting a good couple feet. "We got to turn in the berries Deso!" He would say before straightening up and placing a kiss on his lips, brief, quick and he was bounding away again like an over energized child. He hadn't had this much fun in a long time.
(19:47:31) Missy Kissinger reached to gently boop Tide's nose when they stuck their tongue out at her. "You're lucky you're cute." She said with a soft laugh. She watched IB dive into strawberry bushes and sighed. "We may have to pay double for bitty's haul." She informed the owners with a jovial smile. Missy was too busy talking to Juddson and Jaiyden to be picking so she moved down the aisle after Juddson, picking some on her way back to Juddson's area to get weighed. She was nowhere near sufficient so she just happily took her berries back and stepped back, looking to Riptide and IB who had obviously been busy while she was chatting it up. She smiled as she watched IB and Rip bring up their haul "She's small, but so fierce, she's Bitty." She said to Jay in her best movie narrator voice, having settled back in near him after the weigh in. She kind of watched the festivities with a reflective gaze. She was having fun but everything felt surreal right now.
(19:48:11) Brodey would watch Riker leave, but eventually only looked over to West. She seemed entirely and utterly preoccupied with her phone, to which his eyebrow would raise. "Please tell me that is Tinder," he would murmur, half hearted. He wasn't exactly the type you would find at a Strawberry festival, but he was more of less a rough and country boy so it wasn't too out of place. The fun part seemed weird, the boozy part less so. But West? Completely out of the comfort zone, even to someone who didn't know her very well. For now, he just watched the others scramble for berries in the prospect of a bottle of wine. He liked the stuff, but a little sweet for his kind. Since West was smoking, he too would pull out a cigarette and light up, rolling his eyes up to the sky. Why did he come here again?
(19:50:50) Dean Pierce looked at the berry-gut-covered hand and for a split second, in his peripheral vision, he saw his right hand (the missing one) coated in blood still at his side. Goosebumps spread across his arms as he blinked the image away, trying ot urge himself to focus on Casey. "What? Really?" He heard Juddson's distant last call, but didn't register it yet. "...well, shit. I'll hold ya to that, man." And suddenly, Riker was at his side too. "Oh? Already?!" He got to his feet, holding his arms around his berry big titties. "I wonder if I'll win." He headed to the front, where Juddson was, ready for the weigh-in.
(19:50:57) Riptide's lips twitched, trying to remain conscious of the conversation. After all, a good portion of this was Missy's efforts to help them and IB get some family matters settled, once and for all. With the fae's current set of idiosyncrasies and Dean, Riker, and all whom associated with them appearing to have their own internal nuances. All of which, from this distance and atmosphere. Flew right over Tide's head. The one thing that captured their undivided attention was... "Oh god... oh god damn it, IB." This was spoken in a hushed tone, an equalized influx of both, 'so proud right now' and, 'oh sweet lord no WH--'. All without showing much if any change in comportment. Internally screaming, you'd call it. "I have my moments." Rip murmured, eyes going cross when their nose got booped. Oof, don't sneeze! "Aaaaaeeeee keee squeak!" IB announced, saucy and triumphant. Where she'd gotten that basket, Tide had no idea, but she was already fluttering over to where the double J's had [c]
(19:52:33) Riptide fostered a decent haul, adding her contribution to the lot. There was little for Riptide to do but bring up the rear and silently laugh. Silent, because a oversized doggo LOL-ing was a bit much. Even for this already chaotic gathering. (f)
(19:54:10) Ericc groaned as Casey emptied his boots. "That's disgusting," he told him, but luckily they'd all be washed a million times before they were sent out for consumption anyway. "You don't know you won ye-" He paused as his count was finished, letting out a long suffering sigh. "I'm not smiling. You beat me but you didn't beat everyone else. Pretty sure the pooch did. Who the fuck do I give the wine to?" Who knew if Riptide had a human form? There was talking going on, maybe drinking was fine? Look he wasn't gonna be the one to worry about it. "Lets do this. I'll make a duck face, hows that sound? Hey! I better not be the only one taking a ridiculous god damn picture over here, pretty sure somebody put a lot of work into picking out these stupid cutouts." He shouted for the group, because of course he wanted his fathers' event to be a success. "You better put it on Facebook, by the way. Their facebook. It'll be good for them to have," he told Casey.
(19:55:23) Faune: West watched Riker wander into the strawberry rows, chewing hard at her lip before she nearly jumped out of her bones. Holy fuck-- what was Ren doing there? There was no guessing this time, she was definitely scowling at him. "Yo--" She shut her mouth and frowned at Brodey. "Huh?" He was asking about Tinder? "Uh. Yeah. Something like that." Following up on appointments, scheduling, feedback. Might as well get some work done while she was out there. She shuffled away from Ren, to the opposite side of Brodey. She was in no mood to talk to Ren. And Brodey could be useful as a wall. It was about time for a little more whiskey-- this time she wiggled the flask toward her miserable companion. "Want some?"
(20:00:47) Brodey was observant enough to know when someone was attempting to avoid others, and so the scoot to the other side of him was noted, though he wasn't sure why or whom for. Didn't really matter, he was a pretty good wall. He watched as everyone started gathering and counting up their strawberries (sounded dreadful, honestly). He preferred the type of contests that involved a little more action. Like catching greased pigs and stupid shit like that. He blinked some as he watched Dean waddle up, cupping those impossibly sized cups filled to the brim with berries. He inhaled some of the smoke and would give a nod to the offered whiskey. "God only knows I need something stronger than this," he would agree, taking the offered flask and having a swig before he it was handed back. "How did you get roped into this anyways?"
(20:01:16) Caseyy rolled eyes as Ericc called him out on being gross. "You're just mad you lost." he stuck his tongue out, watching as the others' came in with their hauls. Specific attention was made to Dean and you better fucking believe he got a picture of that. It was going on their Facebook. Did the Ranch even have a Facebook? Good question, if it didn't; Casey was going to fix that problem. With that photo taken he took a few more of just the gathering before making his way to the cardboard cutouts. "I think you can just give the wine to the woman with the dog and bat?" he pointed to Missy, plucking up another bottle because he hadn't forgotten his own promise. Bounding over to Dean he offered it over to the man. "Here ya go, just as promised. By the way, if you work for the Ranch I'm the resident medic. In case you...ever need anything." he hoped that was a subtle way of bringing up the missing hand without making it awkward. >>
(20:01:25) Caseyy Tossing a wave, the witch was back over to the cutouts. "Stop making people try to suffer with you Ericc. You lost fair and square." he teased, though he would slide up next to his friend and flip the camera so that it was taking a selfie. A few were snapped before he took some of just Ericc and finally of any groups that came over.<<
(20:02:40) Desoto, still seething. Might have very well mistaken the impromptu hug as a commencement to a sumo match. "I'll turn in your ruddy ASS when I'm--!" Cue muffled growly-aching as Desoto found his mouth wisely clamped shut, albeit briefly. When released, puce decorated cheeks wound tightly as Des committed to his very best Yosemite Sam impression. "Fuckin' dick-waggin' fessin' half broiled bambot--" Dude had some real lung capacity, it turns out. "-- flippity gibbit oFFA ME ARSE!" By the time he caught up with Dom, Des was panting, bent with hands braced against his knees. It was good he had so much hair, seeing as it prevented his face from being observed from lenient angles. Wordlessly, he'd hold out the tote for Dominic to retrieve at his leisure.
(20:05:18) Juddson helped count the strawberries; he was more and more surprised each year, honestly. It was a good thing they planned for a large amount to go out for this festival, or they'd probably never have enough to sell to local grocers as well. He snickered at Casey and Ericc's bickering, but decided not to comment. He'd caught the look that ericc had shot him earlier. "Love the bra," he told Dean, and he meant it. Seemed like he would fit in just fine around here, and Judd was more than willing to work with him through the new challenges he might face with getting used to working on things with just one hand. He was a good man to work for. He really thought the bra would be the shoe in, but it was Riptide who beat everyone out. "Hope you like to eat strawberries," he told the canine. "Think you'll get any?" he asked Missy. They were here together, after all. "If anyone wants to learn about pie making, speak with Jaiyden! Or go back and pick some more strawberries." The field was still open for a little while longer, after all, but he figured everyone had plenty.
(20:10:56) Jaiyden let Juddson go off to handle the strawberry contest. It wasn't the most exciting thing, but hey the amount of strawberries that fit inside a basket for that price was ridiculous! Go to any grocery store and you'd get less than a tenth of it. It wasn't necessarily about the competition (Because Jay had literally created that on the fly) as it was about getting good produce for a more than fair price. Plus the free labor. The cool contests would be coming though, the owners of the Ranch already planning on a few things to keep people entertained. The Ranch was expanding after all and there was soon to be people even renting cabins here. They had to do a few test runs of events and competitions, so things were coming down the pipe! "Don't worry about paying at this rate. Ya'll probably gonna get it all for free." he flashed a grin as he glanced over to the gathering. >>
(20:11:07) Jaiyden"I like her. Bitty eh? She's lucky I stayed out of the competition though, maybe even in my shifted form I probably couldn't keep up." he could've moved switfly, but he was no fruit bat that was for sure! Much like Missy and Riptide, he'd take to observing instead of being overly active in the festivities right now. The only thing to really draw his attention would be the scent of smoke, eyes shifting to where West was smoking...or had been smoking? "There's empty coffee cans for the cigarette butts. Riker! If there's any on the ground you're the one cleaning them up." he figured the mechanic could keep his friends in line right? As for pie making he rubbed his hands together and rolled shoulders. "I guess that's my cue to go teach things..." he trailed off though, as if giving Missy a chance to change his plans...or join them. <<
(20:16:18) Riker Ford noted West and Brodey and grabbed the coffee canisters to take it to them. "Please put the butts in here so I don't have to be on trash duty... " He sighed heading Jaiyden's instructions, "Otherwise you'll be stuck here with me." He said pointedly to West, "Less Brodey takes you home." He wasn't sure if that was plausible, but they seemed to be getting along well now and that was good right. He'd set it down as he noticed the flask and arched an eyebrow, he shoulda known. "You two are a pair." He said quietly before he walked over to Dean to pat him on the back, "We both lost, it's okay. Never seen better jugs in my life though... So plump and juicy."
(20:18:06) Ericc watched Casey offer his help, and felt a familiar fondness. Casey was a good person through and through, and he hoped that never changed. Ericc had changed a lot over the years. It was a wonder the medic wanted anything to do with him. He leaned into the carboard cutout and made faces right alongside Casey, but he did give a good smile because.. he was genuinely happy to be here. It had been far too long. "I'm gonna go check up on Erica," he said when the pictures were done. It was a lot to take in, and he wanted to get away from the crowd. "Hey! Pops! You better make some dinner later or I'm gonna jet." He grabbed a bottle of wine and was on his way; who knew if the crowd would see him again, but for now? He was disappearing.
(20:18:44) Brontes had delivered the satchet, but it was clear they weren't going to win. Too much running around and he laughed. "Did I wear you out Desoto?" He said quietly and came over to pat him on the back. "Don't tell me I'm in better shape than you..." Oh let the teasing continue. Deso was going to kill him by the end of the evening. Maybe. "We didn't win, love... but you win my heart? Hey that's enough right?"
(18:09:09) Desoto arrived with only the essentials. A tote bag, his wallet, cell phone... and a crippling anxiety for large gatherings. Time to get fat.
(18:09:55) Suthern was standing near the gate after others had paid. Here he stood, looking as pleasant as he possibly could. Let's face it his face was forced into a smile and it showed, but he would be pleasant. Handing out baskets to each person who paid. This way he didn't have to mingle too much and was also assisting in th Fesitivals activities. It also helped that he was super curious and wanted to come to recogniz faces and oh look, there was one now. He gave a toothy smile at Desoto.
(18:11:32) Brontes was on board with Desoto. The large gathering had his metaphorical feathers ruffled, go figure. He smiled as he slipped his hand into one of Desoto's back pockets. "OH LOOK! It's Ren." He waved at Ren and then gave a small nudge with his elbow into Desoto's side. "How many strawberries can you fit into that tote? Is it magical? Is it like a Grainger purse?"
(18:12:40) Jaiyden looked forward to a lot of things every year and watching a bunch of people struggle to git strawberries in their pockets without smooshing them was high on the list. The man sported a cowboy hat, plaid shirt and denim that rested over black work-boots. He was lingering near Juddson of course; quite comically sitting in the tire swing and kicking his legs up to gain some momentum. Not that it lasted long, he was a bit tall to be trying to use it as an actual swing. "Not a bad crowd." he commented idly to Juddson before pushing off that swing and coming up on Desoto and Suthern. "We got some strawberry wine, ya'll look like you need some alcohol. I can probably find something stronger if it'll help." the poor folks looked crippled with anxiety or something. Alcohol was always a good idea in the familiars opinion ... of course it didn't always end well but no risk no reward as they say!
(18:17:13) Riker Ford had been there already to help set up, but he did shower and go pick up West from his apartment. He was dressed in his usual, a clean white crew with white-washed jeans, but he did cowboy it up a little bit with the baseball cap West bought him and wore a pair of boots as well to the festival. He'd pay and collect a basket, handing it over to West as he smiled. "What'cha gonna do with all them berries West?" He'd wave to Judd and Jay, and of course Suthern.
(18:17:13) Ericc had genuinely fought with himself over this one. Telling his fathers he would be at the festival had felt like some weird kind of defeat but also.. weirdly freeing? It had been ten long years since he'd been to a Starwberry Festival, where as it was his favorite thing about the ranch as a kid. He drove through the gate, flipping Juddson off on his way through- probably playfully? Maybe not. Anyway, he went past him to go park by the house. He might stick around for dinner, he really wasn't sure right now. He didn't have anything else to do with his night. Over to the gathering crowd he wandered, sidling up to Jay and nudging him in the side. "I"m old enough for that wine now, so you better pour me a glass," he said by way of hello, reaching around to give the man a hug. Well. Baby steps, right?
(18:18:42) Suthern could definitely use some booze and he nodded with a bright, wide smile to Jaiyden. "If you deliver me some beverage I would be most grateful... I'll just say it's hot..." He would false fan himself and then wondered if he should have worn an outfit. He'd wave to the folks he knew. Ren was surprised to see some of the familiar ones.
(18:19:36) Caseyy there was no way he was missing HVR's strawberry fest! Whether his best friend decided to show up or not wouldn't stop him. The salty man could keep his distance from the Ranch, it was his loss when he didn't get to eat some of Jay's strawberry pie or get a jar of preserves before they were all sold out. It was a good season for the Ranch, given that they didn't really do much in the way of crops. Usually it was enough to keep the ranch and its employees fed, but strawberry season always drew in the crowds. "Hey old man!" he called out to Juddson as he appeared from...well who really knew. Casey wasn't much for conventional travel after all. His appearance put him nearby when Ericc drove up, flipping the bird which caused the blonde to roll his eyes. "What are you five?!" he called out to his best friend, tossing a slight frown and than a wave to Juddson. "You can't drink without me!" the man pouted, coming up to clap Ericc on the shoulder than look to Jay expectently.
(18:20:48) Desoto recoiled like a dog near shaving cream toward Ren's smile, because holy BALLS that didn't look right... or even of this world. At Dom's insistence, amazingly --not so for those who knew him-- Des' gaze went in the exact opposite direction, clearing his throat all the while. "Don't see nothin'..." Then who are you waving to, bud? The world's just dying to know. "What? No. I'm a flippin' BIRD, dove, not a goddamn Merlin." What a preposterous idea, claims the man who had an ocarina enchanted to double as both a musical instrument and inventory space. "Uh," Favorite line thusly delivered to the offering of alcohol, Des looked over to Jaiyden, then glanced over to his curly-haired accomplice. "Yeah....? I mean, that's a TERRIBLE idea, but yeeeeaaahhh....?" He'd have bigger things to worry about than nerves, that's for damn sure.
(18:24:25) Brontes smiled and noted Des' look towards Ren which earned him a laugh. "Seriously... it's not like he's going to bite your face off... jeez..." He whispered and then shrugged and lifted his hands, "You never know. You surpise me all the time." He said defensively before Jaiyden was offering wine... Why not him?! Techinically he still wasn't old enough to drink. Maybe that's why. No booze for the minor..."Wait... don't give him booze." He warned Jaiyden. "Then I have to deal with what comes next."
(18:25:53) Faune: West was hardly prepared to be out in the daylight. If Riker hadn't gathered her up for this thing, she woulda stayed her ass at home. In bed at least until the sun started to dip below the horizon. She compromised with oversized sunglasses, and a sunhat, and a scowl. "What am I s'posed t'do with this?" She frowned at the empty basket. "We gotta pick em?" She frowned at Riker like he'd just condemned her to hard labor. "They got, like, strawberry wine here? Strawberry daiquiris?" Now, that was promising. She shoved her hands into the pockets of her denim dress and slouched against Riker. "I donno. Eat em. Feed 'em to you."
