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Forums » Artist's Corner » Emergency Fundraising: Alluvial's Portrait Icons

Just what it says on the tin innit.

I've been learning how to paint in Photoshop after largely forsaking other art programs, and that means I need lots and lots of practice. I've been cranking out premade portraits at a discount from my usual rate. They're $40 a piece and can be customized with glasses, markings, etc. to suit your character. I'll be doing flat-faced anthro or human and can change from one to the other as needed. You're best off watching me on DeviantART for real-time notifications if you're interested.

I tried something different and wasn't crazy with it, but can't go back because I merged layers. My misfortune is your gain! This premade is only $25!


These are $40:

premade_10_by_alluvial-dcqq6os.png premade_12_by_alluvial-dcqtkvp.png premade_13_by_alluvial-dcqtzwu.png premade_14_by_alluvial-dcqxkh0.png premade_15_by_alluvial-dcqyf6n.png

Please PM me to claim. My notification feed is pretty busy, and replies to this might get lost.

Completed premade icons:

premade_2_smol_by_alluvial-dcoebda.png isake_smol_2_by_alluvial-dconztz.png djanira_smol_by_alluvial-dcoqlmk.png laurent_smol_by_alluvial-dcpo28f.png ayrn_smol_2_by_alluvial-dcpo9ry.png ayrn_smol_2_by_alluvial-dcpo9tm.png premade_9_b_done_by_alluvial-dcqxa28.png premade_11_color_by_alluvial-dcqy0y5.png

Made to order icons are $50!

You can also reach me for immediate response on Discord: Auberon#5554

Moderators: Raerae Corvin Boe