Group Announcements
Remnants of the Fallen
Posted By
Null Battle Station(played by AmericanLiaison) on Jul 28th 2017So now that we have a pretty sizable crowd in the group, I thought I'd offer a way for people to get involved with one another in a mass roleplay, spanning as much as possible. While obviously characters are made for specific timelines, one of the great things about Star Wars is adaptability. In the...Getting Things Rolling!
Posted By ARC-5541 'Scalpel' (played by AmericanLiaison) on Jul 2nd 2017
Welcome to the Star Wars Hub everyone! While some of you have posted in one of the introduction forums, I'd ask that, as new members, you all give some introductions and say what you're looking for either for yourself or for your characters. The only way the group works is through communication, so...New Members!
Posted By ARC-5541 'Scalpel' (played by AmericanLiaison) on Jun 30th 2017
Hello new members! As you come in, I ask for you assistance in bringing more people into this group. If you have friends on this site that are fans of Star Wars or have Star Wars characters, please invite them to send an application to the group, and help us grow! -
1. First and foremost, this group is being set up for the easy use of all Star Wars fans to talk both IC and OOC. Forums will be set up for both, and that will be their sole purpose. Even if you don't have a Star Wars character, OC or otherwise, you are still welcome to join to talk in the OOC forums. That being said, please do not bring other topics up in the group. If you wish to do that, there are other groups meant for it on RPR. Thank you.
2. While IC drama is expected and even encouraged, please keep the drama out of OOC forums, and please do not haze or harass other members. All members here are here for the same reasons; because they love Star Wars. Even if you disagree with someone on something, keep conversations civil.
3. Please do not roleplay or talk about overly mature content within the forums of this group, especially NSFW content. If a large group of people end up wanting such a thing, a different group can be formed to deal with such things and give a more mature setting to use for such things. Adults are not the only Star Wars fans, and children should not be seeing such things.
4. This is less a rule and more just a reminder. If there isn't anything of interest in one of the IC forums, then feel free to message someone for a private roleplay, or start your own IC forum topic! There is no reason for you to be discouraged if you don't immediately find what you want!
5. This group will not be adhering to strict canon sources. Many Star Wars fans, myself included, enjoy the EU or Legends section of Star Wars, and many of the things I post, and most likely others as well, will contain things from such sources. However, this does not mean that you can't roleplay canon topics. If such things are done, then I and others can and will follow along if we please. Just don't be offended if someone changes your planned story a bit with some of their own ideas!
6. Finally, have fun! This group's main goal is to help Star Wars fans find each other on the site without having to browse through the hundreds of Sci-Fi on RPR. As the name suggests, I hope that this group will grow into a hub of Star Wars fans and characters, and want it to remain fun as it happens! -
Upcoming Events
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Featured Members
- Star Wars Characters (played by WeirdArtist) Member
- Beryl Bloodhand (played by FathomsDeep) Member
- MoirasMommy Member
- TK-497 'Pyro' (played by TK-497_Pyro) Member
- DT-5345 'Seas' (played by Noot_Noot) Member
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Rules for the Hub
Group Announcements
Remnants of the Fallen
Posted By
Null Battle Station(played by AmericanLiaison) on Jul 28th 2017So now that we have a pretty sizable crowd in the group, I thought I'd offer a way for people to get involved with one another in a mass roleplay, spanning as much as possible. While obviously characters are made for specific timelines, one of the great things about Star Wars is adaptability. In the...Getting Things Rolling!
Posted By ARC-5541 'Scalpel' (played by AmericanLiaison) on Jul 2nd 2017
Welcome to the Star Wars Hub everyone! While some of you have posted in one of the introduction forums, I'd ask that, as new members, you all give some introductions and say what you're looking for either for yourself or for your characters. The only way the group works is through communication, so...New Members!
Posted By ARC-5541 'Scalpel' (played by AmericanLiaison) on Jun 30th 2017
Hello new members! As you come in, I ask for you assistance in bringing more people into this group. If you have friends on this site that are fans of Star Wars or have Star Wars characters, please invite them to send an application to the group, and help us grow! -
Upcoming Events
There are currently no upcoming events.
No recent activity to show.
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