(18:26:17) Missy Kissinger was a little late getting out to the berry festival but she's been meaning to get some kind of shmoozing done with the folks surrounding Hidden Valley. She was dressed a little more outdoorsy but still very presentable. clothing. Floral print Doc Marten style boots. A pair of jeans. Black shirt. Hair was pulled up into a loud pink messy bun. She moved in toward the crowd, looking around for any faces she knew. More to avoid than to try and talk to anyone. She looked a tad lost but whatever. She was here for picking and canning lessons if nothing else. Better to be involved in the community. Right?
(18:27:06) Jaiyden flashed a grin to Suthern. "Sure thing; ain't no reason to make up anything. Just say the boss said you looked like you needed a drink. Perks of owning the place." he offered the man a wink; turning just in time to catch Ericc pull up and flip Judd the bird. A roll of eyes was offered before his step-son was coming up on him and offering that one armed hug. "You can drink if you play nice for at least the festival." there were plenty of people here who didn't know their family drama and didn't need to know it. Casey's appearance was perfect timing really. "Perfect, you keep him out of trouble eh Case?" he'd shove the two of them playfully together before disappearing to find the local brewed strawberry wine. Returning with three glasses he offered one to Suthern, Ericc and Casey each, idly pondering whether he should get himself one. Maybe this whole thing would be better if they were all drunk! >>
(18:27:42) Jaiyden Than again, he was supposed to show people how to make strawberry pie later so...maybe no alcohol. Desoto's call for alcohol had him flashing a grin, about to turn around to get the bird a glass when Dominic caught his attention. "Hey; I remember you. Good to see you doing well." he paused for a moment to glance between the Des and Dom, rubbing at the back of his neck. "I'll let ya'll sort that out, but the wine is free." he wasn't sure what it would do to Desoto, but he wasn't going to cause any unneeded strife. <<
(18:28:25) Juddson would.. take the rude gesture from his son, it was something. He couldn't stop the smile on his face when he saw him driving past, looking over for Jay and probably communicating a million emotions with his eyes. No time to dwell, he had to host this didn't he? He returned the wave to Riker, just as Casey arrived. Oh boy. "Keep him out of trouble?" he asked, but he knew that was highly unlikely. He finished directing the cars, leaving it to another ranch hand as he headed towards the tables where he was sure a lot of people would start to congregate. "Picking is $20, open for the next three hours! Talk with the man over there to get in." He gestured to Ren, before continuing. "If you wanna take some of your fruit and make pie, my wonderful husband Jay will be teaching techniques in a little while. If you need to cool off feel free to take a dip in the pond over there," he pointed over his shoulder where benches lined a body of water, "But you're on your own as far as lifeguards go. We've also got a couple job opportunities, speak with me or my husband if you're looking for work! Have fun!" And then, with that out of the way, he was happy to go mingle and have some fun himself.
(18:32:41) Riker Ford had condemned West to hard labor. That's what friends were for and he'd wrap his arm around her waist as she leaned in. A soft laugh rumbling out of him as he noted Missy. Wait, wait... according to Missy and Dean, he was... but here he was with West... Ah well! "Yeah you gotta pick 'em and yeah they got booze. The fuck, you think I'd take you some where you can't drink?" Pshhh... "Oh? You'd feed me?" He'd smile and wave to Missy in passing as they motored over to Jaiyden in hopes of some boozey-booze.
(18:34:39) Suthern Ren noticed Ericc and Caseyy come in, and nodded to them both before, "COME GET YOUR BASKETS OVER HERE!" He called out before glancing back over to Jaiyden, "Life saver." He took a long sip before lifting a basket and waved it around for folks to see. He sort of ignored Desoto by this point but if Brontes needed him he would certainly be obliged to help his prodigy.
(18:37:50) Jaiyden had missed Riker's wave due to being distracted with all the people! He'd catch the mechanic as soon as he could, tossing him a wave and noting the woman he came with. The mention of strawberry wine was amusing, he had just been handing out glasses of it like candy, it wouldn't be hard for West to find the table it was being kept at. If nothing else, Riker knew all about it and besides he had to get back to actually being a contributing member of Ranch ownership. With Juddson throwing his name all over the place the familiar couldn't help but offer a broad grin to anyone who looked his way. His destination was somewhere near Juddson, though not before catching Riker. "Wines over there, pretty sure there's something harder if you need but this ain't exactly a bar...." his eyes narrowed ever so slightly to Riker before flashing a grin and tossing them a wave. "Enjoy! Come see me later if you want to learn a thing or two about cooking. >>
(18:38:05) Jaiyden Or if she wants a job...though she don't look like the ranch type." it wasn't necessarily and insult, just an observation. Leaving them to their devices he returned to Suthern as he called out the baskets. "Mmm, how about we make it fun! The person who gets the most strawberries out gets to keep em for free!" everyone liked a little competition right? It might just get a few people to buy in that weren't originally going to...Jay was a self-proclaimed genius really. Now..where did his husband go? <<
(18:38:58) Riptide. "Kriii-keee kitches!!!" "Wow, put that potty mouth away or we're leaving." Weaving between the festival props and farm tools, Tide appeared as they did when on all four legs. Around their neck was a bandana sporting a skull and crossbones, while IB had on everything strawberry themed you can imagine. In fact, it's highly probable that she ripped her outfit straight off of a Strawberry Shortcake figurine. Riptide would pause long enough to appraise Riker with those large odd-eyes, before silent pawpads saw them toward Missy, the saddlebags on either side of the Gevaudan's shoulders filled with a day's worth of necessities.
(18:43:17) Faune: "I'll pick once I get a daiquiri. With whip cream." That'd make getting out of bed worth it. "It's hot." She wrinkled her nose as she followed Riker down wherever they could get their drinks. No one stood out in the crowd-- not until some fuckhead started yelling about baskets. "Jeezus." West kept close to Riker's side, only to stop and angle an unflinching frown at Jay, who must've been running the thing. Or helping-to-run. She seemed distracted, and at least a little disappointed that this wasn't a bar. "Fuck." The corner of her mouth twitched when Jay did that quick assessment, though it was difficult to say whether it was a smile or a snarl with those oversized sunglasses. "Y'better fuckin' buy me a drink, Riker."
(18:43:43) Dean Pierce was late to the party, but he approached the strawberry field looking grumpy as all heck. He approached no one but was quickly overwelmed by everyone; the sheer number of people made him want to turn tail and run. But goddanm it, he was promised all-you-can-carry strawberries for 20$ and he gosh damn well wanted to get some. Where he'd found 20 whole dollars was another question, but he paid his fare and slipped in a far-ish end of the field to start stuffing the 46 DDD bra he was wearing outside his hoodie for this very purpose. Where had he gotten it? Who knows, the same mysterious place as the 20$.
(18:46:29) Riker Ford found himself between a rock and a hard place yet his attention was going every which way, "Right," he said to Jaiyden and then looked to West, rolling his lips to hold back a humored smile. Please be nice, is what it said to West. She had a tendency to run off at the mouth after all. To her words he'd start laughing. "Ohhhh you're in such a mood... How much do you hate me right now? Don't you want to come to work with me more often?" He grinned and snorted, before nodding, "The wine is free..." He rolled his eyes and grabbed a couple, handing one over to West, and while he took a sip of the other one he was pretty sure that was going to be West's too. Then he saw Dean. "The fuck? I she wearing a bra?"
(18:46:38) Desoto scoffed, mouth going twisted. "You o' all people oughta know..." There was no need to finish that sentence, because the brief flash of teeth via a moody snarl said it all. Crossing his arms his attention again veered toward Jaiyden, who was being awfully respectful, something Des had to take a moment to fathom. So busy being a grump, he almost missed Dom's cautionary verbal refrain just seconds ago. "That's kinda hilarious, comin' from you." Fist would lightly tap at Dom's left pectoral, before nodding to Jaiyden in both thanks and comprehension. "We'll keep it in mind, thanks." With that there was little else to do but... exist? Des ventured deeper into the unknown, shrinking away from Ren's basket waving. Nope, this is why he brought his own bag! "Want to go straight to the berries, or?" Queried toward the witch-turned-demon, casual perusal usually transient. Always at least a little curious, but more than a lot of nnnnah son.
(18:49:20) Ericc took the offered glass from Jay, sipping at it and grinning knowingly at Casey. How many bottles had they pretended to break so they could ferret one away and sip at it in their teens? He grinned at Ren as he suggested Ericc go in and pick strawberries. "I've got the all access pass, I'm good." He didn't blame the workers for not knowing who he was; it wasn't like he'd been around a lot lately, but who knew? Maybe he could stop by more, if only to drink the wine and bother Jay. Catch up with Casey. His father upped the ante on the strawberry picking, and he grinned. "I'll toss in a bottle of our wine to whoever picks the most strawberries," he added, because that was a much better incentive in his opinion.
(18:49:22) Suthern shrugged, "Sure, let's make it fun." He would let Jaiyden announce it because hell if he needed to say it again. He sipped on his wine and then also noted West. Why was was in women's clothes? He squinted his eyes and kept sipping, "Join the competition, pick the most strawberries and get a basket!" He rejoiced, or it sounded like it anyway, perhaps it was the wine. Regardless of what his voice sounded like his body language was different entirely expressing that he really just looked stiff. Ugh this heat...
(18:52:23) Faune: West was scowling, but she wasn't talking shit. And for that, Riker ought to be grateful. Maybe if she had an energy drink in her, she'd have the pep to start cussing people out the minute she felt slighted. But, she was a little too sleepy-- and she was trying to behave. "This ain' work," she mumbled, only to trail off when she saw... Dean? In a bra? Between that and the free wine, West was contemplating staying more than ten minutes. "Maybe he's tryna be strawberry queen." She sniffed and downed her cup in record time. It was on the sweet side, but... fine. It was fine. "Y'gonna try t'win? I'm too slow-- I won't pick enough." She waggled the basket at Riker, all while trying to steal the wine right out of his hand.
(18:53:24) Brontes smiled to Jaiyden, well yeah, lots of things had happened and it was safe to say Dominic wasn't human anymore. He nodded to Jaiyden, "Yeah thanks, Ren helped me a while back." He pointed to Suthern. Then he looked to Desoto, "You better put a smile on your face or I'ma pinch your ass... in front of everyone... again." He rubbed his pectoral after the tap, "If you get to drink Desoto... I get to drink, just keep that in mind, my heart." He would move an arm to weave into Desoto's, "Yeah, let's!" He would then pinch Deso's ass for just the sheer fun of it before fleeing away to a strawberry patch that looked pretty hearty!
(18:54:39) Juddson should probably be a good host and wait for everyone else to have their food before he was making a plate but.. well. He was hungry. He'd blame his age later, probably. He made himself a burger, grabbed a couple strawberries from where they'd been set for people to sample them and see how ripe and wonderful they were. He should have known Jay would throw in some kind of competition, but he didn't mind. It was good fun, it brought the community together. He moved along with his plate, pausing near Riker and laughing. "The bra isn't even the wackiest idea we've ever seen," he told him. "This is tradition, people get competitive. And some people just really like strawberries. Thanks so much for helping out; we couldn't have done this without you guys." He eyed Riptide, because he always kept a firm eye on something that was clearly supernatural, but he wasn't going to shoo the.. werewolf? away.
(18:55:47) Jaiyden stopped in his pursuit of Juddson to just stare for a moment at Dean. Well; that was one way to get the job done and admittedly, he gave the man credit for creativity. He'd surely have to catch him later and at least get a name. Desoto and Dominic earned a brow raise, the two of them reminding him an awful lot of himself and Juddson at a much younger age. Was that young love than? It was sort of sweet, but he'd leave them to go off to the berry field. For a brief moment his eyes turned back to West as he caught that 'smile that might have been a snarl' and returned a light roll of the shoulders. A flexing of muscles that was really nothing more than a stretch as he turned attention to find his husband and instead found...well he wasn't even sure what the hell it was. With curiosity immediately piqued he found himself navigating torward Missy, though not before rolling eyes at Ericc. >>
(18:55:56) Jaiyden"Who says you can even give away the wine?" though he didn't seem to be countering the offer, so it seemed a bottle of wine was also up for grabs. Leaving Ericc and Casey to do...whatever it is they got up to; he came up on Missy and Riptide. "Don't believe I've seen you around, you look a bit lost even?" he could help in that regard, given he owned the place and all that. <<
(18:55:52) Dean Pierce started picking berries and stuffing them where he could. The hood of his hoodie, the pouch of his hoodie, the bra, whatever was closest. This didn't work entirely well, as when he bent over to pick strawberries, others would fall...especially the ones in the bra. But, once they started being packed in well enough, they held in place. Success.
(18:58:57) Missy Kissinger paid her dues to get in, listening to the explanation. It would be nice to bring the people she was staying with a pie. So she took note, exchaning bills for basket. Eyes trailed over Riker, looking to West and back to Riker with a grin. None of her business. Basket held under arm. She wanted booze too but she didn't want to deal with the awkwardness of standing in line near Riker. Ohhh no. She made her way toward the fields with her basket but paused when she spotted Riptide. "Well hey there." There was something off about her, hard to place what exactly. She crouched down in an attempt to pet the duo if allowed. No part of her seemed excited though. She just seemed interested.She eyed Brontes, recognizing him from the bar, but turned her attention to Jaiydan. "Just taking everything in. I'm Missy. This is Riptide and IB. I heard the event was.... four legged friendly. Sorry if I was ill informed."
(18:59:42) Caseyy noted Jay going off and playing host, always the social butterfly that one. He was a bit envious really, but he wasn't the one who had to play the part this time around. His only real goal was to steal off with a few jars of preserves, some jam and maybe a pie. Oh and a bottle of the wine, but much like Ericc he also had the all access pass. Speaking of that though, he leaned forward and flicked his friend on the forehead, tipping back his wine to down whatever was in the glass in one quick swallow. "Don't be a spoil sport Ericc, as I recall it, you've never beaten me at picking the berries." was that a challenge of his own? "You going to let bra-man over there outsmart you?" he was just playing with fire now wasn't he? It didn't seem like the witch had a single concern about it though as he waggled his brows and flashed a grin. >>
(18:59:50) Caseyy"Don't tell me you can't hack it anymore Ericc?" the berries needed to be picked anyway and even if they didn't keep the ones they picked, it was helping the ranch out either way. <<
(19:00:57) Brodey's loud pipes barked out his arrival well before his appearance ever did. The motorcycle would roll up towards the farm's parking section and scoot it's way towards the front with practiced ease. Dirt and dust were not uncommon lately for the bike to encounter, but a simple wipe would tell that he did wax the thing quite regularly. She may get dirty, but she didn't stay it. He stepped off and peeled his helmet away from his face, sweat beading his brow and brown locks sticking to his skin. He was wearing dark jeans and an equally dark blue denim button up with his usual boots. The downfall of riding - or perhaps he just preferred to keep that prosthetic quietly covered up. He wasn't sure why he came, maybe it was because he figured Riker would be around? Or maybe it was wishful thinking. Most likely, it was for the booze. He had his own flask quite full, but he would pay his dues and saunter in - always caring a confidence like he owned the place. >>
(19:02:28) Brodey. He bee-lined for the wine before all else without so much as a hello, though would watch as Missy (hello, eye candy) walked off to join... What the fuck was that? A wolf? Why was he not surprised.... <<
(19:04:41) Riker Ford waved to Tide. Dear god he hoped there were no werewolves following her today cause he really wanted to stay out of the hospital. There was a quick look around for Lauriana and he sighed as he resumed his focus as Juddson approached him. "The thing is... I live with him..." He informed his boss, "And he works for you ... as a mechanic... That's Dean. " He busted out laughing, West successfully grabbing the wine as he grabbed the basket, sighing. He wasn't gonna argue with her, nope. "Fine, but you know what... if you don't help-" and his threat ceased there as he heard the motorcyle. He stood up a little straighter and walked with the basket, in the wrong direction. Instead he moved slowly towards the wine stand again and came up beside Brodey. "Saw your apartment was flooded." He thunked the basket against his chest, "Come help me pick strawberries, cause West ain't gonna do it." Was that aggravation? Yep.
(19:08:09) Riptide lifted their head, ears tilting back. The pets were welcome, as were all the eyes drifting toward their person. And IB's, though the bat appeared to get far less attention, in spite of her garrish raiment. Huh... that's fair. Big bats are a lot less head-turning than oversized cat-wolf looking freakies. Still, those mostly crimson eyes landed on Judd, who'd receive a bright smile, then Brodey as he ambled up. For now Tide kept quiet, waving that unnaturally long tail towards Riker before finally emitting a low rumble. Nothing threatening, not even close. Like a purr, diamond-patch riddled pelt leaning against Missy's leg, if able. IB caught the signal and flew higher, in spite of her every instinct to dive bomb the strawberry bushes until she was too heavy to fly. True friendship, right there.
(19:09:01) Jaiyden waved away Missy's concern. "The whole ranch is supernatural friendly. We don't pull punches here, so long as you aren't destroying property." if there happened to be the mundane around? Well that was part of the appeal of the Ranch. People came here to see the odd and unusual, to go home and tell their friends and family about the strange things that happened. It was a good marketing tactic even, though there were some caveats. Destruction of property as he mentioned, but also a mostly human appearance was required for the most part. Four-legged shifters and weres and the like didn't have the same restrictions though. "Nice to meet ya'll; the name's Jay. I own the ranch with my husband...uh..." he turned about, pointing out Juddson off getting food. "Juddson, over there." he turned back to Missy and Riptide. >>
(19:09:10) Jaiyden"You came at a good time, the strawberries are perfect for picking. We also have pies and jars of preserves for sale, as well as wine. If you're interested in a class I'll be showing some things later." he paused in his speech to turn to the sound of the approaching motorcycle and more importantly the man who came off it to approach Riker. A loud cough was made to catch attention before he tipped his hat up slightly. "If there's going to be fighting, tell me now so we can set up a betting pool first." it wasn't hard to see the aggression between them after all. <<
(19:09:53) Suthern rolled his lips together, then glanced over to Ericc and Casey "Hell if you're gonna throw that in you might actually get me to pick some strawberries." The Jaiyden came over to scold and he wondered what the relationship was between at least Ericc and Jaiyden before smirking just slightly and finishing up his wine. "Baskets! Get a free basket and a bottle of Wine for the most strawberries picked!" He nodded to people as they came and went, fortunately he didn't have anyone he had to pay mind to here so this was easy. He did look over wondering what Juddson was up to, but after a while his eyes lingered on Dean in the Bra. "I'm so amused right now, I can't even smile."
(19:10:40) Faune: West shut up when more people began to talk to Riker. He had an easy personality that way-- he could make friends easily, and Riker had lived here for a while, hadn't he? West didn't make friends with people who came to strawberry festivals. And regardless of the strange creatures milling about, she felt like she stuck out like a sore thumb. "Can I smoke here?" She was already digging into the pockets of her denim dress. She'd only just got the cigarette between her lips when Riker stopped mid-sentence and walked away. To go talk to someone else. West stared after him for a moment before she lit up, filling her lungs deep. "What th'FUCK, Riker?" She half-recognized Brodey, as she joined them at the wine, refilling her glass. "Don't ditch me."
(19:13:02) Ericc: "Who says I was asking?" Ericc quipped back at Jay, because he was going to hand out that bottle whether his fathers liked it or not. Or maybe he was ribbing him. Maybe both? He was oddly relaxed, but the way he was sipping a little harder on the wine but have something to do with it. Casey did spark something in him, making the young man finish the glass and set it aside, rolling up his sleeves. "I'm going to kick your ass in that strawberry patch," he threatened. "Pops better thank you for the free labor." There was no way he was taking a shit ton of strawberries home. He even paid the fee; because this was his legacy even if he didn't spend as much time here as he should. The wine table was getting crowded, and he couldn't resist pouring a glass for West. "There's a whole bottle in it for you if you can outpick the pros," he said, before heading off to the Ren to grab a basket and go into the orchard. Well, fuck it. He had nothing else to do. He wasn't taking a picture in the damn strawberry cutout, that was for sure.
(19:13:21) Dean Pierce remained out in the offskirts, head down and trying not to look at the crowds of happy people drinking and laughing like everything was sunshine and roses. It wasn't. He sat down in front of a strawberry bush and wondered what they'd do if he turned the strawberries to jam right there in the field. You can carry a lot more strawberries if they're jammed than if they're fresh. Probably wouldn't count. Besides...who cares about the contest, right? He just wanted berries. He sighed. Thi was killing him. So much laughter. So much joy.
(19:13:48) Desoto. "Ah'll fookin' eat yeh in fron'a everyone, Cinnabun." And not the Valentine's kind, either. Of course this was said mildly, even with a tinge of jovial sass, but Des' face would remain in it's usual... uh, 'neutral' --nervously pissed-- style. "Smiles are for special occasions." Once intertwined, Desoto kept a good grip on Dominic while looking ahead at the bushes, their respective branches drooping from the weight of their... offspring? Technically, yeah. Actually that's really disturbing, stop thinking about it. Des' noticed Dean but uh, seeing as the guy was dressed as he was and shoving fruit down said eccentric choices in attire. The Valravn decided to leave the fella to his picking. Just when he'd been about to reply back to Dom's stipulations, Des felt his articulation squalled to a raucous squeal when pinched. His eyes said it all, tote removed from it's resting place. Now, wielding it like a flail, he went charging after the other, shouting profanities.
(19:17:13) Juddson was startled by the news. Ah, so that was the mechanic. "I'm a terrible boss; don't tell the others?" His voice held a false pleading tone before he let Riker go off to have his fun. He'd done plenty before to set up, he didn't need to do more now. He was happy to see so many smiles all over the place; this felt normal, more so with having the entirety of his family here for the first time in a long time. "Knock him down a peg, Casey," he called to the young man, before sidling up to Jay as he spoke with Missy. "We'd be hypocrites to tell anyone animals aren't allowed." It wasn't because of the livestock; he gave Jay a secretive smile. "Did you see the bike?" he asked him quietly, because the two did love a good motorcycle. "I hope you have fun; we're happy to have all the guests who want to be here," he told Missy, but he meant it for Riptide, too.
(19:17:49) Brontes his shoulders bunched up. Ahh to the sweet sound of Cinnabun Wins. He would snatch up a couple strawberries here and there, carting them in his shirt that he had lifted with one hand as he started running through the rows, leaping over them on the occasion when there might be someone in the way and even ran around Dean about... twice, because the third time would be vastly too predictable. All the while he was laughing without restraint and childlike with his flee from the Terrorizing Desoto.
(19:21:21) Missy Kissinger quietly gave a look to Riptide. Couldn't choose this time to come in the tophat and vest? She nodded with a sigh of relief when Jaiyden gave her the low down. "Good.... good." She smiled a little bigger. "Didn't know how open we could be here." She cleared her throat. "Juddson. I've kind of been meaning to talk to you guys. I don't have many allys in this land, since it's without a Glenn or Court as far as I've seen. I've heard whispers of a coven. I'm much interested in learning human traditions as well as lending what I remember from the faerie realm." She nodded her head slowly. "But we can talk some other time. We should enjoy the festivities for now. Hm? It's a pleasure to meet you Jaiyden." She kind of watched Dean wander into the field with the bra and rolled her eyes. "Genius." She chuckled a little bit and nodded slowly back to the two. "Thank you for the wishes. You're throwing a lovely event, and the property is gorgeous."
(19:23:39) Brodey successfully acquired his wine and just as he was turning away from the table he was assaulted by a wicker basket. He stared at it, an eyebrow raising before he would take it in hand. How was he supposed to pick berries AND drink? Because let's be honest, he'd be drinking no matter what. He would blink though and acknowledge the betting pool advice, though merely cleared his throat as West joined them. He squinted some... Familiar, but oh - yes, that was West. Their meeting had been brief, but he was keen enough to pick up on context clues. "Yeah, it sure did," he would murmur, half hearted. He didn't want to explain, didn't have the heart to tell all. "Been dealing with the VA," he would say with a shrug. Best to just leave it with that. "Can't pick strawberries on your own? Though... What is that bat, cat-dog looking thing?" He would ask of Riker, gesturing some to Riptide, inaccurately assuming that IB was actually a part of them too.
(19:24:13) Suthern handed Ericc a basket, and settled back. It looked like his job was done here so he would take another glass of wine and would begin sipping at it this time. Yep, he was going to get that slowly but surely, a nice, mature buzz.
(19:26:02) Caseyy grinned at Suthern as he made the comment, humming lightly. "I don't see why ya can't. Can find someone else to stand here and sell the baskets. Though you're doing a good job I must admit." he wasn't sure he'd have the same level of enthusiasm for standing in the son and calling out to the crowd the way Suthern was. In fact he was pretty certain that all those who were going to pick berries were already doing so. His attention was switfly caught by both Judd and Ericc calling out to him. "You're on. We can even make it interesting; winner gets a picture of the loser in that cut out over there." he pointed to the one Ericc was avoiding. "I promise I won't post it on Facebook." he was quick to take up a basket from Suthern; "Thanks, drink more wine. Its free." he reminded before following after Ericc to the wine table before going into the fields. >>
(19:26:09) Caseyy"You got ten minutes, ain't fun if you get all day. One run, most berries at the end wins. No going back to refill your basket." with the rules laid out he'd take off into the fields and make his way straight to Dean. "You're a fucking genius, just had to let you know." and than he'd be off picking to fill up his basket. <<
(19:29:01) Riptide blepped their tongue out. If Missy had been hoping for the usual insouciant, intellectual witticism that the woofer usually had on speed dial for every situation under the sun. She'd be disappointed today. Still, what with the owner's of the place speaking to you directly... "Much appreciated, sirs." IB, too high to really bother making herself relevant in the conversation. Instead stealthily slipped into the occasional dive in order to pluck a strawberry from it's host bush. By the time the Gevaudan gazed toward Dean, their attention had already swapped for the two running about like a pack of wild puppies. Even if they only numbered at two.
(19:30:34) Riker Ford paused with Jay for that moment and nodded, "Of course." As he was now at Brodey'sglanced back to West, right, he might have ditched her a little bit. "Sorry," he said quietly and then took the basket back, he grabbed another glass off wine and handed it off to West when she would need or want it. "I guess you can smoke," he shrugged, "I suppose just watch where the ash goes?" He then looked to Riptide. Truth or lies? "A werewolf..." obviously. The same one he helped and ended up in the hospital for, but he wouldn't mention that, nope. "You don't have to help, just concerned about you... Brodey." He patted his shoulder and pulled his smile back on West and Brodey could join him or they could drink together... whatever, he was gonna go pick some berries damnit!
(19:33:45) Ericc gave Juddson a seething look, but Casey distracted him before his anger could mount and this could get ugly. They still had a lot to work on, okay? "You're on," he told Casey firmly, because he absolutely believed he would beat the man. "Ten minutes? I'll be done in five." He wouldn't. He'd take up the entire ten minutes to do what he needed to do, confident that his basket was full enough to get things done and put Casey behind a cardboard cutout. Probably. Maybe? Dammit, he was second guessing himself now, something he rarely did as he went for another glass of wine. What? He had a place to crash if he got too buzzy, and he'd already figured on trying to have dinner here.
(19:34:05) Dean Pierce wasn't doing too shabby for a one-handed guy in a bra, but apparently a tiny bat-thing was doing better. Damnit. But hey, he was here for the berries not the booze. He doubted he'd be allowed to have the wine anyways. As he stared into one of the strawberries, two of its outer seeds stood out to him. They looked like slanted eyes watching him closely, leering at him, egging him on. Brontes jumped nearby and caught his attention for a second, but he went back to the strawberry and stared it down with contempt. "The fuck you lookin' at?" he murmurred. He hated it. He hated that fucking piece of shit. He squeezed it right there on the vine, so hard it exploded in red mush that dripped from his hand like blood. He stared darkly at his hand, wet, sticky, and- He looked up at Caseyy. "Wuh? Oh. Yeh. Sorta. I guess."
(19:36:34) Desoto dashed after Dom like he had infernals nipping at his heels, swinging the bag left and right. Every so often he'd swiftly reach out to nab a strawberry or two, quality over quantity in this case... which you'd then realize he had only done in order to add some heft to the bag he'd now weaponized. But Des, you're a man of art, a warrior of the kitchen! How could you sacrifice perfectly g-- the world thrives on sacrifices.
(19:37:24) Juddson stiffened slightly at the mention of the coven. Well.. it certainly was around, but he didn't love the idea of sending someone with fairy magic off to discuss things with them. "Jay and I would be happy to help you," he said anyway, because he couldn't let someone who needed his help walk away with no sort of answer. "Another time though," he agreed. "Feel free to stop by anytime this week." The ranch was pretty much always open to visitors. He watched the festivities continue on, feeling at peace. This was what he loved about the ranch. A bunch of strangers had come together and turned this into a game. People were having a great time. And the strawberries were getting picked, making all of their jobs just a tiny bit easier. Before long, he'd wander over towards the table and stand up on the bench, clapping his hands. "Last call for strawberrys for the contest!" he hollered. "Bring 'em up and we'll get to counting to see who gets their money back and apparently a bottle of wine."
(19:37:53) Faune: West loitered there, shoulders squared off, an arm wrapped around her middle, while the other helped nurse a cigarette. She glanced between Riker and Brodey, features placid. She took up that wine as soon as Riker handed it over, and downed it. The sugar was gonna be one hell of a hangover, and so she swapped to her own personal stash, taking a quick swig from her flask and back into her pocket it went. She shouldn't have come here. "I'm jus' gonna stay here." There was too much competition over the berries, too much action in the narrow rows. Plus, she expected that the owners wouldn't appreciate her smoking up and ashing on all the plants. So she pulled out her phone, properly ignored Brodey, and began to scroll.
(19:38:08) Suthern grinned and took Casey's advice. Drinking and chilling that's exactly what he was doing. He lookd down to Brodey and West down the way and Ren would lift a hand, "This is where the alcoholics stay... don't feel the peer pressure, be one with the table." He grinned as he sat and watched Desoto and Dom, and that one guy Dean with the bra. "Might need to jump in the pond after this."
(19:39:12) Jaiyden was all of a sudden presented with so much formality he didn't know how to handle it. He wasn't sure he remembered the last time he had been called 'sir' let alone by his full name. Okay, the last part was a lie; Juddson liked to use it quite often when the familiar got himself into trouble. None the less, it was a bit much for him because he was just a simple Rancher really. "Just Jay is fine." he ran a hand along the back of his neck in an awkward sort of manner before leaning into Juddson as he approached. "It's a nice one yea, we should see about getting a closer look later." but right now Missy and crew had his attention. The bike would just have to wait, because there was actual people that needed his focus right now. There wouldn't be any denying the way his gaze occassionally turned to the bike though before settling back on the gathering. "You're awful kind Miss." he tipped his hat to Missy as she spoke. >>
(19:39:20) Jaiyden"I dunno how much help we'll be, but if you're looking for a safe place you've found it. There's enough spells here to keep those with ill intent at a distance." which wasn't to say it was infallible, but the wards weren't exactly weak in nature either. "We can talk some other time though, when we can all focus." there was a lot of activity going on after all! "I think you're friend there is going to secretly beat everyone. Since she's cute I won't call it cheating." he offered a flash of a grin and wink to Riptide as he watched IB dive for more berries. <<
(19:44:01) Riker Ford found himself diving and scavenging for berries. Hell he wasn't going to get many but he was doing his best without West's help and most likely Brodey's too. Eventually he'd walk back up to the front, admitting defeat but he'd put his up to show once it was there as the all call had happened. He'd even hop over to Dean, "Hey time to weigh in man, lets see who won! Also, love the Bra." Once he got up to the front with Juddson, "I got distracted by good looking people... that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it."
(19:45:37) Caseyy had noticed Dean's lack of a hand and given the way he had just squashed that berry when the blonde witch came up on him it was likely a recent development. Something the man was still angry about, though it didn't have to be that way. Casey didn't know Dean well enough to talk about it though, but he did know Riker. Sort of...he knew of the man through the owners of the Ranch, so maybe he'd be able to talk to Dean that way. Or ask about it at least. He was a healer, he could maybe do something for the man? It wasn't a good topic to bring up now though and besides he had a competition to win. Instead he shook his head to Dean and grinned once again. "Nah man, total genius. Even if you don't win I'll give you a bottle of wine just for being so creative." he wasn't considering that the man might not be able to drink it. >>
(19:45:49) Caseyy He tossed the man a wave though and went back to darting across the fields and filling his basket...than his shirt and he even took off his boots and fill them too! By the time he came back it was pretty clear who had won between him and Ericc, though he'd set his haul down to be officially counted. "Looks like I win again." he was already cocky, pulling out his phone and flipping to the camera app. "You better smile." he waved the thing in his friends face as he emptied his boots into another basket and pulled them back on. <<
(19:45:49) Brontes would whip around arms' out to catch Desoto as he hauled ass on his heels and would dig them in, likely scooting a good couple feet. "We got to turn in the berries Deso!" He would say before straightening up and placing a kiss on his lips, brief, quick and he was bounding away again like an over energized child. He hadn't had this much fun in a long time.
(19:47:31) Missy Kissinger reached to gently boop Tide's nose when they stuck their tongue out at her. "You're lucky you're cute." She said with a soft laugh. She watched IB dive into strawberry bushes and sighed. "We may have to pay double for bitty's haul." She informed the owners with a jovial smile. Missy was too busy talking to Juddson and Jaiyden to be picking so she moved down the aisle after Juddson, picking some on her way back to Juddson's area to get weighed. She was nowhere near sufficient so she just happily took her berries back and stepped back, looking to Riptide and IB who had obviously been busy while she was chatting it up. She smiled as she watched IB and Rip bring up their haul "She's small, but so fierce, she's Bitty." She said to Jay in her best movie narrator voice, having settled back in near him after the weigh in. She kind of watched the festivities with a reflective gaze. She was having fun but everything felt surreal right now.
(19:48:11) Brodey would watch Riker leave, but eventually only looked over to West. She seemed entirely and utterly preoccupied with her phone, to which his eyebrow would raise. "Please tell me that is Tinder," he would murmur, half hearted. He wasn't exactly the type you would find at a Strawberry festival, but he was more of less a rough and country boy so it wasn't too out of place. The fun part seemed weird, the boozy part less so. But West? Completely out of the comfort zone, even to someone who didn't know her very well. For now, he just watched the others scramble for berries in the prospect of a bottle of wine. He liked the stuff, but a little sweet for his kind. Since West was smoking, he too would pull out a cigarette and light up, rolling his eyes up to the sky. Why did he come here again?
(19:50:50) Dean Pierce looked at the berry-gut-covered hand and for a split second, in his peripheral vision, he saw his right hand (the missing one) coated in blood still at his side. Goosebumps spread across his arms as he blinked the image away, trying ot urge himself to focus on Casey. "What? Really?" He heard Juddson's distant last call, but didn't register it yet. "...well, shit. I'll hold ya to that, man." And suddenly, Riker was at his side too. "Oh? Already?!" He got to his feet, holding his arms around his berry big titties. "I wonder if I'll win." He headed to the front, where Juddson was, ready for the weigh-in.
(19:50:57) Riptide's lips twitched, trying to remain conscious of the conversation. After all, a good portion of this was Missy's efforts to help them and IB get some family matters settled, once and for all. With the fae's current set of idiosyncrasies and Dean, Riker, and all whom associated with them appearing to have their own internal nuances. All of which, from this distance and atmosphere. Flew right over Tide's head. The one thing that captured their undivided attention was... "Oh god... oh god damn it, IB." This was spoken in a hushed tone, an equalized influx of both, 'so proud right now' and, 'oh sweet lord no WH--'. All without showing much if any change in comportment. Internally screaming, you'd call it. "I have my moments." Rip murmured, eyes going cross when their nose got booped. Oof, don't sneeze! "Aaaaaeeeee keee squeak!" IB announced, saucy and triumphant. Where she'd gotten that basket, Tide had no idea, but she was already fluttering over to where the double J's had [c]
(19:52:33) Riptide fostered a decent haul, adding her contribution to the lot. There was little for Riptide to do but bring up the rear and silently laugh. Silent, because a oversized doggo LOL-ing was a bit much. Even for this already chaotic gathering. (f)
(19:54:10) Ericc groaned as Casey emptied his boots. "That's disgusting," he told him, but luckily they'd all be washed a million times before they were sent out for consumption anyway. "You don't know you won ye-" He paused as his count was finished, letting out a long suffering sigh. "I'm not smiling. You beat me but you didn't beat everyone else. Pretty sure the pooch did. Who the fuck do I give the wine to?" Who knew if Riptide had a human form? There was talking going on, maybe drinking was fine? Look he wasn't gonna be the one to worry about it. "Lets do this. I'll make a duck face, hows that sound? Hey! I better not be the only one taking a ridiculous god damn picture over here, pretty sure somebody put a lot of work into picking out these stupid cutouts." He shouted for the group, because of course he wanted his fathers' event to be a success. "You better put it on Facebook, by the way. Their facebook. It'll be good for them to have," he told Casey.
(19:55:23) Faune: West watched Riker wander into the strawberry rows, chewing hard at her lip before she nearly jumped out of her bones. Holy fuck-- what was Ren doing there? There was no guessing this time, she was definitely scowling at him. "Yo--" She shut her mouth and frowned at Brodey. "Huh?" He was asking about Tinder? "Uh. Yeah. Something like that." Following up on appointments, scheduling, feedback. Might as well get some work done while she was out there. She shuffled away from Ren, to the opposite side of Brodey. She was in no mood to talk to Ren. And Brodey could be useful as a wall. It was about time for a little more whiskey-- this time she wiggled the flask toward her miserable companion. "Want some?"
(20:00:47) Brodey was observant enough to know when someone was attempting to avoid others, and so the scoot to the other side of him was noted, though he wasn't sure why or whom for. Didn't really matter, he was a pretty good wall. He watched as everyone started gathering and counting up their strawberries (sounded dreadful, honestly). He preferred the type of contests that involved a little more action. Like catching greased pigs and stupid shit like that. He blinked some as he watched Dean waddle up, cupping those impossibly sized cups filled to the brim with berries. He inhaled some of the smoke and would give a nod to the offered whiskey. "God only knows I need something stronger than this," he would agree, taking the offered flask and having a swig before he it was handed back. "How did you get roped into this anyways?"
(20:01:16) Caseyy rolled eyes as Ericc called him out on being gross. "You're just mad you lost." he stuck his tongue out, watching as the others' came in with their hauls. Specific attention was made to Dean and you better fucking believe he got a picture of that. It was going on their Facebook. Did the Ranch even have a Facebook? Good question, if it didn't; Casey was going to fix that problem. With that photo taken he took a few more of just the gathering before making his way to the cardboard cutouts. "I think you can just give the wine to the woman with the dog and bat?" he pointed to Missy, plucking up another bottle because he hadn't forgotten his own promise. Bounding over to Dean he offered it over to the man. "Here ya go, just as promised. By the way, if you work for the Ranch I'm the resident medic. In case you...ever need anything." he hoped that was a subtle way of bringing up the missing hand without making it awkward. >>
(20:01:25) Caseyy Tossing a wave, the witch was back over to the cutouts. "Stop making people try to suffer with you Ericc. You lost fair and square." he teased, though he would slide up next to his friend and flip the camera so that it was taking a selfie. A few were snapped before he took some of just Ericc and finally of any groups that came over.<<
(20:02:40) Desoto, still seething. Might have very well mistaken the impromptu hug as a commencement to a sumo match. "I'll turn in your ruddy ASS when I'm--!" Cue muffled growly-aching as Desoto found his mouth wisely clamped shut, albeit briefly. When released, puce decorated cheeks wound tightly as Des committed to his very best Yosemite Sam impression. "Fuckin' dick-waggin' fessin' half broiled bambot--" Dude had some real lung capacity, it turns out. "-- flippity gibbit oFFA ME ARSE!" By the time he caught up with Dom, Des was panting, bent with hands braced against his knees. It was good he had so much hair, seeing as it prevented his face from being observed from lenient angles. Wordlessly, he'd hold out the tote for Dominic to retrieve at his leisure.
(20:05:18) Juddson helped count the strawberries; he was more and more surprised each year, honestly. It was a good thing they planned for a large amount to go out for this festival, or they'd probably never have enough to sell to local grocers as well. He snickered at Casey and Ericc's bickering, but decided not to comment. He'd caught the look that ericc had shot him earlier. "Love the bra," he told Dean, and he meant it. Seemed like he would fit in just fine around here, and Judd was more than willing to work with him through the new challenges he might face with getting used to working on things with just one hand. He was a good man to work for. He really thought the bra would be the shoe in, but it was Riptide who beat everyone out. "Hope you like to eat strawberries," he told the canine. "Think you'll get any?" he asked Missy. They were here together, after all. "If anyone wants to learn about pie making, speak with Jaiyden! Or go back and pick some more strawberries." The field was still open for a little while longer, after all, but he figured everyone had plenty.
(20:10:56) Jaiyden let Juddson go off to handle the strawberry contest. It wasn't the most exciting thing, but hey the amount of strawberries that fit inside a basket for that price was ridiculous! Go to any grocery store and you'd get less than a tenth of it. It wasn't necessarily about the competition (Because Jay had literally created that on the fly) as it was about getting good produce for a more than fair price. Plus the free labor. The cool contests would be coming though, the owners of the Ranch already planning on a few things to keep people entertained. The Ranch was expanding after all and there was soon to be people even renting cabins here. They had to do a few test runs of events and competitions, so things were coming down the pipe! "Don't worry about paying at this rate. Ya'll probably gonna get it all for free." he flashed a grin as he glanced over to the gathering. >>
(20:11:07) Jaiyden"I like her. Bitty eh? She's lucky I stayed out of the competition though, maybe even in my shifted form I probably couldn't keep up." he could've moved switfly, but he was no fruit bat that was for sure! Much like Missy and Riptide, he'd take to observing instead of being overly active in the festivities right now. The only thing to really draw his attention would be the scent of smoke, eyes shifting to where West was smoking...or had been smoking? "There's empty coffee cans for the cigarette butts. Riker! If there's any on the ground you're the one cleaning them up." he figured the mechanic could keep his friends in line right? As for pie making he rubbed his hands together and rolled shoulders. "I guess that's my cue to go teach things..." he trailed off though, as if giving Missy a chance to change his plans...or join them. <<
(20:16:18) Riker Ford noted West and Brodey and grabbed the coffee canisters to take it to them. "Please put the butts in here so I don't have to be on trash duty... " He sighed heading Jaiyden's instructions, "Otherwise you'll be stuck here with me." He said pointedly to West, "Less Brodey takes you home." He wasn't sure if that was plausible, but they seemed to be getting along well now and that was good right. He'd set it down as he noticed the flask and arched an eyebrow, he shoulda known. "You two are a pair." He said quietly before he walked over to Dean to pat him on the back, "We both lost, it's okay. Never seen better jugs in my life though... So plump and juicy."
(20:18:06) Ericc watched Casey offer his help, and felt a familiar fondness. Casey was a good person through and through, and he hoped that never changed. Ericc had changed a lot over the years. It was a wonder the medic wanted anything to do with him. He leaned into the carboard cutout and made faces right alongside Casey, but he did give a good smile because.. he was genuinely happy to be here. It had been far too long. "I'm gonna go check up on Erica," he said when the pictures were done. It was a lot to take in, and he wanted to get away from the crowd. "Hey! Pops! You better make some dinner later or I'm gonna jet." He grabbed a bottle of wine and was on his way; who knew if the crowd would see him again, but for now? He was disappearing.
(20:18:44) Brontes had delivered the satchet, but it was clear they weren't going to win. Too much running around and he laughed. "Did I wear you out Desoto?" He said quietly and came over to pat him on the back. "Don't tell me I'm in better shape than you..." Oh let the teasing continue. Deso was going to kill him by the end of the evening. Maybe. "We didn't win, love... but you win my heart? Hey that's enough right?"
Logs Pt 2
(20:19:07) Missy Kissinger watched as the things were weighed. Watching Dean. Good. He was getting along just fine. Laugh escaped lips. "Bitty MAY let me have a few if I offer to make them into a cake for her." She poked out her tongue at the bat then moved away. "I heard someone mention swimming." Shirt starting to be lifted and pulled off, since she was kind of off to the side of the crowd now. When she pulled head out of shirt there was a... bottle of wine? "Oh god thats too nice." She smiled, winking over to Riptide, setting her shirt and wine near their strawberry haul. "Looks like I'm lucky you stayed out of the competition too." bathingsuit top was simple enough, though jeans were still on. She made sure to strut by Riker and Co, ironically when juicy jugs were mentioned. "I think I'll swim. But thanks." With all the Berries dean had, she figured they'd be going that way. She was going the other way.
(20:22:15) Dean Pierce hadn't noticed Casey snapping the picture, otherwise he might have had the biggest hissy fit in the history of strawberry picking. He waited with bated breath as the berries were counted, eyeballing the others' lots. He seemed to have the most - or so he thought. Red, hot, seething anger filled his body as he realized who had won. Missy. Her beau. That fucking bat. THEM. T.H.E.M. He shot them a death glare that only faded when Casey produced the wine. "O...oh...uh, thanks." He furrowed his brows. "I didn't know this place had a medic. Huh. I'll be seein' a lot 'o ya, I think. Bad shit tends to happen to me." Even with his werewolf healing, he still needed to be wrapped in bubble wrap and protected from himself and others. He turned to Juddson, cheeks turning the color of strawberries as his bra was complimented for the THIRD time. "O-oh, t...thank you, boss-man. Maybe I should wear it every day. People seem to like it." Please, no. As soon as he had a moment, he went back >>
(20:22:52) Dean Pierce: <<to glaring, but again, he got distracted, this time by Riker. "Come drink my milkshake. It's strawberry flavored, big boy."
(20:24:37) Suthern only laughed when West scooted away from him. Hey, that's what you get when you tried to get stuff from Ren... and you didn't deserve it in his opinion. Ren cared about little and as theings were measured up and counted he'd grab the basket's as they came in and if pawned off to him would begin cleaning up his area and head off so he could call it a night. No need to linger he wasn't going to mingle after all. "Night boss," he said to Juddson and Jaiyden.
(20:26:05) Faune: West was slouching, tense, fidgetting too much with her cigarette. Brodey was right-- it was time to move on from the strawberry wine, and onto something stronger. It was festive, and it had turned her mouth pink, but whiskey would at least get her a little looser. "Uh. Riker said it would be fun." She seemd unconvinced, even as Riker rolled up with Dean and his nearly-award winning tits. "Yer gonna stain yer shirt," she mentioned, only to freeze like some kid caught smoking under the bleachers when Jay fussed about cigarette butts. She tensed like a cat who had just caught sight of the neighborhood hound. "Goin to th'bathroom." She dunked that cigarette into Riker's coffee tin and shouldered her way through the crowd, back toward the parking lot.
(20:27:23) Riptide shook their head quickly. No way in hell was Tide taking credit for any of this. It was bad enough that Del was probably going to be over, at some god awful hour, plying Missy with sweet nothing's in order to convince her to make every strawberry-related dish out there. The thought alone was earth-shattering. IB, meanwhile, was thoroughly soaking up her ten seconds of fame, chittering in delight as she hunched over her new hoard of goodies. "Qrrrrrrrrrrr." IB swooned over Missy's maybe-kinda offer for cake, while Riptide watched as the cotton-candy woman got cozy in a bathing suit. "Don't think anyone wants drool-covered strawberries, you know?" Tide supplied softly, shoulder-packs adjusted slightly before the oversized pup gave a light bark toward the basking bat... who refused to budge. Ugh.... "Swimming would be" Noticing Dean and his angry eyes, Tide gave a, 'wot??' face. Not sure a farm was the best place for confrontation but.... WHY NOT.
(20:32:02) Caseyy lingered by Dominic and Desoto long enough to hear Dominic's word. Wow that was ... so very very gay. It was incredibly reminiscent of the hosts of this event. Casey was pretty certain nobody could be worse than those two but Desoto and Dominic might give the old bastards a run for their money. A soft chuckle escaped him at the though before attention shifted firmly back to Dean. "No worries, you aren't the only one. The clinic is almost built up; it'll be near the main house and barn when its done. Until than, just stop by the house if you need, the bosses know how to get up with me." he'd leave the man to Riker's company though, laughing at the third compliment about the bra. The man really had been asking for it, but it really was a brilliant idea. "Hey, what the hell Ericc!" he called out after his friend as the man talked about going on to check on Erica. "You just running off? S'pose its lucky you came in the first place." >>
(20:32:10) Caseyy he fell into stride beside the son of the ranch-owners, heading up to the caribou barns. [Exit] <<
(20:33:39) Brodey would give a nod to the suggestion of cigarette butts not littering the grounds - he could respect that. And then they had an even better solution so he didn't stink entirely. He would flick the ash off into the ground before the can was handed over - not without such comments though. Mmm... Right. "I always have a spare helmet," he would say, voice more flat than anything, even though as he spoke he would watch Missy pass by. No harm in peeking, right? He didn't move towards the swimming zone though, just kind of remained in place, albeit a bit awkwardly as West moved off to pee. He watched Riker and Dean and for the first time noticed his lack of a hand. His eyebrows furrowed and his jaw set firmly before he flicked the butt into the can with a scowl and moved to leave. He'd had his free booze after all. Avoiding where ever West had gone off to, he would move off to his motorcycle without much more said. [Gotta head out.]
(20:34:34) Adney Hack had gotten here late, because.... Hack was Hack, and his sense of timing was horrible. He had to set multiple alarms just to get anywhere even slightly on time; normally his bandmates helped with that, though. Today he was by his lonesome, meandering into the area; maybe he didn't know this was taking place, after all, because he was staring with wide eyes. People! Lots of people, with lots of berries. He saw Dean over there but he was saying awkward things to that one guy from the restaurant the other day, so he looked around elsewhere, plucking berries and popping them in his mouth as he went, before he saw Missy. "Oii!" He waved (obnoxiously), and because of his voice, hair, and lankyness he kind of stuck out in a crowd. Not to mention that bright tshirt sporting a zombie chinchilla, and his neon knee-high socks under vibrant converse and faded light jeans. If he caught anyone else's eye, he'd give them a toothy smile, with slightly crooked teeth.
(20:35:59) Desoto waited until Dom was busy trying to console him over their joint loss. That'd be when the Raven attempted to leap onto the demon, getting him in a loose headlock, legs wrapping around his waist. If successful, Des would merely park himself there, rubbing his cheek against Dominic's. "Seein' you have fun is worth any prize, even free food." That's... sweet?? "Now carry me to the pie competition before I die." Out of shape? Nnnoooo! Turn into a albino raisin in this heat? Frighteningly plausible. He'd only worn a mesh button-up and jeans for that reason. Still all black though, hm. Somebody likes to suffer in the name of fashion, turns out.
(20:36:43) Riker Ford noted West but he'd also was standing next to Dean and then there was Tide and he frowned, giving the DONT START IT face to Tide hopping Tide would look at him in that respect because he did not want to have to get between two bipedal werewolves. He would reach for Dean's wrist just to be sure to try and turn him to have his back towards Tide instead and face Brodey who was opting to walk off. "Bye Brodey," he rumbled and then looked to Dean since West had gone to the bathroom. "We can always go back to my place, we got booze and an area for a bonefire if you'd like? Just let me clean up here first and I'll be along. If you want you can go start up the car? It's just around the corner there." He'd hand his keys off to Dean.
(20:44:18) Dean Pierce shrugged to West, giving her a weird, awkard smile. "It woulda been worth it---if I'd won." If he'd gotten there a BIT sooner, that fucking bat wouldn't've stood a chance, he reasoned. He jerked his chest aggressively at Rip, in a 'fite me, bro' kind of way. Hadn't seen them since he'd lost a hand, but he was just as willing to fuck shit up then he ever was. THANKFULLY, both Riker AND Casey were there to divert his attention. "Cool, cool. Next time I need a bandaid I'll come to you." He didn't mean to sound sarcastic, but he likely did. "Thanks for the wine, thoguh. I's cool." he lifted the bottle. Turned around, it was like Rip and Missy didn't even exist. Back to Riker. "Yeh. Yeh we could go. Let me just get some of that shortcake though, 'cause daddy loves strawberry shortcake." despite that, he still took the keys, imagining himself ramming the ride straight into two particular people.
(20:45:38) Jaiyden seemed to be off the hook on teaching anyone about pies. Which was fine, the recipes were available on little cards if people wanted. The same went for the jars of preserves and jams and besides, he was here all the time. If anyone wanted a lesson later, they knew where to find him. This did; however, leave him with focus on what was going on around him instead of worrying about teaching the group about pies. His link to the wards started to give him a tingle in the spine and he glanced between Dean and Riptide, sighing as he fingers flexed into a fist and back out again. "I planned on teaching about making pies, but if there's anyone who wants to have a good old fashioned fist fight instead speak now. I haven't had a good fight in awhile." which meant anyone getting into a fight would have to deal with him as well. >>
(20:45:48) Jaiyden He didn't really care about two bi-pedal werewolves, he had a witch for a husband. Juddson could easily handle two wolves with the enhancements that Jay offered. "Otherwise, there's plenty of food left and for the late comers, the field is open for a bit longer." this was spoken to Hack as he approached, offering him a friendly wave. "Anyone actually interested in learning about pie making or jarring preserves I'll show you a thing or two. The pond is also freshly clean if you prefer to take a dip." like Missy, who came prepared. Jay was gay ... so very very gay, but hey she looked nice in that suit he could admit. <<
(20:45:41) Missy Kissinger caught Brodey's glance but spotted Hack coming up the way from the entry before she got herself in trouble. She heard a familiar voice. Hack? "Oiii!" She said back, doing her best impression.... which.... honestly wasn't that bad after all the time spent overseas. "Don't be scared, this is Riptide." She knew hack didn't exactly like dogs. "They're really nice. They're just in their fluff suit." She gave a bit of a hop, signalling toward Riptide. "Riptide, this is Hack. I've known him for yeeeears." Dean's current beaux was with someone and he wasn't acting jealous. Missy honestly didn't understand the problem or why she was the terrible one. Not like she was sucking their face in front of him. She just wanted to go swimming with her friends and keep up this friendly face.
(20:46:57) Brontes found himself leapt on and nearly falling as the legs wrapped around him. This seemed vagely familiar only this time he wasn't being punched repeatedly and he wasn't on the ground. He grinned, turning his head so he could kiss the cheek. "Alright," He said as he would carry Desoto towards Jaiyden for the pie making stuff and smiled to Tide and Missy along the way as he made a basket with his hands to carry Desoto's ass in. Dominic also was very, very gay, so the bathing suit wasn't given much mind as he also didn't care about fashion, but hey maybe Deso did?
(20:50:55) Juddson: Well, Jay had lucked out tonight and he wouldn't push the pie making. Although they'd have some fresh pies tomorrow, because Judd had been dying for one and he knew just how to sweet talk his husband into baking one for him. "I think I could do with a swim," he admitted, and with things starting to wind down, he poured himself a glass of wine. The fight wasn't something he was worried about, if only because he knew that Jay would love to get into the middle of that. And if it got too bad, Judd would be happy to step in and work his magic- very literally. They had a late arrival in the form of Hack, and he gestured to the table full of food. "Help yourself." Though it looked like maybe Missy already had him covered and held his attention! He'd sip his wine and eventually wander over to the pond to dip his feet in, letting his muscles relax and the beginning of the sunset wash over him. A good day indeed.
(20:54:11) Riker Ford would frown, "Don't be startin no fist fightin shit..." he grumbled as he urged Dean on. It would not end well and Riker was busy playing round up with his own crew, shoving them off before the fight's began. Which was fine cause two were already gone really and he would nod, " Alright get your plate," He would go around and pick up what trash he could before stopping by Jaiyden, "I'm gonna get Dean and West home before someone loses an eye... probably me... so might need that hospital favor after all.." He said, "I'll come by in the morning to help clean up the rest." He'd then hurry his way back to the bathroom to see if he could find West, but he didn't waste much time, nope, into the car he went and waited for Dean if he wasn't already there, opting to drive off down the road which fortunately was on his way home anyway to pick West up too... sassy little minx. [exit]
(20:57:18) Adney Hack smiled brightly as Missy returned his 'oi'; without real warning, he wrapped her up in a hug- before realizing what she was wearing. Or, rather, not wearing. "Wot 'appened ta ya shuht? Ya 'ot? 'coz-" His short attention span hadn't noticed Rip until Missy pointed them out, and he jumped a bit. "'e-'ello, ahhhh..." He spoke to the dog, slooowly reaching out a hand in case they wanted to sniff it. "Ya pu' 'im in a sui'? Go'uh toi fo' 'im an' ev'ryfing, too? Should do tha' ta Mahvin!" He laughed. "Dun't fink 'e'd loik i' much tho', 'less we ge' 'im a looo'uh ca'nip-" He smiled widely to Judd and Jaiyden. "Fank! Uhm- 'm no' good a' makhin' poi, I can ea' summ, tho'! Ya go'- ya go' bevvies, too? Aace!"
(21:00:27) Missy Kissinger just wanted to swim, guys, GOD. Fairies also weren't against blatent nudity. They're lucky she wasn't going skinny dipping. "Take your shirt off Hack, god, I don't want to be the only one. Need help with your bags, Rip?" She figured the bags would be safe with the rest of their stuff. But she kicked off her boots near their collection of things, jean shorts pushed down with a wiggling of hips. "Marvin would not appreciate ANY clothes. Maybe the ferrets wouldn't care...." She mused, setting the pants aside. "Hack, get your shirt off so you can swim." She spotted her savior, a rope swing. She ran towards the pond with long strides, towards that rope swing to jump, grab..... and let go to swing out into the lake with a nearly ear piercing raspy but high pitched squeel. Dear. Lord. Sploosh. She was going to be first in and didn't curr.
(21:02:27) Riptide blinked at the look from Riker, because wot, x2?? The posturing from Dean and then Jaiyden's announcement both had Tide a little stunned. Why did people always jump the gun? It was almost like witnessing someone pull out a gun when all someone did was raise thei-- ohh.... "Even if I wasn't friendly," Said towards Hack, who earned a polite wiggle of ears, "I'd never eat somebody that colorful." A crime against nature. Speaking of crimes -- "Guess I should change, huh? Sure, I'll fight." Looked like Riker and Co. were already dispersing though, but hey. If free tussling was on the table, who was Tide to refuse? "One sec." While Missy got acquainted with the pond and her ye olde pal. Riptide scooted behind the nearest walled off section of farm where they could shift in relative privacy. What came back was a young... person.... who'd come to stand beside Missy and look towards Dom & Des with veiled curiosity. They seemed to be about the only ones without any internal [c]
(21:03:16) Riptide consternation, but looks could be deceiving. Now properly bipedal, the hand Hack offered was shaken, if allowed. "It's nice to meet you." (f)
(21:05:13) Dean Pierce grabbed his cake, a bit of food, a sample of the wine (even though he had a bottle), all the while stink-eyeing YOU KNOW WHO but not picking a fight despite whoever thought of joining in, and hten rejoined Riker and got the heck outta ford.(21:06:23) Jaiyden waved to Riker, nodding to his words and wishing the man good luck. The hospital wasn't really a favor, but maybe Casey would be able to help the man before he found his way to the bigger facility. "Keep out of trouble Riker." he called out after the man, a fond shake of his head offered before he was caught up in the accent of Hack. "Ain't heard an accent like that before. Where ya from?" his own accent was southern if nothing else, definitely a little bit hick going on here. It was interesting too, considering he spent most of his life on this little Island. "You don't gotta make pies, you can eat em though. We should totally do a pie eating contest..." his eyes suddenly turned devious as he shifted attention to Dominic and Desoto. "Think you two can eat more than this fellow?" was he really trying to get another competition going? Yeah, well he was getting just a tad bit bored and all the good entertainment was leaving! >>
(21:06:31) Jaiyden Except for Missy, who was trying to get people shirtless and than diving into the pond. Rip's disappearing act was also noted and for the record...Jay wasn't trying to instigate a fight. He was trying to stop one because he knew Riker would realize what his words meant and do exactly what he did; get Dean somewhere else for the moment. Riptide's return earned a wave, not remotely affected by the shifting. "If you really want to fight we totally can, but I'd rather watch a butch of people shove pie in their faces." gesturing to those who remained. Please let there be a pie eating contest! He needed this in his life right now. <<
(21:08:56) Adney Hack made a funny-sounding warbling noise that cracked in his throat as Missy told him to take off his shirt. "Bu' Em's no' 'ere!" But she pressed again, and eventually he pulled off his zombie-chinchilla shirt; someone needed their vitamin D! And food. His also may've gotten a new tattoo since Missy had seen him last. No sooner had he taken off his shirt, than the dog talked, and Hack shrieked, pulling up his shirt to cover himself. Dogs watched you when you went to the bathroom, just kind of chilled there. Did this one do that, too?? "Yew- ahhhh-" >>
(21:09:01) Adney Hack >> He stared with wide eyes as Rip walked off, looked to watch Missy jump into the water -that looked like fun- but then his attention returned to the person coming back from where Rip had just went, and offered a hand. "Ah- uhm-" He looked over to Missy, now in the water. Halp! Then Jaiyden was talking to him. "Uhm- London, me bes' la's from Livuhpool, tho'- I- I dunno, Paxy could prob'lly ea' mo' than me! Eats loik a fookhin' 'orse, tho'!" He laughed; maybe it was an inside joke or something.
(21:12:55) Desoto, could easily look at others and find them attractive, regardless of genital related bits. Problem? Too many to list here! In summary: He was being plenty brave enough today. Still, Missy's swimsuit was noted, and Des had to think for a heartbeat or two, a critical handful of seconds where reality appeared to bend. When was the last time he'd been in swimming attire? He kept away from water as much as possible, usually. "Okay, you can put me down," Whether Dom would was another matter. Hack's unmistakable voice was clearly picked up through the shuffling wall of bodies all going about their business, only subsumed when Jaiyden inquired about eating food. "....." A soft inhale, "If I'm eatin', I can't focus on mentally dying." Not exactly a, 'yes' but sure as taint not a no, either.
(21:18:17) Juddson had been ready for a swim, but then Jay was mentioning a pie eating contest and suddenly the man was back on his feet. "Really? You're gonna try that?" He put a hand on his hip, the other still holding his wine. "It's not a very fair competition if the two of us enter; you know I'll win anyway." He was definitely going to snag a slice, though. He wandered towards his husband, hooking their hands affectionately for a moment but going no further than that. He didn't like to be be excessive with PDA; but the love between them was so stupidly clear. "And what are you offering to the winner? We may run out of wine if we keep giving that away." He was joking, they had plenty of wine. At least.. he hoped they did.
(21:24:18) Brontes would set Desoto down to his feet and find himself looking at his phone, "Uh Desoto, I got to run." He said, "Want me to take the strawberries?" He inquired and if so would take them. "I'll take them to my place," he nodded to those around them. "Thanks for such a fun event, I loved it but I'm gonna pass on the pie eating contest. Make me proud my heart." He told Desoto if he chose to say and if not would begin to walk on to his motorcycle to drive home. Desoto could fly after all, no worries there.
(21:25:48) Jaiyden. Liverpool sounded interesting. He hadn't been out of the states, at least not in human form. He had escaped a coven at a young age but he'd stayed shifted for a good many years after than until he wound up in Caribou Coast. "You're pretty far from home eh? What brings you here?" he should probably get names and stuff out of the way, but he seemed to have forgotten manner in favor of sating his curiosity. Oh and getting a pie eating contest going. "I don't know about Paxy, but he isn't here right? No pressure but it'd be fun." okay maybe there was a little pressure. Desoto's sort of agreeance only had him grinning even more. Well that was one person down, though the reason given caused him to frown slightly. "Eating is better than mentally dying...." he wasn't even sure how to respond to that, so he sort of just trailed off. "Alcohol is also better, to which there is still wine! There's also a few ciders in the coolers." >>
(21:25:56) Jaiyden His husband's appearance had him leaning in to press a kiss to his cheek. "You can't enter, that's cheating." eyes rolled affectionately. They both knew Juddson was much better at eating than cooking and he was fond of pie. "As for the winner..." he...hadn't really thought about a prize. "A weekend in one of our guest cabins when we open them." it would be free marketing! "Anyone else want to join?" he called out to the few remaining people. If nobody else joined in, Desoto would probably still get the weekend getaway. Because Dominic and Desoto were just so sickeningly cute. <<
(21:32:09) Missy Kissinger had made her way out of the pond soaking wet to try and encourage others once she realized nobody was coming. She understood why Riptide may not want to get in but she didn't seem to care too much. She wasn't being as nice and thoughtful as she usually was. There were just little things off about her right now. She normally wouldn't have done that. She has SLIGHTLY more social awareness than she could be observed with today. She flipped some pink hair out of her face, "What happened? Your shirt was just off!" As she came back closer to the group. She wasn't going to do more than that to Hack though, out of sheer want of survival. His girlfriend was rumored to have a mean hook. You used to do stuff. Now I never see you. We never do stuff. We used to have fun. Like. Legit fun." She sighed and rolled her eyes, pouting over to Rip. The owners talking about a pie eating contest made her tilt her head. "I'll totally watch. Get all messy....then jump in the pond." Try that angle!
(21:34:33) Riptide held onto their bags for now, seeing as Missy was busy with getting her water splashy-time on. Instead Tide would offer a vague expression of clement inclination towards Hack. His accent was difficult to digest, but a little time spent mulling over his words was all it took to get everything cleanly translated. "I don't know if I'd be cut out for that. Even when starved, I wasn't good at wolfing down my food." There was so much to unpack in that sentence alone, let's don't and say we did. IB, ever the more adventurous one between the two. Finally managed to pull herself away from the basket-mound of berries to emit a ear-splitting shriek. Competition, free shit? "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" Now, with the aid of hands. Riptide could properly facepalm. "I..." Suck it up, bucko. It's time to eat pie.
(21:37:32) Adney Hack smiled to Jaiyden. "'m in a band! We's Ferry 'Cross the Mersey; tha's from Livuhpool, too, ehmmm, the Mersey. We's playin' a gig 'ere la'uh this week; ya should come! Gonna be a' the Kraken, 's gonnuh be crackhin'!" He laughed at his joke, then shook his head. "Nah, Paxy ain't 'ere roigh' now. 'e's, uhmmm... ge'in' summ pizza, I fink. Or 'avin' a kip." Hack was always quick to forget introductions, too; he forgot his own. "Should'a brough' 'im 'ere, tho'!" He looked to Missy as she came over again. "'e- 'e stah'ed rabbi'in', an' I-" He looked between her and Rip, not sure who she was talking to with the 'used to do stuff' comment, though the bat fully got his attention then. "'s a bat!" No kidding! "'e gonnuh ea' poi, too-" Oh, right, the pie-eating contest. "I can! Paxy's gonnuh be miffed 'e missed ou'!"
(21:40:58) Desoto scowled, this time less, 'your ass is grass' and more, 'hahahaha my ribs are in agony call 911'. "Because you haven't run enough, CLEARLY." Grated through a clenched smile, which all but melted at the offer. It wasn't even, why-- "S-sure." They're strawberries, why is that making you embarrassed?! With Dom saying his goodbyes and pie making converting to pie eating. Desoto cast one look toward the congregation, then placed a hand on Dom's ear, if allowed, to offer it a slight tug. If Dom got the hint, a kiss would ensue, just a small one. "Get home safe." Stepping back then, hands driven to the safety of his pockets. Make him proud? Des was about to shove edibles down his face hole. Pride wasn't what came to mind, but there was no better F than the one in FUN. Or so he'd tell himself.
(21:46:57) Juddson: "That sounds like a fine prize," Judd agreed. "We'll even let them pick their package." The vacation packages ranged from casual 'I just want to sleep in a lot' to 'I wanna be put through the ringer and work a farm for a day' and it was all going to be good fun. He hoped. While pie eating commenced he cut only a slice for himself, but the rest of the pie was going to make it into his belly before the night was out. Good thing he worked hard on the ranch or he'd be packing on pudge these days. He was honestly more invested in humming around mouthfuls than watching the contest, but he was happy to see people enjoying the pie and working for that prize. "I think we have a winner?" He'd let Jay handle that ,though, this was his contest.
(21:57:38) Jaiyden tilted his head to Hack, as if that name sounded really really familiar. Where had he heard it...oh right! "You won battle of the son went and saw it. You can't compete with Simple Plan, but he said you put on a good show." he also remembered Ericc saying something about them being British. Which now all of this suddenly made sense. "I don't get into town much, but if I get a chance I will. Ericc will probably go again." maybe the name would spark memory with Adney? He wasn't sure if the band actually got to meet any of the audience at the Battle of the Bands or not. Yet again introductions seemed to be a forgotten thing as people were actually suiting up for pie eating. Yesssss! With the prize announced he set up pies infront of each of the competitors. "First one to finish their pie wins!" he would wait until they were all situated before counting down. It was great fun to watch, but Hack came out the clear winner. "And you said you couldn't do it." >>
(21:57:46) Jaiyden"S'pose I should get a name now that you're gonna be a guest here in the near future. Or I guess you could give the prize away, but having your band at the Ranch sounds like a good time honestly." they could have a barn dance! Or a bonfire, or something. It would be great fun, assuming the band agreed to such a thing. As for Desoto and the little bat, they were offered a cheer as well. "Nicely played, ya'll are welcome back here anytime." he found himself stretching than, a yawn escaping him. Ugh, when did he get so old. "Well I think I'm about ready to eat a slice of pie myself and relax at the pond. Which is still open for swimming by the way." he offered a wink to Missy; grabbing up a slice of pie and heading to sit on the little dock that jutted out into the waters. <<
(22:04:39) Missy Kissinger gave a soft laugh at the bat shriek, pulling a shirt on for Astaroth sake. It was loose enough to hang around hips. She remained barefoot though. She heard Hack's joke about crackin at the Kraken and shook her head. She was definitely talking to Hack about we used to do stuff, frowning when he kind of brushed it off. She rolled her eyes and watched, ringing out her hair away from Rip with a sigh. Well time for pie then. She wasn't going to eat any, but she'd cheer on for the contest. She giggled as some of the contestents pigged out, others being more delicate. She gave a soft chuckle at Judd's style. Slow and steady wins the race sometimes. She watched Jay move towards the pond and that was enough for her to end up with her shirt back off and jumping off in a straight pencil way so she would hopefully not splash him. Yiss.
(22:06:24) Riptide really really tried not to show any amount of gratitude when the race was over. They hadn't been kidding; Tide was a runty little thing as a human, and there was plenty of historical reason as to why. IB, indignant at being told to sit out. Barked a load of chirpy vitriol that was mainly playful cajoling, with a dash of salt added to the mix. "Missy, I think Hack needs to mee a certain somebody..." Quietly, grinning to themself as they rose from their seat. Pie left majorily uneaten, the HERESY. "Uhm, excuse me, sir?" Moving over to Juddson, tugging on his sleeve if able. "I think we're going to need something larger than a basket for IB's.... conquest..." pls.
(22:08:37) Desoto might be in a coma, for all anyone knows. Or resting from sprinting the hundred yard dash in under five seconds in an effort to catch a wily imp. Place your bets which is the likelier culprit.
(22:09:25) Adney Hack, unfortunately, did not have a good memory, especially for names. He tended to nickname people because it was much easier for them to stick in his head that way. "Yeahh, we woz a' tha'! Aace, 'e comes 'gain, tell 'im ta say 'ey!" As the pie-eating contest started, Hack was quick to scarf down his, and by the end of it had strawberry stains around his mouth and on his hands. ...At least he wasn't wearing a shirt, so wouldn't get that dirty, too. Instead, he wiped his hands on his pants. "Wot?" He asked Jaiyden with a mouthful of food still, glancing to the others, before back to Jai. "I won? Uhm- 'm 'ack!" He swallowed his food finally, and annunciated. "Hack. Wot- wot I win? Guest?" He'd missed Jai and Judd talking about it.
(22:21:29) Juddson glanced at Riptide as he felt his sleeve being tugged upon. Oh! Yes, right. "We'll get them cased up for you, don't worry," he assured. "We've got a few extra boxes laying around, I'm sure we can fill one or two up for you." He was pretty sure it would take more than one. As for Hack, he was happy to point in the direction of the cabins, though you couldn't see them from here. "We're about to open up some vacation cabins; you'll be one of our first guests. Spend a weekend on the ranch getting some R&R, or have the band up to party, whatever you'd like. You have to leave us a review, though." He winked, because he was kidding, though it would be totally nice.
(22:33:47) Jaiyden watched as Missy dived back into the waters and chuckled. At least she was having fun! He paused in his path to the dock, turning back to Juddson as he seemed to suddenly remember his husband existed. Which of course was not the truth, he could never actually forget about Judd after all. "Hack?" he spoke catching the tail end of the man stuffing his face and still speaking with a full mouth. "Yeah, congrats." he'd let his husband take care of the explanation though. "It's Hidden Valley. The ranch name that is. For the review." he winked right alongside his husband before taking a bite of the pie he had in his hands. "By the way, I'm Jay and that's Juddson. We sort of suck at introductions." to which he was sure Juddson would say it was really Jay who sucked at it. "We own this place though; so you'll know who to track down when we open the cabins." with that he'd indicate the docks to Juddson for him to join after settling up with Riptide. >>
(22:34:04) Jaiyden After this slice of pie he was pretty sure he was going to go take a nap. He was allowed to nap right? Oh he had to cook because Ericc was still off somewhere with Casey. Well rest for the weary! [Exit for me
] <<
(22:37:59) Missy Kissinger had been content with floating on her back and closing her eyes, face up in the water once the water from her jumping had settled. Eyes closing, steadying breath so she could just float there and take in the garbled noises and smells of sweet strawberry kissed nature. She honestly enjoyed the outdoors like this. It helped clear her mind and focus. There was a point to coming here, and she felt the points had been accomplished for the day. Little steps and little victories. Poor Hack and riptide were left behind for a soak. She stayed close to the docks, however. Riptide could also use Missy's halfluster filled strawberry basket for some of the overflow. She stayed in the pond for now, but would have probably fell asleep if she stayed floating. She got out of the pond finally, cleaning out her ears and getting her stuff together. "The warehouse is going to smell like strawberries." She chuckled while getting her clothes together once again.
(22:51:36) Adney Hack looked in the direction that Judd did, trying to seeee... cabins? "Aww, ace!" Spending a weekend partying at a cabin?? Yes please! He nodded to Jai. "Yeah! Fanks! Ah-" Hidden Valley? "Loik the ranch dressin'?" His eyes widened. "Ya make tha'?" He smiled at the introductions. "Chuffed!" He suddenly burped, then wiped his strawberry pie-stained mouth on his arm, before grabbing his shirt and meandering down to the docks with the others, slow in taking his shoes off -laces were hard- so he could stick his feet in the water. "Ain't no ga'uhs 'ere? Or reeel big feesh? No' the band?"
(22:57:00) Harper Greenbush was a-walking along the path up the vineyard, backpack slung over a single shoulder as she hoofed her way down the long way home. She'd hear mention of 'cabins' and stop, the stoic woman raising a brow and glancing over at the source of the speaking. That was a stong accent; the heck was going on over there?
(23:02:24) Juddson: "Like the dressing," Juddson replied with a grin. "Our son was six or so when he named it; I didn't have the heart to tell him no." Ericc had been much more adorable then, sweeter too, but the bitterness was his own fault so he wouldn't really complain. "This pond is for swimming, we regularly filter and clean it. No fish, but if there's a frog or two we can't stop it." As for Missy, he just grinned. "At least strawberries smell great," he pointed out, though the concept of a warehouse.. was that where they were living? There should be better arrangements for all the new people in the city. Another pang of anger at the way things had gone shot through him. He was just about to get into the water himself, now. Jay could eat his pie and rest. He needed a dip. He pulled off his shirt, showing that despite his age he really did put in his daily work; a toned abdomen with only slight pudge and various age marks beneath it. He moved into the water and flopped, surfacing a moment later.
(23:15:36) Adney Hack didn't notice he'd attracted anyone with his accent, but it had happened before, and not in the good way- his voice could be considered an acquired taste. He smiled at Judd. "Tha's noice; I loik tha'!" He looked back to the pond as he dipped his toes in, after pulling off his neon yellow knee-high socks. "I loik frogs; frogs is okay. Big feesh tho', an' ga'uhs- ya know summ feesh can ge' ten me'uhs long? 's troo!" He nodded in agreement with Judd to Missy about the strawberries. "Loik one'a them dolls-" Judd jumped in, and Hack was half-tempted to follow suite, though for now remained idly swinging his legs in the water.
(23:19:52) Missy Kissinger rung out her hair again. Now she was getting out and Hack was joining. She could feel an odd unplacable annoyance at everything. She had a bit of a business and enough furniture to flop there until she finds something else. Plus she had been secretly staying in somewhat of a small mansion anyways. "It was nice meeting you guys." But she was starting to feel strange and displaced. Another episode of....whatever has been going on. "Thank you guys for having me. I have to go somewhere tonight, but I can help get you guys and the strawberries back to the bat cave first."
(23:30:16) Harper Greenbush suddenly sees a man takes off his shirt. Well, now she definitely didn't want to look away. Then he dives into the water (awww), as Adney keeps talking. She'd see some pies (mostly eaten) on the table, and her nose would twitch slightly, moving close to investigate. Was there anything still there that she could take home in her bag? Inquiring minds wanted to know.
(23:34:02) Juddson wasn't the sort to drag someone into the water. He was forty five. Well. Forty six today, but the strawberry festival was more important to him than birthday cake. He definitely wasn't about to act like a child at any rate- or he'd say he wouldn't until Jay was in the water egging him on. The two had a way of bringing out the dumb-puppy-love-young-adult versions of themselves. But he'd be happy to have Adney join him, or even Jay, but he was pretty sure his husband had fallen asleep in his pie. He turned, honing in on the woman who was looking at the pie. "Feel free to take some!" he called over, before his attention returned to Adney. He admittedly wasn't a hundred percent sure what he was saying, but he was getting used to the accent. "Big fish are just good dinner," he said, because around here it was definitely all about living off the land.
(23:41:49) Adney Hack looked up as Missy got out. "Noigh'!" He didn't notice anything odd about her- then again, Hack wasn't quick to notice subtle differences. And even obvious difference sometimes. And if he would've known today was Judd's birthday, you bet he would've wished him a happy birthday and made him some sort of caked. He couldn't really cook, but hey! He looked over his shoulder at Harper as Judd called her out -he hadn't noticed her there before- but now he waved. "'ello! Poi's reaaaal good!" He smiled back at Judd. "I go'uh cat, 'e luvs feesh. Plays wif, uhmm, bees an' wasps, too, hooge ones; ain't 'fraid'a nuffink!"
(23:54:08) Harper Greenbush would blink, glancing up and say, "Well, I mean, if you're gonna twist my arm about it..." And would immediately stuff a pie (maybe two, if she could fit them right) into her bag. Some people live off the land, Harper lived off the leftovers! She'd keep her brow raised, expression otherwise stoic as she asked, "You two enjoying the water over there? Seems like it'd be cold, this time of night."
(23:57:08) Juddson: "We've got a few cats that roam the farm, though we try to get them fixed if we can catch them. I don't mind them living here, but I don't want a million kittens running around, either." Also, his husband was a bird familiar and that meant he didn't want any of them eating him. "We have a lot of animals, actually. Caribou, horses. A dog with a name just as bad as the ranch. Woofie Goldberg." His son was a menace. "Water's great, but I think I'm just used to it. We swim in it all the time, especially after a long day of work."
(00:03:12) Adney Hack smiled to Harper, "Yeah, 's no' bad!" He only had his feet in, though; it probably -would- be a little too cold if he got all the way in like Judd was. Then again, Hack was like a stick, despite all the pie he'd eaten. "Come on ovuh!" He'd wave, then his eyes widened at Judd's animal talk. "Ya go'uh caribou an' 'orses an' ev'ryfing? Aww, ace! I only go'uh cat! An' ferrets. An' summtoimes an 'orse. Ya do these fings a lo'?" He meant the pie-eating contest and things, but his mind was all over the place, so he didn't think to specify. "Can I come ovuh an' feed 'em summtoime'r summfink?" Well, he -was- going back to one of their cabins for a weekend apparently. "I can ge' ya inta one'a ouh shows'r summfink, fo' free!"
(00:05:26) Harper Greenbush says, "'Fraid not, people are expecting me at home. Thanks for the pies, though!" She'd say, raising her hand and waving. "Have a good evening, folks. MAybe I'll see you around." And she'd head off.
(00:16:09) Juddson: "Come back anytime, we'll have more pie!" Juddson called out to Harper, because he was pretty sure if she was stuffing pies in a bag.. she could use a little extra food. He wasn't one to judge, but he was one to feed. "You can stop up again too, meet the animals, feed them all you want," he told Adney. "Part of vacationing here involves rides on the horses, maybe a trail up the mountain on the caribou. It'll be a good time. "I think my son would be more interested in the concerts- no offense, but I'm an old man and I suffered through so many Simple Plan shows I think my concert days are behind me. "The ranch is pretty open to the public for the most part. You're welcome to see the animals during the day, they're all in the barn for the night."
(00:23:12) Adney Hack lit up like a Christmas tree. "Really? Wicked!" Would Pax get jealous?? He shook his head. "Nahh, Cock Sparruh lads'r 's auld 's yew, an' still makin' moosic! An' okay!" He waved bye to Harper as she headed out. "See ya!" And he probably would've kept on rambling to Judd, though his phone went off. Whooops. It took him a second to check it, but when he did, he immediately started putting on his shoes. "I go'uh go, I go'uh go, 'm la'e! Fanks fo' the poi 'n ev'ryfing, noooigh'!" Then he was rushing off again.
(20:22:15) Dean Pierce hadn't noticed Casey snapping the picture, otherwise he might have had the biggest hissy fit in the history of strawberry picking. He waited with bated breath as the berries were counted, eyeballing the others' lots. He seemed to have the most - or so he thought. Red, hot, seething anger filled his body as he realized who had won. Missy. Her beau. That fucking bat. THEM. T.H.E.M. He shot them a death glare that only faded when Casey produced the wine. "O...oh...uh, thanks." He furrowed his brows. "I didn't know this place had a medic. Huh. I'll be seein' a lot 'o ya, I think. Bad shit tends to happen to me." Even with his werewolf healing, he still needed to be wrapped in bubble wrap and protected from himself and others. He turned to Juddson, cheeks turning the color of strawberries as his bra was complimented for the THIRD time. "O-oh, t...thank you, boss-man. Maybe I should wear it every day. People seem to like it." Please, no. As soon as he had a moment, he went back >>
(20:22:52) Dean Pierce: <<to glaring, but again, he got distracted, this time by Riker. "Come drink my milkshake. It's strawberry flavored, big boy."
(20:24:37) Suthern only laughed when West scooted away from him. Hey, that's what you get when you tried to get stuff from Ren... and you didn't deserve it in his opinion. Ren cared about little and as theings were measured up and counted he'd grab the basket's as they came in and if pawned off to him would begin cleaning up his area and head off so he could call it a night. No need to linger he wasn't going to mingle after all. "Night boss," he said to Juddson and Jaiyden.
(20:26:05) Faune: West was slouching, tense, fidgetting too much with her cigarette. Brodey was right-- it was time to move on from the strawberry wine, and onto something stronger. It was festive, and it had turned her mouth pink, but whiskey would at least get her a little looser. "Uh. Riker said it would be fun." She seemd unconvinced, even as Riker rolled up with Dean and his nearly-award winning tits. "Yer gonna stain yer shirt," she mentioned, only to freeze like some kid caught smoking under the bleachers when Jay fussed about cigarette butts. She tensed like a cat who had just caught sight of the neighborhood hound. "Goin to th'bathroom." She dunked that cigarette into Riker's coffee tin and shouldered her way through the crowd, back toward the parking lot.
(20:27:23) Riptide shook their head quickly. No way in hell was Tide taking credit for any of this. It was bad enough that Del was probably going to be over, at some god awful hour, plying Missy with sweet nothing's in order to convince her to make every strawberry-related dish out there. The thought alone was earth-shattering. IB, meanwhile, was thoroughly soaking up her ten seconds of fame, chittering in delight as she hunched over her new hoard of goodies. "Qrrrrrrrrrrr." IB swooned over Missy's maybe-kinda offer for cake, while Riptide watched as the cotton-candy woman got cozy in a bathing suit. "Don't think anyone wants drool-covered strawberries, you know?" Tide supplied softly, shoulder-packs adjusted slightly before the oversized pup gave a light bark toward the basking bat... who refused to budge. Ugh.... "Swimming would be" Noticing Dean and his angry eyes, Tide gave a, 'wot??' face. Not sure a farm was the best place for confrontation but.... WHY NOT.
(20:32:02) Caseyy lingered by Dominic and Desoto long enough to hear Dominic's word. Wow that was ... so very very gay. It was incredibly reminiscent of the hosts of this event. Casey was pretty certain nobody could be worse than those two but Desoto and Dominic might give the old bastards a run for their money. A soft chuckle escaped him at the though before attention shifted firmly back to Dean. "No worries, you aren't the only one. The clinic is almost built up; it'll be near the main house and barn when its done. Until than, just stop by the house if you need, the bosses know how to get up with me." he'd leave the man to Riker's company though, laughing at the third compliment about the bra. The man really had been asking for it, but it really was a brilliant idea. "Hey, what the hell Ericc!" he called out after his friend as the man talked about going on to check on Erica. "You just running off? S'pose its lucky you came in the first place." >>
(20:32:10) Caseyy he fell into stride beside the son of the ranch-owners, heading up to the caribou barns. [Exit] <<
(20:33:39) Brodey would give a nod to the suggestion of cigarette butts not littering the grounds - he could respect that. And then they had an even better solution so he didn't stink entirely. He would flick the ash off into the ground before the can was handed over - not without such comments though. Mmm... Right. "I always have a spare helmet," he would say, voice more flat than anything, even though as he spoke he would watch Missy pass by. No harm in peeking, right? He didn't move towards the swimming zone though, just kind of remained in place, albeit a bit awkwardly as West moved off to pee. He watched Riker and Dean and for the first time noticed his lack of a hand. His eyebrows furrowed and his jaw set firmly before he flicked the butt into the can with a scowl and moved to leave. He'd had his free booze after all. Avoiding where ever West had gone off to, he would move off to his motorcycle without much more said. [Gotta head out.]
(20:34:34) Adney Hack had gotten here late, because.... Hack was Hack, and his sense of timing was horrible. He had to set multiple alarms just to get anywhere even slightly on time; normally his bandmates helped with that, though. Today he was by his lonesome, meandering into the area; maybe he didn't know this was taking place, after all, because he was staring with wide eyes. People! Lots of people, with lots of berries. He saw Dean over there but he was saying awkward things to that one guy from the restaurant the other day, so he looked around elsewhere, plucking berries and popping them in his mouth as he went, before he saw Missy. "Oii!" He waved (obnoxiously), and because of his voice, hair, and lankyness he kind of stuck out in a crowd. Not to mention that bright tshirt sporting a zombie chinchilla, and his neon knee-high socks under vibrant converse and faded light jeans. If he caught anyone else's eye, he'd give them a toothy smile, with slightly crooked teeth.
(20:35:59) Desoto waited until Dom was busy trying to console him over their joint loss. That'd be when the Raven attempted to leap onto the demon, getting him in a loose headlock, legs wrapping around his waist. If successful, Des would merely park himself there, rubbing his cheek against Dominic's. "Seein' you have fun is worth any prize, even free food." That's... sweet?? "Now carry me to the pie competition before I die." Out of shape? Nnnoooo! Turn into a albino raisin in this heat? Frighteningly plausible. He'd only worn a mesh button-up and jeans for that reason. Still all black though, hm. Somebody likes to suffer in the name of fashion, turns out.
(20:36:43) Riker Ford noted West but he'd also was standing next to Dean and then there was Tide and he frowned, giving the DONT START IT face to Tide hopping Tide would look at him in that respect because he did not want to have to get between two bipedal werewolves. He would reach for Dean's wrist just to be sure to try and turn him to have his back towards Tide instead and face Brodey who was opting to walk off. "Bye Brodey," he rumbled and then looked to Dean since West had gone to the bathroom. "We can always go back to my place, we got booze and an area for a bonefire if you'd like? Just let me clean up here first and I'll be along. If you want you can go start up the car? It's just around the corner there." He'd hand his keys off to Dean.
(20:44:18) Dean Pierce shrugged to West, giving her a weird, awkard smile. "It woulda been worth it---if I'd won." If he'd gotten there a BIT sooner, that fucking bat wouldn't've stood a chance, he reasoned. He jerked his chest aggressively at Rip, in a 'fite me, bro' kind of way. Hadn't seen them since he'd lost a hand, but he was just as willing to fuck shit up then he ever was. THANKFULLY, both Riker AND Casey were there to divert his attention. "Cool, cool. Next time I need a bandaid I'll come to you." He didn't mean to sound sarcastic, but he likely did. "Thanks for the wine, thoguh. I's cool." he lifted the bottle. Turned around, it was like Rip and Missy didn't even exist. Back to Riker. "Yeh. Yeh we could go. Let me just get some of that shortcake though, 'cause daddy loves strawberry shortcake." despite that, he still took the keys, imagining himself ramming the ride straight into two particular people.
(20:45:38) Jaiyden seemed to be off the hook on teaching anyone about pies. Which was fine, the recipes were available on little cards if people wanted. The same went for the jars of preserves and jams and besides, he was here all the time. If anyone wanted a lesson later, they knew where to find him. This did; however, leave him with focus on what was going on around him instead of worrying about teaching the group about pies. His link to the wards started to give him a tingle in the spine and he glanced between Dean and Riptide, sighing as he fingers flexed into a fist and back out again. "I planned on teaching about making pies, but if there's anyone who wants to have a good old fashioned fist fight instead speak now. I haven't had a good fight in awhile." which meant anyone getting into a fight would have to deal with him as well. >>
(20:45:48) Jaiyden He didn't really care about two bi-pedal werewolves, he had a witch for a husband. Juddson could easily handle two wolves with the enhancements that Jay offered. "Otherwise, there's plenty of food left and for the late comers, the field is open for a bit longer." this was spoken to Hack as he approached, offering him a friendly wave. "Anyone actually interested in learning about pie making or jarring preserves I'll show you a thing or two. The pond is also freshly clean if you prefer to take a dip." like Missy, who came prepared. Jay was gay ... so very very gay, but hey she looked nice in that suit he could admit. <<
(20:45:41) Missy Kissinger caught Brodey's glance but spotted Hack coming up the way from the entry before she got herself in trouble. She heard a familiar voice. Hack? "Oiii!" She said back, doing her best impression.... which.... honestly wasn't that bad after all the time spent overseas. "Don't be scared, this is Riptide." She knew hack didn't exactly like dogs. "They're really nice. They're just in their fluff suit." She gave a bit of a hop, signalling toward Riptide. "Riptide, this is Hack. I've known him for yeeeears." Dean's current beaux was with someone and he wasn't acting jealous. Missy honestly didn't understand the problem or why she was the terrible one. Not like she was sucking their face in front of him. She just wanted to go swimming with her friends and keep up this friendly face.
(20:46:57) Brontes found himself leapt on and nearly falling as the legs wrapped around him. This seemed vagely familiar only this time he wasn't being punched repeatedly and he wasn't on the ground. He grinned, turning his head so he could kiss the cheek. "Alright," He said as he would carry Desoto towards Jaiyden for the pie making stuff and smiled to Tide and Missy along the way as he made a basket with his hands to carry Desoto's ass in. Dominic also was very, very gay, so the bathing suit wasn't given much mind as he also didn't care about fashion, but hey maybe Deso did?
(20:50:55) Juddson: Well, Jay had lucked out tonight and he wouldn't push the pie making. Although they'd have some fresh pies tomorrow, because Judd had been dying for one and he knew just how to sweet talk his husband into baking one for him. "I think I could do with a swim," he admitted, and with things starting to wind down, he poured himself a glass of wine. The fight wasn't something he was worried about, if only because he knew that Jay would love to get into the middle of that. And if it got too bad, Judd would be happy to step in and work his magic- very literally. They had a late arrival in the form of Hack, and he gestured to the table full of food. "Help yourself." Though it looked like maybe Missy already had him covered and held his attention! He'd sip his wine and eventually wander over to the pond to dip his feet in, letting his muscles relax and the beginning of the sunset wash over him. A good day indeed.
(20:54:11) Riker Ford would frown, "Don't be startin no fist fightin shit..." he grumbled as he urged Dean on. It would not end well and Riker was busy playing round up with his own crew, shoving them off before the fight's began. Which was fine cause two were already gone really and he would nod, " Alright get your plate," He would go around and pick up what trash he could before stopping by Jaiyden, "I'm gonna get Dean and West home before someone loses an eye... probably me... so might need that hospital favor after all.." He said, "I'll come by in the morning to help clean up the rest." He'd then hurry his way back to the bathroom to see if he could find West, but he didn't waste much time, nope, into the car he went and waited for Dean if he wasn't already there, opting to drive off down the road which fortunately was on his way home anyway to pick West up too... sassy little minx. [exit]
(20:57:18) Adney Hack smiled brightly as Missy returned his 'oi'; without real warning, he wrapped her up in a hug- before realizing what she was wearing. Or, rather, not wearing. "Wot 'appened ta ya shuht? Ya 'ot? 'coz-" His short attention span hadn't noticed Rip until Missy pointed them out, and he jumped a bit. "'e-'ello, ahhhh..." He spoke to the dog, slooowly reaching out a hand in case they wanted to sniff it. "Ya pu' 'im in a sui'? Go'uh toi fo' 'im an' ev'ryfing, too? Should do tha' ta Mahvin!" He laughed. "Dun't fink 'e'd loik i' much tho', 'less we ge' 'im a looo'uh ca'nip-" He smiled widely to Judd and Jaiyden. "Fank! Uhm- 'm no' good a' makhin' poi, I can ea' summ, tho'! Ya go'- ya go' bevvies, too? Aace!"
(21:00:27) Missy Kissinger just wanted to swim, guys, GOD. Fairies also weren't against blatent nudity. They're lucky she wasn't going skinny dipping. "Take your shirt off Hack, god, I don't want to be the only one. Need help with your bags, Rip?" She figured the bags would be safe with the rest of their stuff. But she kicked off her boots near their collection of things, jean shorts pushed down with a wiggling of hips. "Marvin would not appreciate ANY clothes. Maybe the ferrets wouldn't care...." She mused, setting the pants aside. "Hack, get your shirt off so you can swim." She spotted her savior, a rope swing. She ran towards the pond with long strides, towards that rope swing to jump, grab..... and let go to swing out into the lake with a nearly ear piercing raspy but high pitched squeel. Dear. Lord. Sploosh. She was going to be first in and didn't curr.
(21:02:27) Riptide blinked at the look from Riker, because wot, x2?? The posturing from Dean and then Jaiyden's announcement both had Tide a little stunned. Why did people always jump the gun? It was almost like witnessing someone pull out a gun when all someone did was raise thei-- ohh.... "Even if I wasn't friendly," Said towards Hack, who earned a polite wiggle of ears, "I'd never eat somebody that colorful." A crime against nature. Speaking of crimes -- "Guess I should change, huh? Sure, I'll fight." Looked like Riker and Co. were already dispersing though, but hey. If free tussling was on the table, who was Tide to refuse? "One sec." While Missy got acquainted with the pond and her ye olde pal. Riptide scooted behind the nearest walled off section of farm where they could shift in relative privacy. What came back was a young... person.... who'd come to stand beside Missy and look towards Dom & Des with veiled curiosity. They seemed to be about the only ones without any internal [c]
(21:03:16) Riptide consternation, but looks could be deceiving. Now properly bipedal, the hand Hack offered was shaken, if allowed. "It's nice to meet you." (f)
(21:05:13) Dean Pierce grabbed his cake, a bit of food, a sample of the wine (even though he had a bottle), all the while stink-eyeing YOU KNOW WHO but not picking a fight despite whoever thought of joining in, and hten rejoined Riker and got the heck outta ford.(21:06:23) Jaiyden waved to Riker, nodding to his words and wishing the man good luck. The hospital wasn't really a favor, but maybe Casey would be able to help the man before he found his way to the bigger facility. "Keep out of trouble Riker." he called out after the man, a fond shake of his head offered before he was caught up in the accent of Hack. "Ain't heard an accent like that before. Where ya from?" his own accent was southern if nothing else, definitely a little bit hick going on here. It was interesting too, considering he spent most of his life on this little Island. "You don't gotta make pies, you can eat em though. We should totally do a pie eating contest..." his eyes suddenly turned devious as he shifted attention to Dominic and Desoto. "Think you two can eat more than this fellow?" was he really trying to get another competition going? Yeah, well he was getting just a tad bit bored and all the good entertainment was leaving! >>
(21:06:31) Jaiyden Except for Missy, who was trying to get people shirtless and than diving into the pond. Rip's disappearing act was also noted and for the record...Jay wasn't trying to instigate a fight. He was trying to stop one because he knew Riker would realize what his words meant and do exactly what he did; get Dean somewhere else for the moment. Riptide's return earned a wave, not remotely affected by the shifting. "If you really want to fight we totally can, but I'd rather watch a butch of people shove pie in their faces." gesturing to those who remained. Please let there be a pie eating contest! He needed this in his life right now. <<
(21:08:56) Adney Hack made a funny-sounding warbling noise that cracked in his throat as Missy told him to take off his shirt. "Bu' Em's no' 'ere!" But she pressed again, and eventually he pulled off his zombie-chinchilla shirt; someone needed their vitamin D! And food. His also may've gotten a new tattoo since Missy had seen him last. No sooner had he taken off his shirt, than the dog talked, and Hack shrieked, pulling up his shirt to cover himself. Dogs watched you when you went to the bathroom, just kind of chilled there. Did this one do that, too?? "Yew- ahhhh-" >>
(21:09:01) Adney Hack >> He stared with wide eyes as Rip walked off, looked to watch Missy jump into the water -that looked like fun- but then his attention returned to the person coming back from where Rip had just went, and offered a hand. "Ah- uhm-" He looked over to Missy, now in the water. Halp! Then Jaiyden was talking to him. "Uhm- London, me bes' la's from Livuhpool, tho'- I- I dunno, Paxy could prob'lly ea' mo' than me! Eats loik a fookhin' 'orse, tho'!" He laughed; maybe it was an inside joke or something.
(21:12:55) Desoto, could easily look at others and find them attractive, regardless of genital related bits. Problem? Too many to list here! In summary: He was being plenty brave enough today. Still, Missy's swimsuit was noted, and Des had to think for a heartbeat or two, a critical handful of seconds where reality appeared to bend. When was the last time he'd been in swimming attire? He kept away from water as much as possible, usually. "Okay, you can put me down," Whether Dom would was another matter. Hack's unmistakable voice was clearly picked up through the shuffling wall of bodies all going about their business, only subsumed when Jaiyden inquired about eating food. "....." A soft inhale, "If I'm eatin', I can't focus on mentally dying." Not exactly a, 'yes' but sure as taint not a no, either.
(21:18:17) Juddson had been ready for a swim, but then Jay was mentioning a pie eating contest and suddenly the man was back on his feet. "Really? You're gonna try that?" He put a hand on his hip, the other still holding his wine. "It's not a very fair competition if the two of us enter; you know I'll win anyway." He was definitely going to snag a slice, though. He wandered towards his husband, hooking their hands affectionately for a moment but going no further than that. He didn't like to be be excessive with PDA; but the love between them was so stupidly clear. "And what are you offering to the winner? We may run out of wine if we keep giving that away." He was joking, they had plenty of wine. At least.. he hoped they did.
(21:24:18) Brontes would set Desoto down to his feet and find himself looking at his phone, "Uh Desoto, I got to run." He said, "Want me to take the strawberries?" He inquired and if so would take them. "I'll take them to my place," he nodded to those around them. "Thanks for such a fun event, I loved it but I'm gonna pass on the pie eating contest. Make me proud my heart." He told Desoto if he chose to say and if not would begin to walk on to his motorcycle to drive home. Desoto could fly after all, no worries there.
(21:25:48) Jaiyden. Liverpool sounded interesting. He hadn't been out of the states, at least not in human form. He had escaped a coven at a young age but he'd stayed shifted for a good many years after than until he wound up in Caribou Coast. "You're pretty far from home eh? What brings you here?" he should probably get names and stuff out of the way, but he seemed to have forgotten manner in favor of sating his curiosity. Oh and getting a pie eating contest going. "I don't know about Paxy, but he isn't here right? No pressure but it'd be fun." okay maybe there was a little pressure. Desoto's sort of agreeance only had him grinning even more. Well that was one person down, though the reason given caused him to frown slightly. "Eating is better than mentally dying...." he wasn't even sure how to respond to that, so he sort of just trailed off. "Alcohol is also better, to which there is still wine! There's also a few ciders in the coolers." >>
(21:25:56) Jaiyden His husband's appearance had him leaning in to press a kiss to his cheek. "You can't enter, that's cheating." eyes rolled affectionately. They both knew Juddson was much better at eating than cooking and he was fond of pie. "As for the winner..." he...hadn't really thought about a prize. "A weekend in one of our guest cabins when we open them." it would be free marketing! "Anyone else want to join?" he called out to the few remaining people. If nobody else joined in, Desoto would probably still get the weekend getaway. Because Dominic and Desoto were just so sickeningly cute. <<
(21:32:09) Missy Kissinger had made her way out of the pond soaking wet to try and encourage others once she realized nobody was coming. She understood why Riptide may not want to get in but she didn't seem to care too much. She wasn't being as nice and thoughtful as she usually was. There were just little things off about her right now. She normally wouldn't have done that. She has SLIGHTLY more social awareness than she could be observed with today. She flipped some pink hair out of her face, "What happened? Your shirt was just off!" As she came back closer to the group. She wasn't going to do more than that to Hack though, out of sheer want of survival. His girlfriend was rumored to have a mean hook. You used to do stuff. Now I never see you. We never do stuff. We used to have fun. Like. Legit fun." She sighed and rolled her eyes, pouting over to Rip. The owners talking about a pie eating contest made her tilt her head. "I'll totally watch. Get all messy....then jump in the pond." Try that angle!
(21:34:33) Riptide held onto their bags for now, seeing as Missy was busy with getting her water splashy-time on. Instead Tide would offer a vague expression of clement inclination towards Hack. His accent was difficult to digest, but a little time spent mulling over his words was all it took to get everything cleanly translated. "I don't know if I'd be cut out for that. Even when starved, I wasn't good at wolfing down my food." There was so much to unpack in that sentence alone, let's don't and say we did. IB, ever the more adventurous one between the two. Finally managed to pull herself away from the basket-mound of berries to emit a ear-splitting shriek. Competition, free shit? "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" Now, with the aid of hands. Riptide could properly facepalm. "I..." Suck it up, bucko. It's time to eat pie.
(21:37:32) Adney Hack smiled to Jaiyden. "'m in a band! We's Ferry 'Cross the Mersey; tha's from Livuhpool, too, ehmmm, the Mersey. We's playin' a gig 'ere la'uh this week; ya should come! Gonna be a' the Kraken, 's gonnuh be crackhin'!" He laughed at his joke, then shook his head. "Nah, Paxy ain't 'ere roigh' now. 'e's, uhmmm... ge'in' summ pizza, I fink. Or 'avin' a kip." Hack was always quick to forget introductions, too; he forgot his own. "Should'a brough' 'im 'ere, tho'!" He looked to Missy as she came over again. "'e- 'e stah'ed rabbi'in', an' I-" He looked between her and Rip, not sure who she was talking to with the 'used to do stuff' comment, though the bat fully got his attention then. "'s a bat!" No kidding! "'e gonnuh ea' poi, too-" Oh, right, the pie-eating contest. "I can! Paxy's gonnuh be miffed 'e missed ou'!"
(21:40:58) Desoto scowled, this time less, 'your ass is grass' and more, 'hahahaha my ribs are in agony call 911'. "Because you haven't run enough, CLEARLY." Grated through a clenched smile, which all but melted at the offer. It wasn't even, why-- "S-sure." They're strawberries, why is that making you embarrassed?! With Dom saying his goodbyes and pie making converting to pie eating. Desoto cast one look toward the congregation, then placed a hand on Dom's ear, if allowed, to offer it a slight tug. If Dom got the hint, a kiss would ensue, just a small one. "Get home safe." Stepping back then, hands driven to the safety of his pockets. Make him proud? Des was about to shove edibles down his face hole. Pride wasn't what came to mind, but there was no better F than the one in FUN. Or so he'd tell himself.
(21:46:57) Juddson: "That sounds like a fine prize," Judd agreed. "We'll even let them pick their package." The vacation packages ranged from casual 'I just want to sleep in a lot' to 'I wanna be put through the ringer and work a farm for a day' and it was all going to be good fun. He hoped. While pie eating commenced he cut only a slice for himself, but the rest of the pie was going to make it into his belly before the night was out. Good thing he worked hard on the ranch or he'd be packing on pudge these days. He was honestly more invested in humming around mouthfuls than watching the contest, but he was happy to see people enjoying the pie and working for that prize. "I think we have a winner?" He'd let Jay handle that ,though, this was his contest.
(21:57:38) Jaiyden tilted his head to Hack, as if that name sounded really really familiar. Where had he heard it...oh right! "You won battle of the son went and saw it. You can't compete with Simple Plan, but he said you put on a good show." he also remembered Ericc saying something about them being British. Which now all of this suddenly made sense. "I don't get into town much, but if I get a chance I will. Ericc will probably go again." maybe the name would spark memory with Adney? He wasn't sure if the band actually got to meet any of the audience at the Battle of the Bands or not. Yet again introductions seemed to be a forgotten thing as people were actually suiting up for pie eating. Yesssss! With the prize announced he set up pies infront of each of the competitors. "First one to finish their pie wins!" he would wait until they were all situated before counting down. It was great fun to watch, but Hack came out the clear winner. "And you said you couldn't do it." >>
(21:57:46) Jaiyden"S'pose I should get a name now that you're gonna be a guest here in the near future. Or I guess you could give the prize away, but having your band at the Ranch sounds like a good time honestly." they could have a barn dance! Or a bonfire, or something. It would be great fun, assuming the band agreed to such a thing. As for Desoto and the little bat, they were offered a cheer as well. "Nicely played, ya'll are welcome back here anytime." he found himself stretching than, a yawn escaping him. Ugh, when did he get so old. "Well I think I'm about ready to eat a slice of pie myself and relax at the pond. Which is still open for swimming by the way." he offered a wink to Missy; grabbing up a slice of pie and heading to sit on the little dock that jutted out into the waters. <<
(22:04:39) Missy Kissinger gave a soft laugh at the bat shriek, pulling a shirt on for Astaroth sake. It was loose enough to hang around hips. She remained barefoot though. She heard Hack's joke about crackin at the Kraken and shook her head. She was definitely talking to Hack about we used to do stuff, frowning when he kind of brushed it off. She rolled her eyes and watched, ringing out her hair away from Rip with a sigh. Well time for pie then. She wasn't going to eat any, but she'd cheer on for the contest. She giggled as some of the contestents pigged out, others being more delicate. She gave a soft chuckle at Judd's style. Slow and steady wins the race sometimes. She watched Jay move towards the pond and that was enough for her to end up with her shirt back off and jumping off in a straight pencil way so she would hopefully not splash him. Yiss.
(22:06:24) Riptide really really tried not to show any amount of gratitude when the race was over. They hadn't been kidding; Tide was a runty little thing as a human, and there was plenty of historical reason as to why. IB, indignant at being told to sit out. Barked a load of chirpy vitriol that was mainly playful cajoling, with a dash of salt added to the mix. "Missy, I think Hack needs to mee a certain somebody..." Quietly, grinning to themself as they rose from their seat. Pie left majorily uneaten, the HERESY. "Uhm, excuse me, sir?" Moving over to Juddson, tugging on his sleeve if able. "I think we're going to need something larger than a basket for IB's.... conquest..." pls.
(22:08:37) Desoto might be in a coma, for all anyone knows. Or resting from sprinting the hundred yard dash in under five seconds in an effort to catch a wily imp. Place your bets which is the likelier culprit.
(22:09:25) Adney Hack, unfortunately, did not have a good memory, especially for names. He tended to nickname people because it was much easier for them to stick in his head that way. "Yeahh, we woz a' tha'! Aace, 'e comes 'gain, tell 'im ta say 'ey!" As the pie-eating contest started, Hack was quick to scarf down his, and by the end of it had strawberry stains around his mouth and on his hands. ...At least he wasn't wearing a shirt, so wouldn't get that dirty, too. Instead, he wiped his hands on his pants. "Wot?" He asked Jaiyden with a mouthful of food still, glancing to the others, before back to Jai. "I won? Uhm- 'm 'ack!" He swallowed his food finally, and annunciated. "Hack. Wot- wot I win? Guest?" He'd missed Jai and Judd talking about it.
(22:21:29) Juddson glanced at Riptide as he felt his sleeve being tugged upon. Oh! Yes, right. "We'll get them cased up for you, don't worry," he assured. "We've got a few extra boxes laying around, I'm sure we can fill one or two up for you." He was pretty sure it would take more than one. As for Hack, he was happy to point in the direction of the cabins, though you couldn't see them from here. "We're about to open up some vacation cabins; you'll be one of our first guests. Spend a weekend on the ranch getting some R&R, or have the band up to party, whatever you'd like. You have to leave us a review, though." He winked, because he was kidding, though it would be totally nice.
(22:33:47) Jaiyden watched as Missy dived back into the waters and chuckled. At least she was having fun! He paused in his path to the dock, turning back to Juddson as he seemed to suddenly remember his husband existed. Which of course was not the truth, he could never actually forget about Judd after all. "Hack?" he spoke catching the tail end of the man stuffing his face and still speaking with a full mouth. "Yeah, congrats." he'd let his husband take care of the explanation though. "It's Hidden Valley. The ranch name that is. For the review." he winked right alongside his husband before taking a bite of the pie he had in his hands. "By the way, I'm Jay and that's Juddson. We sort of suck at introductions." to which he was sure Juddson would say it was really Jay who sucked at it. "We own this place though; so you'll know who to track down when we open the cabins." with that he'd indicate the docks to Juddson for him to join after settling up with Riptide. >>
(22:34:04) Jaiyden After this slice of pie he was pretty sure he was going to go take a nap. He was allowed to nap right? Oh he had to cook because Ericc was still off somewhere with Casey. Well rest for the weary! [Exit for me

(22:37:59) Missy Kissinger had been content with floating on her back and closing her eyes, face up in the water once the water from her jumping had settled. Eyes closing, steadying breath so she could just float there and take in the garbled noises and smells of sweet strawberry kissed nature. She honestly enjoyed the outdoors like this. It helped clear her mind and focus. There was a point to coming here, and she felt the points had been accomplished for the day. Little steps and little victories. Poor Hack and riptide were left behind for a soak. She stayed close to the docks, however. Riptide could also use Missy's halfluster filled strawberry basket for some of the overflow. She stayed in the pond for now, but would have probably fell asleep if she stayed floating. She got out of the pond finally, cleaning out her ears and getting her stuff together. "The warehouse is going to smell like strawberries." She chuckled while getting her clothes together once again.
(22:51:36) Adney Hack looked in the direction that Judd did, trying to seeee... cabins? "Aww, ace!" Spending a weekend partying at a cabin?? Yes please! He nodded to Jai. "Yeah! Fanks! Ah-" Hidden Valley? "Loik the ranch dressin'?" His eyes widened. "Ya make tha'?" He smiled at the introductions. "Chuffed!" He suddenly burped, then wiped his strawberry pie-stained mouth on his arm, before grabbing his shirt and meandering down to the docks with the others, slow in taking his shoes off -laces were hard- so he could stick his feet in the water. "Ain't no ga'uhs 'ere? Or reeel big feesh? No' the band?"
(22:57:00) Harper Greenbush was a-walking along the path up the vineyard, backpack slung over a single shoulder as she hoofed her way down the long way home. She'd hear mention of 'cabins' and stop, the stoic woman raising a brow and glancing over at the source of the speaking. That was a stong accent; the heck was going on over there?
(23:02:24) Juddson: "Like the dressing," Juddson replied with a grin. "Our son was six or so when he named it; I didn't have the heart to tell him no." Ericc had been much more adorable then, sweeter too, but the bitterness was his own fault so he wouldn't really complain. "This pond is for swimming, we regularly filter and clean it. No fish, but if there's a frog or two we can't stop it." As for Missy, he just grinned. "At least strawberries smell great," he pointed out, though the concept of a warehouse.. was that where they were living? There should be better arrangements for all the new people in the city. Another pang of anger at the way things had gone shot through him. He was just about to get into the water himself, now. Jay could eat his pie and rest. He needed a dip. He pulled off his shirt, showing that despite his age he really did put in his daily work; a toned abdomen with only slight pudge and various age marks beneath it. He moved into the water and flopped, surfacing a moment later.
(23:15:36) Adney Hack didn't notice he'd attracted anyone with his accent, but it had happened before, and not in the good way- his voice could be considered an acquired taste. He smiled at Judd. "Tha's noice; I loik tha'!" He looked back to the pond as he dipped his toes in, after pulling off his neon yellow knee-high socks. "I loik frogs; frogs is okay. Big feesh tho', an' ga'uhs- ya know summ feesh can ge' ten me'uhs long? 's troo!" He nodded in agreement with Judd to Missy about the strawberries. "Loik one'a them dolls-" Judd jumped in, and Hack was half-tempted to follow suite, though for now remained idly swinging his legs in the water.
(23:19:52) Missy Kissinger rung out her hair again. Now she was getting out and Hack was joining. She could feel an odd unplacable annoyance at everything. She had a bit of a business and enough furniture to flop there until she finds something else. Plus she had been secretly staying in somewhat of a small mansion anyways. "It was nice meeting you guys." But she was starting to feel strange and displaced. Another episode of....whatever has been going on. "Thank you guys for having me. I have to go somewhere tonight, but I can help get you guys and the strawberries back to the bat cave first."
(23:30:16) Harper Greenbush suddenly sees a man takes off his shirt. Well, now she definitely didn't want to look away. Then he dives into the water (awww), as Adney keeps talking. She'd see some pies (mostly eaten) on the table, and her nose would twitch slightly, moving close to investigate. Was there anything still there that she could take home in her bag? Inquiring minds wanted to know.
(23:34:02) Juddson wasn't the sort to drag someone into the water. He was forty five. Well. Forty six today, but the strawberry festival was more important to him than birthday cake. He definitely wasn't about to act like a child at any rate- or he'd say he wouldn't until Jay was in the water egging him on. The two had a way of bringing out the dumb-puppy-love-young-adult versions of themselves. But he'd be happy to have Adney join him, or even Jay, but he was pretty sure his husband had fallen asleep in his pie. He turned, honing in on the woman who was looking at the pie. "Feel free to take some!" he called over, before his attention returned to Adney. He admittedly wasn't a hundred percent sure what he was saying, but he was getting used to the accent. "Big fish are just good dinner," he said, because around here it was definitely all about living off the land.
(23:41:49) Adney Hack looked up as Missy got out. "Noigh'!" He didn't notice anything odd about her- then again, Hack wasn't quick to notice subtle differences. And even obvious difference sometimes. And if he would've known today was Judd's birthday, you bet he would've wished him a happy birthday and made him some sort of caked. He couldn't really cook, but hey! He looked over his shoulder at Harper as Judd called her out -he hadn't noticed her there before- but now he waved. "'ello! Poi's reaaaal good!" He smiled back at Judd. "I go'uh cat, 'e luvs feesh. Plays wif, uhmm, bees an' wasps, too, hooge ones; ain't 'fraid'a nuffink!"
(23:54:08) Harper Greenbush would blink, glancing up and say, "Well, I mean, if you're gonna twist my arm about it..." And would immediately stuff a pie (maybe two, if she could fit them right) into her bag. Some people live off the land, Harper lived off the leftovers! She'd keep her brow raised, expression otherwise stoic as she asked, "You two enjoying the water over there? Seems like it'd be cold, this time of night."
(23:57:08) Juddson: "We've got a few cats that roam the farm, though we try to get them fixed if we can catch them. I don't mind them living here, but I don't want a million kittens running around, either." Also, his husband was a bird familiar and that meant he didn't want any of them eating him. "We have a lot of animals, actually. Caribou, horses. A dog with a name just as bad as the ranch. Woofie Goldberg." His son was a menace. "Water's great, but I think I'm just used to it. We swim in it all the time, especially after a long day of work."
(00:03:12) Adney Hack smiled to Harper, "Yeah, 's no' bad!" He only had his feet in, though; it probably -would- be a little too cold if he got all the way in like Judd was. Then again, Hack was like a stick, despite all the pie he'd eaten. "Come on ovuh!" He'd wave, then his eyes widened at Judd's animal talk. "Ya go'uh caribou an' 'orses an' ev'ryfing? Aww, ace! I only go'uh cat! An' ferrets. An' summtoimes an 'orse. Ya do these fings a lo'?" He meant the pie-eating contest and things, but his mind was all over the place, so he didn't think to specify. "Can I come ovuh an' feed 'em summtoime'r summfink?" Well, he -was- going back to one of their cabins for a weekend apparently. "I can ge' ya inta one'a ouh shows'r summfink, fo' free!"
(00:05:26) Harper Greenbush says, "'Fraid not, people are expecting me at home. Thanks for the pies, though!" She'd say, raising her hand and waving. "Have a good evening, folks. MAybe I'll see you around." And she'd head off.
(00:16:09) Juddson: "Come back anytime, we'll have more pie!" Juddson called out to Harper, because he was pretty sure if she was stuffing pies in a bag.. she could use a little extra food. He wasn't one to judge, but he was one to feed. "You can stop up again too, meet the animals, feed them all you want," he told Adney. "Part of vacationing here involves rides on the horses, maybe a trail up the mountain on the caribou. It'll be a good time. "I think my son would be more interested in the concerts- no offense, but I'm an old man and I suffered through so many Simple Plan shows I think my concert days are behind me. "The ranch is pretty open to the public for the most part. You're welcome to see the animals during the day, they're all in the barn for the night."
(00:23:12) Adney Hack lit up like a Christmas tree. "Really? Wicked!" Would Pax get jealous?? He shook his head. "Nahh, Cock Sparruh lads'r 's auld 's yew, an' still makin' moosic! An' okay!" He waved bye to Harper as she headed out. "See ya!" And he probably would've kept on rambling to Judd, though his phone went off. Whooops. It took him a second to check it, but when he did, he immediately started putting on his shoes. "I go'uh go, I go'uh go, 'm la'e! Fanks fo' the poi 'n ev'ryfing, noooigh'!" Then he was rushing off again.